
EPISODE 128: The Weather Mirages!

As I stood in front of the tower, my blood wakes up my brain, though I thought myself already awake. My smile grows of its own accord as the excitement wired my body like I was plugged into the mains. I felt like my brain was on fast-forward and there was no off switch.

"This is it Riolu. Our first legendary catch. Somewhere up there is a Pokemon waiting to be captured. A lot of trainers failed, but we won't!" I flashed with exuberance while clenching my fist in front of the tower. The wind blows through my hair, and Riolu's tiddly fur, while the flowers blossom across the once pure white grass.

Two golden doors, bear an illustration, tinted inside. In the illustration, a mountain was shining brightly... above the mountain was huge lightning crashing down to Fantasma City, while a tower was being engulfed by flames. On the right side of the illustration, shows the snow which made the old Fantasma City barren and desolate. Above the illustration were three symbols, the first symbol showed a flaming phoenix which signified the engulfing of the tower. The second symbol showed a thunder eagle which signified the thunderstorm which drenched the old Fantasma city, and the third symbol was an icy mirage, which signified the cold icy storm that struck the old Fantasma city.

Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres. The weather mirages. Only one, I can catch, only one, I can train. The question is... will I succeed? The greatest trial yet, is temptation. Never give in to temptation.

The two golden doors were suddenly opened, a young boy crying and weeping ran with his Pokemon fainting on his bare hands. The young boy rushed outside and sought for the Pokemon center.

"Wh... What happened?" I queried with worry.

"It's strong! The bird, it's too powerful! My Raichu couldn't defeat it. The bird knocked out all my Pokemons, with its one-hit attack!" the boy warned and rushed back to the city.

"One-hit attack... that's what Murdock and Zedrick warned us about, right Riolu?"

"Don't worry Kalem... our bond is unbreakable," Riolu uttered with determination.

I walked slowly, towards the tower. I could hear trainers on the top floor, it was like they were trying to raid the legendary bird. A raid, is when two or more trainers work together to take down a legendary or even any strong Pokemons.

"Arbok, dodge it!"

"Protect Raticate!"

"Slowbro, mega evolve!"

All their voices made me worry. They're already a team, but still... they couldn't take down the legendary bird.

I closed the golden doors slowly, and that's when I heard the cry of the legendary Pokemon!

<Aoooshhh!>The Pokemon's attack made a loud cry. A gust was sent throughout the tower.

I walked up the tower slowly, while staring and looking at the jade paintings. My hands trembled while holding unto the railings. I couldn't bear the voices from the top. Pokemons screaming in sorrow, pain, and discomfort.

On the top floor lies one room ahead, with two golden doors leading to the mirage. The golden door had an illustration of the mirage which lives in the tower.

The Pokemon had a long beak, with sharp wings and claws. Its wings were extended while lightning crashed down.

"It looks like Zapdos, lives here. Irys, please give me details about Zapdos." I observed and examined the wondrous illustration.

[Zapdos! The Electric Pokemon! An Electric-type! ZAPDOS is a legendary bird POKéMON that has the ability to control electricity. It usually lives in thunderclouds. The POKéMON gains power if it is stricken by lightning bolts.]

"Oh my... that's why the other trainer's Pokemon was paralyzed." I uttered with shock.

I knew that if I stopped now, and quit... it would be a waste of time, there's no turning back... join the raid!

I pushed the two golden doors confidently which caught all the trainers' attention, alongside with Zapdos' attention.

All the trainers looked at me while holding their fainted Pokemon. Zapdos glared at me and Riolu, it was like time suddenly stopped! Electric currents ran through the Pokemon's body, while the trainer's eyes showed how powerful the mirage was.

I walked confidently with Riolu clinging to my shoulder, inside... I was scared to be embarrassed in front of these trainers, If I lost? My reputation decreases.

"Don't battle it... Zapdos is powerful! You won't win." One of the trainers warned. She was holding tight to her fainted Arbok.

"Don't do it!" "You don't have anybody to raid with!" "Don't fight it alone!" the trainers warned while I walked slowly towards the mirage. I ignored and declined all their warnings... I can fight alone, I can fight by myself.

"Are you crazy!? You're going to battle Zapdos alone!?" One of the trainers uttered with shock.

"That trainer is probably trying to show off. He wouldn't win, trust me!" One of the trainers boasted while healing her Raticate.

"He's Riolu haven't evolve!? And he thinks he could win! What a weakling!" On of the trainers mocked.

"This is absurdity! You won't defeat Zapdos alone!"The other trainers mocked.

I stopped in front of Zapdos with my hat faced down and my hands inside my pocket.

"Call me absurd, crazy or even a loser, I'm here to train and catch not to show-off and boast," I uttered softly.

The trainers were eager to watch my battle against Zapdos, the thunder mirage. A lot of trainers had worries on their faces, while others were filled with laughter and arrogance.

"Zapdos... Mirage of thunders and lightnings. I am Kalem from Aulburg town, I came here to battle and catch you! I am the next Pokemon Master!" I beamed with determination while pointing the master ball at Zapdos.

"The next Pokemon Master!? With an unevolved Riolu!?" One of the trainers mocked and laughed.

<Zap! Zapdos!>The Pokemon glared and smiled at me. He flew up to the sky and accepted my battle. The trainers were watching carefully while I battle the mirage.





"Scyther, show your powerful scythes!" I tossed the Pokeball up to the sky, while some of the trainers laughed at me.

<Scyther! Scythe!>The Pokemon uttered loudly!



Battle Begin!

"Scyther, use X-Scissors!"

<Scythe! Scythe!>The Pokemon leaped towards Zapdos!

<Zap! Zap!>Zapdos dodged the attack faster than a crashing lightning.

<Zapppp!> Zapdos' beak turned red and rushed towards Scyther. Drill peck, made Scyther descend back to the ground.



<ZAPPPPP! DOS!> A large thunderbolt headed towards Scyther.

"Scyther, place your scythes on the ground!"

*Scyther tucked its Scythes on the ground. The electricity was transferred and absorbed by the ground.

"Scyther used it's scythes to act as a ground wire." One of the trainers uttered with shock.

"Great Scyther, now use Brick break!"

<Scyther! Scythe!>Scyther dealt maximum damage unto the thunder mirage!



<ZAP! ZAPDOS!>A blue lightning struck Scyther from above!

[Zapdos used Extreme Electron! It's a one-hit knock out move introduced in this region.] Irys the Pokedex warned.

"Thanks for the information Irys... Scyther, return to your Pokeball!"





"Grovyle, I need you now!"

<Aoooshhh!>The Pokemon rushed and glided through the air swiftly.

"Grovyle, use Leaf blade on Zapdos!"

<Zap! Zap!>The Pokemon dodged the attack swiftly.

"Quick Grovle, cling to that hanging griffin! Then, use Leaf storm!"

<Grov! Grov!> Leaf Storm was super effective!



"Grovyle, now jump then use leaf blade!"

*Zapdos used drill peck and sent Grovyle back to the ground!*



*Zapdos used thunder!*

"Grovyle, use Iron tail then place your tail underground!"

*The ground absorbed the electricity, Grovyle was not affected!*

<ZAPPPP!>Zapdos used Extreme Electron!

"Perfect, Grovyle with iron tail, reflect the attack!"

*Extreme Electron backfired at Zapdos! It sent the Pokemon to the ground!*



"What? No way!?" The trainers behind me uttered with shock while watching the match.

"Quick Grovyle, now use Leaf blade!"

*Grovle jumped to Zapdos' body and used leaf blade! Zapdos ascended while bringing Grovyle to the sky with it*

<Zap!>The Pokemon dropped Grovyle! The foe descended back to the ground.

<ZAPPPP!>Grovyle was hit will a follow-up attack! (Extreme Electron!)



"Thank you Grovyle, now please return to your Pokeball!"





"Gardevoir, you're up next!" Gardevoir's Pokeball was tossed to the sky! She descended with grace and beauty.

"Gardevoir... mediator between lightness and darkness. Show the world your true colors, on my command... Mega evolve!!!" The mega ring and the Gardevoirite began to glow brightly. Gardevoir's form began to change into something better and stronger, Gardevoir wore a long white gown, as it glared to the legendary Pokemon.

"Great, now use Fairy Tempest!"

<ZAP!?>The Pokemon was shocked alongside with the trainers watching our match. Gardevoir's power made Zapdos flinched as a beam of violet array was sent towards the mirage of thunder!



<ZAPDOS!>Zapdos glided towards Gardevoir with an incoming drill peck!

"Dodge the attack, then use shadow ball!"

<Gardevoir...>The Pokemon chuckled and teleported behind Zapdos! A large shadow ball was sent to Zapdos!



"Gardevoir, now use Psychic on Zapdos' body, then toss it around the room!"

*Gardevoir tossed the foe... but wait! The foe began to glitch as it hits itself on the wall.*

"Great work Gardevoir! You learned Extrasensory!" I beamed with determination and excitement.



*Zapdos used drill peck but Gardevoir dodged the attack! Zapdos didn't give up right away and kept on chasing Gardevoir. She in the other hand, was teleporting and dodging while giggling.*

<Zap! Zap!>The Pokemon uttered with frustration and used 100,000 volts! A Powerful electric type move which can paralyze the foe.



"Gardevoir, don't give up yet! Use Fairy Tempest!"

*A beam of violet array was sent towards the foe, but Zapdos rushed to the attack while using drill peck! Zapdos' beak pushed the attack back to Gardevoir!*

<Gardevoir!?>The Pokemon uttered with shock.



"Gardevoir, use Extrasensory!"

*The Pokemon glitched and was thrown to the wall again!*



<Zap! Zap!>Zapdos used Extreme Electron!



Gardevoir returned to her normal form, and dropped with her tired body.

"Thanks Gardevoir, I appreciate your help! Return to your Pokeball."

"Zapdos looks strong, there's no way that trainer could defeat Zapdos!" Another trainer mocked while watching the battle.

"Buddy, you're up next!" Riolu leaped to action with determination running through his spines.

*Zapdos used drill peck!*

"Riolu, use Vacuum wave and send Zapdos back!"

<Rio! Riolu!>Wind gathered on the user's arm and was unleashed unto Zapdos! The foe was sent back!



"Great job Riolu, now stand beside that pillar!"

"Stand beside the pillar, what's he trying to do?" One of the trainers queried.

<Zapdos! Zap!>The Pokemon used drill peck again!

"Wait for it... wait for it!"

*Zapdos rushed closer to Riolu!*

"A little bit more..."


"Now move out of the pillar!"

*Zapdos' beak got stuck on the pillar!*

"Great, Riolu... this is our opportunity! Use Force palm now!"



<Zap! Zap!>The Pokemon beamed with frustration as it sends thousands of thunderbolts scattering around the room.

"Riolu dodge those thunders then use Seismic Toss!"

*Riolu grabbed Zapdos and ascended with it to the sky! Zapdos crashed back to the ground.*



<ZAPPPPP!>A blue thunder struck Riolu from above!

"Riolu nooo!"



*Extreme Electron dealt a one-hit knock out attack!*

"Riolu... very good, you made me proud! You deserve to rest."

"That trainer only has one Pokemon left, he'll lose for sure!" One of the trainers mocked and laugh.

"Banette, you're up against a tough opponent! Avenge our team!" Banette tilted her head sideways and chuckled towards Zapdos. She wasn't afraid, because she has someone to trust!

"Banette let's use your new moveset. Now use Shadow claw!"

*Zapdos dodged swiftly, while Banette tried to chase the foe!*

<ZAPPP!>The Pokemon used thunder!

"Banette, counter with thunder as well!"

*The moves collided against each other!*

"Now use shadow sneak!"

*A shadow appeared behind Zapdos, the move dealt maximum damage!*



"Banette, use shadow ball on the griffin!"

*The griffin fell at Zapdos' head! Zapdos' sight turned blurred for awhile*



"Quick Banette, use shadow ball on Zapdos!"

*The shadow ball made Zapdos' sighting return to normal!*



<ZAP! ZAPDOS!>The Pokemon used 100,000 volts!

"Banette, dodge the attack!"

*Banette went underneath the floor, her silhouette can be seen under the floor with her two violet eyes.*

Banette went out of the floor once the attack was over, she looked confident, she wasn't intimidated not even a bit!

"Use shadow sneak!"

*The attack dealt maximum damage!*



*Zapdos used Drill peck! Banette wasn't able to react quickly!*



"Oh no... that was a critical hit, Banette use shadow claw!"

<ZAP!?>The Pokemon uttered with shock!



<ZAPPPPDOOOSSSS!>The Pokemon used Extreme electron!

Banette chuckled and went under the floor again, the attack missed while Banette's silhoutte laughed from the floor. Banette re-emerged behind Zapdos with a grinned face!

"Alright, finish Zapdos with Shadow Ball!"

<Banette!>The Pokemon winked at me and unleashed a large shadow ball!

Zapdos was unaware that Banette was behind it! Banette went close to Zapdos and opened her zippered mouth. Zapdos began to see horrible pain and torture, a nightmare that it couldn't forget!

<ZAPPP!>The Pokemon descended to the ground.

"Now, go MASTER BALL!" I tossed the ball towards Zapdos, and it was immediately captured! The master ball turned black... I still need to defeat temptation when walking back down, once I succeed, the Master ball will return to its original color and teleport to professor Bellice's lab.

"Hmm... Great job Banette!" I grinned while walking towards the black master ball. I gave it a little toss, while deep inside me, I was bursting with joy.

All the trainers were in awe, their eyes twitched fast as I walked outside the room with the black master ball on my hand and Riolu on my shoulder. Everybody looked at me with shock, even the ones who mocked me can't believe their eyes.

"Hey you... what's your name?" One of the trainers asked.

I smiled with my cap faced down, with Riolu on my shoulder and Zapdos on my hand.

"My name is Kalem, and I'm going to be the next Pokemon Master!" I retorted with a smile while looking towards the golden doors.

"A... A Pokemon master? How did you defeat Zapdos!?" Another trainer queried.

"The truth is, I'm not a strong trainer yet. I'm still struggling, and I'm still improving. I tend to lose in battles, I tend to fall, and I tend to fail. I'm still far from becoming a master... but after losing? Falling? and Failing? I stood up again. I reflected on the past and learned from it. Someone once told me, the past is what makes who we are in the future, life is like a coin toss. Unexpected things can happen if life landed on the things you hoped for? Be thankful. If not, hope again and toss the coin once more. Trust your Pokemons, and they'll trust you back." I quoted and left the room with everybody shocked.

I stepped on the stair, and that's when temptation struck! Something was telling me to look back, to go back.

I didn't listen to temptation, for why would I look back if my goal is complete? Joy, excitement, and happiness defeated temptation. I was able to leave the tower safely, without looking back. The Master Ball turned purple and teleported to professor Bellice's lab.

Zedrick and Murdock met me outside the tower. They were smiling and grinning with slight pride.

"You caught Zapdos?" Zedrick uttered with shock.

"I did! The Master ball teleported to the lab, it's probably in my dome now."

"Congratulations, who helped you catch Zapdos?" Murdock queried.

"No one did... I defeated my Zapdos with my buddy and my team! They worked hard, and tough, they deserve the praise." I smiled while playing with Riolu's chin.

Zedrick and Murdock were shocked. I was the first one to take down a legendary Pokemon in this region without the help of any other trainer. All I did was focus and trust. Focus on the scenario, and trust my Pokemon! That's my secret. Today's been a glad day! My first legendary Pokemon has been caught, and there are still more waiting to be seen!

As the journey continues...

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