
Chapter 34: S2-E10: Stern Stag and Young Wolf

Chapter Thirty-Three: Stern Stag and Young Wolf

Forward: Editing and proof reading done by Rainsfere.

Geralt looked over his silver blade, having just finished cleaning and sharpening the weapon, maintaining it despite it's lack of use. He wanted all his gear to be in top condition today since they were about to arrive at White Harbor. On the top deck he could hear the crew busy guiding the Fury towards the harbor. Beyond the noises on the ship, he could hear the many bells of the port city ringing, announcing King Stannis' arrival.

"A momentous day for sure." He muttered to himself as he sheathed his sword and stood up, slinging it across his back before adding the steel sword with it. He made sure to pull out the white wolf cloak as well, both because of the cooler air and the occasion involved. Leaving his cabin, Geralt could see the rest of his companions having finished preparing themselves for the day as everyone was gathering in the mess hall.

He quickly picked out Arya, Sansa and Barristan among the group, approaching them first. Barristan dressed in his usual mix of plain cloth and armor, preferring practicality over formal clothing. Then again the Witcher doubted the man had packed anything else even after his stay on Dragonstone.

Sansa had chosen a fine black and silver trim dress, fitting for the formal gathering that was to take place and in the mourning respect to her father. Arya also had a gown, which she shuffled slightly in annoyance, having become so used to her Witcher styled outfit and boys clothing. Her favored armor and Needle were bundled up in her arms, which she held closely to her chest.

"Doing alright you two?" Geralt asked the Stark sisters, both giving quick nods to him.

"I'm happy that I'll get to see Robb again, though I'm nervous to be meeting all the other Lords of the North as well." Sansa quietly answered. "I need to do my part to convince them that Stannis is a good man to ally with and ensure a better future for our kingdom."

"Even if one House can be swayed by your words would be considered beneficial to the cause Lady Sansa." Barristan assured her, making a small welcomed smile cross her lips.

"And what about you Arya? I know you don't like wearing a dress, but this is an important occasion." Geralt asked the younger Stark.

"I know and I promise I will behave." She quickly replied back. "Just…I heard the others talking about a…service being held for father later tonight. I heard they can't have it at the Godswood though."

"Why is that?"

"Because the only Godswood is within the Wolf's Den, an ancient fortress turned prison. While Eddard followed the Old Gods, a prison isn't a suitable place to mourn for him." Barristan explained. "I may not understand the beliefs of the Northerners, but I feel it is a shame."

"That is kind of you Ser." Sansa thanked, nodding respectfully to the old knight.

"I'm sure both of you will have a few words about him when that time comes." Geralt kindly stated. "Anyway, I want to check up with the others before we dock. I'll see you all soon."

Giving parting nods, Geralt moved along down the Mess Hall to where his companions were. Thoros, Beric and Syrio were grouped together with the loyalists from King's Landing, all seeming to be in a serious discussion. When they noticed the Witcher approaching, they quieted down as friendly smiles and respectful nods were given.

"Heh, about time you came to see us. You've been keeping to yourself ever since the pirates." Thoros remarked.

"Just wanted a little privacy. Between the alliance meeting and war plans, I doubt I'll have much time to be by myself."

Beric nodded in understanding. "He has a point Red Priest. Everyone at this gathering will be vying for the Witcher's attention." Pausing for a moment, he continued to speak. "That said, we do have a small matter to discuss about what we plan to do afterwards. We've all agreed that we plan to stay with Lord Robb to matter the outcome of the meeting."

"How come? You after all support Stannis' right to the Iron Throne."

"True, yet I still feel obligated to serve Lord Robb because my promises to Eddard. If conflict somehow breaks out between the young Stark and the King, I will place myself on a neutral role."

"And what about you Thoros?" Geralt then questioned.

"Heh, you remember what I've said Witcher. I plan to go where you go. Besides the fact that all the best fights happen wherever you go, we make an unstoppable team after what we pulled off a few nights back." The priest laughed out. "Besides I owe you again considering. Wasn't for you, I'd be at the bottom of the Narrow Sea if you didn't catch me."

"I say we're even after how much you've been watching my back." He chuckled back, the others laughing a bit in agreement. "I'll admit I'm not sure what path I'll take after tonight, but I won't refuse your company. Besides, I bet you'll just follow me no matter what I say."

"Hah! Damn right I will." Thoros boasted out before giving a firm pat on the Witcher's shoulder.

Syrio smirked a bit at the Red Priest's boastfulness. "While I do support Stannis's cause, I still feel I'd be out of place fighting on the battlefield and offer little in politics." He remarked. "I am set to returning home to pursue other matters."

Geralt remembered well his request to the duelist to go to Essos and search for Ciri. He could tell the man was set on that promise from the focused look he gave the Witcher. It be a long undertaking, though Geralt knew the Braavosi was the best suited for his adopted daughter. Before any more banter could be shared, the ringing of the deck bells could be heard above along with a sailor yelling out.


With the notice given, everyone in the Mess Hall was quick to file up the stairs to the deck itself, eager to see the Northern Port city. From Geralt's knowledge it was the fifth biggest city in Westeros and the largest within the North. Indeed it was quite a fair looking port city, it's smooth stone buildings and clear cobbled streets all made up of fine white stone. Plenty of small ships were sailing about, being directed by harbor men to ensure the Fury had a clear route for the warship to dock. The most interesting landmark leading into the harbor itself was a massive rock that had the top half chiseled to be a mix of a watch and signaling station. All along the rough edge were countless seals, the creatures yarping and bellowing as the ship drifted by. Arya and Sansa couldn't help but giggle as the creatures milled about or drifted curiously by the ship.

With the Fury nearing the main pier, a large stone walkway set in the middle of the docks, everyone could see a large party waiting for them. Stark bannermen were at the ready, holding up banners of the snarling direwolf. Alongside it there were other banners for other major Houses of the North, a show of just how much support Robb had. Much like why Stannis brought the Fury as a show of his personal strength, the sizable procession of soldiers was Robb's in show of power. Geralt knew that the young Warden of the North needed to impress the aspiring king and ensure fair terms were set between them.

The crew on the ship and workers on the docks worked together to have the Fury come to a stop and get it tied up to the stone pier. By this point Geralt saw Stannis walk down from the wheel with Davos close beside him. Stannis continued with his choice of practical noble garb, sticking with the usual choice of gray, black and silver colors. Davos at least had picked out finer clothes for the day, though suitable for his role as captain. Melisandre be waiting by where the gangplank is being lowered, the red-haired woman dressed in a full covering crimson robe with the hood up.

With the plank lowered the three would disembark first while Sansa, Arya, Barristan and Geralt followed. The rest of the Witcher's companions followed after along with a group of knights serving Stannis who carried a smooth black wood coffin, Eddard's coffin along with one knight carrying Ice wrapped up in fine dark cloth.

At last they'd near the end of the pier, seeing Robb himself at the front of the welcome party. For the Witcher it was quite striking to see the young male Stark after so long…and the fact that he did seem very strikingly like his father with him wearing the garb of the Warden. Beside the stoic young man was Grey Wind, the smoke grey direwolf sitting alertly beside his master. Those bright yellow eyes drifted over the approaching group, lingering a bit on the Witcher and then Stannis, almost as if trying to judge the aspiring king's intentions. Also standing alongside Robb was Theon, the dashing Iron Islander seeming alert for trouble. Considering the proper set of fine leather and chain armor, Robb had promoted him to champion styled role.

Soon, Stannis and Robb stood face to face, youthful lord staring down the stern king. Everyone was silent, a true tension lingering in the windy air.

"King Stannis Baratheon." Robb spoke up, voice strong and formal, head bowing low in respect. "It is an honor to meet you in person, despite it being during a time of war." He offered one hand out for the man to shake.

"Likewise, Lord Robb." Stannis simply stated, seeming pleased to be stated by his rightful title. Reaching out, he firmly shook hands with the Stark. His stern gaze did look to the lords surrounding Robb, noting the judging looks they gave him. "We have much to discuss, both between you and your bannermen. However, we can delay for a few minutes…" He shifted aside, clearing the way for Robb to gaze at his sisters. The young man's serious expression faltered as he stared at his siblings, unable to keep that focused composure. "Safe and cared for as I have promised. Let this show I keep oaths dutifully."

Sansa stepped forward, fiddling her hands together as she gave a soft smile to him. "Hello Robb…" At that point Arya stepped up beside her, grinning back…though at the same time seeming to be holding back tears too. It seemed despite their calm on the boat, seeing their brother was drawing out bottled up emotions.

"Sansa…Arya…" Robb stepped forward, both sisters doing the same as he quickly embraced them both. Both girls gave happy sobs as they clung to him. It was a touching moment to see the siblings reunited after over a month of trauma and loss. After a long moment, Robb loosened his hold over his sisters, muttering in a hush whispers as they quickly discussed what had played out. His gaze did look to Geralt and his companions then back to Stannis, nodding in understanding. "Words cannot express my gratitude for keeping my sisters safe, your grace."

"Simple respect will do for now Lord Stark, however if anyone should be praised, it should be the men beside me." Stannis gestured to Geralt and his group, the Witcher stepping forward.

"Its been a while Robb." He simply greeted, not minding with titles.

"Heh and you're ever as blunt Witcher." Robb chuckled as he strongly clasped one hand on the Witcher's shoulder, sharing a short embrace with him. "When I learned of what happened in the capital, I knew only you could pull off a rescue like this."

"Didn't did it alone." Barristan, Thoros, Beric and Syrio stepping forward now, all four giving short bows to the Warden. "Lost a lot of good men along the way as well. Their bravery deserves true respect."

"Agreed. There will be plenty of time to honor them tonight." Robb then turned to face Geralt's companions. "I can say I recognize a few faces here…heh…though from wanted posters sadly." The jest did draw small laughs from the group, even Stannis having a small smirk. "I want to thank each of you personally for saving my sisters and know that I'll see you recognized and rewarded for your efforts."

"It was simply the right thing to do Lord Stark." Barristan replied back formally. "I only wish we could have saved-"

"Do not worry about that. We can mourn another time." Robb quickly interrupted, his gaze drifting to the coffin at the back of the group. A pain look hinting his eyes, yet he buried the emotion as he looked to Stannis. "As Warden of the North I invite you all to New Castle of House Manderly. Lord Wyman is preparing a feast for tonight in your honor King Stannis. Until then, we will have plenty of time to discus the terms of our alliance.

"While I am not much for feasts and parties, I can't deny I'm craving for more than dried rations after our voyage. Besides I've heard Lord Wyman has fine taste when it comes to food." Stannis remarked in dry sarcasm.

"The best in fact!" Greatjon remarked with a chuckle as already the two noble parties began their walk into the port city. The white cobbled streets made travel easy even on foot as they'd be guided to the pale stone castle set on the overlooking hill. "You know how we enjoy lively company here in the North. Your brother understood that well, gods rest his soul."

The comparison did make Stannis narrow his eyes. "True. He enjoyed all the merriment, though got little done because of such distractions. Wine and roasted boar won't solve our problems Lord Umber, pacts and action will."

That response did have the large Northerner glare, a grudging annoyance at the Stormlander's directness. "We shall see…your grace."

The rest of the walk was silent, beyond huddled whispers between the Northern lords. Geralt's sharp ears could pick out words, distasteful ones considering. It seemed Davos hadn't been exaggerating how other nobles saw the stern Baratheon. This wasn't about convincing Robb to support Stannis, but to sway the other Lords after all.

At last they reached the stairway that lead up to New Castle and split off towards the Wolf's Den prison set along the same hillside. At the castle gateway were House Manderly guards, who were dressed in cloaked uniforms of blue-green colors and armed with silver tridents, matching of the House's colors and merman image.

"Make way for the King and Warden!" One guard yelled, signaling for the portcullis to be raised and the heavy doorway opened from inside the keep. The entrance hall felt more like a museum to the Witcher as all around where a collection of relics hanging on the walls or locked up in glass displays. Rusted swords, battered shields, faded banners and aged ship pieces. A physical history of House Manderly's long existence. However, despite all of the curiosities set around the room, Arya and Sansa were more focused on the people waiting to greet them.

"Bran! Rickon!" Sansa remarked joyfully as she hurried over to her two younger brothers who also had their direwolves beside them.

Maester Luwin and Bran had been examining a ship figurehead, the Stark Maester seeming to be talking about its history. Hodor stood by the young cripple, the dull-minded giant looking at the Stark sisters with a goofy grin and murmuring his name. Bran had been listening intently while gently petting Summer's head, while Rickon distracted himself by playfully clinging to Shaggydog. It was amusing considering the black furred wolf was double the size of the youngest Stark, seeming unfazed when his master nearly climbed on top of his back.

"Sansa…Arya. I knew you'd come back soon." Bran cheerfully greeted, yelping a bit as both sisters hugged him, sliding his wheelchair back from their joyful embrace.

"Sisters!" The normally quiet Rickon was also happy to see them, hugging Arya from the side.

"Wonderful to see you both safe and sound my ladies." Luwin formally greeted, a kind smile on his aged face.

It was quite heartening to see the Stark siblings fully reunited, making the tension from earlier fade slightly and bring a softer look in Stannis' eyes. Geralt knew in the back of his mind such a reunion would have been delayed for many years if he hadn't saved Sansa and Arya, with some people forever lost for such a moment.

"Joyful to see a family reunited" A deep voice chuckled out from one of the main branching hallways, drawing everyone's attention. Standing at the large archway was perhaps the fattest man Geralt had ever seen, double in weight than even Robert. It wasn't hard to guess by the sea teal finery with a merman on the front, that this was Lord Wyman himself. To support his fat form, he had a thick walking stick made out black wood, which seemed unbending even when the heavy lord put his full weight on it with every other step.

"King Stannis, let me introduce to you the venerable Lord Wyman Manderly." Robb remarked formally.

"Thank you for hosting this important gathering Lord Wyman." The two men firmly shook hands, the large lord giving a small grin.

"The honor is mine your grace. I can say I've had a high respect for you after your exploits during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Heh…was a tad thinner back then, but I saw what you did crushing those stubborn Ironborn with that warship of yours."

"Fascinating as it is to reminisce on the past, it would be best that we focus on the present." A calm cold voice spoke up from behind Wyman. Even the fat lord seemed to freeze up as a pale skinned man stood beside him. At a glance the Witcher thought he was looking at a blood drained corpse, considering how the lord was lacking any lively color to his skin. Even his piercing blue eyes seemed empty, devoid of any real emotion as he looked over the group. "I am sorry to intrude, but everyone is waiting at the meeting are eager to get started. Pleasantries can wait afterwards."

"Blunt as ever Lord Bolton…but true." Robb replied. "Just give me a moment to speak to my siblings."

"Of course my Lord." With that, Roose slipped away back down the hall, disappearing as quickly as he had appeared.

"Ugh…that man is unsettling." Wyman muttered. "Anyway if you let me show the way…" Manderly was quick to lead everyone down the hall after Roose, though Geralt lingering to speak with the Starks.

"Guess this is where we part ways." He said to Sansa and Arya.

"Not for me." Sansa quickly spoke up. "I had my part in convincing Stannis to be here, so I should be at the meeting still."

Robb was silently in thought, seeming ready to argue back. Yet seeing the sharp look in the young woman's eyes had him sigh and chuckle. "Seems you got a bit of mother's sharp wit in you after all. Very well, you can take part in the talks."

Giving a quick nod, she quickly gave a short kiss on top of Bran's head before quietly saying something to him. Sharing a short hug with Rickon, she then hurried off down the hallway to rejoin the group.

"I'll be staying here with the others." Arya spoke up. "I…I think I've had my fill of politics after the last few weeks."

"Heh…no one can blame you." Geralt chuckled. "Besides, I bet you have plenty of stories to share with everyone."

"I can say I'm eager to hear them." Bran agreed with a small smile. "In fact Geralt…later I have something I need to talk about with you…something I think you'll understand."

"We've discussed this Bran. Those dreams…it can be simply the stress of your injuries." Ludwin calmly replied, trying to dismiss the matter.

Bran didn't answer back to the Maester, seeming unsure about the matter. "We will after the meeting." Geralt answered back. "At the least, talking about it may help."

The boy nodded in understanding before shifting the wheels of his chair. "Alright. Anyway come on Rickon, let's get some food while we wait for the feast." With the youngest Stark nodding, the group began to move on down one of the hallways. Luwin gave a respectful nod as he passed while Arya gave a short wave before disappearing from sight.

For the moment, Geralt and Robb were alone as they begin to walk in the direction where the meeting was to be held. "Seeing them together does ease my worries. You have no idea how stressful it's been to be composed while knowing they were at risk."

"As gruff as Stannis may be, he has cared for your sisters respectfully and put their safety over everything else." Geralt assured. "Having him as an ally will hasten this war and save more lives on your side. You can't deny that the North would prefer most of their men to return safely."

"Aye…yet I'm expected to do more than that." Robb calmly stated, reminding the Witcher of the North's interest in becoming independent once more.

"You're the Warden of the North. You are expected to listen to the needs of your people…yet remember that such choices have their price." With them nearing the doorway to the meeting hall, they could already hear noisy voices beyond it. "Trust me…after today you'll long for the battlefield then for politics." He jested before grasping the handle of the doorway.

Robb could only smirk in amusement before nodding, the Witcher opening the way for them both. As soon as they entered the yammering quickly silenced and every gaze was drawn to them. Quickly, mutterings of 'my lord' and 'Lord Stark' drifted through the air as Robb stepped forward. Geralt was close behind, drawing hushed words as the many nobles at last got to see him in person.

In the center of the big room was a large table with a wide map of Westeros on top of it, tactical pieces cluttered about the fabric. It gave a vague idea on the differing factions positions and numbers, with the lion pieces being split between the north in the Riverlands and the south nearby King's Landing.

"I didn't expect you'd all be debating before I returned." Robb calmly stated, looking about the gathering.

Stannis nodded, the man and his retinue having taken up one side of the table, with him leaning over examining the map. "Your lords were quick to argue about my role in all of this. Some feel my legitimacy means nothing to them." He simply stated.

"Because in the end it doesn't to us…your 'grace'." One large and gaunt lord replied. "House Karstark is tired of our kingdom being drawn into these bloody politics and conflicts the lands of the south keep scheming up. By backing your claim we could be leading ourselves to another lifetime of tensions."

Low remarks of agreement followed as Robb moved to stand at the head of the table, being silent as he let his lords voice their opinions. Stannis was also quiet, seeming to be in the same mindset of the young Warden.

"Some also believe your efforts protecting the Starks was simply for bargaining power, not out of good intentions." Roose stated. "Even having Ice and Lord Eddard's body could be seen as items to trade for Lord Robb's favor, to influence his decisions for the North."

No one else spoke up, showing that Boltons and Karstarks were the most vocal individuals against Stannis. "Aye…both of those are good arguments against me." The Baratheon stated. "Yet when it comes to politics, I don't share the same interests as men like Lord Tywin or my brother Renly. The title of nobility, lordship and king are marks of duty…not stations of selfish power."

"So you claim that you want the Iron Throne out of a sense of duty?" Greatjon questioned curiously, a few chuckles at the ideal.

"There are two things that put ones name in the history books. The ones who bring order and progress…then those who bring chaos and stagnation." Stannis stated. "Joffrey obviously is the latter. He sentenced Lord Eddard to death, threatened his daughters and now demands fealty from all of you because he assumes to be my late brother's son."

He let that all sink in, no one arguing on that statement.

"Say you do win this war. You storm King's Landing or whatever hole the Lannisters choose to hide in. You kill or imprison Joffrey, Tywin and the lot…then what? You march home and declare yourselves independent from the rest of Westeros?" He shook his head. "That is short sighted."

"Are you mocking us now?!" Karstark growled, getting up close in Stannis's face who remained unfazed.

"No I'm being realistic." He calmly stated. "Perhaps Renly will allow it out of gratitude…but what about his successor…well…if he ever has one."

The dry jest did draw small laughs, since few did know of the rumors of the youngest Baratheon's romantic preferences. A sharp glare from Lord Rickard silenced the amusement. "We'll defend what is ours, no matter the odds." He boldly stated.

"Perhaps. Maybe the North can ward off an attack for a generation or two…but would you want your children, grand children and great grand children with the threat of war?" He paused to let that sink in. "And what if the threat isn't from the south? What if one day the Ironborn become more organized to invade your coasts? What if the greed of Essos desires your resources, sailing with armies of mercenaries? What if the Wildlings beyond the Wall do find a way through and you face their countless thousands? You will have no one but yourselves to face these threats."

With all those threats listed, the voices muttered, Geralt picking up about 'Wilding reports' and 'movement beyond the Wall'. It seemed that much has been happening since he had left the North, the Wildling threat no doubt growing worse.

"Beyond that, there is also the threat of winter. The farms of the North can't support its population without trading food from more fertile lands. From what history shows, you still lose thousands of lives over the long winters. Without regions like the Reach producing the majority of food for Westeros, the North's situation be far more dire. By separating, the cost of trading for food will only become more costly and limited." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Considering how the wind seems chillier than usual…that grim season is no doubt drawing close. Perhaps within the come year or so…"

No one argued against that last statement. If anyone understood how Westeros' long winters come and go, it would be the Northerners.

"So what can you promise to do for us then if we support you as King?" Bolton questioned. "We all have requests in mind…but I am curious to know what you as an individual can suggest."

Geralt understood what the two lords were doing. Karstark played out the more brash and military aspect of the North in argument of independence, while Bolton the political side of it. They were testing to see how the Baratheon presented himself.

"For one, I will look to all of you as prospective members of my Small Council." He gestured to Davos who stood beside him. "Lord Seaworth currently manages as my Master of Ships and in a way as my Hand as well."

The remark did draw surprised look from Davos who bowed his head humbly. "That is kind that you say your grace. I strive to do my best in serving."

Stannis did gave a faint smile back to the sea captain before continuing to speak. "Join with me and fill my Council. I want men who know their roles…who will do their best to serve all the people of the Seven Kingdoms. Prove your capability and I will select you." Already a few nobles seemed tempted by this prospect, though Stannis continued. "Then there are other official matters. Taxes to the kingdom can be lower and extra funding from the capital to improve the territory." He then traced one finger along the map, going along the King's Road as if drawing new lines across it. "Imagine strong open roads, linking your holds and communities. The flow of trade would expand to both the east and western coasts."

"Heh and that I can agree with!" Lord Wyman boasted out. "As wealthy as White Harbor is, our current roads linking back west are the best designed. Though I wonder…how do you plan to secure the western seas?"

"Hm…you mean with the Iron Isles in the way?" Stannis muttered, hand drifting over the lonely collection of islands on the map. "Simple, I'll give them a choice. They end their raiding and focus their talents to productive use for Westeros…or they we be crushed." He glared sharply at the threat. "Unlike my brother they will not have mercy from me."

A pleased chuckle came from the crowd as short, stout woman stepped forward. Each step made the ringed chainmail and spiked mace at her hip sway about, though despite her grayed age handled the weight with ease. Beside her was a tall and quite fair woman, dressed in fine leather and deep green tunic with the mark of a rearing bear across it. Much like the older woman, she too carried a fearsome mace at her hip as well.

"That is a promise I can get behind." The older woman fiercely grinned, slamming one fist hard on the table. "If anyone has issues with those Ironborn, it's House Mormont. We all can agree Stannis be the right man to put them in their place…because he's already done that before!" Again she laughed out, drawing the same from her followers.

"Wise of you to agree Lady Maege." Stannis nodded in respect. "When this conflict is over I'll be sure to share a part of the fleet to strengthen Bear Island."

The younger Mormont, Dacey, grinned at the promise. "Heh it will be fun seeing the looks on their faces with ballista aimed at their long boats."

At this point many of the gathered nobility were speaking openly to each other over these prospecting ideas. It seemed they didn't expect Stannis to present clear and reasonable plans in strengthening the North. Even the stubborn Rickard and Greatjon gave no argument. Lord Bolton was silent and showed no real reaction. Geralt had to admit he was surprised by this as well but pleased by it.

"Then it seems settled." Robb at last spoke up. "King Stannis has made himself clear on how he plans to rule and I'm sure over time we can iron out any deeper details for the future." Many muttered and nodded in agreement. "So I, Lord Robb Stark, Lord Paramount of the North and Warden of the North declare my support to King Stannis Baratheon, first of his name."

There was a long pause after this official declaration, silence following. This was the most critical moment, to see who would rally to this alliance.

Suddenly, Sansa spoke up. "I…I Sansa Stark support King Stannis." She stepped forward beside her brother, a determined look in her eyes. "The land needs someone of his honor and justice. Values he'll follow no matter what!"

The silence lingered, gazes looking around as everyone silently milled over her words.

"Bah! Have all your balls dropped and you've lost your words?!" Maege growled out with a smirk. "I Lady Maege Mormont pledge my support to King Stannis. The warriors of Bear Island will fight alongside him!"

Greatjon bellowed out at her claim, shaking his head. "Hah! You think you'll outmatch House Umber on the battlefield?" The giant of a man slammed his fist down on the table, rattling it fiercely. "Lord Jon Umber of House Umber declares his support to King Stannis."

"Heh, glad to see that fire in you Greatjon!" Wyman laughed out, cracking the end of his cane to the floor. "I ,Lord Wyman of House Manderly pledge my support to King Stannis. White Harbor will gladly support your fleet and offer any ships you require."

Rickard huffed at his fellow lords, huffing a bit before looking at Stannis. "Bah…you're a lot smarter than I thought your grace." He muttered. "Can't deny that you're a man of action and follows his oaths. So I'll hold you to those promises." Slamming his fist down, he gave a fierce grin. "I, Lord Rickard Karstark will support King Stannis as well."

Lastly Roose stepped forward, the pale lord looking over his fellow nobles. Despite the grand declarations, he seemed disinterested by it all. "I, Lord Roose Bolton will support King Stannis's cause as well." It was simple and blunt, showing he didn't care for grandstanding…or a lack of enthusiasm.

Soon the air filled up with more declarations of support from the other Lords, their successors along with the mix of knights and warriors who served under them. The show of full support brought a small pleased smile from Stannis, head bowed slightly in respect to everyone.

"It seems everyone is in favor to your cause King Stannis." Robb declared to him. "It will be an honor working and fighting alongside you."

"Indeed." Stannis gestured to one of his knights, the one who carried the wrapped-up Ice. "I do pardon for not returning this sooner…but none can deny this is a fitting moment." Taking the weapon, the cloth was unwrapped to reveal the sheathed greatsword. Despite the large size, Stannis held it out with eased balance for Robb to draw.

Robb stared at the sword hilt for a long moment before reaching one then both hands forward. Everyone shifted back to give him space as he slowly drew the large blade out, the metal a gleaming smoky color. With it fully drawn, he gazed across the towering weapon, remembering all the times he watched his father wield this blade. "Heh…you know…I always imagined it to be heavier." The remarked drew laughs from everyone, even Stannis chuckling. "I'm grateful for my family's sword's return and I will wield it dutifully." With shocking balance, he hefted the weapon up with one hand, nearing reaching the high ceiling within the room. Cheers followed as the Northerners were rallied by the show of the weapon. Lowering the weapon, he sheathed the blade once more and rest the sword beside him against the table.

"Now then King Stannis…let's discuss how we'll win this war."

"Agreed, Lord Robb. I'm curious to see what plans you've prepared for us all." Stannis muttered back as everyone huddled closer to the war map.

Food and drink flowed in as the opening war plans were discussed for the next few hours, basically the number of varying troops, supplies and ships as well. Since the North had delayed in marching south, they had gathered up to thirty thousand men, with more gradually joining in. Stannis's numbers were around twenty thousand, though it was predicted to grow by a few thousand more as news of alliance spread. In turn it weaken Renly's own military strength as well with Stormlanders changing sides. Stannis also controlled a majority of the royal fleet, much of which he had personally commissioned during his time as Master of Ships when serving Robert. The mix of war galleys, sturdy transports and faster light ships numbered it as a fearsome fleet. White Harbors own ships were included, though most were mainly transports. However, Stannis was quick to point out their value in cargo hold size and as suitable transportation along the coast.

"With their combined efforts, the fleet will be more than a match for storming King's Landing through Blackwater." Stannis shifted the pieces representing the fleet around Dragonstone towards the capital. "The Lannister's own ships won't be able to stand against us. To make up for this they will no doubt increase their land defenses. Catapults, scorpions and number of defenders."

"The harbor around the capital is large, so we will need to plan the flow of ships. The last thing we need is to be cluttered together and have no means to back out." Davos stated.

Wyman nodded in agreement. "A siege by sea will be costly, but the quickest means to take the city. I feel a few trader contacts of mine could give us deeper insight on their defenses."

Geralt had been mostly silent during the meeting, only quietly speaking to his companions. "There is one threat I feel we're overlooking." He stated. "Wildfire."

"Wildfire? True it's a dangerous weapon, but volatile and hard to properly weaponize." Stannis questioned.

"Aye, I can agree on that!" Thoros muttered. "I've handled that stuff plenty of times, burned myself even. Fact is Wildfire is like an oil when spilled in water, being flammable while on the water's surface. Doesn't have as much power behind it but could light up a ship's hull."

"Knowing the Lannisters, they'll use any weapon or tool if it ensures a victory. With the Alchemist Guild, they could produce as much Wildfire as they need."

Stannis nodded slightly in thought. "Then I wonder…do you happen to know a way to counter it? A dousing powder or a coating to resist it?"

Rickard smirked a bit at the question. "What, is the Witcher also a mystic as well? I know well about your accomplishments, especially with besting the Mountain and Jaime. Mountain Breaker and Lion Tamer."

"Yet there are other claims about him." Bolton stated. "Using witchcraft and black magic from what his wanted posters claim. Considering your…unique traits, it does draw some questions."

Geralt focused his yellow eyes on the pale lord, who seemed unfazed by the cat like gaze. While the Starks had been accepting of his Witcher traits, he could tell the other Northerners didn't share the same viewpoint. "Then I'll be honest to you all. I can use magic…the basics at least from where I come from." He simply stated. "Nothing dark or sinister on how it's used. It's just an innate tool that I can simply use."

Despite his admittance, a few chuckled and scoffed at the claims, Rickard being the most disbelieving. "Then show us a magic trick White Wolf."

The Witcher glanced around the room, noting the number of light sources which ranged from candles, a few torches and a large hearth as well. A smirk hinted his lips as he raised his right hand up, deft fingers flexing for the Igni Sign. Instantly, all the fires went out at once, leaving only the embers to cast a faint light in the dark room. Surprised and shocked voices filled the air, though Thoros' amused laugh was the loudest of them all. Once more he casted Igni and the fires returned once more. A few of the men were tense, grasping their weapons as they realized what had happened.

"That proof enough?" The Witcher stated. "Trust me, you'd rather not see what that Sign can also do."

While Robb was also surprised by this reveal, he knew Geralt well enough to understand his intentions. Once everyone had calmed down, the doubters seemed a tad more nervous with the Witcher as they realized that between his masterful sword skills and these abilities…he was far more dangerous than they knew.

"Well…at the least its good we have you on our side." Wyman said with a chuckle, the fat lord giving a short shrug. "Gods we are going through strange times indeed…but exciting times at the least."

"So then…back to the original question then." Geralt muttered, wanting to get the meeting back on track. "My skills in alchemy do cover explosives and volatile substances. If I had the time, I could work on a dousing powder, but I'd require some Wildfire samples to do tests."

"Heh, I'd offer to help on that, but I sadly left my small stock back in the Red Keep." Thoros chuckled out.

Wyman gave a thoughtful look before nodding. "I believe I may have a very small supply a recent trade procured from some…discrete partners."

"Ah…most likely old friends of mine." Davos muttered.

"That will have to do. I can't make any promises on a countermeasure though."

Robb sighed and shrugged. "That aside, we need to be clear on our approach by land." Pointing out the King's Road, he drifted southward to the Riverlands before stopping on a marking within the vast swamp of the Neck. "Firstly, I made sure to order a forward force to secure Moat Cailin's. Unless Tywin plans to send a force through thick swamp and be hunted by the crannogmen, then he'll have to take the Moat."

"A wise plan." Stannis complimented. "Moat Cailin natural position limits the attacker, both in how they can siege the fort and camp within the area. Course, if the Lannisters forces even get that far, then that means the situation in the Riverlands is dire."

Greatjon nodded in agreement. "Between our reports, we have an idea on the Lannisters positions and of events playing out within the region." He pointed out the lion piece at Harrenhal. "We know Tywin has hired mercenary companies to secure Harrenhal while builders secure the ruined keep for the official army. The leading sellsword group is the Brave Companions, who from rumors claims to be suffering setbacks."

"From the Riverland forces?" Lord Beric questioned.

Rickard shook his head. "So far no House has claimed to be behind these attacks. In fact we haven't gotten many ravens from the Lords in the region. It's been oddly quiet."

Melisandre stepped up; her alluring gaze set on a certain stretch of woodland a bit south of the main rivers. "Because a dark force is spreading within the region." She calmly stated, drawing many confused looks. "The flames have shown hints of it. A foul and corrupting force…with magic even my Lord's sight cannot fully pierce through."

No one commented on her claim, as most of the Northerners gave dismissive looks. Geralt though wondered what the red priestess meant, since so far her visions proved correct to some degree. The fact that some unknown magical force was stirring had him thinking, but the lack of information limited his theories.

"Whatever the case, we need to establish contact with Riverrun and secure a route for our army." Robb stated. "Since the Lannisters control the King's Road that far south and with the Trident limiting our movements, we need to secure another route to outmaneuver them."

"While there are bridges and crossways across those major rivers, they will no doubt be watched as well and be limited in size." Bolton dully stated as he traced over the Green Fork. "If we try to cross, we risk being attacked in an exposed position."

Everyone muttered about the possibilities while Geralt looked over the whole map, stopping at where the Green Fork at last split apart in the very northern end of the Riverlands. "What about here with the Twins? From my understanding, House Frey's bridge bypasses all the rivers further south."

The mention of the Freys drew distasteful looks from most of the gathered, Stannis included. He had heard the rumors of how many saw the Freys as scheming and cowardly House, who were only wealthy and strong because of their founders insight of building the Twins. There was also the fact that Lord Walder was a lecherous man, who even at his great age continued to remarry and sire many children.

"The issue is that we have no means to confirm their allegiance with House Tully or not." Stannis stated. "Lord Walder is an opportunist. He will delay and make demands just to further his position."

Robb nodded in agreement. "Since ravens have been disappearing in the region, we have no way to contact and broker a deal with him. A small diplomatic party could be sent out, inform him of our alliance. I doubt even he like to cross our combined strength."

Geralt again spoke up. "I think we could do more than just that." The statement drew curious looks. "Right now we're in the dark on what's going on in the south. From the sounds of it, there are more than just Lannisters and Riverlanders fighting in the region." At that point he paused as he could already see the way everyone was eyeing him.

"Are you suggesting you'd lead this scouting force?"

The Witcher didn't answer at first, his old habits of neutrality nagged at him. However that time had longed past way back in King's Landing when they had been betrayed in the Red Keep. "Maybe…but only on my terms."

"Your terms? Forgive me Witcher, while you have proven yourself capable in combat and having unique…abilities, how can we know your capable in warfare?"

It was true, Geralt had never really taken on a true battlefield or war, since Witchers weren't meant for such battles. However with this conflict only growing, he had to adapt beyond his usual approach. "Not saying you need to hand me an army. Give me a hundred of your best soldiers and reliable horses." Once more he looked to the map. "While Seagard just past the Twins could host the main army, its position is too far away from the heart of the Riverlands. Your forces would be stretched out." One finger then tapped down on a town set by the Blue Fork. "Fairmarket though is very central. It may not have a keep for defense, but the surrounding major rivers will ward off any direct attacks from the east."

"Just a hundred men?" Rickard questioned. "It seems like a small number considering."

"The point is speed and secrecy." Geralt explained. "If we leave White Harbor in a few days, we could get to the Twins in a just over a week, then Fairmarket in half that time. By the time the main force reaches Moat Cailin, they will have a clear route to enter the Riverlands."

"It's a logical approach." Stannis said in agreement.

"Out of curiosity Geralt, where have you learned of tactics like this? From what I know of your actions in King's Landing, you seemed to know how to manage smaller forces and guerilla warfare." Robb asked.

"By being around groups focused on that style of fighting, commando groups like the Blue Stripes. They were some of the toughest soldiers from where I came from, could infiltrate any fortification and open up all their gates for the whole army."

With his idea given, there were hushed conversations all around, a few sounding doubtful. Thoros though at last broke the yammering. "Well consider me your first recruit Witcher!" He spoke out, the Red Priest grinning fiercely. "He's the man who won the melee against the Mountain and Ser Jaime, outsmarted the Lannisters twice over and beaten back a whole ship of Crow's Eye's pirates. If any one can do the impossible, its him!"

Theon in turn also stepped forward. "Then let me offer my sword and bow. I swore to serve Lord Robb, so I see this as the best moment to do so" Looking to the Witcher, he gave a small smirk. "Unless you think I can't keep up."

Even after all this time the young man still had that confident smugness about him. "Heh…with your determination, you'll be worth two men." He jested back. "Consider yourself recruited."

"If the Ironborn is going, then I will too." Dacey Mormont added. "I'll even bring my shield maidens and toughest warriors along as well."

"Quite bold of you to offer joining." Geralt questioned. "I know many respect the women of Bear Island, but this is going to be a serious undertaking."

"Heh and you think being surrounded by and fighting other men will have us worried?" The fair woman's eyes had fierce glare in them. "If anything they'll be worrying about themselves if they get any ideas towards us."

That chilling threat had even the boastful Theon and Thoros silent now, though for Geralt her manners reminded him every much Cerys an Craite. "Then I expect you to fight as fiercely as the tales say. Also I promise I'll keep discipline among the group."

The Bear Islanders seemed pleased being accepted, though soon many more voices started to speak up. It seemed at this point many noble youths, veteran warriors and knights were offering to join up. It was hard to keep track of who wanted to join; however Wyman was quick to silence the yammering as he slammed his cane's end to the floor.

"Enough rabbling! I can see spirits are quite high at the moment, but we should do this in a formal manner!" He strongly declared before sighing. "Besides…I feel we've all been cooped up in this room for far too long. Considering how low the candles have burned, it should nearly be the hour of the feast."

Stannis nodded in agreement with the statement. "Agreed. We've done quite enough for now and can discus any minor matters during dinner." Standing up from his seat, he'd look Robb. "I have to praise you though Lord Robb. I thought for your age you'd be less prepared for this conflict, but you've impressed me with the strategic planning you've shown so far."

The honest compliment did surprised Robb, who bowed his head slightly in respect. "I've been preparing for this all my life you grace."

"Now now, boasting and compliments can be shared over wine and turkey!" Wyman quickly stated. "This is my home after all and as a man of hospitality, I will not let anyone stand with an empty stomach!" Laughs followed in agreement as everyone began to file out of the room, Robb and Stannis at the lead, talking to each other along the way.

Geralt lingering to stick with his companions, being one of the last to leave the meeting hall. Thoros gave a strong pat on his back, giving that wide grin of his. "Seems we're off to a good start. The stubborn King seems to be opening up towards the youthful Warden."

Barristan nodded in agreement. "I must admit his grace has been more…forward thinking of late. He still has some set views, though it seems his stern nature has melted ever so lightly." The aged knight commented.

"Question is what will they name this alliance." Beric mused. "The Wolf-Stag Pact…Winter Storm Alliance…ugh…I am terrible at names."

Everyone chuckled out at suggested names, the Witcher resting one hand firmly on his shoulder. "Leave that for the Maesters and poets. I can say an old friend of mine could think of a colorful name for this occasion" He then gave a sigh. "Besides, from my experience, the feast is just the second round of diplomacy. I expect we'll all be swamped with more politics no matter what."

So onward they moved, following the growing noise of laughter and music along with the alluring smell of food. Despite Geralt's usual dislikes of feasts, he had a feeling Lord Wyman's would be much more suitable to his simpler tastes.

Notice: A big turning point for the story of Game of Thrones. I always questioned why Stannis never tried to work towards an alliance with Robb in the original story, since his reasons seemed quite petty considering. Overall what are your thoughts on this historic moment, one of the biggest changes to happen yet?

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