
Bright as scarlet flames

"I just want to talk." It was a cliche line but one that Yuan Xuelan uttered with sincerity.

Ban Yuewei wasn't buying any of it. 

She surged forward with Xianlong raised overhead, her speed as frightening as Liu Sumeng's. He didn't even have time to fully unsheathe his sword before her blade came down on him. Xuelan cursed, minding his footwork as he slid out of her line of attack.

Ban Yuewei gave him no reprieve, twisting her sword with little effort to pursue her offensive pressure.

Yuan Xuelan couldn't even retaliate if he wanted to, "Can't we just talk it out a bit first!? Then you can decide if you want to cut me down or not!" The young cultivator narrowly dodged a slice coming for his jugular. A bit too close of a call, even for his tastes.

"Silence. I know that Gan Keming sent you. Don't lie to me!"

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