
Chapter 8: Rewriting The Team

Start of a new Arc. Similar length to the others. I hope you enjoy it. Also, see what I did there with the title?

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or Bleach. Shame, it would be great if I did.

Protector Of The Fairies

Rewriting the Team

Laxus was jumping for joy. Ichigo had to do his best to ignore his actions but it was hard.

He couldn't blame the guy though. He had been nominated for the S-Class Trials after years of work and now he had the chance.

The S Class Trials Fairy Tail ran happened around once a year. No one could take S Class Quests without an S Class Mage and this was the only way to become one, no matter how strong you were. The Master had certain qualities he said he looked for in an S Class Mage which is why he only allowed one person maximum to pass per year, and there wasn't always a winner either. There had been plenty of years previously where no one had managed to pass the trials and over the years, the previous S Class Mages had stepped down, not capable of keeping up with the tough missions anymore.

Gildarts was the only S Class Mage Fairy Tail had left and Laxus seemed determined to change that.

It was almost a given that Laxus would pass to him. He was powerful and while he could act arrogant, the Master knew he was smart. He was capable of any jobs he would end up taking as an S Class Mage.

It had been a surprised when Laxus told him that the S Class Trials required pairs. One of the two was the one who took the exam and would pass while the other assisted them in their tasks. And for this task, he was helping Laxus.

There weren't many people in the running at the moment and there hadn't been for a while. Most of the applicants were people he hadn't interacted with much and were normally some of the newer Mages who wanted the thrill of the harder jobs. And compared to Laxus, they were weak. Things were looking good.

They had both grown stronger over the year. Laxus had started delving more and more into Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic, hoping to master its power and gain control over Dragon Force. Right now, it always caused him to enter a sort of berserker state. While his physical abilities increased dramatically, it wasn't what he was aiming for. One of the greatest powers of lightning was its speed and the berserker state actually slowed him down.

As for himself, he had gotten further and further into Kidou and into mastering that attack he had used during the attack of the Dark Guild.

Ever since his talk with Gildarts, he had felt something inside him. It was like a voice was calling out to him, trying to get him to hear its voice. Sometimes he thought he could hear someone screaming for him only to find no one was there. Other times he would find the voice more like a whisper, trying to tell him something.

If he wasn't a Shinigami, he would have believed he was going insane. The truth was that it was a good sign. When a Shinigami began to hear the voice of someone else inside them, it meant that their Zanpaktou was trying to contact them. He must have done something to make his Zanpaktou approve of him and because of that, it had began to reach out to him.

It seemed like only one thing was missing, and he was sure it was to do with the attack. It always felt like something was missing. Like it was the last hurdle to overcome and then he would be ready to hear his Zanpaktou's name.

As for his Kidou progress, he wanted to get to the point where he never had to kill if he didn't have to. The Council hadn't made any requests like that one since then but if they did, he would refuse them. He wasn't going to kill their enemies. Not again.

So if he couldn't kill them, capturing them was ever more essential. Bakudou Spells were essential, whether it was to restrain the enemy or to hold them back safely. But knowing them wasn't enough either. He had been stuck before when he fought the Dark Guild. He hadn't spent enough time with the Kidou he knew to get them to work without the chant and that had cost him. He could have had the situation over with much quicker if he had fired off a Spell when the leader was distracted.

That had caused him to spend weeks going over the same spell again and again, understanding ever detail he could about it till he could do it without the chant and not lose any power.

Of course, that meant now that the chant version would be dramatically more powerful. He would have to be careful when he used it as he hadn't dared try in the surrounding area. Who knows how much damage it could cause.

Kisuke's words ran in his head from his training. He had always said how Shinigami preferred certain spells over others and now he understood why no Shinigami ever mastered all the Spells available. It wasn't possible. The complexity of each spell was completely different as you got higher up and that meant it became harder and harder to understand.

Kisuke had hinted to him that it would be a bit different for him because of the nature of his power and he was probably right like always. Magical Power was crucial with the higher spells and he had noticed that as he got to higher level spells, they became easier than the ones at lower levels, or at least with control. He had a lot less backfires than before.

They still took forever to learn though, and he doubted they were done either. While Kidou spells were hard to manipulate, it could be done and could result in something completely new. And then there was the whole theory on creating your own Kidou. Kisuke had created a few of his own and he had told him many tales of the Shinigami who had done so. One man had been talented enough to ever create a Kidou that bent time to his will and another for space.

Ichigo left those thoughts for now and focused on others. Speaking of other thoughts, he had wondered quite often why the Council had accepted his refusal for assassination missions so easily. They had explained in great detail why he was crucial as he could kill without their repercussions and then suddenly, they didn't mind if he didn't take those missions.

There had been five more missions from them over the year, each appearing just after a large amount of complaints arrived at the guild. It made things easier to slip away at least as he could tell the Master didn't approve of the missions. He doubted the Master would approve of the darker sides of these missions either.

In fact, the Master had gotten colder to him over the year. Well not so much colder, rather more cautious and guarded. It was like he was trying to reassess him and try to figure out if he was a threat or not.

Each time he returned from a Council mission, he saw the look the Master shot at him when he wasn't looking. It was like he was betraying Fairy Tail by becoming a lapdog of the Council.

It was likely that the Master only acted like this because of the state he returned in after the first mission. The fact that he continued them after something that looked to be a horrific incident must have scared the Master into thinking there was something wrong with him.

If he had been the Master, he would have been interrogating him about why he continued the missions. He would question his sanity and wonder if he had perhaps enjoyed the thrill of taking someone's life.

What thrill though? He may have killed the Dark Guild but he hadn't enjoyed it. They would have done if they were in his place.

Laxus had tried to persuade him to tell the Master why he was taking these jobs and to get the Master to keep the guild under control but he stopped his friend before he could. He understood a bit more about why the Master didn't stop the guild. He didn't like it but he understood. And he was happy to defend the guild without them knowing. He was like their silent protector in a way. Their Ace in the shadows.

The Ace in the shadows. It had a nice ring to it he thought. It would have suited him more though if he still had his old Shihakushou.

He missed that old thing but he hadn't bothered to try and replace it. The thought of wearing it just made him shake in anger and fear. He had been merciless against the Dark Guild, just like a true Shinigami of the afterlife. He didn't want to be like that if he could help it.

So the Shihakushou was gone, or what was left of it was gone. It was almost in pieces anyway so it would have had to go anyway. Repairing it would have involved replacing most of the material so it would have been the same thing as buying a new one.

Ichigo gave a quick glance around the guild. Nothing had changed much, though things were noisier that was for sure. There had been a load of new members joining, some closer to his own age than others.

The Strauss Siblings were an interesting bunch. The oldest was a thirteen year old called Mirajane, and the best word to describe her would be Goth.

He doubted any other word suited her as well as that one did. She had a habit of wearing skimpy clothing, all coloured black with a mix of skulls and demonic features over the outfit. As for her personality, she suited the tomboy stereotype pretty well.

She was loud and temperamental, bad mouthing most of the people in the guild. She was already starting to get a reputation inside and outside the guild as 'The Demon of Fairy Tail'. Strangely, she was the only one who could get a rise out of Erza. Something about her set the girl off and caused the two to constantly break into fights, destroying parts of the guild in the process. And he had such high hopes for Erza too.

Elfman was the second oldest. He was extremely shy and seemed to feel inferior to his siblings despite the encouragements of the people around him. He was a kind person though despite his self esteem problems. He was normally found wearing blue suit that seemed far too smart for a place like Fairy Tail.

Finally you had the youngest of the three. A sweet girl named Lisanna. She seemed to be able to adapt to anyone and you could find it very hard to get annoyed at her.

She had taken to hanging around Natsu a lot and had even helped him raise the egg the boy had found. Apparently it had supposed to have been a Dragon egg but sometime you had to think carefully over Natsu's words. He wasn't the smartest kid after all.

A flying blue cat had hatched from the egg instead, quickly called Happy. It was a strange sight to see as he was sure he hadn't seen any cats that came from eggs after all.

Together, the three siblings formed a three man team. The Take Over Siblings.

Their white hair hadn't been their only common feature. They were all users of Take Over Magic as their team name suggested.

Lisanna used Animal Soul, allowing her to take on the power of many different animals. She could even manage a full transformation of the ones she knew so far, which her brother was really jealous of.

He could understand why Elfman was jealous. He was the only one of his siblings who couldn't do a full Take Over but he had nothing to be ashamed of in his opinion. Elfman's Beast Soul normally got its power from monsters and other beasts and hence was a lot tougher to master than Animal Soul. He would get it eventually he believed.

Mirajane though had taken on one of the toughest Take Over types around. Satan Soul. She had only one form so far but she could fully transform into it. The Demon must have been weak or had already been defeated because at her current level, she shouldn't have been able to defeat the Demon without any Magic involved. It was a strong one. Not at one of Zeref's level Demons but it was still powerful, and it was bound to get stronger as time went by.

The team of the siblings was effective though and it was rare to see a team of Mages with the same Magic. When that happened, it normally did result in a strong team.

They weren't the only new team around. Shadow Gear was created not long after consisting of the other three new members.

The first of the three was Droy who had the top of his black hair shaped into the sprouting leaves of a plant. Going by the odd hairstyle, it was safe to assume his Magic revolved around plants somehow.

The second was a hyperactive kid called Jet. The kid had orange hair that rivalled his own and was constantly moving about from one foot to another, unable to stay still. He was fast though when he used Magic, which was to be expected when from a High Speed Magic user.

The last of the new members to join was a younger blue haired girl called Levy, about three years younger than him. That made her Lisanna's age if he was correct.

Despite being invited into Shadow Gear, he could tell she didn't feel comfortable in the group. One of the boys had wanted her there simply to get a group of three that wasn't all male and the other thought she was weak.

It was easy to see why they thought so. The girl had picked an interesting type of Magic known as Solid Script. Letter Magic were some of the most complex Magic that existed. It was hard to grasp for many and it relied more on your imagination and mind than any others did, even Molding Magic.

It could take a lot of work to even master and it was hard to use in combat until you reached a decent stage, but Levy seemed to be capable of that from the look of it. She could already create a few words without any problems and if you could create one, you could create any. It all depended on how you wanted to use that word.

A simple word like fire could cause fire to be launched at the enemy but it could also be used to provide a constant light source. It was all about your mind and what the word was meaning to you at the time.

He doubted the team had been on many tough missions yet and that was why they still thought she was weak. They would change their minds soon enough but Levy seemed to be having her self esteem drop from their constant presence.

Ichigo sighed. Should he interfere? It wasn't good if she crawled too far into her shell. She had a lot of potential as a Mage after all.

"Hey Laxus. When's the exam again?"

Laxus looked towards him. "In about a week. Annoying though as we can't go on any tough missions in that time in case we get injured."

"That's good." Ichigo pushed up out of his seat and go to his feet. "I'll grab an easier one then. We're taking a third person with us today."

"Wait-" Laxus blinked before chasing after him. "What do you mean a third person?"

Ichigo glanced at his friend from the corner of his eye as he scanned the mission board. "What do you think I meant? You helped me get settled into the guild on my first job. I'm repaying that favour by helping the newer generation."

Laxus say his eyes glance towards Levy. "The blue haired girl? But she's so weak."

"For now." Ichigo grabbed a simple mission and began to walk towards Levy. "Wasn't everyone weak at one stage though?"

Laxus looked like he wanted to say more but Ichigo reached Levy before he could. The blue haired girl looked up from her book at him in confusion.

"Um…" The girl blushed from nervousness at the two towering over her. "Hello…"

"You haven't done a proper mission yet have you?"

"No," the girl squeaked out.

Ichigo dropped the request next to her to let her look at it. "We're heading out for an easy one today. You're coming alone too."

"Me?" The blue haired girl shook her head quickly. "But I'm not strong enough and I'll get you in trouble and-"

"Some battle experience will fix that right up," interrupted Ichigo. "Best way to get stronger? Fight a whole load of enemies."

Levy still seemed unsure, causing Ichigo to resort to other ideas to persuade her.

"You like books right?"

The girl nodded.

"Good then." Ichigo pointed at the reward. "Look at all this money. You could spend the entire thing on books if you wanted. All you need to do is join us."

That was all it took for the girl's willpower to disappear. The moment he finished the sentence, she was already up and waiting for them by the door.

"Let's go."

Protector Of The Fairies

"How far are we?"

"How should I know?"

"You have the map."

"You gave me the wrong map."

"It was perfectly fine when we left."

"There's a freaking desert on this map. All I see is snow."

"Maybe it's a snowy desert?"

Ichigo opened his mouth to utter a retort when he realised that what the man had said could actually be possible. Magic did strange things sometimes.

This mission had taken them near the edge of Mt Hakobe so it wasn't that far from Magnolia. The problems had occurred when they tried to follow the wrong map and then try and look for the right mountain. All the request had said was to get rid of a group of Vulcans based at the edge of a mountain. Now if they had said which mountain, it may have gone smoother. How hard was it to say 'The mountain on the far left' or 'The mountain by the forest'? Anything to narrow the results down.

So now they had to spend way too much time in the snow as they checked each mountain one by one. Then they went and lost count and forgot which mountains they had checked and ended up walking around in circles.

Levy seemed to be relaxing more in the atmosphere, occasionally laughing at him and Laxus as they once again tried to blame the other for the misfortune.

In the end, they just hoped the Vulcans would appear themselves. They had made enough noise for them to hear them and now they just had to wait hopefully.

He wondered what the Vulcans had done or had planned to do but knowing their nature, it could be bad. Vulcans were pests, using Take Over Magic to steal the bodies of humans to prolong their life and to cause more havoc. The best way to get rid of them was to beat them into the ground and hope their latest host hadn't been absorbed for too long. If they were lucky, the Vulcan would disappear and the human form would reappear.

"How many are there anyway?" asked Levy, shivering from the cold. They really should have brought warmer clothing before they left.

"I think about seven," answered Laxus. "Vulcans are dangerous in a big group but this isn't enough to cause any big problems."

"Laxus is right." Ichigo shifted his sword slightly on his shoulder as he kept an eye out for Vulcans. "Me and Laxus can handle three each and we're leave one for you to fight against. Better to get a grip on fighting one first of all before you move up to a group on your own."

Levy nodded quickly. There was no way she wanted to fight more than one Vulcan at this stage. They were said to be tough creatures and were best left to groups as it reduced the danger if you were taken over.

Laxus suddenly froze, sniffing the air. "Something's nearby."

Ichigo raised an eyebrow at his statement. "How do you know?"

"That little gift of mine doesn't just alter my ability to fight."

"Ah." So that was what it was. Natsu had always seemed to have a good sense of smell and now that Laxus was practicing more with Dragon Slayer Magic, it seemed he was gaining that sense of smell too.

Ichigo slowly raised his hand to the hilt of his sword, his feet moving into a stance. Laxus did the same, sparks of lightning flickering over his body.

Then the Vulcans appeared. Two jumped out of the snow straight at Ichigo while another two intercepted Laxus from above, their physical strength allowing them to jump quite high.

A fifth one shot out from behind them, making a beeline for Levy.

Ichigo didn't have time to work out where the other two Vulcans were. "Pick your targets." They just had to fight now.

As one Vulcan went to punch him, he brought out his sword and blocked the strike, sending the Vulcan back with a powerful kick. Spinning, his sword was raised high and fired off a crescent blast of energy at the second Vulcan. It exploded against the Vulcan and brought him down to one knee.

Before he could take advantage of the Vulcan's weakness, the first Vulcan charged back at him, forcing him away from his brethren.

They were too close to each other now though.

He quickly generated yellow light into his palm and drew a large triangle in front of him, the three corners glowing brightly with large crackling spheres slowly changing to form beaks aimed at the Vulcans.

"Bakudou Number 30: Shitotsu Sansen."

The three beaks fired at the Vulcans, two of them connecting with one of them while the third connected with the other. They were both sent flying back and crashed into the rocks behind them, the Bakudou holding them in place.

Ichigo wasn't done though as he raised his sword horizontally in front of him. Another yellow orb of energy was generated in front of him before it expanded along the blade itself.

"Hadou Number 32: Oukasen."

The yellow energy blasted outwards towards the Vulcans. With the Bakudou still holding strong, they were unable to move and were subsequently taken out in the blast. As the energy from the attack cleared, you could see the human forms of the Take Over victims.

Two down and done relatively quickly. He wondered how Laxus and Levy were getting on.

Laxus swiftly dodged the two Vulcans attacking him before activating what Ichigo recognised as Laxus's Lightning Form. He shot straight past the two Vulcans and danced between their strikes, causing a few of them to hit each other.

That distraction was all Laxus needed to get bored with playing with them. From his hand fired small spheres of lightning at the Vulcans, bombarding them with the lightning strikes. While they were trying to block all the attacks, Laxus was already behind them and launched two simultaneous strikes at the Vulcans, bringing both down to the ground.

Like with Ichigo's opponents, the Vulcans slowly shifted back to reveal the humans underneath. It definitely looked like they had been recently absorbed though some may have been close to the point of no return as they looked incredibly weak.

Levy, despite her troubles, was managing to at least hold her ground. She was mixing between using the word 'Guard' to block the Vulcan's attacks and the word 'Fire' to burn the Vulcan.

The Vulcan was having a hard time it seemed but Levy looked to be running out of steam. She must have been using far too much Magic when she used the word 'Guard' because she desperately didn't want to get hurt and she obviously wasn't completely set on harming the creature so 'Fire' was less effective than it could be.

He wouldn't interfere in the girl's fight though unless she was in serious danger. She needed to do this alone or she would never progress further. Being forced to not even beat the one assigned to her would crush her self esteem no matter what they tried.

The Vulcan suddenly raised both fists and slammed them down as the newest 'Guard' appeared, finally breaking the word barrier. It shot forward in an attempt to grab the girl only to fall into the ground.

Levy smiled as she kicked a bit of the snow by her feet away. Underneath the snow, you could just about see the outline of a letter.

"Solid Script: Hole."

"Finish the Vulcan off Levy."

The girl nodded before she waved her hand out. Above the 'Hole' appeared the word 'Rock', before the word fell down straight onto the Vulcan's head, knocking the creature out.

They could see from here that there was no chance to the Vulcan though. It seemed it was too late for the poor soul that Vulcan had absorbed. There was only so long the original form of the human was retained before the Vulcan completely destroyed it, and it seems for this one that had already happened.

Still, this was only five. The request said about seeing seven so where were the other two?

"Laxus. Levy. Stay on guard. Something's still coming. I'm sure of it."

Their cautiousness was rewarded when another Vulcan appeared straight in front of them and launched an attack on him and Laxus. Still, they were still missing one more. Where was it?

Then suddenly, he felt everything freeze as he took in the silhouette of the final Vulcan above them nearer Levy. A massive boulder had already left its hands and was rolling down at them.

It was already too close. They should have noticed it but something like that wasn't a threat for him and Laxus. They either could dodge or even shatter the boulder when it reached them so that was never a danger normally.

But Levy was far too close to the line of fire and she hadn't noticed. Add on that she was low on Magic and she wouldn't be able to cast a Spell strong enough to stop the boulder. She wouldn't be fast enough to dodge either and he wouldn't be able to pull her out of the way in time.

Laxus was fast enough but he hadn't noticed it seemed, too absorbed in fighting the Vulcan. There was no time to shout out to him and to save Levy from being crushed by the rolling boulder.

Kidou still would take too long to cast, even if it would travel fast enough. Only that energy attack from his sword had a chance but it wouldn't be able to cut a boulder like that one. The attack wasn't strong enough, or at least not yet.

"Who says it can't."

That voice. He had heard it many times over the year. Could this mean…

"Did you know that an attack is far more powerful when you know its name than when you do not?"

Those words were familiar. It was like he already knew this and was remembering it for the first time in a long while.

"You know the name Ichigo. Tell me the name of this attack, and I will tell you mine."

Ichigo had already managed to pull back from the Vulcan, the others just noticed the danger Levy was in. The fear was evident on her face, yet he felt calm as he raised his sword. Almost at peace.

With one swing, he shouted just two words.

"Getsuga Tenshou!"

He hadn't completely known what to expect. The form he had been using without the technique's name had never been that big. It was just a wave of energy.

This one though was different. The energy flowing off it was massive and it cut through the boulder like it was nothing. Even the ground had been destroyed, a large crevice in a line following behind the attack. Knowing the attack's name really did change the power behind it.

Laxus took advantage of the Vulcan's surprise and took them both out as Ichigo stared at the attack. Getsuga Tenshou. Nice name for a Spell. And very destructive too. He would have to be careful not to use this too close to residential areas. The amount of damage this thing caused would really not help the guild in the future.

"Very good Ichigo. Now then, I believe I promised you my name. Listen carefully. My name is…" The voice paused, causing Ichigo to grow tense in anticipation. It seemed like his Zanpaktou wanted to be dramatic about it.


Protector Of The Fairies

"Did you see me?" asked Levy for the third time. "I can't believe I did it. I actually won. It was just…"

"Amazing," answered Ichigo for her, ruffling the girl's hair to her annoyance.

Levy pouted at his actions. "Yeah."

"It's a nice feeling isn't it?" Levy glanced up at Laxus who was looking at her with an inkling of respect. "You did good kid."

That made Levy smiled ever more. How often did he hear Laxus praise other people apart from them? Not very much. To acknowledge her potential was a surprise in itself.

Levy had done better than he had expected. To have hidden the word 'Hole' under the snow and to catch the Vulcan in it was smart. Now all she had to do was continue progressing with her Magic. Maybe she could find a focus for her Magic to amply its strength or something to apply the words to. He doubted the words had to be as big as they were most of the time so it made sense that she would be able to adjust the size with practice. 'Hole' could be far bigger to trap enemies easily while something like 'Guard' could be shrunk to a more manageable size.

If she applied the 'Guard' word to her clothes for instance, she could properly create a defensive armour for herself. Or maybe another word would be better. It would require Levy to experiment a lot with what worked best.

Still, he was kind of envious of Shadow Gear. They had a great talent on their team and yet they didn't even realise her potential.

If they didn't recognise it, he guessed that meant he was perfectly within his rights to steal her from the two boys.

"Hey Levy." The girl snapped her head round to look up at him. "How about you join our team? Become a part of Team Fairy with me and Laxus."

A subtle glance to the side showed that Laxus wasn't opposed to the idea. Levy really did a good job at impressing him.

"I…" Levy looked like she wanted to say yes but something was stopping her. He had a good idea of what.

"You don't want to abandon your old team."

"It wouldn't be right," she said sadly.

"I see." He wasn't giving up though. "Then be a part of both."

"Huh?" A pair of eyes widen at his words in confusion.

"I said you can be a part of both teams. By all means, continue doing missions with Jet and Droy. But join us for training and the tougher missions."

"But I-"

"You're stronger than you think Levy, and right now you will be stuck until the others catch up. If you went on the kind of mission you went on today with Jet and Droy, they wouldn't survive, and you might not have either without us. But with us, you can grow stronger instead of waiting for them to catch up."

Laxus nodded his agreement. "Ichigo's right. You've got talent, and I would hate to see it wasted. If you can do something, aim for the top with it, and don't stop for anything."

"So..." Ichigo looked at Levy expectantly. "Are you in?"

Levy looked at her feet for a moment so it was impossible to see what was going through her mind. Then she suddenly shot her head back up and nodded with enthusiasm.

"I'll join."

"Good news." Ichigo looked over to Laxus. "That brings our numbers up to three."

"Welcome to the group Levy. Just make sure not to annoy this idiot when he's practicing or he'll blow a hole in the wall."

"Hey. That was one time. I haven't done that since."

"Say that to the forest."

"Say that again. I dare you."

Levy laughed at the two boys arguing. She could tell she was going to enjoy being a part of Team Fairy. "I still get the reward don't I?"

"Oh yeah." Ichigo grabbed the reward they had received and chucked it at her. "Spend it wisely."

The girl nodded. He just wished he had realised the problems this would have caused in advance. It would save some headaches in the future.

For now, things were good. Laxus had his S Class Trial in a few days and he would ensure the guy passed, no matter what. He would make sure Levy realised her full potential with her Magic, and he would finally get to see his Zanpaktou's released form.

Zangetsu. He liked that name. He wondered what the spirit of his sword looked like. He would find out in time though, he was sure of that. He had finally learned the technique's name and was getting strong enough to protect the people around him.

Yes, things were good. He hoped things would stay like this forever as they approached the guild. Team Fairy without a care in the world. Of course, all good things eventually would end. If not now, then later. For now though, he would enjoy this time. He wasn't ever going to forget it.

Protector Of The Fairies

And that was chapter 8 done. You got to see Levy here about when she joined. I don't think Jet and Droy would have immediately known what she was capable of and checking one of the side episodes, we can see that they picked her to get three people.

You got a glimpse of Writing Magic for Levy in the future as well today. It's a bit based of Freed in how he cast 'Wings' and 'Darkness' on himself. We shouldn't see that kind of stuff from Levy though as that language seemed dedicated for battle while Solid Script is more of a support/multiuse Magic. Should be interesting to see in the future though.

Zangetsu has shown up it seems. Keep tuned for more with him. With Laxus's S Class Trials next chapter, we have some good stuff ahead of us. And as for Ichigo needing to know the attack's name first before he could learn Zangetsu's name, it was something I decided to change for this story. A trial he needed to learn as we have seen Isshin using Getsuga Tenshou while his Zanpaktou has been in its sealed form.

Has anyone ever wondered how Mira got that first Take Over? It can't just be me. Lisanna's are easier because she needs to overcome animal minds. Elfman has more resistance with beast minds. But Mirajane? She has a powerful Demon. How did she even get that or overcome that mind?

Did people like the use of Kidou here? I'm a fan of Oukasen and you'll see that popping up more in the future.

Ichigo isn't taking those kinds of missions from the Council like the first one now of his own will. The Council has allowed him this freedom and you can probably guess why. Why does Makarov still look at Ichigo suspiciously though? You will have to wait and see. Not as much dark stuff here for a few chapters though. I guess you could say this is the calm before the storm. The time of happiness which you never want to end.

Anyway, till the next time. I've been Takei. Thanks for reading.

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