

"Why is it that the trackers in Natasha and your phones say that you two are in the Sahara Desert?" Fury said over the phone, "One second you're in Dmitrov, Russia, the next you're in the Nile Valley."

"We're in the freaking Sahara?!" He demanded, "She sent us to the fucking Sahara!" He angrily clarified to Natasha. He frustratedly rubbed the side of his face before taking a calming breath. After a moment of clear thought, he said, "Why the hell are you tracking us Fury?"

"Who sent you to the Sahara?" Fury asked.

Naruto almost threw his phone, "Don't dodge the question Nick, seriously why are you tracking us?"

"I was planning on picking you up in Dmitrov. I have a problem I need your help on."

It took all of his will power not to yell in frustration, "The first time I talk to you in months, and it's for a fucking favor. Classic Nick Fury. Fucking classic."

"This isn't just any kind of favor. Both Agent Coulson and Barton may be in danger due the appearance of a man we believe is not of this world. Similar to you in fact." Fury said, "The being is currently in our custody, but that may not last much longer. We need you in case things go south."

"If you've already got him in your custody, you should be able to take care of him again. I'm not your errand boy Nick." Seeing Natasha give him a stern look her waved her off nonchalantly.

"Do you remember why Agent Coulson and Barton were on that mission to begin with?" Fury asked, his voice strained with annoyance.

Naruto sighed, "Yeah, something about a hammer that no one could pick up."

"Right." Fury said, "Well we have reason to believe that this hammer belongs to the man in our current care. The man broke into our New Mexico research facility, taking out any agent that crossed his path, and then tried to pull the hammer out of the ground, acting as if he found something he'd lost."

"So, did he pull the hammer out?" Naruto asked.

"No." Fury answered, "But we believe that this hammer is the source to his power."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because his energy reading matches the hammer's. Only his is nearly nonexistent while the hammer is teeming with it. According to our research and the research of an…outside group, we have reason to believe that two portals ripped through to our dimension. One for the hammer. The other for him."

"So you want me to be there in case he somehow gets ahold of the hammer and proves to be a hostile." Naruto clarified. Sighing, he said, "Fine, but I get to ask him some questions."

"Deal. We're on our way."


Location: Puente Antiguo, New Mexico


"So…you and Natasha huh?"

"Yep." Naruto said, arms crossed as he stood in front of a computer screen, watching Phil interrogate the man that tried to the take the hammer that was currently in SHIELD's custody. The man a very thick, muscular dude, his veins bulging along his arms and neck even as he sat their lackadaisically in his chair. The man had blonde hair similar to his own that reached down to his neck, along with a full but short beard. His blue t-shirt and black pants were both plastered in dry mud, due to his brawl with one SHIELD's security agents.

"Totally saw that coming." Said the man next to him. The man looked to be in his mid-thirties and had short length brunette hair that was spiked at the front. His physically fit body was hidden by his combat jacket and pants.

Naruto smirked, "Sure you did Clint, I'm sure your eagle vision picked it up right away."

"So, do you think this guy is as big a deal as they're making him." Clint asked, eyeing the screen as Phil began to ask where he got his training.

"I saw the security footage, and he's good. He's slow. Like, way slow compared to a lot of the people back home. But, he's strong. Like juggernaut strong. He took out several of these guys with a single punch. But no, I don't see the big deal." Naruto answered. Seeing Phil walk out of the room, he walked towards him. Ignoring the fact that he was on the phone he said, "I'm gonna take a crack at him."

Phil hung up the phone, putting it back in his pocket, "Director Fury informed me that you wished to speak with him. You have five minutes."

"What if I need six?" Naruto asked.

"You have four."

"Seven." Naruto haggled.

"Two. And that's final." Phil said back, "Actually make it one and a half."

"Five it is." The blonde concluded.

"Sounds good, now if you'll excuse me, I need to call Director Fury." Phil said as he walked down the hall into another room.

Stepping in front of the room, Naruto waited for the security to open the door. Stepping forward, Naruto was about to speak only to stop when the man spoke.


Looking at the blonde giant in confusion he said, "Not even gonna let me get a word in? Pretty rude man." As the man looked up at him, Naruto said, "You know, you've made quite the commotion around here. Enough that they had to call me in."

"And who are you exactly?" The man said in a baritone British accent, "You have the stance of a warrior."

"So do you." Naruto said, "You also have the appearance of a man who had more power than he does now." He smirked as he continued, "Much more power."

The man looked at him in confusion, "How do you know-"

"Trust me. I've seen it before." Naruto walked forward so he was right in front of the man, "The name's Naruto, what's yours?"

"…" The man was silent for a moment, "Why are you here? The other one wanted to know how I could defeat his soldiers with such ease. What is it you want mortal?"

Naruto chuckled, "Mortal huh." Rubbing his chin in thought he said, "You and I are very similar, you know that?"

"I doubt that puny man."

"You're stuck here on this planet, aren't you? And that hammer is a way back home, or something like that." Folding his arms across his chest he finished, "I'm I hitting the nail on the head."

"Hitting the nail on the head? What is this?" the man asked, "And how do you know all of these things about me? Are you of Asgard?!"

"Asgard?" Naruto questioned, "Is that the name of your planet? At least you know yours. As for the whole hitting the nail on the head, it's a saying on this planet. Do you have sayings on your planet? Anyway, as for me knowing about you not being from this planet, let's just say I'm pretty qualified on the subject."

The man's confusion only increased, "Are you not of this realm as well? Which realm are you from? Nidavellir? Alfheim? How did you get to Midgard, is there any way you can get me to Asgard?!" He asked in near desperation.

"I don't know what any of those things are." Naruto said, "There are other realms? Do you know about a place called the Elemental Nations?" His voice was beginning to sound desperate as well.

Thor shook his head, "Nigh, I have never heard of this place you speak of. And I have visited all nine of the realms." He then said, "You're home must note be connected to the Nine Realms."

"Is that strange?" Naruto asked.

The man shrugged, "I cannot say. I know that there are some realms not connected to Asgard, but I know not what they are."

"Well, thanks for the info. I hope you make it back to your home…whatever your name is." The blonde Shinobi said as he made his way towards the exit.


Stopping, Naruto turned to make eye contact with the now named Thor, "Thor? Is that your name?" When the giant blonde nodded, the smaller one said, "Well, I know what it's like to be away from your home. So, I hope you get there as quick as you can." As the door opened, he saw Phil standing on the other side."

"You're five minutes are up." Phil said matter of factly.


Naruto stood alongside Clint as they watched Thor walk away with a man named Erik Selvig, "Can you believe that 'Donald Blake' crap?" Clint asked.

"I don't know." Naruto said with a shrug, "The steroids bit was pretty good."

Phil walked up to the two, folding his arms in front of his chest, "We having him tailed. Should he cause any trouble, we'll be sending you to take care of him. Permanently."

Naruto shook his head, "I'm not just gonna kill the man. He's like me, I'm not gonna kill him unless I have no choice."

"Director Fury-"

"I don't give a shit about whatever order Nick or his council has given." Naruto said before walking away, "I'm not a part of SHIELD Phil, so it doesn't matter to me if you're Fury's number two." With that, Naruto walked out of the room before leaving the facility itself. Body Flickering away completely, Naruto found himself several hundred yards away. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Naruto decided to go on a night time walk through the desert.

"Another possible lead down the drain." Kurama mumbled, "And this guy might have actually been able to bring you home had he known where your world was."

"Yeah, maybe I can visit his planet, or realm as he called it, one day and talk to someone that actually knows what they're talking about." Naruto thought, "But I still have the Magik lead."

"I thought you lost her after she ditched you in that African desert?" Kurama asked mockingly.

Naruto shrugged, "I have thousands of clones looking for her. I'll find her again. And next time I'll come at her hard instead of softballing it like last time."

"Softballing it, sure." Kurama said, "Just don't come crying to me when she drops you off in the middle of an ocean or something."

"You are a very strange creature, Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto turned around to see a woman standing behind him. Said woman wore a long dark green cloak that covered her body completely, with a hood covering most of her head, her face the only visible part of her body. The woman was beautiful, probably one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen, this planet and his own. Her full pouty lips were turned up into a seductive smile, "I can feel the power you hold, a power so dense it outweighs even the All Father himself. Truly, truly strange."

Naruto narrowed his eyes, "Who are you?" Looking around for a moment, he looked back at the mystery woman, "Where did you come from…exactly?"

"I come from the same place as our friend Thor. As for who I am, I am simply a servant of the new king, Loki." The woman lowered her hood, allowing her thick light blonde hair to fall passed her shoulders and down her back, "And my name is Amora."

"And what exactly do you want from me, Amora?"

Amora stepped towards Naruto, entering his personal space as she did, her face mere inches from his own, "My king needs your help in the coming conflict."

"I don't give a shit who you're king is-" He was interrupted when Amora slammed her lips to his, his mind immediately becoming clouded.

"Naruto! Naruto, snap out of it…-" Kurama's voice bellowed out. Naruto couldn't help but wonder as to who's voice that belonged to as he looked down at the most captivating woman he'd ever seen.

Amora placed her hand on the enchanted man's cheek, stroking it soothingly as she said, "My beloved, I have a task for you. Can you do this task for me?" She whispered seductively.

Naruto rested his head against Amora's, "Of course, what do you need me to do?"

"Kill Thor."


Thor stood, his powers back and Mjolnir in his hand, in the middle of the pattern carved into the earth by the Bifrost. The Asgardian prince was looking into the sky, screaming for someone named Heimdall to open said Bifrost. Next to him was a woman named Jane Foster and behind him was the Warrior Three and Sif the Maiden along with Dr. Selvig and Jane's assistant Darcy Lewis.

Suddenly, the clouds above them darkened and began to swirl, signaling Thor's companions to enter the pattern along with Thor. As Thor looked down at Jane, a boom was heard several miles to their left. Looking over, Thor didn't have time to think before he was bum rushed by a blur of yellow. The blue carried Thor several miles away before letting him go, causing him to tumble before coming to a hard stop. Looking up, Thor saw that Mjolnir had slipped from his grip after being tackled. Looking at said yellow blur, Thor was shocked to see Naruto standing across from him, his body covered in a black body suit with nine yellow tomoes along the collar and a yellow circle at his stomach. Over his body was jacket that looked to be made of yellow fire with black circular shoulder pad designs. Nine balls of intense of chakra were floating behind him the nine of them forming a circle behind him.

"What are you doing Naruto, I thought thigh was my friend?" Thor asked as he straightened up.

Naruto nodded his head, "We are. But I must do what my beloved asks of me. It's nothing personal." Reaching his hand out, Naruto allowed one of his Truth Seeking Balls to form into a thin bo staff. In a burst of speed, Naruto appeared in front of Thor before slamming his staff into his jaw, sending the god of thunder flying, his body breaking the sound barrier from the force. Thor's body slammed into the ground, his body flopping and tumbling several times until Naruto appeared above him before driving his foot into Thor's stomach, stopping his momentum but drilling his body into the ground hard enough to form a massive crater. Naruto didn't give Thor time to breath, bringing his leg up to slam his foot into the blonde giant's throat.

Thor managed to catch the foot, his arm shaking from the strain, "I won't allow you to push me around mortal, no matter how strange your powers are." Throwing Naruto off of him with a heave, Thor got up as he wiped the blood leaking from his mouth. Using one arm to hold his side and the other extended outwards, Thor called forth Mjolnir. The wait was too long however, as Naruto extended his hand out to grab ahold of Thor. Lifting him up, Naruto slammed the man in his grasp back towards the ground harshly.

"And I won't let you summon that hammer of yours. I had several clones watching your fight with that machine, so I know a little bit about your powers. Nothing to scoff at. But nothing I can't handle for my beloved Amora."

"Amora?" Thor asked, "You mean Amora the Enchantess? Does she have you in her snare? You must fight it Naruto! She's using you because my brother demands it of her!" The grip around him got tighter as he tried to get his arm loose, "Please Naruto, I need to get back Asgard!"

"-Naruto…please…snap out….of it….you damn…brat." Naruto heard in his head, causing him shake it and hold it as he felt like he was spinning. This slip up of concentration allowed Thor to get his arm loose, once again summoning Mjolnir to him.

Finally, he could see his trusty hammer flying towards him like a speeding bullet. With a clang, Thor's hammer for destroying armies and building kingdoms entered his grasp once again. Raising his hammer up, Thor summoned the element that made him a god on earth. In a flash of light, an arc of lightning cracked down towards him and was absorbed into Mjolnir. Pointing his hammer at Naruto, he fired a beam of the absorbed lightning at the blonde.

The lightning struck Naruto in the chest, the only thing saving him was the cloak around his body. The Shinobi was sent flying from the blast of electric energy, eventually landing on his back in a hard crash. Putting his hand to his forehead, Naruto massaged his scalp as he got up.

Getting up, Naruto was straightened his body from his hunched over position just in time to see the hammer heading towards his temple. The force of Mjolnir nearly splitting his skull caused the ground beneath them to crack and separate. Naruto was on the ground once again. One would think his mind would be even more clouded after getting brained by a war hammer wielded by a Norse god. But no, his mind couldn't be clearer.

"Fucking bitch." He muttered as the cloak around his body disappeared. Getting up, Naruto felt the area he'd been hit feeling a warm liquid running down his temple, "That motherfucking BITCH!" He yelled at the top of his voice. Getting up from the ground, Naruto looked at Thor, "Thanks man, I needed that."

"No shit you fucking idiot. You allowed that woman to enthrall you to her will. You always sucked at illusions but this was just sad," Kurama shouted in his head, "I will admit that the allusion was very powerful, it took a lot from me to get to you. Sadly, this seal doesn't work like Killer B and Gyuki's where they are in perfect sink which allows Gyuki to break any Genjutsu used on his container."

"Yeah, I'll have to work on that." Naruto thought, "I'll have to look at the seal later so that fucking bitch doesn't do this again."

"I'm sorry Naruto my friend, but I must return to my comrades so that Heimdall can return us to Asgard." With that, Thor twirled Mjolnir rapidly before blasting off into the air.

"I'm sorry for tricking you my dear. It was an order from my king."

"Kill her Naruto. I'm not joking. Kill her now. Brutally."

Naruto blitzed towards Amora, grabbing her by the neck as he said, "Why shouldn't I snap your neck right now."

"Because you need me." She choked out.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, "And why exactly do I need you?"

"You need to find a way home. I can help you!" She said as she felt the hand around her neck tighten its hold, causing her to choke out the last of it.

Naruto took a calming breath before letting her go. Amora dropped to her knees, holding her throat as she coughed violently, "I don't need your help, why don't you go back to your king?"

"Because Thor will defeat him, that is inevitable. And when he's gone, I'm next-"

"I DON'T CARE!" Naruto yelled at her, "You used me! You used me to fight a man I've come to respect! I don't like being used, so how do I know you won't use me, or aren't using me now because your king 'demands' it of you."

"Please!" Amora begged, "They'll kill me-"

"If I ever see you again, I will kill you." Seeing that Amora was looking up at him still, he said, "Leave!"

Amora looked down at the ground, her shoulders slumped as she disappeared in a slight flash of energy.

"You should have killed that woman brat."

"I know."


Chapter Complete


Author's Note: So…yeah. Give me your thoughts. I know some of you probably won't like it, and if you do, actually tell me why instead of just saying this chapter sucks and leave it at that. Oh and the Logan movie was freaking amazing, now my second favorite superhero movie right behind The Dark Knight. Whelp, that's pretty much it. REVIEW. FAVORITE. FOLLOW. Let's actually break 200 reviews this time. Pretty please.

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