
The intruder Vs Trio

The shadow mice went to the trio and gave the information out. This time also the plan was a bit vague. There is no time, place or the method that was mentioned in their plan.

Just like the previous plan, the envoy did everything silently. There are no important details. There is nothing that could give away any sort of clue regarding the implementation.

The three of them exchanged a glance contemplating whether they should tell Sam or not. There is a good part of them saying to inform him so that he would take necessary precautions. But there is a voice screaming to take a leap of faith in themselves and deal with the incoming threat by themselves.

They don't want to take Sam's help and try to prove themselves.

Since the time Sam mentioned their lone journey, there is a thought eating their hearts away that is telling them that Sam is getting rid of them because they are a burden.

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