
Chapter 15: He's Gonna Pay! 1/4

Growth Through Chaos: Chapter 15:

"…He made my Navigator Cry. HE'S GONNA PAY!"

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece.

Enjoy, Read and Review.

Tap…tap…tap….tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap. Naruto stood beside Luffy, cross his arms with one heel taping on the ground, growing with impatience. Most of the Straw Hats stood inside the Doctor's office. Usopp had been treated by Dr. Nato and moved by Gin and Sanji to one of the beds. Waiting for Kakashi's return.

Sasuke had begun to pace, adding to the background noise, while the girls and Dr. Nako were behind a curtain. Nami still wore Luffy's hat and was lying down topless on the bed, her head resting in Nojiko's lap with the doctor stitching up her shoulder. Sakura stood close by holding a medical tray with various instruments, using the purpose of the task to focus past everything she had seen.

As Nami winced at another suture, Nojiko began to murmur encouragement to her in a soft voice, before a new question came to her mind. "Nami? Are you sure these guys can help at all? They are the only chance we've got, but can they actually beat Arlong and his crew?"

"Yes." The sisters turned towards Sakura, who's face had grown hard, focused, with eyes that held only the truth.

"Before we came here; Kakashi-sensei, Naruto, Sasuke-kun and I had to free a village that had been enslaved by a man named Gato. Gato was at least as bad as Arlong, and he hired another really ninja named Zabuza-san to kill someone we needed to protect. Zabuza-san was on Kakashi-sensei's level, but Naruto and Sasuke-kun managed to catch him off-guard and beat his partner, Haku. We freed the entire nation from Gato, together.

"As for the Luffy-san, Usopp-san, and Zoro-san," Sakura looked at Nami, with a pleading glint in her eyes.

"Miss. Nami once described to me how she, and those three saved another village from a dangerous pirate crew before. Right?"

Nami's mouth drew a thin line, nodding at her friend and sister, downcast with guilt.

'Back then, I wanted to run away until Luffy yelled at me about helping my friends. And now here I am, and Usopp got hurt because of problems here in my village.'

"Back at the Baratie," Sakura continued. "Naruto-san, Luffy-san, Sanji-senpai and Gin-san must have defeated another Pirate, Don Krieg, in the battle after we departed from there. Don Krieg had a bounty of 17,000,000 bellies, and over one hundred men under him. Yet they still won, and even got one of Don Krieg's own men to come over to our side. That has got to count for something."

"Of-course it does," Luffy's voice cut through them from outside the curtain.

"Back then, Bastard-Krieg even used poison-gas and tried to kill his own men when I made him mad enough. At the end, none of that bastard's fancy weapons could stop me, and I completely destroyed him. But that was after Naruto got poisoned saving Gin and me."

Even without seeing him, each of the girls could feel the seething rage in Luffy's voice. "Naruto…he got hurt with I wasn't looking. That's why I destroyed Bastard-Krieg." He continued, with a dethatched voice that belied the explosion building within the Straw Hat captain.

A moment of silence followed. Until the tell-tale sound of cracking knuckles, promising imminent pain, brought the wait to an end. "Arlong and his Marine friend have got a lot to pay for. With What happened to Zoro, to Usopp, and especially to Nami! I swear I'll beat the crap outa all of them so, so hard, then send those bastards flying out just like I did to Buggy."

With a flap, the entire curtain was thrown aside by Luffy. Following an outcry from Nami. Sakura and Nojiko quickly became a screen as she slipped a shirt back on. Luffy ignored all of it, and stood before his wounded, near-broken nakama. "Nami. You saw what I did to Red-Nose after he hurt my hat."

"Shanks himself gave me that hat, after he saved my life. But the one thing that matters more than it is my crew," Luffy declared, the blazing passion in his eyes causing the ladies and old man to shake. Nami's trembling hand rose to the keepsake resting on her head, recalling Luffy's words and attitude towards the precious gift.

"I promised Shanks that I'd return the hat to him someday, after I become the King of the Pirates. The problem. I'm a terrible sailor. I definitely can't cook. I don't know how to use swords. I can't even lie." Usopp's cry of indignation went ignored as Luffy continued.

"I'm not a good shot. And my powers aren't as awesome as a ninja's. Without my friends I'd be dead a long time ago. The one thing I can do, is protect my nakama and if any of them get hurt, then I will rip the one who did it apart!"

At this pledge, a sensation of empowerment was creeping into the souls of the crew, Luffy's tone building with each word: "Now, that happened twice in a row, first to Naruto, and now to Zoro, Usopp and Nami!...I…am…beyond…furious!" Luffy's declaration shook to whole house.

Nobody moved, until a clapping-sound came from the doorway.

Kakashi stood there, clapping his hands with a rare look of admiration clear to see. Yosaku and Johnny were beside him, sharing a mood of desperation alongside several minor and moderate wounds.

"Well, spoken, Captain. The town's people are safe now, just outside in the square. I also ran into these two on the way and brought them up to speed. Now—"

"GOOD!" Luffy begin to stomp towards the doorway. "Then let's go. First, we save Zoro, then go beat up Arlong." Sanij, Gin and the Genin began to follow their Captain, until Kakashi's arm. blocked Luffy's path.

"Kakashi! Zoro's in trouble and Arlong's probably laughing right now! We gotta find them now. Move that arm before I throw it away!" the raven-haired teen demanded from him.

"Yeah, Sensei, we've gotta save Zoro, then beat-up this Arlong guy, Believe It!" Naruto exclaimed to support Luffy. Even Sasuke stepped forward to voice his desires.

"We know where they are, and they need to pay for what happened. Right now! What is there to wait for!?" the Uchiha demanded, more impatiently than Naruto.

"Slow down, and plan," Kakashi replied, stopping his Genin and the other occupants inside, immediately. Each felt a new presence from the eldest crewmate among them. They were not dealing with Hakashi Kakashi, the tardy, porn-loving, lazy-ass…

This was someone else…the man who could even fill the Demon of the Mist with terror…Copy-nin Kakashi, ANBU, Jonin, and legend…out to save and avenge a wronged comrade.

"Running about will carry too many risks to be acceptable. What is more, you don't understand the full situation, captain," the ninja responded, as three contrasting eyes met one another: two with burning anger towards one, singular focus; the other a frozen anger with broader awareness

"When I met them, Johnny and Yosaku here informed me that they encountered a group of Fishmen pirates who mentioned Zoro. It devolved into a fight, hence their injured state, after the group insulted their friend, and two of them won, narrowly," Kakashi described.

Everyone else turned towards the beaten-up bounty hunters, who nodded. "Yeah, those bastards were gloating about Zoro getting imprisoned and about to be killed," Yosaku confessed. "We couldn't let them walk away after that, even with Big-sis Nami's problem. Then we came back here to get help and ran into Kakashi and a crowd of people, before talking them into coming back here."

Nami looked over, her eyes falling down until her unhurt shoulder was covered with a familiar hand. Nojiko's eyes carried a clear message: 'stop bemoaning how everything has fallen apart. Appeasing them is not important any longer.' She nodded, which did not go unnoticed from Kakashi.

"First, here are our objectives," Kakashi spoke-up, calling the attention of all assembled.

"Zoro's rescue is the most immediate concern. The Marines are the ones with him and responsible for hurting Usopp and Nojiko. Then, we need to remove Arlong and his crew from this island. I got to Nami's house before the Marine's did and hid her treasure haul away."

Several eyes from wide, with shock and respect. Gin was impressed with Kakashi's capacity for planning and prioritizing, while Sanji shared those sentiments. Nami herself felt a badly-needed wave of relief.

"Nami. Tell me everything you know about the Fishman here, and the Marines," Kakashi requested from her. "On the way here, Zoro, Sasuke, Sakura and I ran into a giant Sea-cow that nearly ate our boat. I beat it and trapped that creature on the bottom of the ocean."

"You fought with Momoo and beat him!" Nami cried with incredulity. Even Dr. Nako and Nojiko were bewildered.

"Momoo? That giant thing had a name?" Sakura questioned her, before giving a shrug. "Uh, probably not important. But yes, Kakashi-sensei used certain water-style jutsu to push that sea-monster back, then trapped him underwater."

"Who, really, seriously!" Naruto exclaimed. "Kakashi-sensei, you beat-up a sea-monster! That's awesome! Hey, Sasuke!?" the spastic, overeager Genin had his collar yanked by Sasuke, who was glaring with impatience for action.

"Yeah, Kakashi did fight and defeat a big one, but stay focused on this fight, dobe," the other Genin demanded from him. "But, if Nami recognized that creature. Then it must have been associated with Arlong. If it didn't encounter Naruto's group, then it must still be trapped down there, and won't participate in this fight."

Nami blinked at the revelation, feeling the enormity of such odds facing the group shrink by a minor degree. Luffy's arms were folded, even more impatient than Sasuke, too focused to share in the excitement. While Kakashi nodded at Sasuke.

"Good awareness, Sasuke. On top of that, Zoro defeated a little under one dozen Fishmen plus one of them who fought using six different swords. Johnny and Yosaku also cut another ten of their numbers down. Nami, how many does that leave us from Arlong's crew and who are the stronger members?"

Those assembled turned towards their navigator. Even Luffy become more focused on Nami instead of rushing off.

"Umm…well, in total there are around 60 members of the crew. Arlong himself is the best fighter out of the crew; aside from his strength and powerful teeth, he also likes to use a giant saw-blade in any fight. Aside from the one who Zoro beat, Hatchan, the other really strong ones are the officers Chew and Kuroobi. One has a long mouth and teal-blue skin, and the other is a manta-ray Fishman with grey skin. Kuroobi is the more dangerous and cautious of the two, with a lot of skill in a martial art called Fishman karate. I never figured-out how it's supposed to work, though. He never trusted me at all and was the most hurtful and despicable after Arlong."

Kakashi nodded, while Sanji's foot began to tap, eager to meet this Kouroobi himself.

"Those who were beaten by Zoro, Johnny and Yosaku may or may not have some capacity to fight by now," the former ANBU captain proceeded.

"The main problem we have, is how once Arlong finds the men that Yosaku and Johnny defeated, he will probably move into the village again to find them. Best case scenario is they ransack the place, worst case, they take hostages or kill a few of your people to send a message."

"We need to keep him, and his crew focused on us to prevent that. But Zoro's rescue can't wait until after an attack on Arlong."

"So, both will need to be done at the same time. Yet, Nami and Usopp are in no condition to fight and our mission is to win without losing any of the civilians here. So, to defeat a crew of perhaps 20 Marines and 40 Fishmen plus three prominent fighters; we only have one rubber man, one cook, one ruthless and honourable outlaw, three Genin-level ninjas, two average bounty-hunters, and me." Kakashi summarized.

Sakura swallowed, fearful of the odds they were up against as her intellect put the pieces together. Naruto and Sasuke were too determined to care, while Sanji lit a fresh cigarette and shared a look with Gin.

"And that's only half of it," the blonde cook spoke-up. "You're right, Kakashi-san. The swordsman, Zoro-san, needs to be rescued as a soon as possible to avoid him ending-up killed. So, we'll need to split up into two groups. One to bring the fight to Arlong, to other to save one of our own. Personally, I think Naruto should come to help us deal with Arlong. Thanks to that cloning-technique he can use, we will be able to even-out their numbers."

Kakashi nodded, while Naruto grinned, a ball of excitement growing in his stomach.

"Slow down a touch, Sanji-san," Gin added. "Naruto's still not all set for a battle. Th' Doctor we met commented that some o'the MH5 poison ain't left his system yet. Tha'll be an issue in a fight th' like of which we're headin' for. Plus, if any o' Arlong's men are outside their base then they'll sure as hell come'ere an' attack the town for payback."

"Good observation Gin-san," Kakashi nodded at their more recent comrade.

"So, we have three roles to fulfill. One group attacks Arlong Park, a second rescues Zoro, and some need to stay within Cocoyoshi Village to protect Nami and Usopp and act as reserves if something unexpected happens," The legendary ninja surmised.

"Well, I know where I'm going," Johnny spoke up, stepping forward to grab everyone's attention. "If big-bro Zoro's in trouble, Yosaku and I are going after him, no matter what. If Sasuke-san comes with us, we can save him quickly then come directly back here to make sure the town stays safe or join the fight at Arlong park."

"Maybe, not." Both of the older friends turned to face Gin, who had a dangerously gleeful look in his eyes.

"Th' two o' you're bounty hunters. A public attack on th' Marines like may take your livelihood away or leave a black-mark agains' anyone you meet from this day on. Don Luffy, I've already got'a bounty on my head, and can take more'an'a few dozen Marines with a good plan," the grin of a demon slipping over his face at the prospect.

"What if Sasuke an' I took care of Zoro then joined you at Arlong Park?" the Man-Demon proposed.

Luffy glanced at him before folding his arms.

"Sounds good. I already promised to fight Arlong and anyone with him. Still, the Marines shot Usopp too, so I owe them one big beat-down," the stubborn youth declared, cracking his knuckles all the while.

"Make sure he hurts a lot, while the rest of us go to Arlong Park. That's all there is, right?" Gin and Sasuke nodded, while the others sweat-dropped at Luffy missing the third and fourth points; protecting the wounded and leaving the civilians out of the fight.

Kakashi of the Sharingan eyed both possibilities, looking around at the group to marshal his own thoughts.

'I want to keep Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke away from the worst of this fight. I have the most fire-power out of everyone here, and Captain Luffy did prove at the Baratie that he is a notable fighter in his own right. The two of us and Sanji are the most skilled here, that I know of, but I can track Zoro by scent faster than anyone else. On the flip side, I've been using shadow-clones all day and that can take its toll, while water-jutsu would likely be a good foil these Fishmen.'

Luffy looked around at his crew. "Okay. So, who here can move the fastest to catch-up with Zoro, and who wants to come with me and beat-up Arlong?"


On the pathway between the villages of the Conomi Islands, a party of fifteen Fishmen were returning to Arlong Park with the coastline nearby. One of the group was laden with a sack filled with bellies, as another glanced at the load with an air of greed and satisfaction.

"I gotta say, it was good everyone in Yabusa Village got the message over what happened to Gosa Village. After we turned that place upside-down as literally as possible, everyone was almost begging to appease us or give even more money for the boss. Good to see the vermin learned their place beneath us so well."

The entire group agreed, beginning to erupt with laughter.

"Yeah, sending the fifteen of us was overkill, but I like the fear that all those humans display whenever we stride in to their homes."

"I haven't heard truer words in decades, Kaneshiro. A good day of…work for…Brothers!"

The Fishman carrying the sack of money dropped his load, before sprinting towards a group of fellow Fishmen beaten and bloodied near the road. The rest looked on in confusion, before joining the other to help their comrades.

"Who did this to all you guys?" one of the crew demanded, while others tried to bind the many wounds any way they could find.

"Uuuuhhhhgggg….some…bounty hunters," a single, wounded Fishman explained.

"The pair were associates of Roronoa Zoro; the guy who beat-up Hatchi. We tried to take their weapons when a single one announced who and what they were. After we mentioned Roronoa Zoro and how he's gonna die, the two of them started a fight with us, then took off running towards Cocoyoshi village."

The Fishman Kaneshiro nodded. Soon the wounded Arlong pirates were good enough to move. Five of the other party began to carry them back towards their home, with the money for Arlong. The remaining ten dove for the water, to reach Cocoyoshi Village by the fastest route and kill any they found until the Bounty hunters were found and executed for defying Arlong's will.

Elsewhere, six people were approaching the gates to Arlong Park, while the Fishmen remained inside, oblivious to the coming assault. From the group two began to stride ahead from the others, one of the pair glancing aside at her companion.

"This is only the first play. Let's hope they accept," her partner gave a reassuring reminder. At their words the girl glanced backwards, to find the others nodding their own consent despite the thrill to get stuck in a fight burning through their blood.

"Ready?" "Yes. For this nightmare to end."

A loud knock rang on the doors, causing the activities inside to pause. Without waiting for an answer, the stone doorway creaked open, with the first party shifting through.

"Swahahaha! So, my pretty little Navigator returns, empty and ready to return to work with her proper sensibilities. And who is this man beside you, Nami?" Arlong proclaimed. Nami herself forced the fresh wave of tears down, refusing to satisfy the monster. Then schooled her featured into focused detachment, while Kakashi stood at her side; glaring at the possessive smugness Arlong carried, alongside his guest.

"AHhh. I recall this man, Arlong. He was apparently entertaining this Nami's sister and was quite helpful to me moments earlier. Though I do not recall finding his name, Uuuhhh-!" Nazumi described, before scampering back under Kakashi's glare.

"Arlong? I am here with a proposition for you," the Jonin announced, as he strode forward, opening one pocket of his flak-jacket to withdraw a pair of storage scrolls.

"Well, let's hear it. What can this human offer to me that is not already within reach?" the Fishman acquiesced. Kakashi made a single hand-sign, resulting in columns of smoke billowing form the scrolls. As it cleared, an enormous collective of treasure was there, sprawling before the eyes of the Fishmen and their snivelling guest. Nazumi nearly squealed at the sight of such treasure while Arlong was gapping in shock. All part of Kakashi's plan, as he locked eyes with Nazumi.

"Arlong," Nami gasped, his fists trembling by her hips. "Here it is, 100,000,000 bellies exact."

Her declaration left the Shark-Fishman struck with dismay and amazement, while Nazumi dashed forward for the treasure.

"Chichichi! Money, mon-" the rat was clothes-lined by Kakashi's arm, then flung back to collide with one of the pillars near the porch.

"This man beside me found this treasure before that rat could take it. Together, with others, I got enough to for our deal. The money's here, with a proposal," Nami declared. As Arlong face morphed into a savage frown. The man's own deck-chair broke under his grip at this turn of events.

"Let's my village be free, and it's yours," Nami pleaded towards him, uncaring for the fear Arlong invoked with her. "That was our agreement, and I have delivered. So—"

"Silence, you sum!" Arlong roared, dashing forward to seize Nami, but halted in his tracks. Looking down, the Fishman felt a trickle of apprehension. The masked figure whom accompanied Nami had planted on hand over Arlong's chest, stopping him dead in his tracks.

"Now. I did not introduce my, Arlong-san," Kakashi gently murmured, barely high enough to be heard.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi. You don't know me, but I have been watching you. Nami has fulfilled your bargain, and that Marine you are allied with needs to die."

"You see, I owe Nami-san one favour. And a crewmate of mine was nearly killed by that rat, and another threated to be placed in the slave-trade. I was present at Nami's home when he arrived looking to seize this treasure and mentioned something about informing Marine HQ about you after taking this loot and pocket a bonus and promotion from your downfall."

"What! Are you being truthful with me!" Arlong demanded, his eyes leaving Nami to focus on the Marine who was just crawling to his feet.

"Hmm. Well, I thank you Kakashi. I wouldn't put it past that self-centred disgusting human. Should that be the case, you may kill him if you wish, once I am finished." Arlong declared, turning about towards the crooked Marine while two of his men grasped Nazumi's arms. Kakashi's smile was hidden behind a mask, while Nami looked on, praying.

"Nazumi!" Arlong bellowed, yanking the Marine off his feet, restoring him to consciousness, and a set of brown stains in his pants. "Our contract has ended!" throwing the man into the pools with a splash. Then the captain turned back towards Nami, eying her and the treasure, before his gut twisted into knots.

'Damn! I was too hasty!' Arlong silently cursed. 'He was my way out of this deal with Nami! With that ended and the full amount right here, right now, I need….'

Kakashi looked on, 'he suddenly became contemplative. I need a distraction.

"Captain Arlong?"

"What?!" the Fishman bellowed, as Kakashi raised both arms to placate him.

"From what I learned from that Marine and Nami-san herself. You made a deal to ensure the freedom of her village for this precise amount of money, correct?" The assembly of pirates nodded, while Nami adopted an air of defeat.

"Well then, I would hate to create such an inconvenience for the owner of the island I am standing on. Did your deal, by chance, specifically determine that she would be released once it was fulfilled, or only her village?"

"What!? K-K-Kakashi-san! You said you would help me!" Nami exclaimed, while Arlong's eyes began to clear, finding the answer he needed. "Now that I think back on it…No. Her concerns were solely towards the freedom of her home. The girl was not added in the finer details. Shwahahahahahahahahaha hahaha" he declared, before seizing Nami by her jacket with one arm.

"I suppose I can let the village go free, as part of our deal. But you. You, my beautiful Nami will stay here until all the end of time! This day is beginning to look up after all! 100,000,000 bellies added to my treasury, the removal of a traitorous bastard, the arrival of a far more amicable acquaintance, and I get to keep my favourite possession-"

BAAAAAMMM! Arlong's celebration was cut short, as part of his front door was struck, with a fresh imprint of a foot set in the metal. Another followed, matching the one that came before.

"Sanji? Weren't we supposed to wait?"

"After what he just said about Nami-swan, I'm not staying still any longer!"

"About time!" a voice outside exclaimed, before the doors were blasted off their hinges, flying open before a pair of arms.

"What! Hhhhh," Kakashi sighed. While the dust settled, four figures stood before the Arlong pirates, ready for a fight. One was dressed in grey clothes with red line designs, with golden tan kin and dark hair surrounded with a grey and blue head-band. He was the only figure clearly armed, with twin tonfas in his hands, and a pistol in his belt. Adjacent to him was very handsomely dressed, bedecked in a suit with handsome blonde hair and a single curling eyebrow. He stood easily; one hand pocketed while another held a cigarette. The centre figure ahead of the others was the youngest, clad in an open, sleeveless red vest and jean shorts that ended at his knees. Steam billowed from his nose, while one foot planted down; a bull preparing to charge.

"Which one of you is Arlong?" the leader demanded, scanning the courtyard.

"Huh! What is going on?" Kuroobi growled. "Another masked man is there, identical to the one talking with the boss!" Sure enough, the last person in the doorway had impossibly wild grey-hair and a face hidden behind a mask, and attire that suggested he was military.

Before Arlong could ask the say question, a sensation of water began trickling over his hand, from Nami. Or, who appeared to be Nami. Once his returned to the one in his grasp, Nami was grinning as she dissolved into water.

"Huh! Wha' the! Sea-water!?" Arlong barely registered what was going on, as the first "Kakashi" suddenly wrapped him in a bear-hug. And exploded with lightning!

"GUHAHAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAHAHOOOWWWWWOOOAAAHHHHH!" The Fishman exclaimed, as lighting continued searing through his body. Smoke and the scent of burnt flesh filled everyone's nostrils. Soaked by the soluble sea-water, the lightning's impact carried substantial damage, while fixing Arlong in the spot. A perfect target.

"Gum-gum:" Luffy's voice rang through the yard, his arms shooting backwards, fixing Arlong with deep loathing. "Bazooka!" Every Fishman's jaw dropped, watching two arms speed forwards and impact Arlong dead in his chest, sending him barrelling through the air and shooting through the opposite wall. Knocking him senseless, for a brief time.

"I don't think that'll every got old," the suave smoker muttered, grinning with satisfaction.

"I have to agree with you on that, Sanji," Gin replied.

Luffy's arms were retracting, before he stood high and turned towards the Kakashi to his left. "How was that?"

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