
Chapter 15

I just had a really scary Jutsu idea.

Imagine forcing medical chakra into a target completely uncontrolled aside from in location, allowing it to replicate cells at ridiculous rates, like, for example inside of the Aorta, or in the brain, or eyes? It would grow a tumor in seconds...That's not a fun idea...No, Akari is NEVER going to use it, she's far too much of a direct-combat fighter, with med-nin stuff in reserve to heal herself and her allies. I struggle enough to get her to use Jutsu! My mind doesn't work in that way, I'm very two-dimensional when it comes to combat. Melee combat is my schtick.

...Well, aside from Megami no Te, because that's fun.

Chapter 15

Akari used the two seconds of time she had with her Mangekyo while Orochimaru was distracted to call on Megami no Mon, naming Jiyara and Kanza, the two Iwa missing-nin she'd killed a few years ago on the border of Kusagakure. The sannin was still staring in shock, though his eyes twitched away from her to look as the two spectres formed beside her, clutching Kunai in their hands.

She declined to give either of them free will, immediately ordering them to distract and attack Orochimaru by any means necessary, just in general to stop him following her immediately. At the same time, Akari bolted, leaping off the table and running as swiftly as she could, hearing the sounds of battle behind her as the two immortal spectres battled with the sannin. He attempted to summon snakes to chase Akari down, but the spectres were wary for tricks, stabbing the snakes and making them disperse.

For a pair of missing-nin Chunin, they worked exceptionally well together, and because they had absolutely no fear, nor nothing to fear, they were able to hold their own, shrugging off his attacks with ease. The reason for this was that Akari realized something important about Megami no Mon. At no point did it specify that Akari has to have a lot of chakra, she just has to be able to activate her Mangekyo, and then wait five seconds as the spectres are summoned. As such, the two spectres only had 100CP, but as long as they didn't use any jutsu, they'd be absolutely fine, and could fight for the full 100 minutes without hindrance.

Ducking under a low-hanging stalactite, Akari spotted daylight ahead of her, the cave having been illuminated by bioluminescent fungi. Redoubling her speed, she bolted out of the opening, wary for traps, before shutting her eyes and feeling for her clones, who were still out in the forest. Grinning, she opened her eyes again, looking down at the seal on her body.

It was made to hold back her chakra. But, the problem with the seal was that it wasn't expecting a sudden influx of more chakra. Orochimaru knew that there was nobody around to push extra chakra into the seal...but he forgot about her clones. Mentally, she commanded all but two of her shadow clones to disperse at exactly the same time. As the did so, she ignored the memories they gave and focused on shunting every drop of chakra her body now had right into that seal.

It glowed blue as it tried desperately to devour the chakra. Then, as she was distracted focusing on the seal, a fist found itself buried in her stomach, shattering her concentration and dispersing her chakra. "Kukuku, I don't think so little Uchiha." The sannin hissed as he looked around. "A good trick. I wonder how you summoned those two...It can't have been the Edo-Tensei, there's no way Hiruzen or Minato-" He spat the names like curses. "-would have let you learn such a thing. I shall enjoy pulling those answers from your mind."

Akari closed her eyes, her mind racing through plans and discarding them just as quickly. With her chakra dispersed and absorbed by the seal, she couldn't overload it. Two shadow clones would never be enough. She could feel the two spectres trapped underneath a mass of snakes, far too many for them to push their way out, they'd be no help. She could also feel that with that punch, several of her ribs had fractured, one of which was dangerously close to puncturing her lung. She didn't have time to check her HP, but she was fairly confident that one attack dealt a hefty blow, more than the loss of a hand or a stabbing gave her.

As her mind raced through these possibilities, she felt a pull on her nape, followed by her stomach flipping as she was forcibly pulled into herself. "Kit." She heard the Kyuubi's voice, surprised that he managed to pull her in somehow. Her seal wasn't designed to allow him to do that, she had to be the one to enter her mindscape. "Kit!" But it was undoubtable, that pull was irresistible and she could feel the Kyuubi's breath on her body as he huffed at her. "KIT!"

The Kyuubi's thunderous voice finally snapped Akari out of her thoughts, her eyes snapping up to meet his in surprise. "K-kyuubi?" She asked, confused. The fox huffed and sat down, putting his chin against the ground to better see her. "How did you...you shouldn't have been able to do that." Sighing, Akari looked up at the ceiling, falling roughly to her back. "Not that it matters though. At least three cracked ribs, internal bleeding, virtually no chakra. I hate to say it, but I think I'm fucked." The giant fox glared down at her, before snorting.

"Kit, you know...you're smart." Akari's head jerked in surprise, turning to look at the massive fox. "You showed me those...'golan seals' you designed, you were one of the two to write the seal currently holding me, and you managed to raise a Kit of your own when you were only twelve." The fox then growled. "And you're still completely missing what's sitting right in front of you."

Akari blinked. Looked down at herself. Then back at the Kyuubi, who stared back, implacable. "Am I really that dumb?" The Kyuubi nodded, a grin coming across his face. "I really hate myself right now." Pulling herself up from where she was laying on the ground, Akari approached the giant fox, slipping through the bars easily. "Well, I don't think anyone planned on it, myself included, but...I guess we're partners then Kyuu-"

The fox cut her off. "Kurama. And don't assume that just because of this we're equals. I hate to admit it but...I trust you, Ningen." Akari smirked, hopping up onto the paw he placed in front of her and carefully balancing as he raised her up towards the paper seal holding him back. "This isn't permission for you to use my chakra as and when you wish it, you got that brat?" Akari smiled, patting his paw, as she gripped the fuinjutsu-covered paper and prepared to tear it away.

"Crystal clear."

As Orochimaru made to bind Akari with a Jutsu, thinking her passed-out, she exploded.

Not literally exploded, obviously. It would be more accurate to say that her chakra exploded. Taking several hurried steps back, Orochimaru observed as she opened her eyes, which were slitted and blood-red, to stare at him. Without a word, she pressed her hands together into a seal, spawning a half-dozen clones and sending them away. At the same time, Orochimaru prepared himself to summon Manda, noting that the seal on her body was gone, the space being taken up by the familiar spiral seal which held the Kyuubi.

He wasn't yet comfortable summoning the Boss-snake, he took a very large amount of chakra, and would demand tribute for whenever he was dragged into a fight, especially as today was not one of the days he was willing to be summoned, but Uchiha Akari was definitely too dangerous to take lightly. Best to deal with her before she got used to the sudden influx of nine-tails chakra she was receiving. As he bit his thumb to perform the Kuchiyose no Jutsu, Akari's eyes began pinwheeling again, the girl falling to one knee as she used the same strange Edo-Tensei-esque ability to summon..."Impossible."

Chuckling softly, Akari muttered out the few words which would doom the Sannin. "Grant free will." Then looked up. Stood beside her, blinking and glancing around himself, was the Fourth Hokage himself, Namikaze Minato. "Hey there Minato." She grinned when he snapped his eyes to look first at her, then at her stomach, assessing the seal and grimacing. To him, it was obvious that the seal had broken somehow, but he didn't know the full story. "Minato, questions later. For now, Orochimaru is our enemy. He tried to torture and experiment on me, he wants to steal a Sharingan and he said something about how it would let him become immortal...somehow."

Akari shrugged, her spinning eyes recording every inch of Minato's surprise-locked face. "How did you...I'm..." He shook his head, drawing out a familiar Kunai. "I'll trust in your judgment, Akari. But, you and I are going to be having words after this." At this point, Orochimaru had pulled himself out of his surprise, and finished the Kuchiyose, summoning Manda.

"Orochimaru! You bastard! You'd better have a damn good reason for summoning me like this!" From his position atop the massive snake's head, he glared down at Akari, reasoning that killing her would dispel the technique. "Oh? Isn't that the blonde menace, that 'Hokage' who died to the demon-fox?" Akari could hear Orochimaru talking to the snake, but couldn't make out any of his words. Instead, she turned her attention to her stats, glad to see that her chakra had come back in full, and her Chakra Points were surrounded in a red border.

Glancing down into her perks, she frowned, at the same time prodding at her ribs and checking to make sure they were actually repaired. They were, but she'd probably have to break a few to re-set them, as they weren't lined up quite correctly, though that could wait. She read what her updated perk said and grimaced.

Jinchuriki of the Nine-tailed Fox - Active/1 Tail - You are now channelling the Chakra of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Will use Chakra directly from Bijuu's pool. Prolonged use will result in burnt Tenketsu, followed by cell death. Quantity usable will vary dependent on quantity of tails used.

Shaking her head, she spoke softly to Minato. "Listen. In this form, you can use any technique, but you only have a certain amount of Chakra before you disappear. It's twice my maximum quantity, but since I'm channelling Bijuu chakra...I don't know how that'll affect it. So...just be careful, okay Minato?" The blond turned around to give her a cheeky grin before throwing his Kunai out, pressing his fingers into a cross. "Why do I even bother?"

"Taju Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" From the single weapon, dozens of other Kunai appeared, all with the Hiraishin formula bound to their handles. Many pinged away, reflected by Manda's scales, but several remained wedged in at spots, which was all the Kage needed. As Akari stayed back, watching Orochimaru warily, she heard a weird whirling sound. Turning her gaze away from the sannin for a brief moment, her eyes widened as Minato formed a blue ball over his hand.

Then he disappeared. Twisting her head, she flickered her gaze all over Manda, then the surrounding area, spotting no sign of him. Orochimaru was equally surprised, as was the giant snake, all three of them watching and waiting to see what would happen. "Ra-" Orochimaru span around...too slowly. "-SENGAN!" Coming up from behind him, Minato slammed his Jutsu directly into the Sannin's face, ripping his head apart in a single move.

The man didn't waste any time forming another and throwing it downwards, drilling through the boss summons head and forcing him to dispel swiftly before he could perform any sort of revenge. He then Hiraishin'd again, appearing back beside Akari with a grin, sticking his fingers up in a v shape. "I win." Akari shook her head, a smile on her lips. Before she could say anything though, the man fell to one side, his legs disintegrating. "What the-?"

Akari blinked, looking between him and her chakra. She didn't know how much chakra his 'Rasengan' or his Hiraishin used, but surely it wasn't enough to use up nearly ten thousand points of chakra. 'Hey Kurama, you got any idea why he'd be disappearing already?' She asked the Bijuu in her head, getting a noncommital noise in response. She quickly planted Minato's head on her thighs, a soft smile on her face. "Minato. Hey, it's okay, you got him. I can just summon you again. I...wanted to wait until Naruto was a chunin before meeting his parents..." Minato was sharp, he looked at her, the question on his lips, before he shook his head and planted a smile on his face.

"Then I'll be waiting." And he was gone to the wind, his body disintegrating into a fine white mist which dissipated into the air as though it was never there. Sighing softly, Akari made to stand up, her legs cramping, when motion from Orochimaru's direction caught her attention.

"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me." Muttering, Akari watched as his corpse jerked around. Then, his throat opened up like a goddamn flower, regurgitating an identical clone of Orochimaru, but one which had a head, his eyes open and glaring at her. As soon as he was standing, he opened his jaws, bringing forth his sword out of the head of a snake which came up his throat. "Okay, that's fucking disgusting."

The sannin ignored her, levelling his blade and trying to hit her. Unfortunately for him, her Sharingan made the quickly-extending sword look like a caterpillar, allowing her to easily avoid the attack and begin rushing him, pulling both her knives from her inventory. As he retracted the overly-long blade and made to slice at her, she stepped underneath it, coming up under his armpit and lunging forward with one blade, the other ready for if he brought another weapon to bear.

She was right to make that decision, though not for a blade. Out of his sleeve, several snakes emerged and lunged for her face, forcing her to slash at them, while Orochimaru used the handle of his sword to force her knife away, before attempting to bisect her hand. She retracted that hand quickly and ducked down, swinging her leg around to trip him.

The snake-summoner hopped just barely over her leg and lashed out with his sword, extending it enough to threaten her face and force her to roll away, jumping up and facing him again, growling. One of the snakes which came from his sleeve managed to get its fangs into her wrist before she could avoid or kill it, and it was...irritating. She could feel the Kyuu-Kurama's chakra burning away at the venom, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

Smirking, Akari opened her lips. "You know, despite how much I want to rip you into a hundred pieces and feed you to Monty...I do have to thank you." The sannin raised an eyebrow. "If you didn't summon that oversized future-shoeskin snake, I wouldn't have figured out a way home." The sannin looked confused for a few seconds before realization dawned upon him.

"I'm glad to see you've realized that. Though, I regret to inform you that it doesn't matter. you won't be seeing Konoha again." With that, their fight continued, occasional Jutsu being thrown into the mix as Akari pressed the sannin hard, and was pushed back just as fiercely. Once more he regurgitated a body for himself when Akari got a lucky hit and slashed out his eyes, but it was plain as day that the technique seriously exhausted him. She figured from the way he was very cautious about using Jutsu, he was on his last legs.

Ducking backwards from a horizontal swing, she flicked her gaze up into the trees for a brief moment, spotting her clones ready and waiting for her signal. As Orochimaru followed through with a thrust, she flared her chakra, bringing all the clones out to buy her a few seconds while she concentrated. Two poofed out of existence within the first two seconds, three more caught and killed within the next ten as the man desperately tried to reach Akari before she finished her Jutsu, to no avail. As he destroyed the last two clones, Akari finished her jutsu, grinning from ear to ear as he looked up at her. "Susanoo!"

In the midst of her Level 3 Susanoo, she brought a longsword of pure chakra down upon the man, then scraped it across the ground as he dodged to the side, forcing him to back away or be swept along. Bringing both arms to grip the weapon, she reformed it into a spear, thrusting outwards and growling as he evaded the attack. The Susanoo was an incredible defensive and strong technique, but it wasn't very manoeuvrable. But, it didn't have to be if she hit everywhere simultaneously.

"Impromptu Jutsu: Hammerfall!" Akari yelled to surprise the sannin and keep him off-guard, forming the weapon in her Susanoo's hands into an absolutely colossal hammer, the head at least twenty meters across. Giving him no more time to react, she brought her constructs arms down hard, completely obliterating the area the sannin was stood in, before immediately dropping the technique and gasping. She'd had to drop channelling the Ky-Kurama, feeling her skin burning was too distracting, and so she only had thirty-five seconds before the stage 3 Susanoo completely drained her Chakra stores, having brought it into existence from absolutely nothing.

As the hammer flaked away into nothingness, she peered at the area she's struck, which had a massive crater dug into it by the weapon. There, at the bottom, was a considerably flatter Orochimaru. Smirking in victory, she dragged herself to her feet, nearly tripping several times as she approached. When she got to the edge of the pit, she slumped down, leaning against the raised earth which rimmed the hole, staring down at the defeated sannin. She'd done it. Defeated a treacherous sannin. She had help from the Yondaime, sure, but- "No."

She shook her head, eyes wide as she peered down at the corpse. "You're not allowed." She let a tear fall down her cheek. He was twitching. She had nothing left, her chakra was all used up. All her clones were gone, and she was already feeling the mental strain from having so many clones disperse in one day. What she would call her strongest ever attack hadn't killed him. And her body felt drained, having been forcibly healed by Kurama's chakra for such a long time took its toll. Even if her ribs were healed, she could feel that her body wouldn't hold together channelling any more Bijuu chakra, she wasn't even remotely accustomed to it.

She turned away, pressing a hand to her forehead as she heard the sound of Orochimaru regurgitating a new body for himself. A few seconds later, unsteady footsteps began padding their way towards her. She couldn't use Megami no Mon, she'd already used it the allotted three times in 24 hours. She could maybe dredge up one Great Fireball thanks to her natural regeneration, but he would probably just avoid it.

As she turned her head to see the triumphant smirk on the snake-bastards face as he looked down at her, she blinked. She grinned. Then she opened her inventory, drew a random, unnamed blade, and with a second wind bursting energy into her legs, she slammed forwards and cut the snake-fuckers head off, falling exhausted past his headless body into the hole and rolling down, cutting herself several times on her own sword as she rolled uncontrolled down to the bottom, getting kicked in the face by Orochimaru as his body hit the bottom alongside her. As she lay there, blood streaming from her nose and cuts trickling blood all across her body, she laughed, long and hard as she looked up at unfamiliar skies, the body of a headless traitor beside her, his blood on her blade.


Title Earned - Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

"...Damn it Akari, why can't things be easy around you, hmm?"

Shrugging, Akari met Minato's gaze with a grin. She'd told him most of what had happened since he sealed Kurama into her and gotten his soul nibbled on. His eyes lost some of their shine when she mentioned that Kushina didn't survive the night, the unsealing of Kurama and Naruto's birth taking too much of a toll, even for her Uzumaki vitality. But she steamed ahead, going on to explain what had happened to the village, the troubles around the Uchiha being ostracized from the village, and the fact that she'd basically stolen the Tsuchikage's apprentice during a mission.

Okay, maybe not quite that, but seeing Minato's eyes bug out in surprise was definitely worth the small lie. "Hey, it's not my fault I keep getting dragged into crap. First it was my team all getting murdered, then it was killing hundreds of Shinobi with a single attack. And then I had to escort Hiruzen with you to Tetsu no Kuni, I could honestly go on for ages about how stupid my life is, but I won't bother." Akari lifted a stray snake scale up, one knocked off the colossal serpent when Minato's Rasengan chewed through its head. "Now, I tried using my knife to rip a hole back in reality, but every clone I send through them just remarks that they are all, every single one, not Konoha, no matter how many times I try to cut a hole."

Sighing, Akari flicked the scale upwards, letting it fall somewhere behind her as she shook her head. "I don't want to have to do this, but I need to know how to do a reverse-summon...As well as one eensie-weensie little other thing." Minato frowned, his eyes locked onto hers carefully.

"You know how dangerous a reverse-summon is?" Biting her lip, Akari nodded. Minato sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Okay, but only if you tell me what your plan is."

Humming, Akari leaned back. "Well, the idea is that I reverse-summon myself, appear in the summons territory, then even if they aren't willing to take on a summoner, I'd ask them to let me travel out of their realm and back to the Elemental Nations on foot. But-" She looked straight at Minato. "-If all else fails...I need you to use the Hiraishin on me."

Blinking, Minato shook his head. "That's too dangerous. The Hiraishin..." He stopped, facepalming, while Akari grinned. "I get it. You want me to Hiraishin you from the Summons territory to one of my old marks within Konoha, don't you?" Akari's grin widened as she nodded. "Okay, that could work. The only problem then is two-fold actually. First, you have to see if the Kuchiyose even works. Secondly, you have to not get killed by the summons clan if they decide they don't like you and want to kill you." Akari shrugged.

"I can handle it."

Cracking her fingers, Akari took a last good look at the world she was on.

It had been a little while, as she had to wait for Minato's rather absurd week-long cooldown before summoning him again, which meant she'd gotten used to the rather strange planet she was on. She'd had a single encounter with the six-legged panther, which somehow ended up with her sat against a tree, the panther planting its head on her lap as she pet it. The less questions asked the better, as the clone which ran into it could attest that it wasn't a naturally friendly creature by any stretch of the imagination.

But, it was time to leave. Before she'd dispelled Minato to wait for the cooldown, he'd taught her the hand-seals for the reverse-summoning technique, which was actually the same as the regular Kuchiyose, it was just that because she didn't have a contract, instead of pulling a summon into her area, she would be pulled into the summons area instead.

Taking a deep breath, she began forming the hand seals, her Mangekyo already active and ready to summon Minato if anything went wrong. As she formed the final hand seal, she slapped her hand against the ground, watching the black symbols spread out before condensing around her. A feeling similar to entering her mindscape gripped her, almost like being grabbed from behind and having your body flipped over, before everything went dark for a brief moment.

She regretted her Mangekyo at that moment, a headache erupting between her eyes at the image burned into her memory of something she shouldn't have looked at, but it was gone as quickly as it came, leaving her to stumble and nearly fall as she was unceremoniously spat out the other end of the technique. "Ohh, what's this~" A melodic voice met her ears, soft yet strong at the same time. "Oh, a human! It's been so long!"

Blinking the spots out of her vision, Akari looked around for the animal which spoke to her, but spotted nothing. "Come now girl, I may be an animal, but I'm not so daft as to merely sit on the ground." Looking upwards, Akari saw, sat in the tree, a hulking mass of black and white fur, lazily chewing on greenery as it watched her with midnight black eyes, framed by more black fur. Rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn't just seeing things, Akari took in the animal in the trees...and lost it, falling on the ground and laughing.

The creature in the tree watching her...was none other than a panda!


My god, I enjoyed writing that fight so fucking muuuuuuuuch! Fuck yeeeeeeeeah, fuck you Oro-busu!

I seriously loved that. And I think that Minato disappearing is reasonable, since he immediately used a jutsu to create hundreds of Shadow Clone Kunai. Adding two Rasengan and two Hiraishin into the mix drained him far faster than he expected, running off of what is technically Akari's chakra, and not his own.

And, let's not forget where his is right now. Since he had to be pulled from the Shinigami's stomach, who presumably doesn't want to give up his prize, it meant he couldn't stick around for very long. Still sounds like a plot-hole?

Well how about because the Hiraishin is a Bullshit no Jutsu, but I wanted to use him because he's just the most beautiful and awesome guy in Naruto, seriously. I mean, Ebisu is obviously Best Boy, but still!


Also, Akari's closest summon animal is a Panda, who saw that coming? I think it fits. Akari is kinda solitary, only really spending time with Naruto. She's aggressive, but only when someone aggravates her, usually she's pretty placid about the work she has to do, killing people without really caring. And, above all else, she's awesome!


OKAY FINE I'LL ADMIT IT! I just wanted her to have Panda summons because Red Pandas are the most adorable thing ever. Even big cuddly Panthers have nothing on a cute little Red Panda!

Please, reviews are adored. Even just an "I liked this section." or "I didn't like this bit.", that's fine. I love hearing what you lovelies think, it really makes my day to know someone enjoyed this, and it helps immensely when someone points out things they didn't like.

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 48

Age: 15

Experience: 37023/48000

To Next Level: 10977

Title: Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

Secondary Title: Tokubetsu Jonin - +25% experience gained during solo missions.

Health Points: 6500 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 1200/m - 20/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 5000 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 500/m - 15/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 55

Vitality - 40

Endurance - 30

Intelligence - 30

Agility - 50

Wisdom - 30

Luck - 30

Chakra Nature(s): Fire - Primary, Lightning - Secondary

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