
Chapter 14: Successful Retrieval, Great Departure 1/2

"SASUKE!" by this point, Naruto was chasing Aoi in the direction he was carrying Sasuke on his back through the woods'Come on come on come on, I'm coming Sasuke so don't you fucking dare die on me!'


Aoi looked at the valley below him as he stood atop one of the heads "The Valley of the End, where the legendary battle between the First Hokage and Madara Uchiha took place. A remarkable sight, but one that must be discarded." then he noticed Sasuke squirming "Finally come to have you?"

Sasuke took a minute to become totally aware again "What the hell happened…? That's right, those Sound freaks and this guy knocked me out. I recognize you now. You're Aoi Rokusho, a former Hidden Leaf jonin. You're wanted for betraying us to join Orochimaru and for stealing a sword belonging to the Second Hokage."

"Very good, and you also know that you're going to be Lord Orochimaru's new vessel."

"How about… F*ck no!" he kicked Aoi under his knees, causing him to fall, then got on top of him and held a kunai to his throat "So you gonna go quietly or do I have to slit your throat and make it back on my own?"

Aoi merely spat blood in his face "You will come to where Lord Orochimaru is."

"How can you feel nothing? Orochimaru killed the Third Hokage and did everything he could to destroy the Leaf, whatever power he's planning to give me isn't worth it if I lose myself."

"You fool!" the mark on Aoi's hand glowed and black marks spread across his hand, his eye turning pure black and yellow "This is the power Lord Orochimaru can give you. Things like comrades and loyalty mean nothing in this world, the only thing that matters to people like us is power. If you insist on being stubborn then I suppose it can't be helped."

"Well if you're not gonna let me go then I'll get out of here with brute force." he formed a hand seal "Release." he suddenly grabbed Aoi by the front of his shirt and slugged him in the gut, sending him into the river 'Even with my Gravity Seals released, I doubt I'd be able to beat this guy with his Curse Mark. The question is, can I occupy him long enough for one of the others to show up?'

"SASUKE!" a voice roared.

Sasuke looked to see Naruto on the head of Hashirama "Naruto!"

"You alright?"

"For now, but the guy that took me has a Curse Mark and he's way stronger than the rest of the lackeys Orochimaru sent to get me."

"Yeah, apparently he's got the Second Hokage's sword."

"I know, I met him once before. He's nothing to scoff at."

"Tatsu said the same thing, let's hurry and take this guy down together.

"Actually, that's the thing. Naruto, this might sound a little selfish, but… I wanna fight him by myself."

"What?! Sasuke it's two against one in favor of us, we've just gotta double-team this ugly son of a bitch and-"


He shut up outright.

"Look, I know teamwork is important, but right now I need to cross this bridge and cross it alone, no matter how dangerous a bridge it turns out to be. If I can't work my way to the other side by myself then I'll just be a kid forever. So as your friend, teammate and comrade, I'm asking you. Please, don't take away my chance to prove that I can do this."

Naruto studied him for a moment 'Sasuke… alright Kurama, what do you say?'

"You know how I feel about the Uchiha clan, but if this runt wants it so bad I say let him do it. Don't forget what Tatsu said, there's a fight to protect one's life and a fight to protect one's pride."

"Sasuke, this is a fight for your pride isn't it?"

Sasuke nodded "It is, if I can't beat this guy then how can I hope to beat Itachi one day?"

'Sasuke… You've really changed since the bell test, and I wanna see just how much. But let me say this, if it looks like you're gonna get killed then I'm gonna step in."

"Only if it looks like I'll be killed. And Naruto? Thank you."

"Just kick his ass." and Naruto leapt back 'Sasuke, you'd better win because I wanna fight you myself.'

"Did you think that would stop me?!" a furious Aoi emerged and charged upwards.

Sasuke was quick to kick him in the face, sending him back into the river "I didn't expect it, but don't think I'm gonna give up."

Aoi emerged and grabbed a kunai, then threw it.

Sasuke dodged it and threw a kunai of his own.

Aoi dodged it and hid behind a rock 'Should I unleash my Curse Mark? No, not yet…'

Sasuke quickly threw two kunai with wire strings attached and tied Aoi to a rock, then formed several hand seals "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" he unleashed an Uchiha fire dragon, the flames igniting the wires and engulfing Aoi within them 'Is that it?'

"You fool!" Aoi suddenly burst into the first level of his Curse Mark, then charged through the flames and slugged Sasuke in the gut "Don't tell me this is all you're capable of, now stop holding back and show me how undeserving of the Uchiha name you truly are." he then pulled out a sword made of lightning and stabbed him with it, before the blade disappeared.

'That must be it, the Raijin Blade! I've got no choice, but it might not be enough.' Sasuke was quick to activate his Sharingan "Lightning Style: Purple Thunder Fist!" he contained the jutsu in his fist.

Aoi used the sword and blocked it with ease "Come now, that's not all to it is there?" the lightning within the blade dissipated the Purple Thunder Fist.

Sasuke was sent staggering back, his hand badly burnt.

"I should've told you, the Raijin Blade can cut through anything. It even cuts through water as if it were chakra. With this blade in my hand I'm unstoppable, I don't even need to unleash my Curse Mark to deal with you. But now, I suppose I should just kill blondie over there and bring you to Lord Orochimaru."

"N-Never…" Sasuke slowly stood up, hurt but still determined.

"Still at it are you? How touching. Defending your friend, looking out for your friend, pathetic nonsense. Only a weakling needs to protect others, trusting them to give him the strength he doesn't have for himself. For a man like that, it's always easiest just to run away like the coward he is."

"You're wrong… my desire to protect isn't my weakness… it's my strength… I will never… let anyone… hurt my friends… that's my nindo… my ninja way!"

"Protecting others? That's the strength of the Uchiha? Pathetic." he raised his sword, but blocked some kunai instead "You're resilient I'll give you that, but it doesn't matter how much you struggle. I'm Aoi Rokusho of the Hidden Sound and I wield the Raijin Blade, you will never defeat me."

"Is that so?" Sasuke's Sharingan flared into life as he gripped his left arm with his right hand, electricity crackling into life in his palm "I've gotta admit it's a perfect combination, the Raijin Blade against my Chidori. Alright then Aoi, let's find out which lightning is stronger! Take this! Chidori!" he finished powering up the Chidori and charged.

Aoi raised the sword and blocked the Chidori, sending Sasuke back.

'Alright, plan B.' Sasuke drew his tanto and charged.

Aoi blocked every strike "It looks like the stories are true. I'd always heard the last of the great Uchiha clan was a hopeless loser unworthy of his family name. I don't know why Lord Orochimaru would want someone like you as his vessel." he hit Sasuke with some of the electricity on the blade, sending him to the ground "Now that he's quieted down, time to focus on blondie over there."

"Take it back…" Sasuke slowly stood up again "Take back what you said…"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm warning you, don't mess with me!" another Chidori appeared in his hand "I am Sasuke… of the Village Hidden in the Leaves… and I am the last… OF THE UCHIHA!" with his pride on the line, Sasuke put as much chakra as he could into his next Chidori and charged.

Aoi was able to block it but just barely, and the clash was followed by a massive burst of lightning. When it dissipated, Aoi rose Sasuke into the air with the electricity from the blade, then threw him off of the Madara statue and into the river below "Well that's no good, if I killed him then Lord Orochimaru will have my head." he leapt down from the cliff in order to track down the body "Now then, where-"

"Right here!" a sharp kick to the face alerted Aoi that Sasuke was alive and well, still with plenty of fight left in him 'Dammit, what am I gonna do? None of my jutsu work against that thing. That doesn't matter now, I'm not gonna give up."

"Still trying to play the defiant one are you? I must give you credit though, most would've been dead once they hit the water."

"Shut up!" Sasuke charged in and kicked Aoi into the air "Lion's Barrage!" and he slammed Aoi to the ground with a vicious combo, before leaping away.

Aoi stood after the combo and spat out some blood "Not a bad move there Uchiha, but it's not gonna help you here."

"Shut up! Chidori!" having used the Lion's Barrage to pin Aoi down for a moment, Sasuke fired up a Chidori and charged.

"It's useless, that jutsu doesn't work on me!" Aoi cut through the Chidori and sent him crashing to the ground with ease "Pathetic, you really are unworthy of the name Uchiha."

"Shut up… shut up…" Sasuke slowly stood 'One more time! Lightning Style: Purple Thunder Fist!" Sasuke fired up a Purple Thunder Fist and charged.

"Fool!" Aoi cut through the blast, the electricity of the blade sending him flying "You still don't get it, you have no chance of winning."

'Dammit, that sword must be unstoppable!' then he noticed something 'Wait a minute… that's it, my earlier rage Chidori must've made a crack in the blade! If I just aim for that, I can beat him?'

"What, you haven't had enough yet? Come on, just give it up already."

"Absolutely not! I'm desperate now, I've gotta pull out a classic. Thanks Iruka, I owe you for this one. Clone Jutsu!" 5 flickering duplicates of Sasuke appeared, the original charing one more Chidori.

"This is bordering on ridiculous, I've always hated people who don't know when they should quit. Besides, I have to get you to the Hidden Sound soon or Lord Orochimaru will have my head."

"This is as far as you go!" two of the Sasuke clones charged in.

'They're not solid clones, they're just illusions. A basic jutsu, he's getting desperate. Enough cheap tricks." he slashed through all the clones, causing them to flicker and fade 'Now where'd the real one go?'

"Up here!"

Aoi looked up to see the real Sasuke charging at him 'Dammit!'

"Purple Chidori!" the attack clashed against the blade, eventually shattering it.


Sasuke wasn't done yet, and quickly struck Aoi in the chest with the attack.

'This can't be happening!' Aoi quickly coughed up blood and collapsed to the ground, not moving.

'Okay, that's done. Alright Naruto, let's head back and-"

Blood suddenly spurted into the air.


"What did you say?" Kakashi's head snapped up "You mean you sent genin after Sasuke?"

"Genin and 3 newly-appointed chunin." Tsunade corrected "And besides, what else could I do? You know the state this village is in right now."

Kakashi merely sighed and hung his head.

"Anyway, I have a contingency plan in place."

Kakashi then turned around and started walking.

"Hey, where are you going? You already have a mission assigned to you."

"I have to go run an errand first. Be back in a bit, don't worry." and he walked out of the room.

"Oh great."


After making his way to the gate, Kakashi cut his thumb and formed a seal "Summoning Jutsu!"

In a puff of smoke, Pakkun and the rest of Kakashi's ninja hounds appeared.

"Okay guys, fan out and start searching for Naruto and Sasuke's scent."

"Did you say Naruto and Sasuke?" asked Pakkun "What's going on? What happened to the two of them?"

"I'll explain later, right now time is of the essence."


"Let me know as soon as you pick up their scent, I'll be there immediately. Alright, scatter!"

They scattered.

Kakashi looked back and saw a concerned looking Kin standing by the gate, then went over to her, put a hand on her shoulder and gave his signature eye smile "I might not know much about you, but I do know that Sasuke's very fond of you. Don't worry, I'll find them and bring them, particularly Sasuke, back to the village in no time. I promise." then he heard a howl from the distance, and he took off.

Kin looked on and watched him disappear from sight 'Thank you… Kakashi…'


Kakashi was making a beeline through the forest as fast as he could "Please don't let me be too late…"


Blood spurted into the air.

Naruto stared in horror 'Sasuke… no…'

Sasuke collapsed to the ground, a gaping wound in the center of his chest 'H-How…'

Aoi stood above him, black markings on his arms and face, appearing as a large beast-like creature, a confident and arrogant smirk plastered across his face "As I said before, this is the power granted to me by Lord Orochimaru. You should feel honored, you'll be the first of my prey I have to use it on."

Sasuke looked up at Aoi as he coughed up blood 'His level of power is unbelievable, not the same level as Itachi but still unbelievable. My skin is crawling.'

"What's the matter, too scared to make a move?"

"Y-You… wish…" Sasuke slowly stood, drew a kunai, and charged.

"You are a fool." he suddenly blitzed behind Sasuke and kicked him into one of the valley walls.

"Sasuke!" Naruto cried.

"If I were you, I'd be more concerned about myself." Aoi suddenly appeared behind him and kicked him in the face, sending him down into the valley below.

Naruto was able to land on his feet right next to Sasuke 'He's so fast, and his attack power is insane.'

"This is the power Lord Orochimaru promised, I've never had to use it before so I wouldn't know. I've become unstoppable, I almost scare myself. Now then, aren't you impressed?"

"Not really!" one of Naruto's Shadow Clones grabbed Aoi from behind "Now! Wind Style: Crimson Wind!" the original fired several sharp slashes of wind.

Aoi suddenly appeared behind the original "You're too slow!" he kicked Naruto into the wall of the cliff.

"Naruto!" Sasuke slowly got back on his feet, despite the fact that he was bleeding out.

"Still willing to fight? You're persistent, I'll give you that." he vanished.

'No, he didn't vanish. He's just moving really fast. He's accelerating and moving into my blindspot. In that case, I've gotta be on guard.' he activated his Sharingan and waited, before he heard something 'There!' he fired a kunai.

"Not quite." Aoi attempted to kick him again.

"Not this time!" Sasuke leapt up onto a cliff wall "Now I've got you! Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" he breathed a large fire dragon.

"No you don't!" Aoi dodged the attack and kicked him back into the river.

Sasuke emerged, still coughing up blood 'Dammit, I can see his movements with my Sharingan but that doesn't get me anywhere if I still can't hit him!'

"It's no trick, I'm not predicting your attacks. You just move so slow it's easy." he kicked Sasuke back onto the other side of the river, then waltzed over "You pathetic runt, this is what you get for defying Lord Orochimaru!" he stomped Sasuke into the ground hard, causing him to scream in pain "Come now, don't give up so quickly."

"Sasuke!" Naruto emerged "Don't you dare lay another hand on him!"

"Stay out of this brat, once the Uchiha is done you're next!"

"No way in hell!" Naruto drew a kunai "If you wanna get to Sasuke then you're gonna have to go through me!"

"Fair enough, then come!" Aoi charged.

Naruto was quick to fire off some shuriken.

"Come now, that's pathetic! You're not even close to matching me!"

"How about this? Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!" the shuriken multiplied.

Aoi was able to dodge about 90% of them, receiving some very shallow cuts, and began choking Naruto with his massive bicep "Fate has made my body into the ultimate weapon, and now you'll experience my new power first hand!"

"What're you talking about? When your power relies on getting it from someone else it's not true power!"

"Like you're one to talk."

'Shut up Kurama!'

"That's so like a Leaf ninja, always acting high and mighty." Aoi tightened his bicep "Go ahead brat, try and beat me using this new power you love so much! You'll never be like me, all your life you've been some pathetic genin who lets that village use you like a pawn! You know nothing of freedom and power, but you'd never reach this level even in a hundred years!" he then elbowed Naruto in the spine, sending him to the ground "This is only the beginning, I'll get even stronger than this. Soon Lord Orochimaru will share his hidden jutsu with me!"

"You don't honestly believe that's going to happen do you?"

"I'm getting tired of you acting like you know everything, I think it's time to finish this." he pulled out a scroll and summoned a giant shuriken "DIE!" and he threw it.

Naruto froze at what he saw next "No…"

Sasuke stood above him, the shuriken imbedded in his back since he took the hit for him "Hey… just like old times… eh, Naruto?" he coughed up blood "Aoi… don't you dare… lay another finger… on my friend…"

Aoi laughed "This is perfect, one brat who's hopelessly outclassed and another who's half-dead already! You should feel honored, you'll be the first to ever witness this form aside from Lord Orochimaru himself." with a might roar, he bulked up, his shirt being ripped to shreds, his skin becoming like that of a tiger "I won't let my guard down again, I'm calling upon every ounce of my strength to crush you brats! Now let's all have some real fun!"


Pakkun looked back and saw Kakashi running "There you are."

Kakashi was quick to catch up with him "You sure it's this way?"

"Yep. We'd better pick up the pace, I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

'Please, just let us make it in time!'


"DIE!" Aoi charged forward.

Naruto dodged it, but was almost blown away by the shockwave 'Dammit, this guy's a f*cking powerhouse! And with Sasuke out cold and dying and everyone else out of it, I'm on my own for this fight!'


Sasuke opened his eyes and found himself in a white void "Where… Where am I? Am I dead?"

"No, not yet at least."

Sasuke looked up to see an electric-blue dragon in front of him "Who are you? Where am I?"

"Calm yourself, you are in no danger. You and I are in a mutual plane of existence, set in between the living world and the one in which I reside, within the blade. I am known to many as Raijin."

Sasuke's eyes shot wide "As in the blade?"

"Correct, young one. I have sensed something in you that I have not sensed in anyone since Tobirama Senju himself: the spirit of thunder, the spirit of one willing to harden his heart to protect something they truly love and cherish. You, Sasuke Uchiha, are the next Thunder Swordsman."

Sasuke was losing patience fast "Look, this is really interesting and all, but I've gotta get back out there or my friend is gonna be slaughtered!"

"Calm yourself, your friend is in no danger at the moment. No time has passed since you came here. Now then, since you have proven yourself worthy, once you grip the handle, the blade's true power will be unleashed. Do you accept?"

"If it means preventing my friend from getting slaughtered then yes, I accept."

"Very well. Use this power wisely, Thunder Swordsman Sasuke Uchiha!"

Then Sasuke saw everything go black.


"DIE!" Aoi kicked Naruto to the ground.

'Dammit!' Naruto mentally swore 'I can't let him take me down like this or Sasuke and the others are screwed!'

"ENOUGH!" a thunderous voice roared.

Aoi looked and saw something that made his eyes bulge out "What?!"

Sasuke stood before him, the Raijin Blade in hand, the blade morphing into an electric-blue katana with a lightning bolt on each side of the blade, and his Sharingan had gone from deep crimson with black tomoe to electric blue with golden tomoe "This ends now. The power of Raijin has made it so much more clear, I feel like a fool for not noticing it before. This brute's raw power has increased beyond anything I've ever seen aside from Itachi, but his movements are getting sluggish and slow.'

"I don't know what happened to you and I don't really care, all I do know is that you're going to die!" Aoi charged and slugged Sasuke in the face "Are you impressed? Do you appreciate the body given to me by Lord Orochimaru? I'll tear you apart with my bare hands!"

Then Sasuke suddenly disappear in a blast of lightning, scorching Aoi's hand severely.


"Are you impressed?"

Aoi turned to see Sasuke standing behind him "How?!"

"A new technique, more efficient than Tatsu or Kakashi's Lightning Style Shadow Clones. I call them Thunder Clones, they're great for escaping and electrocuting enemies. Now then, time for my next new ability. Thunder Style: Lightning Perimeter!"

Aoi looked around and saw 4 lightning bolt-shaped marks surrounding him "What?!" he was suddenly engulfed in a blast of lightning and screamed in pain.

"Time for a Kakashi original. CHIDORI!" he fired off a Chidori, piercing Aoi in the stomach and sending him tumbling back, dead "It's over. Naruto."

"S-Sasuke?" Naruto had been silent the entire time and watching the onslaught, and only now had he finally found his voice "That… was… AWESOME! What the hell was that?!"

"This thing." Sasuke held up his sword "I was unconscious, then the spirit of this sword told me that it would lend me its power in exchange for protecting those I hold dear." he looked up and saw rain coming down "It's over…"

"Naruto. Sasuke."

Both looked up to see Kakashi arrive with Pakkun "Kakashi…"

"Are you two alright?"

"Don't worry sensei, we're fine." Naruto assured him "Sasuke took most of the damage in that fight, and he saw the one who finished that guy off."

"I know, I saw. Sasuke, that was amazing. What was that?"

"The power of the sword." Sasuke held up the blade, then sheathed it "It gave me it's power to protect… now I can-" he stepped forward, then suddenly coughed up blood and collapsed.

"Sasuke!" Naruto quickly caught him "Kakashi-sensei…"

"Hang on." Kakashi took Sasuke into his arms "We've gotta get him back for medical treatment fast, are you good for the trip?"

"No sweat, you know how I am."

"Good, let's move." Kakashi quickly took off, with Naruto following.


On the way back, Dragon met up with them "Kakashi."

"How are they?" asked Kakashi.

"The Medical Corps is picking them up as we speak, emergency treatment was administered on the scene and then they were all immediately transported to the hospital."

"They were all wounded?"

"Yes. Wait, I need to get the report up to date." he pulled out a notepad "Let's see here… Naruto and Shikamaru received only minor injuries. Kiba Inuzuka and Tatsu Kamikaze's injuries are more serious. However, Neji Hyuga, Choji Akimichi and Sasuke Uchiha are all in critical condition. At this point, they could go either way. Sound about right?"

"Yeah, I think so."


The group was soon recovering at the hospital, and Tsunade was hard at work on repairing the effects of the pills Choji took.


Kiba looked on as Akamaru was treated by his sister Hana "Well sis, how is he?"

Hana sighed "Well no long walks for him any time soon that's for sure."

"Can't you do anything for him? You're a vet."

"Not a magician, it takes time. But relax, his life's not in danger."

Kiba suddenly winced from the pain of his wounds.

"No long walk for you anytime soon either."

"I got it, don't worry."


Shizune was in charge of the group healing Neji, using his own hair as a conductor for the process.


Shikamaru sat anxiously outside the room where Choji was being treated 'Choji…'


Shikamaru looked to see Tatsu limping towards him on crutches "Hey."

"No point in making yourself crazy, don't forget our psychological training. With every mission comes sacrifice."

"Training and reality are two different things. I thought I knew about missions, I thought I knew what it meant to be a shinobi. Now after this mission, my first as a squad leader and your second, only one thing's clear. I'm just not cut out to be a shinobi. This mission, I thought all I had to do was depend on everybody else. Some leader, I should've done more but I didn't have the strength. It's all my fault." he started walking away.

Then Tatsu's voice stopped him "So that's it? One bad mission and you're just walking away?"

"You bet I am, standing around arguing isn't my thing. That's something girls like to do."

"Sexism aside, what the hell does that make you? Not a man, that's for sure. The way I see it, you're nothing but a coward. Do you think that if you quit then the missions will stop? Someone has to do it, your comrades will be sent out again on other missions with someone else leading them. They'll face the same risks, and some of them might not make it. Ones you might've saved if you'd been there for them. How will you feel then? You've got a chance to reflect on your mistakes and learn on them, use your failures to become a better leader. You won't help your friends by running away, instead you should be trying to make yourself stronger for their sake so that the next mission goes well and everyone gets back safe. The choice is simple here Shika, you're either a leader or a coward. What's it gonna be?"

Then the light turned off, Tsunade came out, and she smiled "He's gonna be just fine, the antidote worked. The extermination of cells caused by the pill's effects has been rested. I couldn't have done it without your help, the Nara clan's sacred medicine guide was invaluable. The work that went into that manual, the years of research, well it's quite impressive to say the least."

Shikaku nodded from behind a corner "Thank you."

"Lady Tsunade!" then Shizune rushed onto the scene and sighed "Neji Hyuga is safe, his condition has stabilized."

"And what about Hayate-sensei?" asked Tatsu, his less secure side emerging "How was his surgery?"

"His operation was a success, he'll be fine." Tsunade told him "Better than ever in fact, that guide from the Nara clan was what helped me to completely cure his illness. He'll need to recover a few months, but once that's done he'll be back and better than ever."

"There's more milady." Shizune told her "I've just heard that Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha have returned and they've been examined. Naruto's injuries are minor, but Sasuke Uchiha is in critical condition. He needs immediate surgery."

"Right, let's go." and so Tsunade quickly rushed off, with Shizune following.

Tatsu didn't need to see Shikamaru's face to know how he was feeling "Shika, this mission was a success on every note. We got Sasuke back, we offed 6 of Orochimaru's strongest men, and everyone got back alive. That's the most important thing."

"Yeah…" Shikamaru choked out, tears streaming down his face "Next time… the mission will go perfectly…"

"Listen Shika, there's no way to be a perfect leader but there's a million ways to be a great one. I'm sure someone as smart as you will find every single one of them sooner or later."


Naruto sat in his hospital bed, only one thing on his mind 'Sasuke… you'll pull through, I know you will.'


Naruto looked to see a figure enter his room "Hey, uh…"

"Oh for-" the figure held up some bandages to his face.


"Yep, the procedure was a success."

"But wait, you had the scars healed back in Tanzaku."

"I did, but I wanted my eye fixed before I took the bandages off for good."

"Oh. So how's everyone else?"


Ino met up with Kin, Tenten and Hinata at the front desk of the hospital "I was gonna go check up on Choji and see how he's doing."

"I'm gonna check on Neji real quick, Lee should be here before too long." said Tenten.


"I was gonna… go check in on Kiba…" Hinata murmured softly.


"I was gonna go check in on Naruto, and Sasuke if I can." Kin told her, her voice laced with concern.


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