
Chapter 19

It's official, you all...PASS!

Okay, but seriously, you all pass the marker of awesomeness by a landslide. Fifty...thousand...views. That's...ridiculous. even averaged out across all chapters, that means that my story has been read over 2500 times! That's absolutely insane. Honestly, thank you all so much. I absolutely adore all the support you guys give me, and it's so awesome to hear you guys say that you enjoyed this stuff!

People seem alright with me using 'The Entity' to ret-con some of my really damn stupid mistakes, so we'll be sticking with that.

Chapter 19


Dead-panning her voice, Akari slowly levered her torso up from the ground, wincing at the throbbing headache she had, then yelping in surprise as a pile of stuff dropped to the ground in front of her. A vellum-wrapped tube came flying out of the pile towards her, bopping her on the head before she could react. "Son of a bitch!" Throwing her hand out to catch the offending material, she contemplated tossing it back in the pile, but shrugged and instead put it in her inventory. "Y'know, you could have put all this stuff in my inventory."

True, but this is more amusing.

Yelping again, Akari stopped herself from falling over a scroll which rolled out of the pile under her foot. To anyone else, it would look like she was staring...no, glaring, at a randomly offensive bit of air as she steadied herself. "Oh, it's amusing huh? And what's up with you...oh, I guess you aren't done explaining?"

Correct on both accounts. I shall be finishing my explanation, then leave you to your devices. Now, if you would open your status page, you will see the aforementioned 252,000 experience has been directly deposited into your system.

Doing so, Akari focused on the important parts of her status, grinning widely to herself.

Level: 53

Experience: 41385/53000

To Next Level: 11615

25 Skill Points Available

Before she spoke again, she spotted a pop-up had appeared on the side of her vision and opened it, her jaw dropping in surprise.

Achievement Unlocked!

Reach Level 50.


50 Skill Points

"Uhh, Entity, is that quite...correct?" She frowned when she didn't get a response, tapping the faintly-glowing box and watching with wary hope as those 50 points appeared aside her other 25. "Okay then...point taken, they really want to apologize for fucking up, gotcha." Not that she minded. Getting more power to cover her own fuck-up was always nice.

This is...perplexing.

"Hmm?" Akari didn't want to admit, it, but she was still distracted by the 75 points she now had. With that she could gain enough strength to move mountains, enough vitality and endurance to survive being sat on by Kurama, enough Luck to make every encounter a slapstick comedy of her opponents falling over.

You haven't received the correct achievements either. There are milestones such as reaching level 25, travelling 100km, defeating 100 opponents, healing 100 allies, things such as that. These have apparently been skipped over as well. I wonder...

The entity's words disappeared into thin air, leaving Akari frowning at nothingness. Evidently they were still trying to pick through everything that U.O.273-2 messed with while he was still in charge of her world. She idly focused on the different stats available for her to change, trying to decide how to split her points. 75 Skill Points was pretty major after all, being equal to 15 levels.

With a sigh, she began shoving items from the pile which appeared into her inventory, groaning when she realized that most of the Senbon had literally poured out in single parts, meaning over a thousand tiny metal rods to clean up. Some were attached to strips of cloth, like the one wrapped around her own thigh, but most were individual pieces, and it was annoying.

"Ooh." She remarked, her fingers wrapping around what at first glance appeared just be a piece of cloth like the others, just not studded with senbon, but was surprised when it turned out to actually be the aforementioned Concealment Shroud. According to the tooltip which appeared when she observed the item, it had a special property of concealing the identity of the user. As long as she wore it on her face, covering her nose and mouth, leaving only her eyes exposed, people wouldn't connect Akari Uchiha with who she was, in a really weird way. Even if she showed up wearing her normal gear, they would simply see her as...something else. "Weird." She tossed it into her inventory amongst the other items, dragging a few around to neaten up the slots.

Fortunately enough, items stacked in her inventory, so all the Senbon ended up in one icon, rather than several thousand. Granted, that was one of the boons to her so carelessly bolstering her strength and neglecting her Intelligence and Wisdom, she had more inventory slots than she could count, but they would still have been filled to the brim if she had to have every single senbon take a slot on its own.

Deftly avoiding the blade that was about to slice her fingers open, she took the sword up and peered at it before throwing it into her inventory. It was a pretty monotonous task, but at least it meant that she'd probably never have to buy another Kunai, Senbon or standard tanto, katana, or another bladed weapon, seeing as she had at least a couple of every kind of blade imaginable. Granted, they were standard, so they wouldn't hold up compared to something like the Kusanagi, but they could do in a pinch.

Speaking of the legendary Grass-Mowing Sword, she flicked the last few senbon into nothingness and scrolled to where she'd sorted all of her bladed weapons, drawing the double-edged jian out of her inventory and then swiping it from the sheath in silence, the well-maintained sheath barely making a hiss. She grimaced recalling movies where the drawing of a sword was accompanied by a loud metallic shing. For a shinobi, that noise would be a goddamn dinner bell.

Whipping the sword across in a horizontal strike, Akari smiled, focusing on the edge and observing the pop-up.

Sword of Kusanagi - A legendary, unbreakable sword made by ancient and unknown means. Can be extended via imbuement of Chakra. Usage - 15CP/foot, will recede after three seconds.

While the whole extension thing sounded awesome, the biggest deal for Akari was the unbreakable part. A sword which physically could not be broken sounded absolutely incredible. "Heh, I bet a Tailed Beast ball would reduce that puny hunk of steel into slag." She smiled to herself at Kurama's words. Considering how he could now see out of her eyes, he'd long-since learned of the fact that there was some kind of mysterious entity assisting Akari, granting her strange boons and leaving her stronger than before.

While he didn't know quite how far it went, he, in a strangely cordial way, acknowledged that Akari didn't truly need his power, and because of that, he stepped up when she finally met her match. "I don't know Kurama, it did say it's unbreakable. Anyway, you literally don't have anything to bet aside from Chakra, and you know my body can't handle it anyway."

That much was true. Even with the game supporting her, as soon as she attempted to draw more than a single tail of Chakra from Kurama, her body felt like it had been lit on fire, and her health bar started fluctuating strangely, jumping up and down, as did her health regeneration. After that incident, the two quickly decided that she would be practising using a single tail until she could hold it without burning her Tenketsu out.

"Hmph, I still have centuries of age over you brat, I know things you would never learn elsewhere." Humming nonchalantly, Akari threw another handful of Kunai into her inventory, listening to the giant fox prattle on about the things he'd seen in his long life which Akari would find valuable. "-could even...you're not listening are you?" Akari gave a shit-eating grin to Kurama mentally, taking a page from a certain lazy ninja she knew.

"Sorry, did you say something?"

After stuffing her inventory full of loot and placating Kurama for pretending to ignore him, Akari tried to recall exactly what she planned to do now.

She had those 75 points to spend, to which she immediately pressed twenty each into Intelligence and Wisdom, bringing her up to a grand total of 13000 Chakra Points. That was enough to summon over 80 Shadow Clones at once. And with a regeneration rate of 2500 per minute, she would be able to spam those clones out easily. She still couldn't manifest a level 3 Susanoo for more than two minutes, but considering how powerful that ability was, two minutes would afford her a great deal of time to absolutely annihilate her enemy. She could also use her Mangekyo for nearly eight and a half minutes straight without running dry of Chakra. Even if she decided to stay on the route of Bukijutsu, her Mangekyo would make her an unparalleled close-combat fighter thanks to the extremely advanced level of perception granted.

Tapping her chin, Akari shrugged to herself, trying to think of something to do. She still had a few days of mandatory break before she was allowed to undertake missions again. Naruto was currently working away happily at his calligraphy, owing to the fact that he was an Uzumaki. Akari wanted him to get a head-start, so when he was older he'd be able to rival his parents for Fuinjutsu skill.

Sei was probably teaching at the Academy still, so maybe she could pop in and say hello, as well as surreptitiously check out this crop of cute little genin. Komachi was probably off being an ANBU with her boyfriend Towa, and she hadn't spoken to Anko since revealing that Orochimaru was a traitor, so she was probably out as well. Sighing, Akari hopped up into one of the trees surrounding her little training grounds, easily spotting the Hokage monument and from that where the Hokage Tower, Mission Office and Shinobi Academy were.

Having them all underneath the largest monument in the village made finding them an absolute cake-walk. As she made to jump out of a tree, she stopped and first put some extra music on, enjoying the beautiful OST of Shadow of the Colossus, one of the few games she actually managed to get ahold of in her old world. Considering she lived in a lawless-zone, commodities like that were rarer than winning lottery tickets, so it was one of her treasured possessions.

Smiling as she remembered her little hovel, one she'd dug out of a collapsed building herself, she found herself reminiscing on times in her past life as she skipped across the trees. If there was one thing though she had to say she missed, it was the sheer freedom living in that city gave her. She could do anything, there weren't any laws to stop her. Granted, to other people, there also weren't laws limiting them, so getting shot dead in the street just like how she died, well, it wasn't a rare occurrence.

But what came a close second was how technology was strangely developed in some places, under-developed in others. They didn't have any kind of phones or digital devices. She'd heard a rumor that the richest inhabitants of the Nations had televisions, but from the way they were described, they sounded like screens from the 1940s, nothing like the kind of screen available in the time she lived at.

Coming out of the forest surrounding the training ground, Akari quickly walked up the side of a building, scanning the rooftops quickly and spotting only a few people using the 'Shinobi Highway', the easiest way to travel through Konoha and avoid the crowds. Idly, she could hear a household in the distance faintly singing the Happy Birthday song, grimacing as memories of the last few years worth of birthdays flashed by.

She was never very good at picking gifts, nor receiving them. Aside from Naruto, most of the people she'd call friends would usually find various amounts of Ryo disguised in random trinkets. The only one she ever put in the effort to think of a gift for was Naruto, not for lack of trying, she just sucked at figuring out what, say Komachi would like for her birthday. Or Kakashi.

Then again, Kakashi would just be happy if she got some Inuzuka-made dog food for his ninken. And Komachi usually seemed happy enough with weapon treating kits, so she was pretty easy. Anko liked having Monty to look after during her birthday, using the snake to ward off people she didn't like by wandering around with her wrapped around her neck.

Naruto, though, she put some serious effort into getting or even making presents for him. His most recent birthday presents were a book covering the introductory stages of Fuinjutsu, a crimson scarf the same colour as his mother's hair, birth mother that was, with golden Uzumaki spirals adorning it, and a little booklet she wrote out with Teuchi which was filled with redeemable little vouchers he could use to get ramen on his own from Ichiraku.

Speaking of which, Akari made a little detour towards the little Ichiraku stand, having memorized its location in order to find Kushina or Minato when she needed their help with something, or when she inevitably ended up losing the fiery redhead and needing to track her down, chances were she'd be there eating through a dozen bowls and trying to leave the bill with someone else.

Dropping off the rooftops, she strolled under the flaps of the ramen stand. "Oh, hey there Ayame." Akari grinned at the little 10-year-old sitting behind the counter on one of the sides, dangling her legs back and forth. The girl looked up at the sound of the flaps shifting, smiling brightly.

"Hi Akari-neechan! Uhh, Tou-san is in the back, but...I-I can take your order!" Smiling, Akari nodded, settling down on one of the stools.

"So, you're a big girl now, taking orders hmm? Who knows, maybe soon me and your good old Tou-san will have to be fending the boys off with brooms?" The little girl shook her head, sticking her tongue out and whining about how boys are icky. "Well, I'll take one Tonkotsu ramen with extra Chashu and Menma please, plus another to go." Reaching over, she rustled Ayame's hair. "Who knows, maybe soon you'll be back there with your tou-san making ramen with the best of them?"

Though she ducked her head to hide her blush, Akari could see how excited the girl was about growing up to be just like her father. Somehow, that brought a far warmer feeling to her heart than near anything else, knowing that by protecting the village, Ayame could grow up doing whatever she wanted. If they were in worse position, such as if the Third Great Shinobi War dragged on, Ayame might not have had that chance, she might have been forced into doing something else. With her reserves and comparatively weak frame, being a ninja wasn't for her, but wartime needs might have ignored that.

It was that reason why she never regretted her actions during the battle of Akaya plains, massacring hundreds of Iwa-nin using her Jutsu. If she didn't do that, who knows what situation Konoha would have found themselves in now. Maybe Minato's own actions as the Yellow Flash would have ended the war, but not likely as soon as it did with Akari on their other flank single-handedly crushing their army group centre with a single Jutsu.

But, snapping her out of her dreary thoughts was the master of ramen himself. "Teuchi, how are things?" The man shrugged, rolling the bowl to her and wiping his hands down.

"The same as ever, Akari. It would be nice if we could get ahold of more wheat, but the farms we are usually supplied from got delayed thanks to an encounter with a delegation from Kumo, so we're a little short on noodles. Still enough to feed all the hungry mouths that come our way, but until they get here, I have to buy from other suppliers." Frowning, Akari tried to recall what delegation he was talking about, but shrugged. If they were important, she probably would have been told by the Ho...kage.

Facepalming, Akari propped her chin up with her hand, elbow in the side as she stirred her bowl of ramen around with her chopsticks. "I'm an idiot. I remember what I forgot, the Hokage wanted to talk to me. Whoops." Teuchi stared at her incredulously for a moment, then threw his hands up and walked back into the back area of his stall muttering about crazy Uchiha.

Then again, she'd been in this exact seat sat beside Minato, the Yondaime Hokage, who himself was sat next to Sarutobi, who had been dragged there by Kushina since at the time he was happily retired. In her infinite logic, Kushina decided that meant he had plenty of free time to try some ramen. Of course, she also bribed Akari into helping by offering her a new design for an explosive tag that Minato had come up with, but nobody living knew that, nor needed to know that.

The point remained that she had a scary amount of leeway with the current and past Hokage. Minato favoured her, and Sarutobi put up with her lack of correct suffix use a lot of the time, as well as the fact that occasionally she came to him because she'd fucked something up royally, like the time she accidentally made a self-perpetuating explosion seal, then subsequently set it off. They had to call in a chakra-draining specialist for that little issue, but Hiruzen never seemed too mad about it.

Then again, with how strong he was, Akari wouldn't be surprised if his face was actually an impregnable mask hiding the seasoned veteran beneath.

"-o page 363 please, it should be titled 'Ballistic Theorem'."

Creeping into the room by walking upside-down through a window fully enshrouded in the Kiri-Woka no Jutsu, Akari grinned to herself as she saw her brother stood behind his desk, a hand outstretched towards the chalk caking his board. Ahh, one of the many classes she ended up skipping, Ballistic Theorem. Rather than just take the students outside and letting them practice with Kunai and learn in a way better way, they had them all sat in a boring-ass classroom learning how gravity, wind, grip, blah blah blah, all of that somehow changed the path of a Kunai so that despite the opponent stepping to the side, it hit them still.

It was all super boring. What wasn't super boring was actually throwing Kunai. Of course, after years of doing that exact thing, the novelty of throwing a sharp object around wore off somewhat, but it was way better than learning that by pushing a finger out slightly, you could make the Kunai fly in an unpredictable pattern. Or by twisting your hand, it would do a magical backflip and end up ripping a hole in reality...

Okay, maybe not quite that much, but that just showed how boring it was. One of the students flicked through the entire book to fan themselves, letting Akari's Sharingan pick up every single page of the booklet. Every single one was just as boring as the last, if not more so. If it were any more boring, a boring black-hole would have opened up and devoured the book whole, saving these poor little naive brats from the hell that studying was going to be. Deciding to do her duty as a Tokubetsu Jonin of Konoha and save these poor mistreated children, she...

...folded her legs up to sit on the ceiling and grinned down at Sei, acting perfectly nonchalant. "Akari, what are you doing up there?" The students all looked up in confusion, though Sei wasn't fooled. Unshrouding herself, she tapped her chin, acting completely innocent, and ignoring the gasps of surprise from all the students.

"Absolutely noothing~" She chirped. "Though, when did you notice I came in?"

Sei sighed. "The instant you turned your Sharingan on." Akari hummed. That was a bit surprising. She expected him to 'see' the disturbance in Nature Chakra thanks to his Golan Seal and immediately know that someone entered the room. Evidently, if he only knew she was there when she used her Sharingan, something about the Kiri-Woka no Jutsu helped blend them in, even to those who could sense Chakra. "So, what are you doing in here Akari? Don't say nothing, you must have had a reason." Frowning at her brother, she shrugged.

Since she was still upside down, evidently this amused some of the assembled students, who laughed. "Well, I guess I kinda wanted to see what this crop of genin looked like. You are teaching the final year students this year, right?" Sighing again, Sei nodded. "Woah woah woah, so...these are final-year students?" Sei nodded, raising an eyebrow at Akari's voice. "And you're only now introducing them to Ballistic Theorem?"

Sei rubbed his closed eyes in feigned exhaustion. "Blame the civilians. But, enough. Akari, do you have an actual reason to be here interrupting this class?" She shook her head. But, before he could tell her to leave, she grinned widely.

"Well, maybe I could help you out! I'm still on forced leave thanks to an incident that I can't talk about, S-class secret n'all that, but I just set Naruto working on his calligraphy, Komachi is off being ANBU, and I don't have anyone to waste my last three days with!" The assembled students all chimed in that they also wanted to learn about how cool she was, probably because she was sat on the ceiling looking down at him.

"Fine." He finally acquiesced. "But you get to explain to the Hokage why you just invaded my class when you're meant to be meeting him."

...This is hard to write now.

My problem is that I didn't have a target for Akari to be going towards. I now have an event planned, which is why she'd meant to be meeting the Hokage. But, because she's sort of an SI, she procrastinates it a bit, because she's allowed to, thanks to the fact that she's on mandatory leave, so she has an excuse. Does it make sense when you think about it? No. But I don't always do things that make great sense.

Hey, if you enjoyed, maybe you could consider hopping on over to my profile, where a little Pat reon link sits waiting for attention. Don't feel obligated, I really enjoy writing, it just doesn't keep the lights on. If you have even just a few pounds you could sling my way, I'd be really grateful!

Now, I'm doing a hard age-setting here, because I lost track. These are now the fixed ages for a few characters so you get the idea of what ages certain groups are. I know this is one, maybe two years from what it should be, but I gave up trying to keep track of it, so I'm just resetting it. Trying ot make this part of the entities fault would bend my brain around too much, so I didn't bother. Sawwy.

Naruto Uzumaki - 4

Iruka Umino - 14

Akari Uchiha - 16

Deidara - 16 (I fucked up, Deidara is canonically like 4 years older than Naruto, so he'd be 8/9 right now. But fuck it, I want him in here, so he's older than he should be.)

Kakashi Hatake - 18

Might Guy - 18

Kurenai Yuhi - 19

Hiruzen Sarutobi - 60

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 53

Age: 16

Experience: 41385/53000

To Next Level: 11615

Title: Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

Secondary Title: Tokubetsu Jonin - +25% experience gained during solo missions.

Health Points: 6500 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 1200/m - 20/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 13000 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 2500/m - 41.6/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 55

Vitality - 40

Endurance - 30

Intelligence - 50

Agility - 50

Wisdom - 50

Luck - 30

35 Skill Points Available

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