

Sam started moving from one building to another and peeked through to see what is happening inside.

But what he saw surprised him. Because, he could see no one inside the rooms. All he could see are some large flowers are completely closed without blooming. They are all in blood-red color and they occupied a large place inside the rooms. There is a bloody vapor that is being emitted by the flowers.

He could almost feel the stench from here.

As he watched, there is some commotion in the first row of the barracks.

He zoomed the view as he looked towards the barracks, and he saw Nagas coming out.

The scales are not even normal red and there are no hues. There are only blood-red veins and apart from that, there are extra scales that are protruding all over the vertebrae starting from the skull to the tail.

These extra scales have crystalline structures and are glittering from that far.

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