
Season 2(Sneak Peak)


[Failed....Insufficient energy....converting lvl5 falna to energy]

[Falna consumed....energy level sufficient.....]

[Commencing world travel]

A golden ray of light shot through the world boundary and entered the boundless universe.
















Deep within the boundless universe a celestial body could be seen.

The planet looked very much like the earth from the outside except for the fact that it's geography was entirely different.

But unfortunately this beautiful planet was currently suffering from the flames of war....


Coughing out the blood which was stuck inside his throat, a lone soldier used his trembling hands to lift his body from the field which has been dyed red.

Through his blurry vision he could see the flag of the nation which he had been proud of for his whole life, now layed on the ground torned in half.


Around him, the bodies of his comrades layed, showing no sign of life.

As his gaze moved around, it stopped at a particular place.

There he saw a boy too young to hold a sword, a boy who came from the same village as him, a boy who he had seen grow up from a little toddler to a young man...

His eyes turned blurry when he saw that helf of the boy's body had gone missing, perhaps eaten by a monster or maybe burned off by magic.

"By the goddess.....was it all useless in the end....."

*Horn blows*

Suddenly the loud sound of a victory horn rang out as an army of demons came in the old man's vision.

That familiar black armor which resisted their magic, those magic blades which sliced through his comrades like butter and their inborn strength which was many times higher than that of a human's.....

Knowing all of these odds against them would have made any person sane person despair.

But the only thing which filled the old man's eyes was hatred.

His face twisted in anger, as tears of blood came out of his eyes.

Putting force in his bloodied hands, the old man lifted himself off the ground.

Shouting out with all of his remaining strength, he ran towards the general of the demon army, a humanoid beast with four arms and unimaginable strength.


Unfortunately his charge was short lived as an arrow flew over and perfectly pierced his head, draining life which was left in him.

But surprisingly at the last moments of his life, instead of an expression of  hatred for his enemies, what covered his face was a smile of relief....

On the other hand, the demon general Io only spared a glance at the man's futile attempt as he then moved his fierce gaze across the now fallen fortress.

Waving his Cape, demon general Io shouted in a powerful voice.

"The human's fortress has fallen, we have won yet another battle against the race favoured by the Goddess!!!"


The demon soldiers started moving their legs in unison while shouting, causing the very earth to shake.

"All hail his majesty, the great demon Lord"

After completing his speech, demon general Io marched forward in large strides, towards the human fortress which now belongs to them, leaving behind the army of exited soldiers.

*All hail his majesty!!!**The great demon king!!!!*Victory!!!*

"Io", A familiar voice stopped the demon general in his track as he turned his huge body around.

"What is it Rona?", Io asked in a neutral voice as he looked at the other demon general.

Seeing the scary looking giant, Rona sighed as she raised her hand holding a small rock and threw it right at Io's face.

The small rock didn't even leave a scratch as it bounced off Io's rock hard face.

"Have you gone craz--"

"I told you not to rush ahead at the start of the battle didn't I ?"

Rona shouted in an angry voice, cutting off Io.

"I'm the strategist here Io and the demon lord has instructed you to follow my plan----"

"There would have been more casualties if I followed you're plan", The giant with four heads said in a neutral voice.

"You-----",Rona just pointed at Io with shaking fingers, at a loss of what to do, finally she released a helpless sigh annd said.

"You shouldn't take such risks.....I might sound heartless but the demon army needs you more than a few ten thousand soldiers....."

"I know I will be more careful next time."

'That's what you always say!!!!!', Rona shouted in her mind but decided to not mind the big oaf anymore.


[Gritonia Empire.]

[Inside the royal palace.]

"My king we have just received the news.... unfortunately the battle was lost...."

Cries of helplessness rang out in the grand hall as the Empire's nobles present heard the latest news of the battle.

The king of Gritonia who looked like an old man while being in his mid-thirties had a defeated expression on his face.

"The goddess, I believe the goddess will not abandon us like this!!!"

"Yes yes the Goddess will surely bring us a divine miracle!!"

After the goddess was mentioned, every one in the hall regained some hope.

'Yes, the goddess is with us!!'

Just then a noble with small stature said in a timid voice.

"B-but the goddess hadn't listened to our prayers for years..."

It was like a bomb had detonated, silencing the entire crowd that was mentioning the goddess.

Seeing the state of his Empire, the old king's already hunched back became even lower.


[Queen's quarter's]

"My queen the battle was lost.....", An elderly maid said as she looked at the lady in religious dress bowing silently in front of the goddess's statue.

Having completed her task of informing the queen, the elderly maid turned around and left the room.

Queen of Gritonia Empire,The most devoted believer of the goddess, even when many started loosing hope in the goddess saying that she had abandoned them, it was the queen who solely believed in the goddess, believing that one day the divine light will once agin shine upon the Empire's land, ridding it of all it's enemies.

But her eye lids couldn't help but tremble when she heard the unfortunate news.

"At least once....", The queen muttered in a small voice.

"Please....just just one message.....a message to show that you are with us...", The queen said in a shaking voice as she looked at the unmoving statue with trembling eyes.


[Goddess Palace.]

"Tsk these damn ugly demons", The goddess said in an angry voice as she moved around in her divine palace.

"If not for this stupid contract, I would have gone down and killed all of these ugly creatures myself.", Bitting her thumb nail, she said in a small voice.

"The time for retrieving the hero's kids is still far ahead...but I don't even know how much of humanity will be left by that point....."

Moving her gaze towards the clouds, the scene of the Empire came in her vision.

"Useless trash, can't even beat the demons by themselves!!!!"

Releasing a sigh, she created a chair behind her and sat down on it with resignation.

Just then, without any warning, a change happened.

'Hm?', sensing the anomaly, the godess quickly got up from her newly created saet and disappeared.

At the same time, In the space just outside the world, a figure appeared, and not surprisingly it was the goddess who was sitting in her divine kingdom a moment ago.

"There.....",Narrowing her eyes, the godess looked in a particular direction.

A beam of golden light, was travelling through the space, lifting up the dark void in it's path.

Taking a step forward, the goddess figure disappeared once again as she appeared right in front of the moving light.

"Woah", moving quickly, she dodged just as the body was about to hit her, regaining her balance she started moving parallel to the golden beam of light.

As she got a closer look at the body, she made a shocking discovery.

'A heroic spirit!!!'

'And a very pure one at that.....'

Her eyes glimmered as she saw a young boy sleeping peacefully, unaware of the violent space currents around him.

Extending her hand, the goddess touched the face of the boy with her fingers.

'In all the centuries I have been alive.....I have never seen such a beautiful and warm soul....', seeing the eyelids of the boy tremble, the goddess quickly retrieved her hand as if afraid to ruin the boy's sleep.

Seeing the heroic soul moving towards a specific direction, the goddess took in a deep breadth as she used her powers to change the course, making it move towards her world.

"I am sorry for forcefully changing your path but my world needs a you....",Focussing her powers she sent the spirit towards the direction of the Empire.

But what she didn't know was that a tiny black dot present inside William's chest was silently staring at her.

"Be reborn as saviour and free my world from those wretched demons....", The goddess said in an ethereal voice as she gently kissed William's soul.


[Night time]

[Gritonia Empire.]

[Queen's quarter's]

Even in the middle of the night, the queen of

Gritonia prayed with devotion.

"My queen it's already so late and the wheather is freezing cold, please return to your room.", A young maid said as she vigorously rubbed her hands together while looking at the snow covering the ground.

Hearing the maid's voice, the Queen's figure moved, she got up from her praying postion.

Dusting off the snow from freezing her legs, the Queen turned around and faced the maid.

"It is indeed quite cold tonight.....I'm

sorry for causing you trouble so late in the night....."

The queen's voice trailed off as she saw that the young maid was not listening to her at all.

"What's the matter?", Queen with a frown on her face when she saw the maid's stunned look.

"L-l-l",The maid said in a dazed voice.

"Speak clearly!"

"Look behind you!!!"

"What do yo-----"

It was now the Queen's turn to be stunned.

Why were they stunned in place you might ask?

Well it's because a golden pillar of light has descended from the sky, little by little the pillar grew bigger till it covered the entirety of the capital.

This day will forever be marked in the Empire's history...

"I-I'm not freezing anymore?", A homeless who was about to freeze to death a moment ago said in bewilderment as he looked up at the golden coloured sky.

As a day on which no one suffered from cold.....

"Grandma grandma I'm not hungry anymore!", A little girl with tattered clothes shouted in joy as she held her old grandma's hand.

Patting her head, the old lady looked up at the golden sky with hopeful eyes.

As a day on which no one went to sleep on an empty stomach....

"The goddess....has finally responded to our pleas.....", The queen said as tears of joy fell down from the corners of her eyes.

As a day on which flame of hope was once again ignited....

"So you have decided to take action.....detestable as always",Demon king Zef said in a tired voice as he saw the golden pillar of light which was visible to half of the world.

As a day on which William Greenleaf began his third life.


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