
Chapter 15: Give Me Shelter 1/2

Disclaimer: I don't own this. Bam. Now you know.

Author's Note: What is up my people? Have we been having a pleasant summer (or whatever season you are currently going through)? So, a few people have come to the conclusion that Naruto got Adora pregnant. That's a solid no. Those that don't know who Desak the God Slayer is, look him up so you can see how badass he is. Him and Naruto will clash eventually, and it'll be brutal as shit. So, for those that care, this chapter will be named after the song Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones. I doubt there's a single English speaking person on this planet that hasn't heard of The Rolling Stones, so I'm not gonna bother talking about how awesome they are. Last thing, I feel like I need to give a belated rest in peace for Chester Bennington. When I was a kid, I listened to two bands: Three Days Grace and Linkin Park. I was with a friend of mine (a friend who's just as big of a fan of Linkin Park as I am) when I heard the news, and the two of us were honestly stunned. Both of us have been affected by suicide in personal ways, so to hear that a hero of ours had killed himself was truly devastating. So, I feel I gotta say this, if you ever have those kind of thoughts, please talk to someone. A psychiatrist, a friend, a family member, anybody. Just talk to someone. Alright, that's it. I'm done.


Chapter 15: Give Me Shelter


The clomping of boots on tile echoed through the hall, accompanied by the clicking of heals, the two synched together in a chorus of a brisk walk towards their destination. His arms folded behind his back, Att-Lass had a rather stoic look to his face, seemingly not caring that he was meeting with a fellow captain and one of the current admirals of the Kree fleet over the recent failure of his Atlas Squadron. Walking behind him was his subordinate, Commander Minn-Erva, the woman's face was the perfect display of professionalism, though a gleam of worry could be seen with the ever few but present twitch at the corner of her lips.

Walking through the pair of double doors and the two guards stationed there, the two Kree officers walked into the middle of the office, stopping in front of the desk in the center. Sitting behind that desk was Admiral Cee-Zarr, the look on his standard Kree blue face as Att-Lass entered the room showed his age, his frown nearly reaching the patch of greying facial hair on the bottom of his chin. Standing to the side of Cee-Zarr was Captain Kell-Varr, his wavy green locks reaching down to his brow as he gave Att-Lass a hard look. The middle-aged captain was one of Kree's top soldiers and Cee-Zarr's right hand man, with many believing him to take the admiral's place when he stepped down.

"I assume you know why you're here, Captain Att-Lass, Commander Minn-Erva." Cee-Zarr said, starting the meeting off rather slowly as he leaned back in his seat, the chair creaking loudly as he did.

Minn-Erva gave a quick nod, "Of course Admiral." Giving a side glance at Kell-Varr "Captain." She said with a nod towards the man.

Att-Lass sighed in slight agitation at his subordinate's attraction towards his fellow captain, but let it slide for the moment as he said, "I do, Admiral Cee-Zarr."

The admiral nodded, "You're little…squadron, has caused quite a mess. Their battle with that Uzumaki fellow caused thousands of Units in damages, damages that have been demanded be paid for. Then you have the brutal torture of Gog 'The Knowing,' a Sovereign citizen whom had strong connections with his home world's government. Are you truly that thirsty for battle that you wish for us to start another war while we are at the cusp of ending one that has lasted for generations?"

The captain under question scoffed, "Their 'Gold High Priestess,' may be a proud woman, but not even she would dare attack us over an informant. Especially one with such loose lips from what I've heard. He was a liability; they know it and we know it. As far as their battle with 'The Celestial,' they were simply trying to recover an important Kree artifact that had been stolen by some nobody and a rodent and its talking tree. Had he been captured along with them, or at least killed like the rest of his little group, this wouldn't even be a problem." His shoulder grew tight with agitation as he continued, "Now, I don't know about either of you, but to me this little incident has been nothing but embarrassing. An embarrassment I could not let stand. Or do you want our enemies to think of us as weak?" He asked rhetorically.

"We are on the brink of peace captain. We cannot afford you to act so callously. This whole debacle could be considered just as embarrassing as the one you have been trying to rectify by some, some who we are trying to form a pact of peace with." Admiral Cee-Zarr tried to explain, "If you keep undermining these talks, you will ruin everything we have worked for."

"We?" Att-Lass asked, "Don't you mean you and your lapdog?" He said while looking pointedly at Kell-Varr, "I have been trying to win a war, not give up when things get monotonous. I'm trying to make sure that we never have to go to war again with these people. Not by putting a barrier of paper between the two opposing sides, but by taking one of those sides out of the equation entirely."

Kell-Varr looked at Att-Lass in shock, "You can't be serious? It's talk like that that Morag was destroyed. Do you really wish to follow Roarok's path? Is the fact that his son Ronan is following in his footsteps not enough for you to see how slippery of a slope that is?"

Cee-Zar interrupted Att-Lass as he was about to speak, his voice holding a dangerous edge to it as he did, "If you endanger these talks of peace again, I will strip you of your rank and make you wish your fate is as quick as Roarok's was…understood?"

Captain Att-Lass narrowed his eyes, he and Cee-Zarr entering a battle of wills through eye contact for several seconds before the captain conceded, "And what of Uzumaki? He's too dangerous to be allowed to roam free."

Cee-Zarr sighed, "I agree. His capturing of Blastaar and his interference with the thief is too high profile for us to simply ignore him. I'll request a bounty be put on his head, dead or alive for twenty million Units."

"Is that all, sir?" Att-Lass asked.

The Admiral nodded, "That is all for now, you are to stay grounded until further notice."

"What about Zephyr? The battles there are still quite intense."

Captain Mar-Vell answered that question, "The only reason the fighting on Zephyr continues is because Admiral Yon-Rogg has refused to stand down. Usually this would constitute a court martial, but almost every other high ranking official agrees with the admiral, with me being the black sheep in the situation. That means that the only way to get him to stand down is for me to send my troops, which are currently occupied. The last thing I need is you going off to make the situation worse. You're to stay grounded until the armistice has ended, understood?"

The now admonished captain didn't bother to respond, simply turning around sharply before bursting through the door, Minn-Erva quickly following after him. The commander ran up to her captain's side as she asked, "What now sir?"

The man didn't say a word at first, the two of them exiting the hall into the main part of the building before leaving it entirely. Now finally away from prying ears he spoke, "Contact Ronan the Accuser, see if he's still in contact with the Titan, tell him where the thief is heading, but make it seem like the hit was his idea, can't have it coming back to us, now can we?"

"Of course not sir, right away."


Location: The Planet Sovereign


Naruto, looking out Kushina's windshield, gazed out in wonder at the technologically advanced planet he had just landed in. Darkness had befallen the city, the golden glow of the shining buildings lighting up the city in a beautiful display. Rain pelted against the M-Ship with a rat-a-tat-tat, purple lightning dancing along the clouds, the wind scraping against the side of Kushina, forcing Naruto to steer against it to keep him from drifting. Bringing the ship down, he landed it onto one of the landing strips littered along the area.

Getting up, Naruto walked down to the lower deck to one of the locker doors. Putting on a brown hooded coat that went just past his upper thigh, he zipped it up to his chest. Walking over to the seated Speed he looked at the screen he was watching.

"Talks between Empress Adora and High Ruler Monn-Arrc continue, though several reports indicate that talks have hit a road block over the Battle of Zephyr. While most fighting has gone on hold, the conflict in Zephyr is escalating by the day thanks to the arrival of Admiral Yon-Rogg, with the Admiral reportedly refusing to cease his invasion of the now decimated moon." The Krylorian news man reported as images of destroyed cities, civilian casualties, and soldier skirmishes, "Civilian casualties count into the hundreds of thousands, and may eventually reach into over a million. The Kree invaded the moon for its strategic purposes nearly five years ago, and is now one of the most intense battles of the Kree/Xandar War. Several key moments including the de facto birth of Drax the Destroyer, who arrived on the moon and was responsible for the death of hundreds of Kree, Sakaaran, Xandar, and Zephyr soldiers before his capture, the massacre of 500 Zephyr civilians by Sakaaran soldiers, and the battle between Nova Centurion Guur and Kree Captain Mar-Vell that destroyed half of the city of Zen."

"It's crazy huh?" Speed asked, the man leaning back in one of the chairs with his feet propped up on the table, "The treaty to end the war of all wars hangs on a stupid moon on the border of the Nova Empire."

"Why don't they demand their people enter a cease fire?" Naruto asked.

"They have." Speed answered, "And Yon-Rogg has ignored all orders to stop, with Nova Empire soldiers being forced to fight back in order to prevent them from taking over the moon all together."

"And they don't just take him out…why?"

"Why don't you just do it? I'm still pretty pissed I missed all the action a week ago." Kurama grumbled.

"It's a delicate situation. Most people don't believe the treaty will go through, and that Zephyr is too great of a strategic post to simply give up just because it might help the treaty talks go smoother." Speed said.

Naruto sighed, "But it could help end the war. Doesn't that make it worth the trouble of following the cease fire?"

Speed shook his head as he got up, "Not really." Walking over to the bay door he said, "So are we going or what? We finally get to Sovereign and you wanna talk about a war you're not even involved in? Are you gonna miss me that much?"

"No." Naruto said, looking at the screen for a moment longer before turning it off, "You have no idea how happy I am to get rid of you, you curly haired asshole." Opening the bay door he was half way down when a swarm of golden dressed men with laser bolt rifles in their hands pointed at Naruto and Speed's direction, "Well…fuck."

"I say we blow 'em all away." The Biju said viciously.

"Kurama…just shut up. Jeez."


Location: Idinis Village of the Planet Interdis


Heavy footsteps crunched against the dry dirt path that lead into the village of Idinis. The man's dark brown cloak sweeped against the ground, with his hood pulled up to cover his head almost entirely. Looking into the horizon he could see the outline of the village, his trek coming to a halt when he felt a drop of water splash onto his shoulder. Raising his head up, he extended his hand out, just barely catching another drop hit his palm. It was almost immediately after that a downpour of rain came down hard, drenching the man in just a few moments.

Giving a heavy sigh, the man looked around him looking for cover, with his eyes panning over to a small shack a few dozen yards away. With a slow pace, the man made his way to the shack, opening the door slowly. The smell of blood stung his nostrils almost immediately, the life liquid sprayed all over the inside of the shack, with the owner being a man that looked be a Sovereign citizenship, his body brutally beaten and dismembered, with his throat slit open so it deep he might as well of been decapitated. His body having begun to rot, with the local insects beginning to eat away at his flesh, their buzzing vibrating along the small shack.

The man turned when he felt a presence behind him. There, he saw a man with deep orange skin behind him, with an intricate brown robe graced around his person. In his hands was a worn tome with the symbol for the Church of Vastiology carved into the cover.

"Hello stranger." The newcomer said cheerfully, "What brings you to a place as…grotesque, as this?" He asked as he looked passed the mystery man into shack behind him, a look of mild disgust on his face.

The man waited a moment before say, "Just looking for shelter."

The robed gentlemen nodded sagely, "Of course, of course. Follow me, I have just the place." Turning to his right he began to take a separate path away from the village on the horizon. As the mystery man began to follow him he asked, "So what's your name? Can't be calling you stranger now can I?"

The man was silent for several seconds before saying, "Desak…my name is Desak."


Naruto allowed himself to be thrown down onto his knees, along with Speed, as they were brought before the Golden High Priestess, Ayesha. The courtroom had a very symmetrical metropolis look to it, with a gold and dark blue color scheme. Sitting in her golden throne that reached up into the ceiling was Ayesha, her lower body seemingly connected to the chair itself, her hands resting gracefully in her lap, with her golden gown looking incredibly frivolous and expensive and her hair kept behind a tight golden helm. Naruto could admit to himself that she was rather beautiful, her unblemished face looking down at them with a perfect royally pampered stoicism.

"May I ask what brings the infamous Speed Cater, recently renowned pest of the Kree Empire, and Naruto Uzumaki, the so called 'Celestial' to my planet?" Her voice incredibly holier-than-thou.

"You didn't get the memo?" Speed asked, "I've been sent here by Gog the Knowing for refuge."

"Is this guy an idiot or what?" Kurama asked, "This guy knows that this lady is the one that'll pretty much decide his fate, right?"

Naruto sighed at Speed's brashness as Ayesha raised a single eyebrow, "Gog the Knowing sent you?" Her eyes then narrowed, "So you're the one responsible for his torture and subsequent death."

For once, Speed's gusto dropped, "I…I never wanted him to die like that or anything. He was a good man, and I'm sorry if my getting involved with him is what killed him…I really am." Speed finished as he looked away.

Ayesha gave a soft hum, "Involved…right."

Naruto made to get up, only for several sets of rifles to swing over into his direction. Raising his hands in what he knew to be the universal sign of surrender, "Look…I'm trying to play nice since I've never been here and I'm not looking to make enemies, but I'm sure you've all heard of what I can do, thus making this show of force pretty stupid." After a quick standoff, the men lowered their weapons after a waving motion from Ayesha, "There we go." Lowering his arms he continued, "Now, I know that you have little to no reason to give this asshole refuge. But, just consider the fact that you'd be making the last act of Gog, a man who's done your planet a huge service, well you'd be making his last act something actually meaningful."

The Golden High Priestess looked down at Naruto, bringing her hand up to rest her chin on. What Naruto assumed was some kind of advisor leaned down into her ear, whispering nothingness before she swatted him away. Lowering her arm, she said, "I shall grant your request, in honor of Gog if nothing else." Her eye then narrowed, "But…should you break a single Sovereign law, I shall personally place you into Kree hands. Is that understood?"

Speed nodded rapidly, "Yes, yes, thank you!" Getting up, he was then dragged away by one of the guards.

As one of the guards made to take Naruto away, Ayesha said, "Wait…he stays for now." Looking over at Speed one last time she said, "Oh, and Speed Cater?" When Speed made eye contact with her she continued, "I feel I should let you know the most severe of Sovereign crimes." Her eyes narrowed dangerously, "Theft."

With that, Speed was pulled away.

Naruto stood there as this was going on, his hands in his pockets as he looked towards Ayesha. Giving a soft sigh he said, "So…what can I help you with?"

"Is it true how powerful you are?" Ayesha asked, getting straight to the point.

Naruto shrugged as he spoke, "I haven't really paid attention to any of the rumors about me, mind filling me in?"

Ayesha gave an almost delightful smirk, "The rumors that you control the elements themselves, that you can manipulate an energy never seen before, that you can travel in space like a Herald of the Great Destroyer. The most outlandish is that you're either the spawn of a Celestial, or are one entirely."

The blonde warrior shrugged, "I don't know about the Herald thing, but I know for a fact that I'm not related to a Celestial in any way. As far as the manipulating the elements and an unknown energy goes, that's true." He then smirked, "But that description doesn't do any justice of what I can really do."

"Could you…show me?" Ayesha asked, hesitating at the end as she looked at Naruto with clear interest.

Naruto didn't say a word, simply reaching down into his reserves and giving it a flex. The sudden exertion of his chakra out into the world caused a pressure to fall down on the shoulders of everyone in the room. Naruto let that weight rest for a minute, watching in satisfaction as the guards that had tried to manhandle him nearly fall to their knees. Feeling they'd had enough, the ninja finally let up.

Ayesha needed to take a moment to collect herself, allowing one of her handmaidens to dab at the beads of sweat that had rolled their way down her cheek. After giving a silent gulp, she spoke, "That was…incredible."

"Thanks." Naruto said, his eyes closing into his signature squint as he gave one of his megawatt smiles, "But the amount I used is like comparing a pool to a lake. A pool's pretty big, bigger than average actually. But it's nothing compared to a lake."

Ayesha's eyes scanned up and down Naruto's form, "You are truly an impressive creature. Truly, truly impressive." Straightening her back she continued, "How is it exactly you came about such strength? Was it given to you or were you born with such gifts?"

Naruto actually had to take a second to think about that before answering, "Well, I'd say it's about half and half, some I was given some I was born with."

"So, if you were to have an offspring, they would at least have some of your abilities?"

With a raised eyebrow, he answered, "Um…yeah, I guess. Some of them anyway." Naruto put his hands in his pockets, "What's with the questions?"

Ayesha raised her chin up to improve her ability to look down on him, "I have recently come to the conclusion that I have reached the prime age for rearing a child of my own. Usually, we would artificially conceive the offspring, but I've pondered the idea of going about it the more…primitive method. The only problem with this is that I'm now in need of the other half of the equation, the paternal half to be exact."

"Oh shit…" Kurama mumbled, catching what Ayesha was putting down.

The priestess continued, none the wiser to Kurama's musings in Naruto's head, "And I think I've found that half." Batting her eyes slowly she finished, "That is if you except my offer of course."

"Yeaaahh…" Naruto said, rubbing the back of his had awkwardly, "No thanks."

The silence in the room was thick enough to be cut out with a knife, with Ayesha's smile dropping like a ton of bricks, leaving her face in an ugly frown, "What?" She asked, her voice holding a subtly dangerous edge to it.

"I said…no?"



"I see." Ayesha said, "Well if that's the case, you are free to leave."

"She took that rather well." Kurama said, "I figured she'd get all weird about it. Maybe try and force you into it or something stupid like that."

"I know, right?" Naruto thought. Giving a small bow, he said, "Thanks for letting Speed stay on your planet when you didn't have to. I owe you a solid, so long as it isn't anything dastardly or whatever. You know what I mean?"

The golden skinned beauty gave a small smile, "Of course, I'll remember that Naruto Uzumaki. May you have safe travels."

Naruto gave a slight nod before making his way to the door. As the doors closed behind, the handmaiden to Ayesha's right said, "Pardon me madam, but can we really allow a man of such power to roam around unabetted?"

Ayesha raised a calming hand, "It's fine, a man such as him isn't the kind to look for trouble, I have a feeling it is trouble that always finds him. And even then, I doubt we would be able to take on a man of his caliber without taking heavy, if not crippling, loses. No, that man is much better suited as an ally than as an enemy."

A small smile graced the maiden's lips, "An ally for you madam, or for Sovereign."

The priestess's eyes grew sharp, "Watch your tongue girl, do not forget what I do to those that offend me."

The handmaiden backed off, "My apologies madam."

Ayesha ignore, looking at the place Naruto had stood with great contemplation, the man's show of power still fresh.


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