
EPISODE 123: A Determination Boost!

"What!? Mr.Hikari's spirit gave you the Arceus pendant!?" Kira uttered with shock and surprise.

"Yup, that's right! Riolu also has his own mega stone." I beamed with joy and satisfaction.

The day has come, for a battle against Zedrick. A Ketsueki against a Ketsueki. It's time to prove to him, that I was born to become a champion, I was born to take his place. Today, I walk towards the tower of blessings. Murdock will be the referee and my friends will cheer for me.

"You already have two mega stones Kalem," Glade uttered with a shocking face as we walk closer to the Tower.

"You know what they say, it's better to have one rather than two mega stones It gets confusing on which Pokemon you'll mega evolve since you can only mega evolve once per battle," Zhery explained.

"Nah, it's fine by me. Like they say, the more, the merrier!" I beamed with excitement and exuberance.

"Can I at least touch the pendant of Arceus! Please..." Kira begged.

"Sure, but... why do you seem so interested in the pendant of Arceus?" I questioned.

"You're a Ketsueki, and yet... you don't know what the pendant of Arceus does!?" Kira uttered with a shocked face.

"Well, I'm more fond of bonding with my father's side rather than my mother's side. Sorry, hehe!" I uttered with an embarrassed face.

"Legends say that once you have the pendant of Arceus, the Gods of all Pokemons shall grant you three wishes. One wish per God, Dialga, the God of space, Palkia, the God of time, and Arceus, the God of all Pokemons.

But there's a catch, each wish must be corresponding to the nature and being of the Gods. If you wish upon Palkia, you have to wish for something that has to do with time, if you wish upon Dialga, you have to wish for something that has to do with space, and if you wish upon Arceus, he shall grant any wish you may ask but only if it is a need and not a want." Kira explained.

"What do you mean by need and not want?" Camellia queried.

"The three Gods of the Pokemon world, only grants wishes which contains a person's need. They do not grant any wants, such as power, superiority, and other earthly things. Once the pendant of Arceus falls to the hand of evil, the golden pendant turns into twilight black. Once the pendant has fallen to the hands of evil, Giratina the God of matter, shall come forth and grant the evil, one wish. Giratina can grant any wish you need or want, may it be superiority, power, wealth, immortality perhaps? Once the wish of the evil is granted, the pendant shall burn and be lost forever. Even the evil can wish for more wishes."Kira explained.

"Wish... for more wishes!? Isn't that absurdity!?" Glade uttered with shock.

"I know, but I don't make the rules. The thing is, the more wishes you have, the more wishes you want. There is not enough wealth on Earth which can satisfy you to the fullest, that's why the three majestic gods would prefer the needs over the wants." Kira explained.

"So which means, Kalem Ketsueki... You should guard that pendant no matter what. Once it falls to the hands of evil, who knows what they could wish for? Especially... the Chaos regime. Their wishes are absurd! Once Arville wishes to become God, the three majestic gods nor the God of matter could stop and undo the action." Kira warned.

"Don't worry Kira! I will protect the pendant of Arceus with all my might! I will not let Arville take the pendant." I promised while looking at the pendant.

"Oh... and one more thing, once your heart is withered by the deeds of sin, the pendant's golden color shall fade away. Giratina will come to you and grant you any wish, just like how it grants the wishes of evil." Kira warned.

"Come on, I'm a happy kid! I won't cause any trouble!" I smiled and teased.

"That's what many users say, but they all fell into darkness. Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Even fear can lead you to the path of the dark. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering." Kira warned.

My mind remembered the day me and Camellia fought. The day Camellia betrayed me, at first... I was scared to accept the truth(fear) I got angry at her

(Anger) to the point I didn't want to become her friend anymore. (Hatred) Then that's when bad events happened, like regrets, sadness, pain and suffering.

"Kalem, are you alright? Was there something I said?" Kira queried why looking to my face. My mind loafed around, remembering what happened in the cavern.

"Um... It's nothing, I just remembered something. That's all." I uttered with worry.

The tower of blessings! It's time to challenge Zedrick and his Pokemons. On the top floors lies two golden doors which will soon lead me to him. I've been practicing for the whole day, now it's time to see if that practice pays off.

"Good morning Trainer Kalem, master Zedrick is waiting for you." two girls wearing old fashioned Japanese clothing smiled and welcomed us on the top floor.

"Great, let's do this! I want to battle him." I beamed with determination and courage.

The two golden doors slowly opened majestically. In front of me was a small wooden chair with Zedrick sitting on it. One of his legs was placed on top of his other leg, he was playing with a small golden coin while waiting for me. Murdock on the other hand smiled when he saw me enter.

My friends were instructed to seat down, and observe the battle. No crowd, just me, Murdock,my friends, and Zedrick.

I walked closer to Zedrick, he continued to play with the golden coin.

"Isn't it fascinating? How the system of life works?" Zedrick uttered while playing with his gold coin.

"Unexpected things can happen in life, things... that we didn't hope to experience, you never know what's coming until it lands, just like a coin toss, wishing for tails when the coin lands on heads. either way, heads or tails, it's still part of the coin right? Just like how bad and good experiences are part of life." Zedrick uttered inspiringly while playing with the coin.

Me in the other hand walked closer to Zedrick with a worried heart of course. Who wouldn't be worried when battling the number one right?

"Good or bad, you've gotta live with it. You have no choice after all. When life lands on what you hope for, be thankful. When life lands on what you didn't expect, hope again, then flip the coin once more." Zedrick uttered.

"That's what my defeat against our great grandfather taught me," Zedrick uttered softly.

"Wait... you knew about me and Hikari's battle!?" I uttered with shock.

"Yes, just watching you battle, made me excited and happy. You truly deserve the heirloom of the Ketsueki family. Don't worry, I'm not jealous, I'm even happy for you." Zedrick smiled.

"Thanks, Hikari told me about your defeat as well." I beamed with excitement.

"Yes, I gave up on the third try. I regretted my decision to give up, but what's done is done. History remains in the past, all we can do is to reflect then learn. That's how I became rank one, and that's how you'll soon take my place." Zedrick chuckled and tossed the coin.

"Kalem Ketsueki, heads or tails?" Zedrick queried.

"Umm, I'll be choosing heads Mr.Zedrick!" I beamed with a large smile.

The golden coin spun on the ground, slowly by slowly, the spin got slower. It shook on the ground, and the results were tails.

"Hoping for heads but landed on tails? That was unexpected. Let's see how you'll flip your own coin, will it land on tails or head this time? I'll be taking the first move!" Zedrick beamed with determination and stood up right away. His red cape slowly flapped, Murdock stood up, the match was about to begin.

"The battle against trainer Kalem, and Grand Master Zedrick is about to begin. Each shall use three Pokemons each, substitution is not allowed!" Murdock instructed.

"Wait... no substitution!?" I uttered with shock.

"The more limited choices, the harder you are burned under fire right?" Zedrick chuckled while holding unto his Pokeball. My friends began to cheer for me, even Kira cheered for her cousin rather than her father.

I on the other hand was sweating gravely.

"Are both trainers ready!?" Murdock queried.

"I am ready!" Zedrick beamed with determination.

"And I am... not ready! I have to take a bathroom break!" I uttered with worry and rushed outside the room.

I rushed as fast as I could to the bathroom and looked at the mirror.

"Come on Kalem, you can do this!" I uttered to myself with worry.

"Kalem, believe in yourself. Remember what Zedrick told you, unexpected things can happen, if it lands on what you hope for, be thankful, if it lands on what you didn't hope for, hope again, and toss the coin once more." Riolu quoted while comforting me.

My heart panted louder than any before. I was trying to keep myself focused.

"Can't focus?" An old voice uttered from behind.

"Ah!? Mr.Hikari! You startled me." I uttered with shock.

"What seems to be bothering you, young Kalem?" Mr.Hikari queried.

"I don't know... I can't win against Zedrick, he's top one!"

"If I try my strategies, it won't work! He's a master!" I added.

"Do or do not, there is no try. Once you focus, unlimited choices will open up." Mr.Hikari uttered.

"What if I lose, I have to take the gym battle again..."

"Then take it again. It's not about winning or losing, it's how you fought."

"You are a smart boy Kalem, focus on your opponent, don't focus on the trophy. If you win, very good, if you lose, very good, you learned something new."

"I'm feeling confident now, around 40% I guess."

"Haha, you are a funny boy too! I'll be watching." Mr.Hikari uttered and dispersed into the wind.

I walked back to the room with shivering hands, that's where I saw Camellia waiting for me at the door.

"There you are Kalem, you waisted ten minutes looking at the mirror," Camellia uttered.

"It's nothing, I felt worried that's all," I uttered with a shivering hand.

"Just focus on the match, that's all. Win or lose, accept it... if not? You're just like my father." Camellia uttered and inspired me to do my best.

"Thanks, Camellia, I'll do my best!" I beamed with determination while walking towards the door.

"Feeling comfortable?" Zedrick teased as the two golden doors slowly closed.

"Zedrick, I, Kalem Ketsueki... is ready to challenge you!" I beamed with excitement.

"Great, it's time for you to toss your coin." Zedrick smiled confidently.

"Please send out your first Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"I call upon my Grovyle... rise and shine with the leaves of faith!" Grovyle's Pokeball was tossed to the sky!

"Flames of volcanoes, ashes and beyond... Magmortar, burn with my fiery passion!" Magmortar's Pokeball was tossed to the sky!

<GROVYLE!> <MAGMORTAR!>The two Pokemons beamed with determination as they glared through each other's soul.

"Let the grand match, begin!" Murdock proclaimed.

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