
Do You Know How? 2

"I like him? But how could that be? I only met him literally four times!" She raised her palm and spread her fingers.

Lily smirked, "Ginny, are you sure it's only four times?"

"What do you mea.n...?" Ginny looked at her spread fingers. All five fingers were fanned out evenly. Swallowing words that she wanted to say, she lowered her arm and continued holding her latte.

"Hun, you can't compare Alan to your classmates. Actually, like you've told me already. The feeling he gives you is different compared to those you've worked with. Around Alan, your small heart would go bathump..bathump.. nonstop." Taking small sips of the fruit tea, Lily waited for Ginny to process the thoughts.

"But that doesn't mean I like him. I could be having a heat stroke. Or maybe because I dislike being in crowded places." She found various reasons to explain her odd emotions.

"Oh? The weather is in the high fifties and mid-sixties. It's not even considered sunny today. The sun was out for like an hour. Yes, you dislike crowded locations, but that wouldn't affect how you feel towards him. The most it'll make you feel is uncomfortable around many people." Lily hit a few home runs as she continued striking Ginny's excuses to an unknown planet outside of earth.

She continued talking since Ginny was hiding from her inner feelings. "Ginny, if I touch your hands or hold your shoulders, you wouldn't have the heart popping feeling. Actually, I'm a bad example to use. Let's use the guy who confessed to you after liking you for two years in college. I remember how straightforward you were in rejecting him."

"You gave him the chance to say everything he wanted to. After that, you straight up told him you didn't like him. He held your hands as well. The only thing I remember you telling me about was his hands being sticky and how he made you late for class. Remember the question I asked that day?"

Ginny nodded, "You asked me if I had some electricity shock or bubbly feeling in my heart when I heard his confession. I told you I didn't feel anything towards him and even thought confessions were annoying. I had no interest in dating and respected him till the end of the confession."

Snapping her fingers, Lily's smile widened. "That's right. But when Alan held your hands today, you didn't find it irritating. You were fine with him touching your hand. Also, when he touched your shoulders, you weren't uncomfortable about it. You were shy."

"You told me there weren't many people on the street you guys were walking on. Yet, he has used the crowd excuse, and you flowed along his words. Everything you described to me only revealed how attentive and gentlemen he was. Your little heart was about to burst when he stuck close to you."

Moving closer to Ginny's sitting spot, Lily winked. "So, our family's Ginny. Do you want to do an experiment to confirm my ideas? Very simple test. If this one doesn't work, I have others."

"What kind of test?"

"First, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind and start thinking about the incident starting at the cafe. Think about your first time hugging, first time holding hands even though it was just for show, sharing drinks and having lunch."

Ginny followed her words and focused on everything that happened today. Her tensed lips relaxed. Slowly, her cheeks tinted a shade redder, and teeth chewed her soft lips. Suddenly, her eyes opened from a camera sound.

Staring into Lily's camera, she covered her face. "Lily! What are you doing?"

"Here, look at how sweet your expression is! So soft. You've never shown anyone this kind of expression before. Did he make you that happy from holding your hands? Giving you an accidental hug? Were there any sudden movements your body wanted to do to him when you guys were alone?"

Lily deleted the photo from her phone after showing it to Ginny. She only wanted to show Ginny how she looked when thinking of Alan. Since her mission is completed, the photo could be removed from her photo album.

"I..I.." As she failed to piece words together, a notification interrupted the conversation. Checking her phone screen, she saw Alan's message notification. Basing on Ginny's current expression, Lily could already guess who the message was from.

"Aren't you going to read Alan's message?" Lily bit her straw.

"How did you know?"

"Your expression gave it all away." Lily tapped her own cheeks as she teased Ginny.

"Aiya! I'm checking my messages! Shush." Unlocking her phone, she took a deep breath to calm down. Taking the cushion from Lily's couch, Ginny hugged happily as if she could kiss it any moments now.

"With this expression over one message, it's almost impossible to not realize your feelings for him. What did he say?" Lily grabbed another cushion from the couch and rested her chin on it.

"He asked me if I got to your place safely. I replied I did and he said good." Ginny mumbled as the cushion blocked her lips. She felt happy over his caring message.

"Haha, are you clear about your feelings now? The itchy feeling you were painfully suffering from was from your liking towards him. Your troubled heart can rest in peace tonight." Lily patted Ginny's chest lightly.

"Not yet. The words you said were all logical, but not enough to convince me. What if this feeling disappears when I see him next time? And even if I do like him, he might not feel that way for me." Ginny came up with many other questions related to dating until Lily made the time-out signal with her hands.

"You haven't confirmed your feelings and you're already thinking that far ahead? How about letting your heart give you the answer? Confirm everything and face your feelings first." Lily suggested as her hands laid on Ginny's chest again. This time, Lily felt it clearly.

She smiled, "Aiyo! Our Ginny aren't afraid of roaches nor exams, but are nervous about testing out your feelings? So cute. Not bad. Not bad at all. You've grown up! Hehe." Taking Ginny's palm, Lily placed it against her pounding heart.

"Feel it? That's what it feels like to meet someone you like and figuring out if they like you back. By the way, do you know how to test it?" Lily asked since this was Ginny's first time having an interest in a guy.

Ginny shook her head.

"I'll give you a very simple idea. All you have to do is find a way to hold his hand. Maybe a high-five if you feel that holding hands is too awkward. Take this chance and lock your fingers between his and let your heart do the beatboxing. I mean answering. This way, you aren't too close to him and wouldn't have any excuses to say you were affected by being too intimate. Keep at least two steps away from him when you do it."

Ginny nodded, "Okay. I'll try it. I still owe him a meal anyways."

"It's already seven. Let's order takeout. It's dark, so stay for the night." Lily stretched her legs and let Ginny choose dinner options on her phone. After that, the girls went through their regular skin routine before heading to bed.

Thanks for reading~

Let's leave some sweet, innocent first love...story...Hehe~

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