

Gath Rainripper was said as the irregular of this competition. After assassinating a bunch of participants last night, his name also gathered a lot of attention. Now everyone questioned who will be the champion in this competition! The current number of participants dropped to 800. Last night about 50 participants were killed by him.

Another day had passed and another had come. Inside the tunnel, the group continued their search for an exit.

But at this moment, Cinder mumbled some words while walking beside him.

"I taught the beast how to become a monster — I taught the beast how to become a monster….." she mumbled repeatedly with a ghastly face.

The three people with them showed tired faces. They never thought that this guy was so crazy to burn himself in the flame. But what made it more unbelievable, he wasn't even a bit hurt by it. Is he an immortal? They asked in their minds.

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