
Chapter 28 - Likewise

A boardgame is referenced at some point during this, because in my headcanon, video games don't exist in the Elemental Nations. Or at least, not yet. So don't question that bit when you see it please! It still fits, like a DnD game or something.

I do hear you all, a lot of people are confused and not too happy with Chapter 27 If people still aren't happy after this chapter, I'll delete them both and pull all the 273 stuff out. I wanted him to come in for one last hurrah, which would also tie him off so he can't come in later to do anything. Plus, I like this idea I had, so hey, maybe when the context is added because of this chapter people will like it more?

It does honestly hurt to hear that so many people didn't like chapter 27. I for once honestly believed that to be a really good fun chapter to write. But then again, I'm the one with the context. I really hope that those of you who got annoyed decided to give me one more chance and read this chapter because most if not all of the 'issues' get explained. When this is all uploaded I doubt anyone will get confused because they'll immediately get context, but I couldn't stuff this chapter into that one, it would have been too long and I would probably not have been as motivated to write this all out.

Having all those kinda angry reviews meant I wrote out this 5k+ chapter in like 3 hours...maybe writing chapters that need the context of the following chapter is actually a good idea, if it means I write more at this speed? I dunno, anyways...

Please, leave that review at the bottom! I want to know if you still think this is bad. If so, well...I'll scrap these two chapters! I don't particularly want to delete 10,000 words of story, but if you all really don't think it's that good, then I'll just deal with it =/ Will mean the next chapter will probably be pretty damn delayed, since I'll have to figure out what I want to do instead, plus with me being an essential worker I'm still away during this Corona-crisis.

Chapter 28

Blinking in surprise, Hiruzen lowered into a ready stance, his wary eyes observing the Kyuubi as he did the same.

A moment ago, he'd been yelling for all medics available in the hospital to convene on the roof immediately in the hopes that one of them would be trustworthy enough for Kurama to let them through. Then, he was...here, wherever here was. "Kurama, what is this?" The Bijuu made a choked noise in his throat, as if the words he was about to speak pained him.

"I...don't know. I've never seen anything like this before." Humming, he looked around. They were in no Genjutsu that he could tell, a swift swipe across his arm which drew blood made certain of that. Their surroundings were perplexing, a white plain devoid of anything, as though they were stood on top of a white, ungarnished plate.

As he looked around, he became aware of the sound of footsteps. Turning his head towards the sound, he was met by a white...figure. It, much like the surroundings, was completely plain, the only thing allowing him to see the figure was the fact that it had a black outline running across its edges, defining the main body in an extremely minimalistic way. "Well, I presume you are to blame for our current change."

The figure nodded, waving a hand in front of itself. Black text formed in a trail behind the moving hand.

Hello. I am The Entity. I require your assistance in a matter pertaining to the one you both know as Uchiha Akari and U.O.273 - 2, the Entity responsible for her current situation. I understand you both likely have questions, so I shall endeavour to explain all necessary prompts. Keep in mind that I reserve the right to not speak answers to questions I feel nonconductive to our current discussion.

Hiruzen held his tongue a few moments, formulating a good opening question. Then Kurama bellowed out furious words. "I don't give a damn about any of that." His voice was level, but the level of cold malice contained within made Hiruzen shiver slightly, though he stifled it with experience. "Right now Akari is dying, and you've pulled us away from her. Put. Us. Back." The Entity shook it's (His, perhaps?) head.

Uchiha Akari will be absolutely fine. Much as her Mindscape ability allows a 100 times time dilation effect, when residing within this realm, standard time is all but stopped. However, I cannot maintain this presence for too long, stopping time on the scale of your planet is taxing, even for a being such as myself. Typically I would use the resources naturally available to me through means I am not at liberty to expose, but as of right now, those resources are unavailable.

Though he was still growling, Kurama looked towards Hiruzen, prompting his own question with a questioning look. "If you are this powerful, why could you not merely solve this problem yourself?" He got the sense that the Entity was displeased with his question.

This relates to the disconnection between myself and my normal resources. I cannot directly interfere in Uchiha Akari's existence any longer. This was stipulated after...I cannot discuss this any longer.

Hiruzen raised a single eyebrow, something that the Kyuubi matched by folding his arms, the pair of them staring at the Entity. "So, you mean to tell me that you are being stopped from interfering, but whatever this U.O.273 - 2 thing is has free reign to manipulate our world, more specifically Akari?" The white figure shook its head.

Incorrect. Your world has been, for lack of a better term, locked. No changes may be made. This was done in an effort to capture U.O.273 - 2, though he, or rather his presence, escaped before the system was locked down. What this did achieve was to seal a great portion of his processing power in your world, leaving him incapable of escaping a second time. We cannot undo this lock without freeing him to flee.

Much of this talk went over the two other inhabitants heads, though Hiruzen simplified it. "So basically, you've sealed his 'Chakra', making it easier to catch him, but you also can't interfere with the seal, otherwise you'd free his energy and allow him to flee once again?" The figure nodded ecstatically, thankful that Hiruzen had simplified his words. "And how exactly do we tie into this?"

I can no longer influence Uchiha Akari directly. As it stands, she will either die or become mentally deficient within a standard week on your world, which is not likely enough time for 273 to be deleted. I require a...'hand' if you will, an envoy who will perform actions which I am now incapable of. To pre-empt your questions, this would require entering the Mindscape of Uchiha Akari and breaking the illusion her mind is currently inhabiting.

To explain: Right now, Uchiha Akari is experiencing a false life. She absolutely believes that what she is seeing is reality, actively ignoring the minor errors and problems which have cropped up, even as her mind would normally realize she is trapped within something similar to a Genjutsu. She has been manipulated like this before, her intelligence not being as it should, leading to poor decision making.

Hiruzen looked at the giant fox, who returned his look with a shrug. "So, you're saying that Akari has been manipulated by this 273 thing before?" He nodded. "And I can't just blast him with a Tailed Beast Ball?" He shook his head. At this point, Hiruzen interjected.

"You've said you're not at liberty to discuss certain things, but I think we need to know more about the specifics, in case we run into any mental traps or defences he might have erected within Akari's mind to stop us from aiding her." Kurama supported him with a firm nod, the pair staring keenly at the Entity, whose white body slumped in defeat.

Alright. I already know when she wakes up Akari is going to have choice words for me, so what's one more discrepancy. I, or rather the resources I quantify, am the reason for Uchiha Akari's unpredictable growth rate, the reason why she can sustain wounds without death which would kill any other mortal, the method by which she routinely...'breaks the rules' as it were.

She has had access to a system known to her as The Game. This system allows her certain functions such as levelling up, granting her buffs, status effects, and other systems one would typically find in a roleplaying board game. I...do not wish to explain further, this is a secret I know Akari wished to take to her grave, to avoid being forced to attempt to produce offspring who also possessed this ability, lacking a way to prove that her children wouldn't be born with the exact same ability. Just to inform you, this ability is unique to Akari, her children will not receive the Game.

Hiruzen frowned. "And who exactly did you have in mind for an 'envoy?" The entity just waved his hand between Hiruzen and Kurama. "You...wish for us both to be envoys?"

Correct. Uchiha Akari trusts Kurama a lot, and she respects Sarutobi Hiruzen a great deal. Between the pair of you, you should be able to convince her that her current reality is false. If she adamantly believes reality is false, she will wake up from the dream. This is why 273 tried to ensure she would never question whether reality was real or not.

"Well, count me in. Akari doesn't deserve any of this, even if she has been keeping secrets. I'm sure the esteemed Professor here would agree that everyone has secrets they wish to keep, ourselves included." Raising his eyebrows, Hiruzen none-the-less agreed with the Kyuubi, nodding to himself. He certainly had secrets he hoped to never see the light of day, as did any human.

"Akari is one of my best Tokubetsu Jonin. She's strong and skilled enough to be a fully-fledged Jonin, I just didn't want her to be eligible for a team, not at such a young age. When she wakes up...-" Hiruzen looked up at Kurama with a grin.

"I think a promotion would be a nice get-well-soon card substitute."

"So, how's your little scamp?"

Akari threaded her fingers together in the air above her face, rolling her head slightly to look at Jiraiya. "You know, you are his godfather, you can visit him at literally any time." The white-haired man shook his head, amusing her a little with how his hair flicked around.

"Can't do that gaki, too busy with- Hey, watch it!" Akari frowned, her attempt to punch the man in the face failing, instead leaving her wincing as she pulled her wounds again. "What's the big deal, eh?"

"The big deal?" Akari folded her arms over her chest. "The big deal is that you've never visited your godson, not a single time. I don't care if you're the goddamn Hokage, if you don't make even an hour a YEAR to see your godson, you're just a disgrace." Jiraiya hung his head, which had the unfortunate side-effect of bringing him close enough for Akari to swipe his forehead protector, sticking her tongue out at him even as she fought back her laughter at his hair now falling all over his face.

As the Sannin reached over to try and grab his forehead protector, the ground shook. Blinking in surprise, Akari watched as Jiraiya's face went slack, standing up mechanically and heading to the window. "Uhh, Jiraiya?" She asked curiously, surprised when the large man flung the window open and leapt out without a word. "The fuck?" She asked herself, slowly shimmying across the bed then, wary of putting too much strain on any of her wounds, standing up.

Fortunately, the small bedside table was wheeled, so she could use it as a mobile support for her body, which enabled her to slowly lope across the small room to the open window and peer out. Jiraiya was nowhere to be seen, but what she could definitely see, what really frightened her...

Was the giant form of the Nine-tailed fox rampaging.

"You know, I really wish that damn Entity had explained that when we arrived, we wouldn't get a pleasant welcome."

Batting away another Kunai strike with the end of Enma, Hiruzen pivoted the large staff around, the opposite end striking a devastating blow on the head of one hostile. Every time one fell, Hiruzen felt his heart give out a little. Even knowing all these nin were just fakes, it still pained him to kill so many Konoha ninja, people he'd seen grow up, get their headbands. Sure, many were those he wouldn't see often, those who didn't get missions directly from him, but he still recognized more than he didn't. "Evidently this 273 thing expected trouble. They almost act as though under the influence of a compulsion Genjutsu."

He prodded his staff outwards, forcing one Chunin back, then spiralling Enma around himself to ward off several attacks, at the same time his hands flipping through seals, his lungs billowing up with Chakra. "Katon: Goka Mekkyaku!" His lips split, spewing forth a grand wave of fire which, as its name suggested, annihilated the region in front of Hiruzen, turning several enemies to naught but ash. "At least this will hopefully begin to make Akari-san question what is going on?"

At the mention of his container, Kurama's head turned in one direction, towards where she was located. "Hopefully." The Bijuu then reared back several of his tails, slamming them downwards horizontally into a section of forest before sweeping them from side to side, as if wiping a table clear of detritus. "What do you say we kick things up a notch?"

Smirking, Hiruzen hopped on top of Enma, mentally extending the staff to a great height. As it reached the apex, he threw out four shuriken Shadow Clones, forming them into clones of himself as they reached their apex, each clone already forming hand seals alongside Hiruzen himself. "Sorry about this Enma." He apologized in advance as the five Hokage's finished their hand seals, each casting the same Jutsu. "Katon: Goen no Jutsu!"

Five colossal streams of flame spewed downwards, impacting the ground and intermingling into a colossal wave of fire. At the same time, Kurama finished his own, far more simple attack, sending the giant malignant orb of purple Chakra outwards with a flick of his tails. "Tailed Beast Bomb!" He announced loudly, watching as the orb fell a short distance away then erupted, vaporizing all the hostiles within the area. Since it was all an illusion, doing things which would be so destructive normally was entirely fair game.

Hiruzen's attack continued to burn through the forests, sweeping them clean of all life. Eve nthe trees became mere ash as the intense flames blasted them with unrelenting heat. After a full minute of streaming out flames, Hiruzen cut his Jutsu off, bringing the four clones who were holding onto Enma to disperse, refilling his Chakra stores slightly with what little Chakra they had left after such an intense attack. "You doing alright there old man?" Hiruzen shook his head at Kurama's unrepentant look, though he frowned when the giant fox swivelled around, nearly knocking him off of Enma with his tails. "She's moving."

Commanding Enma to shrink back to a normal size, he hopped off, sweeping up the summon with ease. "Then let's get moving. Hopefully, us two showing up like this will throw her off, which will be enough of an opening to make something happen. All we have to do is make sure she realizes that she's not experiencing reality at this point." Hiruzen then frowned, stepping to the side to avoid a ball of green oil. "Well, definitely not pulling out any stops." He muttered, seeing the white hair of his student approaching.

It was...unpleasant watching Jiraiya unceremoniously get crushed by one of Kurama's tails, the point of the giant foxes tail coming straight down in top of his head. With a shake of his head over how strangely the nin within this illusion were acting, Hiruzen followed Kurama, who had shaken off Jiraiya's blood from his fur and was now slowly making his way towards Akari. It was fast enough that Hiruzen had a hard time keeping up, but for Kurama, it was a pretty slow pace all things considered.

As he leapt across the trees, Hiruzen began planning what he was going to say when they met Akari. She would hopefully realize what was going on, but if she didn't, it never hurt to have a backup plan. As Kurama came to a stop, Hiruzen made the last few jumps to arrive at a clearing with a few dozen scattered buildings. He followed the giant foxes gaze to a single window where a heavily-bandaged Akari was staring back at them both in surprise. He opened his mouth to begin explaining, but...

"Akari!" Kurama got their first, putting his head right up against the window to look at her. "Akari, Kit, listen to me. We know about the Game, that Entity bastard told us. He said that something called U.O.273 - 2 was messing with your mind. You probably don't believe me or think I'm a trick, so how about this?" The Bijuu then whispered something, somehow managing to be quiet enough that even Hiruzen couldn't hear what he said.

Whatever he did say was immediately followed with a squeak of surprise, then the noise of a fist hitting fur as Akari punched the giant fox. "YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN YOU BASTARD!" The giant fox guffawed, his head rising upwards as he laughed. Akari crossed her arms and growled up at the fox. Deciding to make his entrance, Hiruzen cleared his throat, noting with a small smile as Akari was immediately suspicious of him, lowering herself slightly into a Taijutsu stance.

"I didn't hear whatever Kurama said." He quickly covered for himself. "But what he said before is true. We both have heard of this...Game. I must admit, I regret that you couldn't trust even me with the knowledge of this ability, but I do not hold it against you. With how Danzo attempted to capture you, if this knowledge was also in his hands, he would have spared no expense." Akari was still wary of him, but not enough to need a combat stance. Though..."But it would have been ill-advised to attempt to attack me in such a state. Fake or not, I highly doubt you could beat a single fresh Chunin as you are now."

Akari grimaced, straightening up and grabbing the stump of her left hand with the right. "So...this is all fake?" Hiruzen nodded. "Hmm. Was wondering why I'd never heard of this place." Hiruzen blinked in surprise. He distinctly remembered the Entity saying that Akari was being manipulated, so she wouldn't realize this, but apparently she was already noticing problems.

"Akari, we were led to believe your...intelligence had been manipulated. Yet you still noticed this fact?" Akari shrugged, extending her hand outwards.

"Well, right now I feel like absolute shit, and I physically can't do fuck all, so all I had was time to rack my brain. Even a mentally-damaged person would probably have noticed that discrepancy by now. Anyway, I've run so many missions in Hi no Kuni that not knowing pretty much all the towns and villages would be stupid." She stretched her arms above her head. "So, what's the deal? Do we have to make a big enough explosion that this place destabilizes? Oh, oh, maybe I can- Hmm, nah, that wouldn't be it."

Hiruzen chipped in before she could continue. "Akari, to destroy this reality, you have to adamantly believe that where you are right now isn't real." The Uchiha blinked in surprise. Then she looked around for a moment before tapping her chin.

"Well, I mean, that's kinda hard to quantify. Logically, I know this isn't real, but my brain still thinks its real, so...oh, I've got it!" Hiruzen made a vague gesture, a 'go on' motion. "You can just use a Genjutsu on me. Make sure it's bad enough that my brain naturally tells me that this isn't real, and poof. We trigger the requirement, the illusion collapses, and we're all home for dinner!"

Hiruzen palmed his chin in thought. "Hmm, that could work. Alright, I'll give it a shot. Prepare yourself." Akari closed her eyes, took a breath, then nodded. Kurama lowered his head to watch in interest as Hiruzen began to form hand seals. "Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu!" He used the standard False Surroundings Jutsu, but made sure that much of her surroundings were distorted, incorrect. Things like her sense of gravity were thrown off, her eyes couldn't focus on anything, and all in all, it was extremely unpleasant.

With a lurching sensation, all three inhabitants of the fake world found themselves returned, or in Akari's case placed for the first time, within the white plain, with the Entity peering at each of them.

Akari stared at the white form for a moment, then grit her teeth, before her eyes snapped open a glowing crimson.

"BASTARD!" Akari yelled, lunging at him with her fist cocked back. She barely made it two steps before her wounds dragged her down, but she still cursed up a storm. "You...I fucking swear. if it wasn't what you had to in order to make me believe that I was in a fucking illusion, your balls would be finding a new home on my fucking coffee table!" Hiruzen chuckled slightly as the Entity took a hesitant step back from the irate Kunoichi. All three of them saw the text that appeared in front of him.

I apologize Akari, I had no choice in the matter. I had to explain certain things, and-

Akari interrupted him, her face a maelstrom of pure fury. "Enough. You said that 273 was, and I fucking quote, 'forcibly retired'. So how the fuck did he get back in again?" As the Entity began forming a response, she cut him off again. " You know what? I don't want to fucking hear it. Just..." Akari sighed. It wasn't her usual exasperation. It was a purely tired sigh, entirely matching with her wounds, each of which was now dribbling blood through her bandages. "...just don't let him do anything to me again." The Entity made an aborted motion to approach Akari, but stopped.

That can certainly be arranged. As we speak, the Higher-ups in NoxCorp are scrambling to find exactly where he went. The one location he will not be able to return to is here though. His fixation on you was strange, but if we re-appears here a third time...you know what?

Akari raised an eyebrow from her position on the ground, wincing in mild pain as the familiar screen of her Game appeared in her face. Her menu was manipulated by the Entity, bring her to her inventory where a new item was sitting. "What's..." She tapped on the single box, surprised when he buzzed an angry red at her. "What's that then?"

That, Uchiha Akari, is insurance. If 273 ever returns, use that item. I've hard-coded it into your mind, you physically cannot be forced to forget about it, and all you need to do is merely request to use it for the box to open. This way, no matter what he does, 273 cannot stop you from using it. It will...guarantee that 273 does not bother you again.

Akari shrugged. "Cool. Anything you can do about all...this?" She waved at herself, more specifically her torso and her missing hand. The Entity's featureless face shook from side to side, though she imagined that he was frowning. "O...kay, any reason why?"

As I've already explained to your two compatriots here, your world has been, for lack of a better world, locked. This is to prevent 273 from gaining access to, putting it in easy terms, his 'energy'. It's all trapped here. He can't come back, and now it's only a matter of time before he's found again. And when he is, deletion of the errant Entity will be easy. but this also means that, for the time being, I cannot return your hand to you, nor repair your wounds. As you now have access to your Game unlocked, a good night's rest will repair most of your injuries, but your missing hand is not something I can as of this moment fix. However...

Akari winced as the Entity brightened for a moment, rubbing her eyes as he faded from existence. "Uhh, Entity?" As she spoke, a crimson pendant appeared around her neck, surprising her.

Apologies, I had to disperse myself to give me enough energy to remain for a while longer. Though, as I was saying, as soon as 273 is found, I will return and grant you your hand back. Until then, that pendant...if you would use your underused observe ability...

Akari did so, the text for the item appearing as she pulled the pendant up into her line of sight. She stifled a gasp as she read the information listed, there...wasn't much, but what was written was terrifyingly powerful.

Pendant of Seikatsu - Grants revival ability for user. Self-use only.

That pendant will bring you back from death. I hope you have no need for it, and I will be taking it back when I return your hand to you. Such an ability is not meant for mortal hands, but as this is arguably my own fault, that can be waived for the time being. Please, do not use it as an excuse to leap into unwinnable situations. If I hear tell that you have abused this boon, I will be greatly...displeased.

Akari gulped at the rather harsh look she could feel the Entity giving her, raising her hand in a sloppy salute. "Gotcha. Uhm...I never really said this, but...thanks." She could tell that she caught the Entity by surprise with her words. leaning in so Hiruzen and Kurama couldn't hear her next words, she spoke softly. "If I didn't get this, then I would have died and stayed dead. Heck, how many people can say they got a second chance at life? So...thanks." Though hesitant, the Entity brought his hand up to Akari's shoulder, patting it once before returning to its neutral stance.

You are most welcome...Akari Uchiha nee Sallow.

Akari's eyes widened, a tear threatening to fall as she was reminded of her previous life in a far more impactful way, with her old last name, though she forced a smile. "Well, what happens now? I guess you send us back to reality and then I don't hear from you for another few years?" The Entity nodded.

Correct. By my approximation, this hunt should take no longer than four standard years within the Elemental Nations, perhaps as little as a single year.

Grinning, Akari turned around, wandering over to Kurama to sit by his paw. "Well, here's to hoping those years go by quickly!" Though he still had no face to emote with, Akari knew that the Entity took her words to heart. But, as her vision went white, she heard something that made her heart flutter, as the Entity spoke directly for the first time in the eight years she'd known him.

"I hope so too...Akari Uchiha."



I'm probably going to end up deleting this, but whatever, I like it. This is the absolutely LAST TIME that 273 fucks with Akari, I swear. If he ever appears again, which I dunno, maybe, maybe not, she has a bullshit-level item to deal with him.

And the Pendant of Seikatsu, if that ain't overpowered then what is? It literally allows her to revive herself! Granted, when the Entity shows back up he's taking it back, but...phew, you can tell he really knows how much NoxCorp dropped the ball this time. At this rate Akari's going to be leaving a 1 star review when she checks out!

Finally, Akari has the Game back. That means when she sleeps, most of her injuries go away. But, since losing her hand is a crippling injury, it isn't healed. Don't worry, I have a fun idea for that, she's never one to get knocked down and stay down! Think about Sei if you really want to have somewhere to base theories, it's pretty obvious what I'm planning!

But yeah, the only thing that actually happened, in the end, was that she lost her hand, and Kurama is now out of his seal...there's gonna be some repercussions for that, oh boy.

So, please review. If people REALLY still don't like this...though it hurts to do it to 10,000+ words, I'll delete these two chapters, get rid of the 273 stuff, and find something else to go to...

Up to you all, I am the slave to your whims! To a degree...Akari is not going back to Hana, fuck you all if you want that! =P

I do have a Pat reon, if you could send me some love over there, I'd greatly appreciate it. Also if you have a good idea for a pat reon reward, please tell me, I suck at coming up with rewards.

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 77

Age: 16

Experience: 65,945/77,000

To Next Level: 11,055

Title: Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

Secondary Title: Tokubetsu Jonin - +25% experience gained during solo missions.

Health Points: 18,500 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 3600/m - 60/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 36,620 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 7200/m - 120/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 70

Vitality - 60

Endurance - 60

Intelligence - 80

Agility - 161

Wisdom - 90

Luck - 60

Bab berikutnya