

Yoruichi couldn't resist a double-take. "Wait a sec, wasn't he the guy who you said was the Uchiha Clan's greatest opponent on the Council? Why would he back the prodigy of a clan that he so deeply distrusted?

"A good question," said Itachi, "and one that I should've started asking myself far sooner than I did. It wasn't until years later that I finally figured it out. Even when I was only ten years old, perhaps earlier, even… he saw what I could become if pushed in the right direction. His insight would be crucial to his ultimate plan… and the Uchiha Clan would pay dearly for not recognizing it sooner."

He paused for a few moments, clearly needing to organize his thoughts before continuing. Yoruichi could only wonder what was next, but if the haunted look in his eyes was any indication, she doubted it was anything good.

"Things… changed considerably after the Chūnin Exams," he continued, "My time with Team 2 was over, meaning the old squad leader could no longer hold me back. Every new mission I went on was a chance to unleash the full spectrum of my abilities. My proficiency with the Sharingan continued to grow as well. When I wasn't on missions, I was usually training. Sasuke had grown considerably, so I even spent some time training with him, although not usually teaching him directly; I simply let him observe my practice sessions."

A bittersweet smile then appeared on his face. "Some time, but… not nearly enough. I should've given him so much more. He looked up to me… idolized me, even. More than anything else, I wanted to change the Shinobi World so that it would be a safer place for my younger brother. That desire drove me to redouble my efforts, but in doing so, I wound up becoming distant from the Uchiha Clan as a whole. The same went for my immediate family… and even Sasuke. I… I wish it had been otherwise."

Yoruichi could understand family troubles; with a Great Noble House like her own, there was always drama to go around in one form or another. What Itachi was describing was something different, though. It was much darker than anything she'd seen in her family, and from the way he was talking about it and how it clung to him like a shadow it was clear to her that it had ended very badly. She still didn't have the key details on what was likely the catastrophic moment that it had all fallen apart, but Yoruichi could tell that Itachi was building up to that.

"My ascension to the rank of Chūnin was no small matter as far as the clan was concerned," said Itachi, "In better times, it would've been something the clan could point to as yet another symbol of their proud service to the Leaf Village. Given just how sour the clan's feelings had become, though, they saw my promotion as something they could use to further their own ends. The further I climbed, the greater access I could potentially have to village leaders and secrets. In short, they saw me as a tool, a weapon to be used against the village in service of restoring the clan to glory."

The tension in his figure told Yoruichi all she needed to know about how that made Itachi feel. "They had no idea, did they? They didn't understand just how opposed you were to what they wanted to do."

Itachi shook his head. "No… they did not. I sent them signals, but their growing bitterness towards the village and their inflated sense of pride in the clan blinded them. They thought since I was an Uchiha I was automatically on their side. None of them save Shisui had a clue as to my true feelings… and he shared my sentiments. Ironic, really; we were the two rising stars of the Uchiha, yet both of us were firmly against the ambitions of the clan."

"I bet that came around to bite them in the ass," said Yoruichi.

It had been meant as a fun little quip, a way to bring some levity to a heavy conversation, but the dark look in Itachi's eyes told her that she'd seriously miscalculated. "It did… in the worst way possible."

He sighed. "It was around this time that talk within the clan had shifted, and they began making explicit preparations for the coup. Timetables, selecting key personnel and infrastructure to target, how to maintain order after seizing power… all those crucial details and more. They were still a few years away from putting the plan into action, but Shisui and I knew that the village was running out of time. During that same time period, the clan also began to debate my career trajectory. With my promotion to Chūnin, many wanted me to be officially assigned to the Military Police Force; they believed that such a move would improve the standing of the Uchiha within the village, especially given the accolades and prestige my performance in the exams had garnered. My father had other plans, though."

"What did he have in mind?" asked Yoruichi.

"He wanted me to join the Anbu Black Ops," Itachi replied, "This was initially… ill-received by the rest of the clan. Many believed that the Anbu had begun to encroach on the Military Police Force's jurisdiction when it came to maintaining public safety within the village, and it was an open secret that they were monitoring the Uchiha Clan compound. My father sought to turn the tables by making me the Uchiha's eyes and ears within the Anbu. If he had taken my concerns about the clan's trajectory more seriously, he might've realized that sending me to the Anbu was the worst possible move he could make."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed as a crucial piece fell into place. "You became a double agent. They thought you were their man inside the Anbu, but in reality, it was the other way around; you were the Anbu's man inside the Uchiha Clan."

Itachi nodded. "Yes… and the seeds for that move had been planted years ago. Ironically enough, it was my own father that had sown them. Remember what I told you about his decision to take me to that battlefield when I was a child?"

Yoruichi grimaced as she worked to tamp down a fresh wave of fury at Itachi's father. "Oh, yes… I won't be forgetting that anytime soon."

"An interesting choice of words," said Itachi, "I didn't forget either, and never will. My father significantly underestimated the consequences of his actions that day. That exposure to the horrors of war had informed much of my outlook on life since then, and I was determined to be a Shinobi that brought about peace rather than conflict. It was because of that view that I could see the consequences of a potential coup when the rest of the clan could not. The Uchiha believed that they would be restored to their former glory, but they were blinded by arrogance and resentment. All I had to do was look at the past to know where things would go. A coup would lead to civil war… and that would bring in outside intervention from other nations. In short, the Uchiha Clan was setting itself up to be the catalyst for another Shinobi World War. I refused to let the clan's bitterness and pride become the spark for another massive conflict."

Yoruichi smiled. "You were willing to look past the clan and to the good of not just the village, but the rest of the world. Itachi… you were really one hell of a kid!"

Itachi shook his head. "Hardly. I could have all the high-minded ideals in the world, but that would mean nothing if I couldn't figure out how to actually stop the clan from continuing down this destructive path. I could wrack my brain for weeks on end and not come up with a solution. All the while, the clan would continue to flesh out its plans for the coup. I was eleven years old and racing against the clock… and I was losing."

"Going into the Anbu would've helped though, right?" asked Yoruichi, "I mean, you'd have access to village resources and could make your concerns known to the rulers. You could warn them about what was coming and help them prepare, even convince them to take steps to head things off."

"It wasn't quite that simple," Itachi countered, "A good portion of the Leaf Village Council was opposed to my entry to the Anbu simply on account of me being an Uchiha. I don't know the Third Hokage's thoughts, but I suspect my young age might've made him hesitant to sign off. Danzō was another matter, though; just like with the Chūnin Exams, I eventually found out that he was all for me joining the Anbu Black Ops… almost enthusiastic about it, actually. That should've set of some serious alarm bells, but I was so focused on the clan that I didn't put it all together until it was too late."

Yoruichi shook her head. "I think you're being a bit too hard on yourself. The mess you were in was one that no one your age should've been forced to deal with. From what you've told me so far, it sounds like you handled things remarkably well given the circumstances."

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again sorrow and shame were readily apparent. "Once you've heard the rest… well, you'll probably want to revise that sentiment."

Yoruichi didn't like the sound of that. The story was already dicey; just how much worse could things get?

That's a question you really should know better than to ask by now, the spirit of her Zanpakutō chided her, You're the Captain of Squad Two; a big part of your job is planning for the worst-case scenario, remember? There are plenty of ways that this little tale can escalate, especially given what you've learned so far.

Good point.

"My entry into the Anbu wasn't set in stone," Itachi continued, "As a test, I was tasked with eliminating a senior Jōnin who was leaking information to another village. The Shinobi in question was quite skilled, so I was allowed to call in some assistance for the assignment. I chose Shisui, both for his skills and the fact that he was one of my few fellow Uchiha that shared my sentiments regarding what the clan was planning. It was tricky, but we managed to accomplish our mission. In the process, though, I learned something about Shisui; his Sharingan had evolved far beyond mine. In fact, it was no longer the regular version; it was the Mangekyou Sharingan."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Mangekyou Sharingan? Sorry, I'm afraid you lost me there."

Itachi bowed his head. "My apologies. The Mangekyou Sharingan is an advanced version of the Sharingan, one that's very rare in the Uchiha Clan. It manifests itself when the bearer of the Sharingan undergoes an intense emotional trauma, one much more severe than what caused the initial awakening of the Sharingan. In most cases, its appearance is triggered by the Uchiha in question witnessing the death of someone very close to them. The Mangekyou retains the same black and red coloration of the regular Sharingan, but with a twist; the three black tomoe merge together into an intricate pattern that typically resembles a pinwheel, with each Uchiha to unlock the Mangekyou getting a unique version."

Yoruichi nodded. "Sounds pretty to look at, but I'm guessing that it's more than simple ornamentation. So, what's this bad boy do?"

"Think of it as the Sharingan on steroids," Itachi answered, "It supercharges the basic Sharingan's abilities while also granting formidable new powers to the user. While there are three main powers that all wielders of the Mangekyou can use, each Uchiha in question also gain access to variations of these abilities that are unique to the specific user."

"All right, I think I'm following so far," said Yoruichi, "What are these three powers?"

"The first is Amaterasu, the pinnacle of all Shinobi Fire Style ninjutsu," Itachi replied, "These are the black flames of Hell, hotter than the sun itself, and capable of burning anything the user focuses on. They can last for seven days and seven nights, unable to be extinguished by anything other than the wielder's will. The second ability is Tsukuyomi, the most powerful form of genjutsu in existence. The illusions the wielder can conjure and ensnare their opponents in illusions more comprehensive and elaborate than any other in the world; every aspect of their visual perception can be manipulated to incredible effect. The last is known as Susanoo, a giant spectral warrior that requires the power of both eyes to be summoned. This is the strongest of the Mangekyou Sharingan's abilities in direct combat, capable of both protecting the wielder and utterly devastating entire armies when developed to its full potential."

Yoruichi's eyes widened. "Damn… a set of powers like that could give even a Captain a run for their money!"

Itachi nodded. "Those abilities are very formidable, but there are drawbacks to using them. They each require a substantial amount of chakra to use, to the point that repeated utilization in rapid succession will eventually cause the wielder's Sharingan to deactivate, and they will be unable to call upon it until they've been able to rest up and restore their energy. There is also a more insidious long-term cost; use of the Mangekyou over the years will eventually cause the Uchiha to lose their eyesight, and this deterioration in vision will only be accelerated the more frequently they use the Mangekyou's abilities. That's why it's best used as a weapon of last resort… although its great power makes it tempting for Uchiha to call upon it far more often that they should."

"No kidding," said Yoruichi, "So, Shisui had these crazy eyes, huh? How far along was he to going blind?"

"I never asked," Itachi admitted, "Based on my observations of him, though, I think he barely suffered any visual impairment, if at all. This wasn't surprising; he was only a few years older than me back then, and his Mangekyou was a recent acquisition. Besides, with his level of skill, he could be pressed considerably before he would have to call upon its power. When he did, though… well, it was impressive, to put it mildly. One ability in particular was… exquisite."

"What was that?" asked Yoruichi.

"Kotoamatsukami," said Itachi, in a tone that struck Yoruichi as close to hushed awe, "An ability unique to Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan. Related to Tsukuyomi, it was essentially a form of extremely subtle mind-control. All Shisui needed was just the briefest instant to get someone in his field of vision, and he could enter their minds, influencing their very thoughts. What made it truly devious was that he could implant false experiences and convince his targets to take actions that they believed were entirely of their own free will. It was a masterwork of genjutsu, with the victims being entirely unaware of ever being ensnared in the first place."

Yoruichi shuddered. "Look, don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds pretty damn scary. I mean, Shisui's a good guy and a great subordinate, so I can definitely think of worse people to have a power like that. Still… it's rather unnerving."

"I can understand that sentiment," Itachi replied, "A genjutsu like that can be easily abused. It's fortunate that Shisui was the one who had that ability. Of all the members of the Uchiha Clan, he's one of the few that could've been trusted to use such a power responsibly. He understood the ethical quandaries behind it and appreciated the moral dilemma an ability like that posed."

"You said he's regained the Sharingan," said Yoruichi, "Does that mean he's also regained Kotoamatsukami?"

Itachi shook his head. "Shisui has regained the Sharingan, but not the Mangekyou, so Kotoamatsukami is lost. If he acquires the Mangekyou again, then perhaps Kotoamatsukami will return as well. It's difficult to say for sure; I don't know if him being a soul now instead of a human living in the Shinobi World will affect the powers of his Mangekyou Sharingan should he regain it. Perhaps his unique abilities, Kotoamatsukami included, will return to him. It's also entirely possible that acquiring the Mangekyou Sharingan as a soul means that the user gains different abilities than what they had in life. This is all uncharted territory, really."

Yoruichi nodded. "I see. Well, either way, I can definitely understand how such a power would've been useful to him as a Shinobi. That would be an ability with a wide set of applications, both combat and espionage-related."

"That's putting it mildly," said Itachi, "As the clan made further preparations for the coup, Shisui came to believe that Kotoamatsukami could be used to stop them. His idea was to use it on my father and the main ringleaders of the coup to convince them to back down. It was a plan that he was initially hesitant to put into action; he wasn't exactly thrilled about subverting the free will of his fellow Uchiha. The further along things got, though, the more it started to seem like the best option for averting an uprising and civil war."

Yoruichi's brow furrowed as she considered it all. "Well, I can certainly see the merits of a plan like that. Still… how did you feel about it? I mean, this was your father that you guys were talking about here, after all. Even if the two of you didn't see eye-to-eye anymore and you wanted to stop the coup, you had to have had some doubts about placing him under a spell like that."

Itachi nodded. "It's true that I did have some reservations, but… well, the situation was becoming desperate. The more time that passed, the greater the bitterness and resentment that was already consuming the clan would become. The ones pressing for the coup would become more anxious and demand that the timetable be stepped up, or that they be more violent in their seizure of power. We were running out of time, and Kotoamatsukami began to look like our best option. Yes, we'd be overriding my father's free will, along with that of the most fervent backers of the coup, but we would be able to stop them with no bloodshed. With the way things were deteriorating, Kotoamatsukami appeared to be the only non-violent solution."

"What about the Third Hokage and the village council?" asked Yoruichi, "You were a double agent inside the clan, so your superiors in the Shinobi hierarchy would've been receiving reports from you. They would've been aware of what the situation was becoming. Didn't they try to come up with a plan to do something about it?"

"The council was split," Itachi replied, "The Third Hokage favored mediation, believing that the village and the Uchiha Clan could come to a negotiated settlement that would quell tensions and satisfy both parties. On the opposite end of the spectrum was Danzō, and he was hardly a believer in a diplomatic solution. He felt that firm and decisive action was the only way to resolve the crisis. The impasse meant that no major action could be taken… and all the while, the clan continued its plotting."

Yoruichi shook her head. "If the village leadership was paralyzed, then they'd only yield the initiative to the coup plotters. Something would've had to give, otherwise they'd lose everything. They had to realize that."

"Eventually, they did," said Itachi, "The council knew that Shisui was just as much against the clan's desire for a coup as I was, and they were also aware of what he wanted to achieve via Kotoamatsukami. The Third Hokage finally gave his blessing, but Danzō had become determined to sabotage that plan; he believed it was just a temporary measure and sought a more… permanent solution."

The emphasis Itachi had put on 'permanent' sent a chill down Yoruichi's spine. She could sense the climax approaching, and as all the pieces began to come together the full picture was slowly dawning on her.

No… let him finish. Don't jump to conclusions. He's come this far; hear him out to the very end.

"As the clan made their plans, so did we," said Itachi, "Shisui had decided to ensnare my father during an upcoming meeting at the Nakano Shrine. He'd convince him to call off the coup and return to the negotiation table. Danzō somehow caught wind, and he reacted swiftly. He staged an ambush… and took Shisui's right eye."

Yoruichi's eyes widened. "What? How did he pull that off?"

"He knew what Shisui was capable of and planned accordingly," Itachi answered, "His trap wasn't perfect, though; I'm sure he meant to actually kill Shisui, not simply take his right eye. Shisui was able to escape, but he knew he didn't have much time. After all, now that Danzō had played his hand, he couldn't let Shisui live. So, Shisui sought me out. I was waiting for him in the woods near a ravine, the Naka River flowing below…"

His tone became softer, barely more than a whisper, as he continued. "He'd originally wanted to meet me there in order to finalize the plan to ensnare my father and get him to pull the rest of the clan back from staging the coup. We were on the verge of putting an end to it all right then and there. However, with only his left eye, he now lacked the power to pull it off. He came up with a contingency on the fly… one that I wish he hadn't."

"What happened?" asked Yoruichi, almost afraid to know the answer.

"The Sharingan is a valuable commodity," said Itachi, "A Mangekyou Sharingan is rarer still… and one with Kotoamatsukami is priceless. Shisui knew that Danzō would try to claim his left eye as well, and he was determined not to let that happen. At the same time, though, despite Danzō's betrayal Shisui still wanted to save the village from the Uchiha Clan's coup attempt. However, since he felt he no longer had the power to do that, he wanted to make sure that I would be able to act in his place when the time came…"

For a moment, his voice caught in his throat. There was a slight tremor in his hands… no, his whole body. That was when Yoruichi came to a startling realization.

Itachi was on the verge of tears.

Not knowing what else to do, she reached out and put her had on his shoulder. "Hey… do you need a break? If you want a few minutes… I don't mind."

Itachi shook his head. "No… you need to hear the rest of it… sooner rather than later. Let's keep going."

Yoruichi could do little else but nod; if he was determined to press on, it wasn't her place to stop him. "All right. Still… if you want a breather, just tell me."

"I appreciate that," said Itachi.

He took a moment to clear his throat and take a deep breath before continuing. "There we were, an eleven-year-old and a fourteen-year-old with the fate of not just the village but the Shinobi World on our shoulders… and we had lost our only means to preserve the peace without violence. The Uchiha Clan and the village were racing down the path to full-blown civil war, with the coup plotters on one side and Hidden Leaf hardliners led by Danzō on the other. Shisui and I were caught in the middle… and he saw only one way forward. Standing right there in front of me… he ripped out his left eye and gave it to me."

Try as she might, Yoruichi could not keep her jaw from dropping. "He did what?"

Itachi sighed. "I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it's the truth. Kotoamatsukami's full power could only be achieved with both eyes acting in concert, but even with a single eye the genjutsu was still formidable. Shisui had decided to entrust me with that eye, confident that I would find a use for it down the line and could keep it out of Danzō's reach. That wasn't enough, though; he knew that I would need greater power if I was to stop the clan and protect the village. I would need the Mangekyou Sharingan… and there was one surefire way he knew of that would let me unlock it. He stepped to the edge of the ravine… and I knew what he wanted me to do. I placed my hands on his back… and he said that he was counting on me to handle the rest. Those were his last words before he plunged into the Naka River below… where his life ended."

He then looked down in shame and sorrow, leaving Yoruichi to process what she'd just been told. What could she do? Itachi's guilt and remorse were clear as day, and she felt powerless to help him. In his eyes, he'd killed his best friend, although Yoruichi saw it as assisted suicide. She doubted that distinction would make Itachi feel any better about it, though.

When they met again on that joint operation we had with Squad Ten… I was so damn blind, she thought bitterly, I had no idea what had happened between them in their previous lives. Yeah, I know it's not supposed to matter to us in the Soul Society, but that kind of trauma… of course that would transcend death. After the mission was over, when Itachi and the other students went back to the Academy… I should've given Shisui leave so he could spend some time with him.

From what she'd seen of Itachi and Shisui's interactions, it seemed clear enough that the latter didn't hold anything against the former regarding the manner of his death. Everything Itachi had told her indicated that Shisui had not only accepted his death but made the most of it, turning it to Itachi's benefit and trying to make sure that his friend would have a chance to succeed where he had failed. It was all too obvious to her just how torn up about Itachi remained, though…

…and she had a feeling that wasn't the only deep wound on his psyche.

His story's still not over. They say the night's darkest before the dawn, but…

…it feels like we've yet to hit midnight in this tale of his.

The silence probably only lasted a few seconds, but it felt much longer. Yoruichi was honestly amazed that Itachi was still able to continue, and that he hadn't needed more time to catch his breath. His resilience was nothing short of remarkable, but she had a feeling that it had to be buckling under the strain.

"Given that Shisui was one of the clan's rising stars, word of his death naturally spread quickly," said Itachi, "Shisui had planned for this and instructed me to leave a suicide note. Thanks to the Sharingan, I could perfectly copy his handwriting, and since I knew Shisui so well it wasn't hard to make the words appropriate for him. To an outsider, the wording would've been vague, but to anyone familiar with the internal strife gripping the clan it was crystal clear; a plea from him to his fellow Uchiha to abandon the coup and reconcile with the village. At least, it was clear to me, but… others didn't see it that way."

There was fresh tension in his frame, not from remorse and sorrow, but something new. It took Yoruichi a moment to realize what the source was.


"A few members of the clan showed me the note," he continued, a bitter edge creeping into his voice, "They'd opened a murder investigation… and I was the prime suspect."

"Itachi…" she said softly.

What else could she say? It was clear that the clan had suspected malice on Itachi's part, but there was so much more to it. However, given the circumstances, Yoruichi doubted that he would've been able to say anything regarding the truth of the matter without jeopardizing his position as the sole remaining Leaf Village spy within the Uchiha Clan. Being suspected of his best friend's murder without being able to explain what had really happened must've ripped him apart inside.

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment, taking another deep breath to calm himself before pressing on. "Recently, I had become more open in my opposition to the path the clan was taking. Those who were pushing for the coup didn't understand it, though. They simply thought that I considered myself to be above them all purely because of how powerful I'd become at such a young age. None of them could see past their own pride and suspicion or the collective arrogance of the clan. They couldn't take a step back to see the big picture, to realize that the road they were going down was one that could only end in war. By the same token, none of them could so much as comprehend the notion that Shisui was anything other than fully devoted to the clan. The idea that he might be opposed to the coup and had been about to take action to stop it completely eluded them. Likewise, the thought that he had manipulated the manner of his death in order to give me the power to act in his stead never occurred to them. The words in the suicide note that I'd hoped would at least reach some of them fell on deaf ears. To have them so badly misread the situation, to be unable to look past their petty ambition and hatred was bad enough, but for them to do so while I was still privately mourning Shisui's death… it was too much."

He clenched his fists, and despite his best efforts to keep his voice level Yoruichi would've had to be blind and deaf to miss the strain. "I called them out. On their cowardice, their arrogance, their lust for power… and their complete inability to recognize what was staring them right in the face. The fact that the ones who had approached me and announced the investigation were also the primary advocates of the coup made it all the harder to hold myself back. I attacked them. I didn't inflict any serious injuries, but… well, I knew right then and there that none of them were a match for me. It was the first time I'd tested my skills against them, and even if it wasn't a serious fight, I found their abilities to be wanting. In that moment, I was tempted to strike for real… to cut the heart out of the coup in one fell swoop… and to show them just how badly they had underestimated me."

Itachi looked down at his hands, slowly unclenching the fists he'd made as he tried to reassert control over his emotions. "My father intervened… unknowingly saving their lives in the process. It provided a moment's respite, but still… I didn't have complete mastery over myself. Part of me still wanted to attack… and that wasn't helped when I saw him pull the conspirators back to there feet. Perhaps he didn't intend it this way, but I saw it as a declaration of solidarity. In my eyes, he was telling me that he was fully behind the coup plotters now. There they stood… those responsible for bringing the clan to the brink… those who wanted to push it over the edge… those who were so blinded by their resentment and suspicion of the village that they stood on the precipice of igniting a war that would drown the world in blood. They all had the Sharingan, but I had the Mangekyou, and none of them knew it. None of them comprehended the peril they were in at that moment."

The implied threat was all too clear, but Yoruichi couldn't bring herself to ask if he'd acted on it. She could hardly bring herself to speak at all; she was absolutely riveted to her companion's tale, absorbing and analyzing it as quickly as he spoke.

It's not every day a young man comes along with a story like this to tell…

"I was on the precipice," said Itachi, "So close to stepping over the edge… and then I heard Sasuke cry out. I'd become so focused on the confrontation that I hadn't even noticed my little brother at the edge… and just how frightened he had become. In that moment, I pulled myself back… I couldn't bring myself to strike in front of him. In truth, I was horrified that he'd heard as much as he had. The hostility with the village, the preparations for the coup; I wanted to keep all of that away from him. He was still so young, had only just entered the Academy… I wanted to protect him from the darkness swirling around him. No matter what else happened, I refused to let Sasuke get dragged into the conflict between the Uchiha Clan and the village. Was it realistic to expect that I could keep him out of it forever? In hindsight, of course not."

Yet you still tried, thought Yoruichi with a sad smile, Itachi… you really loved your little brother. Being the older sibling's never easy… I know that from experience.

She kept her mind from slipping towards her own family and bringing it up now with her companion; it was hardly the time or the place. Itachi's family and past were why the two of them were here today, not her own.

Itachi sighed. "If there was a moment where the coup plotters could've taken me, that was it. They certainly wanted to… in fact, they were itching to arrest me right then and there. My father forced them to back down. His stated reasoning was that since I was a member of the Anbu Black Ops the clan couldn't arrest me through the Military Police Force. He ordered me inside the compound immediately afterwards. I think it was finally starting to dawn on him that I wasn't exactly onboard with what the clan was planning, and he was hoping to bring me around to his side."

Yoruichi shook her head. "That ship sailed the moment he brought you to that battlefield when you were a kid. If he was half as smart as you, he would've recognized that."

"It wasn't a matter of intelligence, but of insight and worldview," Itachi replied, "My father was the head of the clan, so his thinking was always along the lines of trying to improve the lot of the Uchiha. While he may have ultimately allowed the coup plotters to dictate his path forward, he did act somewhat as a force for caution. Without him, they probably would've put their plan into motion much sooner. They needed his backing to keep the rest of the clan on side, but at the same time he felt that he couldn't outright oppose them due to fearing a split in the clan."

"A split had already occurred, though," Yoruichi pointed out, "It just wasn't the one he had expected."

Itachi nodded. "True enough. As it turned out, I later learned that it was more than just the caution of my father and his desire to seize power with minimal bloodshed that restrained the coup plotters in their action, though. Shisui had actually been an integral part of their plan. In particular, they'd been counting on him to abduct the Third Hokage. Leaving aside his opposition to the coup itself, his death meant that those pushing for the coup now had to figure out another way to pull it off. That bought time for the village, and for me… if only it had been used more wisely."

She patiently waited a few seconds for him to organize his thoughts before he continued. "Shisui's death marked a turning point in the crisis. The bitterness and suspicion of the clan had become full blown hatred and paranoia, and these readily manifested themselves at the hidden meetings. To say the atmosphere there was heated would be a considerable understatement. I began making my opposition to the planned coup more open, and this naturally drew unfavorable attention my way. I had to be mindful of myself; my position as a spy would be rendered moot if I got myself kicked out of the clan meetings. Still, it was only a matter of time before my presence there would be unwanted and I'd be banned altogether. The only other Uchiha Shinobi in those meetings who sided with me was Izumi."

He paused for a moment, his expression one of subdued melancholy. "Izumi… she knew that the clan was beginning to hate me for my opposition, yet she believed in what I said. She wanted me to keep saying what I said in those meetings despite the fierce blowback my words received. She was terrified of what was happening and new that showing any sort of support for me would draw condemnation, but still… she was willing to accept their scorn for siding with me."

"Brave girl," said Yoruichi, studying Itachi carefully, "Standing up to bullies at school, then her own clan… to have that kind of courage at such a young age is really something special."

Itachi surprised her with a bittersweet smile. "Something special… I suppose that's as good a way as any to describe her. I think she would've liked you, Yoruichi."

Yoruichi smiled in return, hoping to provide at least some small measure of encouragement. "I bet the feeling would be mutual."

"I'd certainly hope so," said Itachi, "For all her bravery, though, she didn't know how to stop the clan other than rely on me. She was still a Genin and only had experience with typical Genin-level missions. The harsh world of espionage, infiltration and politics was foreign to her, and despite having the Sharingan she was still a long way away from being given assignments that would've provided her with experience in the sort of affairs that the Uchiha Clan and the village were entangled with. I couldn't bring her into my efforts to stop them… no, that's not quite right. I could've brought her into my confidence, but I was afraid. I didn't want her to get hurt, and after Shisui's passing I felt that I had to shoulder the burden of challenging the clan on my own. Looking back, that was a mistake."

"You were trying to protect someone dear to you," Yoruichi countered, "You recognized that she'd be out of her depth in the kind of cloak-and-dagger situation you were in and kept her out of it for her safety."

Itachi shook his head. "I might've acted with that intent, but I was a fool. She was in danger no matter what I did… the entire clan was. My activities in the Anbu Black Ops began to shift when I turned twelve. I was promoted to team leader, although the 'team' in question only existed on paper. In reality, it was just something devised to allow me greater freedom of movement. I was given a few Shinobi, but they didn't really answer to me. Their loyalty belonged to the man who had set up the 'team' in the first place; Danzō."

Yoruichi's brow furrowed. "The hardliner on the council… and the one who attacked Shisui."

"Exactly," Itachi replied, "Needless to say, I wasn't exactly happy with the arrangement. I was now operating under the man whose attack had led to Shisui's death. Danzō at the very least must've suspected that Shisui had told me what had happened before his death, although he didn't have any proof. He likely also believed there was the possibility that I had Shisui's remaining eye hidden away. I'm sure he knew the risks of bringing me into his operations; after all, Shisui's death was all the reason I'd need to turn against him. However, he'd been working towards this moment for years, and he wasn't about to let it slip through his fingers."

Yoruichi's eyes widened ever so slightly as she came to a realization. "Getting you into the Chūnin Exams, then the Anbu… that whole time, he was trying to turn you into a weapon he could use against the Uchiha Clan!"

Itachi nodded. "Precisely. It had taken patience and persistence, but after all those years he finally had me right where he wanted me. He'd been watching me since the Academy, and even back then had likely realized the potential benefit he'd reap if he could properly manipulate me. As much as I hate to admit it, he'd read the situation perfectly; the animosity I held against him was outweighed by my desire to preserve the peace, meaning I wasn't in a position to strike back at him. Things were rapidly coming to a head. The coup wasn't a matter of if, only when… and the 'when' was on the horizon."

"How much time was left?" asked Yoruichi.

"Not nearly enough," Itachi answered bitterly, "and what little there was passed all too quickly. Before I knew it, I was thirteen… and the coup was suddenly mere weeks away. Surveillance over the Uchiha Clan compound had increased, and despite our efforts I'm sure my father and the rest of the clan leadership could sense our watchful gaze. At the same time, tension on the village council had reached a boiling point. The Third Hokage still advocated for diplomacy, but he was only now truly taking the matter seriously… and it was already too late. Battle lines had been drawn while Sarutobi dithered… and all the time Shisui's death had bought had been wasted."

Yoruichi's breath caught in her chest as she realized this was it. Everything Itachi had told her was in preparation for this exact moment; his tone was all she needed to know that they were about to cross the point of no return.

"The Third Hokage had already lost," Itachi continued, "The rest of the council had shifted towards Danzō's line of thinking, and he fully capitalized on it. He wanted to strike first, and he had the perfect weapon to do it; me."

"What did he want you to do?" asked Yoruichi nervously, her voice so soft it was barely more than a whisper.

Itachi looked away for a moment and took a deep breath. When he met Yoruichi's gaze again, the darkness in his eyes was impossible to miss.

"Danzō had seen the Uchiha Clan as a threat to the underlying stability of the village long before talks of a coup had begun," he said, "I think he believed that founding the village in cooperation with the Uchiha was a mistake. For him, the clan was an internal threat that had to be dealt with once and for all. That was always his wish; the impending coup simply gave him pretext. Danzō… wanted the Uchiha exterminated."

Given her dark complexion, it was a considerable feat for anyone or anything to make Yoruichi's face pale, yet she was sure that was exactly what she felt happening as Itachi's words sunk in. "He wanted you to kill your own clan?"

"Yes," Itachi replied, his voice almost a hoarse whisper.

A poignant silence hung in the air between them. For her part, Yoruichi was caught completely off-guard. She'd figured that whatever was haunting Itachi was pretty severe, but she'd had no idea that it was this bad.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally found herself capable of giving voice to her tangled thoughts. "Why… why you? You were already spying on your family; that would've been hard enough to bear. How could he demand that you… kill them?"

"I'm sure part of him appreciated the irony of pitting an Uchiha prodigy against the clan," Itachi answered, "but there was more to it than that. The Hidden Leaf Village was composed of many Shinobi clans, with the Senju and the Uchiha merely being the most prominent among them. If the village leadership implemented a purge of one clan because of a threat, real or perceived, other clans would become suspicious and resentful, fearing that they could be next in line. It could even inspire an uprising, replacing the threat of the Uchiha with a rebellion from multiple clans. However, if a clan was wiped out by one of its own, one that the village leadership could then paint as a disturbed individual, an isolated and deranged genius…"

If Yoruichi had been angry at Itachi's father for brining him to a battlefield at the tender age of four, then that paled in comparison to the sheer rage she now felt burning in her chest. What Itachi was describing, what Danzō had set the young man up for… it was cruelty the likes of which she had never seen before. If the Leaf Village hardliner had been standing before her right now, Yoruichi would've torn him apart limb from limb.

That son of a bitch, she silently fumed as she worked to keep her fury from spilling out into the open, Danzō… I swear, if you somehow find your way to the Soul Society instead of the deepest pits of Hell when you die, and our paths cross… death will be a mercy compared to what I'll do to you!

If Itachi detected any trace of her anger, he gave no sign of it. Even in the midst of delving into such harsh memories, his level of self-control was remarkable. Yes, cracks in his veneer had appeared as the conversation had continued, but overall, he'd demonstrated a tremendous amount of fortitude.

Fortitude that he paid a high price to achieve…

She could do little more than listen raptly as he pressed onward. "In what felt like no time at all, I was delivering a report to the council; the clan was just ten days away from launching the coup. When the session was over, I met privately with Danzō. That was where he sprung his trap. He knew that he couldn't simply order me to attack the clan and expect me to blindly obey, so he issued an ultimatum. If the Uchiha Clan launched their coup and I sided with them, the entire clan would be exterminated. The fighting between the clan and the rest of the village would surely draw in other nations, and a new Shinobi World War would begin. The village would show no mercy; every last Uchiha would be killed… even children like my little brother, who had no knowledge of what the clan was planning. However…"

He had to stop and clear his throat, and once again Yoruichi saw a slight tremor pass through his body. Between that, the tension in his jawline, his slight shallowness of breath, the narrowing of his eyes in a silent war to keep his emotions in check, the signs were all too clear; he was nearing the breaking point. Part of her wanted to stop him, but the other half wanted him to keep going.

The choice is his alone. It's not my place to interfere.

Somehow managing to reassert control and steel himself, Itachi continued. "If I struck first… annihilated the clan on behalf of the village… I would be allowed to spare Sasuke. Murder the clan… the rest of my family… so that my little brother could live. Civil war and extermination, or a purge with just a single survivor… those were the options. I… I couldn't decide at that moment, so I left the meeting."

"What… did you do?" asked Yoruichi, unable to conceal her apprehension.

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