
Trade deal

8th May 1574

"I'm all ears."

Even if the deal that I was going to propose to Peter wouldn't affect his coffers directly, from how profitable it might turn out for the country as a whole, he could at least rack some favours with the king and get off my case in return.

"The idea is fairly simple. I will keep selling my beer in my lands just like I used to, while the crown won't meddle with this affair within the country… But you will encourage the traders to sell it outside our borders with custom tax added on top of it! With how cheaply I'm selling the barrels, even tripling its costs wouldn't be a problem. That's the first benefit for you. As for the other, do I really need to spell out what would happen when people outside of our borders learn that they can get this beer for half the price that our traders will offer in their countries?"

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