
Chapter 33

I've decided that the bullshit speeds characters pull in late-game Naruto aren't going to apply as much.

They are still fast, but...fuck Guy's speed. Mach 250? Fuck no. That's over 300,000km/h. He's literally travelling fast enough to walk around the globe in about 8 minutes. All the way around. Start in London, run one direction, he'd be back from the other side of the world in only 8 minutes.

So...no. Characters are going to stay somewhat reasonable...aside from Akari of course, she's going to quickly get more and more overpowered, since she's gonna have another few years minimum of nothing much happening. That means she'll be able to level up quick, get strong, and when Akatsuki and all their schtick start kicking the nest, she'll be ready for them.

Chapter 33

"Akari, you're forgetting something...again."

Blinking, Akari put down her brush beside the newest iteration/attempt of her Kage no Te seal, looking over at Kurama curiously, her head tilting to one side. "uhh, what exactly? I dealt with Shisui, I...uhh...help?" Kurama covered his eyes with a tail, sighing deeply. "Shut up, I'm forgetful."

"How you've survived sixteen years in this world I will never know. I'll say one word, Tobirama." Akari blinked.

"Oooh. Right. Whoops." She scratched her head sheepishly, her legs barely bowing when Kurama dropped onto her shoulders. "Well, I guess we can do it somewhere in the Forest of Death?" Kurama rolled his eyes at her. "What?"

He bopped her on the face with his tail. Or one of them at least. "Yes, if you want to risk somebody stumbling across you with the dead Nidaime Hokage. You could just activate your seals and do it right here, it's not as though the Byakugan can accidentally look in and see Tobirama stood there." Akari hummed, that was actually a damn good point.

"On the other hand though, what if he's hostile? I mean, to talk to him I have to grant him free-will, and it'd only take a second for him to use a Jutsu, longer than it takes me to force him to dispel." Kurama grumbled. "Aww, don't worry bud, it was a good idea. To be honest, I'm kinda feeling lazy today, so I'll end up doing that anyway. It's not like it's super likely he just attacks me out of nowhere."

Kurama snorted. "You've probably jinxed it again."

Giving one final check to her seals, Akari was interrupted by Kurama nipping her ear.

"Stop fussing, your seals are fine. Now let's get this over with so I can go back to sleep." Akari sighed, closing her eyes and picturing Senju Tobirama's face. Considering she saw it almost every day on the Hokage Rock, that wasn't hard. She made absolutely sure she was picturing him, then quietly spoke.

"Senju Tobirama." The air in front of her swirled into white smoke, concealing the form that appeared within for a few moments before dispersing. Even though she was watching with her Sharingan enabled she couldn't actually make out what happened, just that it kind of...did. She watched the smoke dissipate around Tobirama's form, leaving him stood there in all his glory, eyes slightly glazed over.

The pop-up to grant free-will appeared, but Akari was too busy staring at him to notice. He...was...so...hot! Those gorgeous eyes, the red cheek things, and his hair! It was almost kinda like Kakashi's but way better. He even had a fucking fur coat thing going on. All in all, he was awesome. Akari reached out and poked his cheek, laughing slightly to herself. it was weird, she'd summoned Minato a few times, but Tobirama was...well, it probably had something to do with the fact that she'd never met the man before, it honestly made her a little nervous.

Fortunately, Kurama was there with his sharp teeth to steer her back on course, a quick nip to the ear, which was his favourite target, easy to get from her shoulders. "Ow, alright, alright." Akari mentally pressed the button to grant Tobirama free will, immediately backpeddling when his glazed eyes came into focus, a Kunai being drawn from apparently nowhere into his hand, his torso dropping low into a ready stance. "Uhh, hi there." Akari placated, keeping her hands in full view.

Tobirama gave her a sharp look over, his eyes pointedly avoiding her own. Evidently he knew about the Sharingan's power of direct eye contact, even if she'd never trained in that avenue of possibilities, Genjutsu just gave her a headache to think about. He then looked around the room, Akari letting him get acclimatized to his surroundings before she said anything else to him. "We are in Konoha." It wasn't a question, but Akari still nodded. "How did you summon me? This is not the Edo Tensei." Akari raised her eyebrows. Apparently the Second Hokage had dabbled in the art of necromancy to some degree, who knew?

"Uhh, it's an ability of my Sharingan." He stared at her for a few moments, so she elaborated. "It's called Megami no Mon. Basically as long as I can picture someone in my mind and say their name, I can summon them from the dead. They get twice as much Chakra as I hold when summoning them, so you have about...in a quantifiable number, enough Chakra for about 475 Shadow Clones if you give them Chakra for a whole hour, with a little left over." Tobirama's eyes never met her own, it was kind of unsettling, until Akari remembered her Sharingan was still active and disabled it. "Sorry, forgot those."

The Nidaime followed her action by rising up out of his combat stance, still ready for action but not expecting an imminent attack, yet he still didn't meet her eyes, he was still wary of her. "Does the current Hokage know about this ability?" Akari shook her head, frowning at his pinched expression.

"No, for good...ish reason, and it does have limitations. I can only summon three people in a 24-hour span, and people get cooldowns, so after I use them, I can't again, dependant on how strong they are. I estimate that you will be unavailable for at least a week after this summon. You also drain Chakra like a sieve, one percent per minute." Tobirama palmed his chin in thought, his Kunai disappearing somewhere again. "Where are you keeping that?" He held up an arm. "Oh, cool, similar to mine."

He had storage seals inscribed on his clothing, much like the seals on her arm-warmers and forearm guards. "Why did you summon me? You don't appear to need my aid in conflict. Perhaps a more scholarly discussion?" Akari shrugged, lifting her arm and raising one finger.

"Two reasons. Firstly, I want some help with...well..." She held up her left arm and removed the Henge laid over it, revealing her stump. "-making a Fuinjutsu to replace my hand. I'm using the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu as a basis for my Jutsu, but it keeps exploding. The other reason...well...I honestly just wanted to meet you as well. I mean, sure, Hashirama was the First Hokage, he defeated Uchiha Madara, blah blah blah. But come on, you were the one who kept things running...or at least, that's what I read when I looked into Konoha's history. Not to put down your other achievements."

The Senju raised his eyebrows, his arms folding over each other. "I'm impressed you deduced even that much, I was sure many of the library books explicitly placed the attention on my brothers shoulders, it left me free to truly help Konoha grow." Akari grinned. "I will not help you learn any of my own Jutsu..." Then frowned. "But I will help you with this endeavour of your own. You say it's based from my own Shadow Clone Jutsu? I would wonder how many people know that Jutsu now...but I digress. I assume you're having trouble containing the Yin-Chakra?"

Then grinned again. "Kurama, I knew I didn't jinx it!

"I'm going out!"

Akari yelled through the apartment, shrugging when neither Naruto, Kurama or Monty answered her. She hopped through the door and stretched her arms, wincing at the clicking and popping sounds they made. She'd just spent more than a few hours going over the notes Tobirama used a clone to help write, implementing a few seal parts that she'd accidentally overlooked. She knew of them, since her utterly broken Fuinjutsu ability somehow magically told her that those seals, that she'd never read about before, existed, but she had forgotten to use them.

It was honestly funny, since it made her realize how weird it was for games to let your character grow like that. Making 100 iron ingots shouldn't mean your character suddenly knows how to make steel, but hey, it was how games worked. Her own game worked in a similar way. She took the stairs down to the street for once, deciding that just having a nice wander and a break from scrawling seals was definitely well-earned.

Or she would have, but she bumped into Deidara just as he was leaving his apartment. "Hey there Dei, you going somewhere?" He turned to wave at her, sighing.

"Yeah, I've got a mission in Yu no Kuni, but I just had to explain to Ichika about why I couldn't just take her with me since she wanted to go visit the hot springs, un. Somehow saying that we're on mission and travelling at ninja speed wasn't a good enough reason, so I'm hotelling for tonight." Akari opened her mouth to offer her place, but he pre-empted her and shook his head. "Don't bother, I kinda want somewhere quiet to just...think, un."

Akari frowned. "You two gonna be okay? You know it'd break Akana's heart if you and Ichika split up. Oh god, no wait that sounds like I'm...alright look. Dei, do you honestly see yourself with Ichika in a year? Two years? Five? Because that's why I don't have a single relationship. Everyone I've ever met I just don't see myself with. Of course, being Kurama's Jinchuriki and a Tokubetsu...well, now just a normal Jonin, kinda limits the pool, since most people don't want a relationship with such a high-profile Kunoichi, even if there's definitely been a few guys who would be more than willing to get in bed with me."

Deidara's face got considerably redder when she so casually referenced sex, something Akari most certainly picked up on. "Aww, is little Dei-chan prudish about sex?" His face got brighter as she spoke, though he distracted her by digging his hand into one of his ever-present pouches, chewing up some clay to make a small eagle which came to settle on Akari's shoulder, nudging her cheek with a warble. "...Alright, you win." She muttered, patting the little bird on the head gently. "So not fair."

Deidara chuckled, chewing up another piece of clay in his hand. "Well, maybe letting me babysit Naruto wasn't a good idea when he's so loose-lipped." Akari swatted at him with her arm. "What?"

"He's four, and you had cookies. What was he meant to do, scream no and spit a Katon Jutsu at you?" The blonde bomber actually looked like he was considering the feasibility of that. "Oh shut up, I'm not that bad." He gave her a cynical look. "Most of the time...I mean, there was that one time I lit the oven on fire...or when I nearly burnt all the clothes...okay, I get the picture."

Deidara just said nothing, smirking at her.

After parting ways with the blonde near Konoha's west gate, Akari then left the village...temporarily of course.

She knew she was still meant to be on break, officially due to complications, but it was more Hiruzen wanting to make sure she was fully settled with Kurama back in his seal, as well as give her time to make her Kage no Te seal. That meant she could leave the village fairly confident in the knowledge that she wouldn't be needed for anything. If he did then, well, he was out of luck. She didn't have a single chance to leave the village for her next experiment beforehand, but today was the day.

What was the experiment? Well, Akari had 161 Agility points. She wanted to see just how far that would go. Ever since she upgraded that ability, she felt almost a little locked down in her speed, like there was a lever she could flip which was holding her back so she didn't run into walls. She'd been itching to release that mental switch ever since she first noticed it.

Presumably, it was some kind of inherent protection, something to make sure her sudden increase of stats didn't overwhelm her and make it impossible for her to move, but since she had the Sharingan, hopefully a lot of the problem would be mitigated. Since it enhanced her perception and basically sped up how fast she saw, that meant that with muscles able to actually keep up with her movements, she would be able to hopefully push them both to higher limits than before.

Of course, first she had to pick a spot. Somewhere not too far from Konoha, but not so close that she was likely to run into any nin leaving or entering the village. She eventually, after maybe a half-hour of casual searching, picked a nice large field, surrounded by dense forest but plenty of space to run around in. Even Kurama would be able to curl up and relax without knocking any trees over.

Akari did a few stretches, relishing in the feeling for a moment before she mentally threw the switch on her agility, activating her Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan at the same time. Then she facepalmed. She pretty much had to have a witness, otherwise she wouldn't really know just how much faster she was. Sighing, she flipped the switch again in agitation, then sighed. "Kurama, you there?"

She got an annoyed rumble in response. Even though he spent pretty much all his time in his familiar form, they still retained their connection, so no matter how far she was from Kurama's familiar, she'd always be able to speak to him. "Can you look through my eyes for a little while and see just how fast I am? Because I need to use my Sharingan for this, it skews my own perception up so bad I can't tell how fast I'm moving."

Though he made another vaguely-annoyed rumble, Kurama did as she asked. Why he also didn't have her sped-up perception of the Sharingan when looking through her eyes she didn't know, but right now it'd be useful for this experiment. "You ready?" She asked after a few moments.

"Yes, now get on with it so I can get back to what I was doing. And next time, just use Megami no Mon." Akari didn't bother to ask what it was he was doing, since if he wanted her to know he'd tell her, though she did apologize for forgetting about that. Instead, she decided in a target, the treeline on the other side of the clearing. To her, it felt like she took maybe thirty seconds to run from one side to another, simply one foot in front of the other, but of course that was through her sped-up perception of the world. "You..."

Evidently to Kurama it wasn't actually thirty seconds. "So, how long did I take?" Kurama was actually silent for a few moments, making Akari more and more excited.

"You just ran a kilometre-long clearing in under a second." Akari blinked, looking back at where she'd just come from. The grass wasn't destroyed. There wasn't a sonic boom. So...that meant two things. First, it could just be Chakra bullshit making it so that even running at absurd speeds, she didn't break the air and make a sonic boom, which would turn a human to paste.

Or, it could mean that the laws of aerodynamics were completely fucked up. "So...do you know how fast Minato ran?" She got a negative response...but she was still excited. There weren't actually many nin she knew who could pull something as bullshit as running a kilometre in under a second. Guy could do it, but that was because it was Guy, he broke logic for breakfast. "Well, how about some cake to celebrate this...thing?"

Kurama just snorted.

"And...done, I think. Hopefully."

Putting her brush away in her inventory, Akari stood up from her desk then lifted up the seal-paper. If this worked, she would then write a new seal, but backed by vellum, which would last far longer. There was no reason it shouldn't work, Tobirama had given her some seriously amazing pointers on manipulating Yin Chakra, so it wouldn't ever explode, that was nice of him to do. It would also be something she could hide under her forearm protector on her left arm, so she had a great spot picked for it already, somewhere where if it got damaged, chances are she had bigger problems to worry about.

Kurama looked down at the finished Fuinjutsu from his perch on the shelf above, his tails lazily waving around in the air. "Impressive, it doesn't look like much." Though it didn't sound like a compliment, coming from someone who spent more than a dozen years sealed within two Uzumaki Seal Mistresses, then four years inside of her, someone who dabbled in Fuinjutsu quite often, that was actually a good thing. A seal which to his experienced eyes looked plain meant people would underestimate it.

Of course, nobody ever fully underestimated an unknown seal, but if people assumed it wasn't actually as powerful as it was, then people would pay it less attention. Considering people shouldn't be seeing it anyway, that rendered his backhanded compliment a little moot, but she was still happy to hear it. "Thanks, Kurama." He just yawned, it was pretty late after all.

"Yeah yeah, just try it already so I can go back to sleep." He drooped his head over her shoulder, peering down at the seal. "And if it doesn't work, I'm going somewhere else to sleep, you make too much noise."

Akari couldn't resist the urge to jab at him. "Lazy bones." Akari giggled when he growled at her, he was so touchy about the fact he liked sleeping. It wasn't like she was much better, she always liked a good lie-in, but he slept pretty much every chance he got, something that was honestly quite off about him. As far as she knew, he did the same thing beforehand, sleeping pretty much all the time. "Kurama...is the reason you're always so sleepy because your chakra filters through my seal constantly?" The fox picked his head up slightly to look at her.

Then snorted. "No, sleep is just a nice reprieve from the world. I can dream you know, so sleeping lets me escape the boringness of the real world and into whatever may happen within my own mind. A thousand years of the same forests, mountains, and caves would bore any being." Akari hummed sadly, reaching her arm up to rub his head lightly.

"Sorry boo, you know me, I just ask anything that comes to mind." He just gave a noncommittal noise but leaned into her touch slightly. Akari lowered her hand to the seal and hesitated for a moment. If this worked, great. If it didn't, she probably wouldn't blow her own arm off thanks to Tobirama's pointers, but it'd still be disappointing. Shrugging, she just did what she always did when faced with a decision, just went for the throat.

She funnelled Chakra into the seal, wincing slightly at the uncomfortable feeling of Chakra binding to her arm. It was like thin nails digging into her skin about a centimetre from where her stump was. Then, with a rather pitiful puff of black smoke, she was left with a glowing orange hand, white lines twirling around in various patterns. "Huh. I really expected more than that." She waved her new hand around a little, waggling her fingers, then tapping it against the desk.

Since it was based on the Shadow Clone Jutsu, she gained the 'memories' of touching things. But instead of having to dispel, it was a live feed, giving her feeling in her hand. As Akari wasn't a masochist, she hadn't put pain receptors into the Shadow Hand, but it could still experience touch. If something stabbed her hand, she would know something was touching it, but she wouldn't feel any pain from it.

Why it was that colour...she theorized that perhaps because, according to Sei at least, her Chakra looked orange with some strange whiteness twirling around her network, that the Hand took the colour of what her Chakra nature was. Since she had two, it merged the colours together into orange, thus making her hand orange in the visible spectrum. The white...she didn't know what that was about, apparently only she had it, Sei had never met another person with white lines twinned in her Chakra. It probably had something to do with either the Game, or her rebirth.

She folded her fingers together, then separated them and lifted her new hand to Kurama's level for testing. He sniffed at her hand once then nosed at it, finally giving it a strong bite. "Looks like a success." He said after withdrawing his teeth, Akari waggling her undamaged fingers around with a grin. She didn't want her hand to break nearly as easily as a Shadow Clone, so the Kage no Te seal used way, way more Chakra than a single Shadow Clone, to the tune of 15,000 Chakra Points. With that much Chakra, she could fuel one clone for 1436 whole hours, 57 days, or over eight entire weeks. Fifty percent of that went straight into forming the extremely dense shell of Chakra around her hand, the other half was entirely for upkeep.

From Tobirama's observations and estimations, her Kage no Te should be able to last for perhaps three months after using the seal, thanks to the fact that it was so small compared to a Shadow Clone. Considering she regenerated enough Chakra to refill it in only one minute, that would never be a problem. Adding Chakra was easy, it was forming the shell of Chakra itself that was expensive, plus if it was ever somehow broken by something, creating a new Shadow Hand would drain her of a good chunk of Chakra.

She briefly considered layering a Henge over her hand, since it was only two Chakra points a second to maintain, something she could regenerate easily by just dropping the Henge for a brief minute or so, regenerating Chakra, then layering it again, but eventually decided against it. Her new hand looked awesome, so she didn't care if people stared. Before people would look at her stump with pity, that was why she began putting a Henge over it, but now it was different.

Besides, Naruto was going to love it.

There we go.

She has her hand back...somewhat. But as described to Shisui, this is a speciality seal, so only she gets a replacement hand. She had to work on it for a good while since she had time and wasn't on missions, which is why she won't make it more common. The Golan seal was enough for her, giving back vision to those who'd lost it, but the Kage no Te seal is her own personal creation.

Hmm, maybe she could get the Hokage to make it a Kinjutsu, putting it on the Forbidden Scroll, so only she's allowed to use it. That might be a good idea, considering how if someone inept tried to make one, they'd probably tear themselves or their patient apart trying to apply it.

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 77

Age: 16

Experience: 65,945/77,000

To Next Level: 11,055

Title: Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

Secondary Title: Jonin - +25% Experience gained working with Genin

Health Points: 18,500 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 3600/m - 60/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 36,620 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 7200/m - 120/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 70

Vitality - 60

Endurance - 60

Intelligence - 80

Agility - 161

Wisdom - 90

Luck - 60

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