
Chapter 12

*NOTIFICATION: I'm not dead I swear. I know, I know, I haven't uploaded a thing since Christmas, and I'm so sorry! Ask any of my friends...who none of you have contact with, but hush, and they'll tell you that I've been raving about my stories. Trials of the Wylfen Corsair's first chapter is currently sitting at 20.5k words. And the rest are everywhere between 4000 words and 200 words. I didn't want to just focus on one story, so I've worked on...uhm...12 different chapters at once...PLEASE DON'T YELL AT ME I'M SAWWY! But yeah, they'll be coming out when I feel they are done. Wylfen Corsair is going to be my baby, even though this right now is my most loved story.

Though, let me be extremely clear. Aside from Alagaesian Anomaly, NONE, not a SINGLE ONE of my stories is abandoned. I want to write for every single one. That includes Crimson Dovah. And Broken Watch. And all the rest of them! I just...get distracted easily. Sorry again, I'll make it up to you all boos! This chapter is short since I decided I NEED to let you all know what's going on. I feel so bad now D'=*

This is possibly the fluffiest chapter I've ever written. It's...way too PG and happy for me...It feels weird. Welp, time to have Tobi show up to murder Naruto in front of Akari, that should get the blood flowing!

Chapter 12

Ignoring the jangling sound her Rolling Table item made, Akari flipped the meat in her pan, one of her eyes tracking the slot as it twisted through thousands of potential items far too fast to see, whilst the other ensured the meat she was cooking didn't burn.

Flipping out a plate from the cupboards to her side, she turned the stove down, the pan being left directly above the flames as she dug around in the cupboards for some rolls. Today was a good day for the young Jonin, she had a full week to relax and spend time with a rapidly-growing Naruto. A week! Seven whole days to kick back and do sod all. To top that, she found a hidden sub-tab in her menus filled to the brim with old-world music.

Immediately calling upon her memories of music from her world, she put some music from an expansion pack for an apocalyptic game, since the title Old World Blues just tickled her. She didn't exactly miss her old world, she lived as she died, going out with a bang. It kinda sucked that she died so young, but her new world was pretty damn awesome, so it really wasn't a big deal to the reincarnate.

With the roulette item selector slowing down, Akari kept an eye on it as she cut open the rolls and dug out their insides, setting them on their sides in neat rows and nibbling on the excess bread. With a deft hand she scooped up some of the meat and pushed it into the rolls, filling them up one by one and then pressing the leftover bread into the hole to seal them back up. "Naruto!" She called loudly, hearing a bang as the boy hit something in his surprise.

"Yeah?!" He yelled from his room, his voice far louder than necessary.

Not that her own was much better. "Food!" She retaliated, snickering to herself at the thought of just how their neighbours must feel with the two loudest Konoha inhabitants living in the same apartment. Swiping another plate, Akari shunted off a quarter of the rolls for the young Uzumaki. While he ate a lot, he had absolutely nothing on Akari's appetite. Being a Jinchuriki practically took her from a somewhat normal girl who ate a little more than she was used to, and turned her into a bottomless void of food.

Loud footfalls alerted her to the oncoming ravenous beast which was Naruto, so she took his plate in one hand and leaned backwards, placing it on the kitchen island before grabbing her own and some barbecue sauce. Before she could settle down to eat her food and read through a few Fuinjutsu scrolls, there was a knock at the door. Suppressing a growl at the interruption, she laid her plate back down and hopped over to the door.

"Oh, heya." Was her casual reaction to the other blonde stood at her door. She kinda felt bad dragging the kid before the Hokage like she did. It was the regional equivalent of dragging someone in front of the President. If said President was Arnold Schwarzenegger. As in, capable of burying your head in the ground even in his advanced age. There was no doubt in Akari's mind that if the cutie had put a single toe out of line in front of Hiruzen, he'd be buried in the ground with the Hokage's staff on his throat before he could blink.

It sucked that she got sent away to 'rest', so she couldn't coach him through how to not be a massive idiot in front of quite possibly the strongest Ninja in the village, but she was hopeful that he could hold his own. "Kaa-san?" Naruto chirped from behind her, and she had to resist the urge to rip her own hair out. No matter how many times she told him she wasn't his bloody mother, he didn't listen.

"But you're the one who washes my clothes, feeds me and houses me." 'Well yeah, you can't look aft-'

"You read me stories, comfort me during nightmares, give me hugs when I ask." 'That's not-"

"And that time that Kunai scraped me, you're the one who looked after me when I got sick." 'That was only because that bastard hated the Kyuubi so much and thought that to hurt you would hurt me~.'

No matter what she argued, he was steadfast in countering her. At some point, she threw her hands up and just gave up on the whole situation. She'd take on a hundred Iwa nin without blinking, but in the face of Naruto's puppy-dog eyes when he asked her if she didn't want him, she collapsed like a house of cards. "Uhh, do you want to come to Deidara-san?" The blonde gave a shaky nod, leading Akari to step aside. "Okay, just leave your sandals in the getabako." With that, Akari wandered away from the front door, picking her plate back up then gesturing at the confused boy. "Want something to eat?"

"That sounds...great, un." Quirking a smirk at the poor flustered boy as he quietly, though plenty loud enough for her to hear, cursed his verbal tick, Akari opened another cupboard and retrieved a small plate, shunting off one of her rolls before handing it to the boy. "Uhh, not to sound rude Akari-san, but...what are these?" He eyed the stuffed roll with suspicion.

Reaching over, she pointed out where the roll had been sealed. "They're spicy meat-stuffed rolls. Damn simple to make, just saute some minced meat with salt, pepper, chili powder, ground cumin, and a few other bits and bobs, then remove the insides of a roll, push some meat into the roll, seal it back up, and voilá!" Smiling at Deidara's perplexed expression, she just waved her hand at the roll on his plate. "Just try it. Naruto here-" She ran her hand atop the boys head, chuckling softly as he leaned into her hand. "-can probably attest to them being good. Even if he would prefer them to be stuffed with ramen. Carbs on carbs, honestly."

Still confused, but hesitantly excited, Deidara took up the roll and eyed it with suspicion, before slowly sinking his teeth into it and taking a bite. Then another. Then half the roll was gone when Akari blinked. And then extended his plate, silently asking for more. "More please, un." Then audibly asking for more. Smiling, Akari pushed another two rolls off her plate onto his.

"Well, is that isn't a solid endorsement I don't know what is. I take it you like spicy food as well then?" The boy responded by nodding his head, his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk as he tried to eat far too much at once. Stifling her laughter with her hand, Akari unconsciously turned her Sharingan on. "Oh, I'm so memorizing that!" Getting her laughter under control, Akari lifted one of her own rolls up, poised to take a bite, when her Rolling Table finished turning, prompting Akari to freeze as she read the item name.

Her sudden statue-esque imitation was not missed by Naruto or Deidara, who were both confused when Akari began staring at nothing. "Uhh, Akari-san?" Deidara inquired, though the jonin didn't respond. Right now, she was far too busy trying her damnest not to leap out of her chair and do a backflip or five. For years she'd been getting just the absolute dregs of items, things which were barely useful, but still counted. Well...now she'd finally had her patience pay off with an item that, against all odds, she actually recognized.

You've received...: The Subtle Knife. One edge is of steel, keen enough to part any physical material with ease. The other is of manganese-titanium alloy craft, and honed so finely as to be willed to part the veil between worlds. Use this at your peril, for interdimensional travel is utterly impossible to plot. You may never return to your start location when the initial parting closes.

Blinking, Akari placed her food back down, noticing now the worried looks she was garnering. Affixing a little smile on her face, she sighed. "Don't worry about me, just...thought of something good, that's all." More than once she grappled with the idea of telling Naruto about what she could do, but the same fear that tore at her before came knocking again. He made no secret that he wanted to be a shinobi like she was, and that meant he was sworn to be utterly loyal to the Hokage. Her abilities would likely see her either permanently out of the village fighting, locked up for experimentation, or, the worst one, forced into pregnancy to see if her offspring had the same powers.

Akari liked kids. Raising Naruto, while she could have done without the diabolically revolting vomit and diaper incidents of his younger years, was definitely an amazing experience which she wouldn't trade for the world. But she honestly didn't want to come anywhere near having a child of her own, Naruto was more than enough for her. "Don't mind her, Kaa-san does that sometimes." Naruto chirped with a grin.

Huh, apparently her little one was more observant than he let on. Akari was pretty sure she hadn't been distracted by her game in front of him at any point, but apparently she wasn't careful enough. It was good that she had gotten very good at using sleight of hand to activate and remove items from her inventory, as well as lying. Catching her removing something from it or adding something wasn't too bad, since she could play it off as Fuinjutsu, but there's a limit to how much she can say that before someone gets suspicious.

"That I do. And you'll be doing the same if you don't hop skip and get your little butt out that door soon, as I believe you're forgetting something." Akari rolled her head to smirk at the deer-in-headlights look Naruto adopted. Grinning at him for a few moments, he wolfed down an entire roll in two bites, grabbed his final one, and scarpered out the door after rushing over to peck her on the cheek, a hastily-yelled 'Bye kaa-san' over his shoulder. "...I'll be honest, I actually forgot he had to go to the Academy today as well, but don't let him know that." She planted her finger to her lips in a shushing motion, eyes bright as she smiled at Deidara.

"...I won't say a word." He vowed solemnly, images of what Kurotsuchi would do if she ever caught him spreading her secrets came to mind, leaving him to shudder.

I know, it's suuuuuper short, and basically a fluff chapter. I mostly needed a way to put that announcement out, and this story was sat at 1.5k words for like 2 weeks, so I just decided 'Fuck it.' and wrapped it up. Akari hasn't forgotten about Megami no Te, she just...doesn't think Naruto is ready to meet his mother. So, it'll be once he graduates from the Ninja Academy and becomes a genin that she will speak to him and ask him if he wants to meet his real mother, as his father is currently residing within the stomach of the Shinigami and not currently available.

Right now...Naruto is 3 and a half. Akari is 15 quickly approaching 16. It may seem like BS, but considering how much of a savant Naruto is, I'm making him smart for his age in terms of his vocabulary, and he's going to the Academy to watch in, under Sei's keen Golan-vision of course. Even a genius won't attend the Academy properly at 3 years old, but Akari has plenty of strings to pull to make sure her lil' Naru-chan succeeds in their harsh life.

Not that he's going to be allowed to enter the Academy at such a young age. Right now he's learning from them, but Akari is going to be very, VERY firm about ensuring that he spends time with those his own age. Her own experiences left her unable to be put with any other team, since she knew nobody from her age group strong enough to keep up with her, and most of the older Shinobi as well. The few who would be able to match her are way too far out of her circle of influence it isn't even funny. I mean, picture Kakashi, Akari and Itachi on a team together. I honestly can't think of anyone who can keep up with her amongst those vaguely her own age.

Oh, right, speaking of which, Kurama isn't split in half. Minato temporarily took some of his chakra to weaken him, but the entirety of Kurama's chakra exists within Akari's seal, which is why he's far more...reasonable. I know, Naruto chapter 503 page 17 SPECIFICALLY says: "it's just not physically possible to seal it completely...It's not strategically feasible either..." but I say to you Minato, fuck you! Akari gets the entirety of the lovable ball of cuteness which is Kurama.

...I want Kurami back, she was sweet...I'm gonna go mope about how Nanashi Akari is too hard to write, eat some chocolates and hug something, don't mind me.

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 48

Age: 15

Experience: 1422/48000

To Next Level: 46578

Title: Crimson Medic - Your exploits on the battlefield as a combat-medic have been noted, and many wonder if you will become equal to the Slug Princess.

Secondary Title: Tokubetsu Jonin - +25% experience gained during solo missions.

Health Points: 6500 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 1200/m - 20/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 5000 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 500/m - 15/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 55

Vitality - 40

Endurance - 30

Intelligence - 30

Agility - 50

Wisdom - 30

Luck - 30

Chakra Nature(s): Fire - Primary, Lightning - Secondary

That's right, this is another skills rundown. Akari has been progressing nicely, keeping up with her training when she hasn't been doing missions or looking after Naruto. All of her skills, aside from Polearm-usage which is now defunct, are ascending, some far more than others. That's why this chapter looks so long. I swore I'd only do these every 4 chapters, and I stand by my word, I hate how much it inflates my word-count, but it's necessary so you can see her progression without me having to repeat the words "She trained." in a hundred different ways.

And...a new skill is hanging around at the bottom of her proficiencies...something very useful, but broken right now. Oooooh, a tease.


Mystical Palm technique/Beginner - The catch-all medical ability. Able to regenerate wounds of varying degrees. Usage - 25CP/s. Heal-rate - 25HP/s. Can be levelled. Levelling will increase Chakra cost and Heal Rate. Can still use inferior versions after unlocking improved variant.

Mystical Palm technique/Novice - You have become proficient enough with your healing Jutsu to be regarded as a Novice. Usage: 50CP/s. Heal-rate - 50HP/s. Can be levelled. Levelling will increase Chakra cost and Heal Rate. Can still use inferior versions after unlocking improved variant.

Mystical Palm technique/Graduate - You have become proficient enough with your healing Jutsu to be regarded as a Graduate. Usage: 75CP/s. Heal-rate - 75HP/s. Can be levelled. Levelling will increase Chakra cost and Heal Rate. Can still use inferior versions after unlocking improved variant.

Fire Release: Great Fireball - A well-known Jutsu within the Uchiha Clan. Moulding Chakra within your lungs, you can expel flames as either a colossal ball of fire, or as a continuous stream of flame. Ball Usage - 150 CP/each. Stream Usage - 25CP/s.

Fire Release: Phoenix Flower - This technique coats Shuriken, Kunai or Senbon in Fire Chakra, slightly hiding their exact location within the flames and causing extra damage. Usage - 15CP/weapon.

Substitution Jutsu - An Academy standard, the art of swapping your position with an inanimate object up to the same size as yourself when in imminent danger. Usage - 75CP/each.

Transformation Jutsu - Take another form and hide in plain sight. This ability puts an illusion over the user, but is easily disrupted. Target must be within 2 feet of height to caster, and within 50lbs of weight. Usage - 75CP/cast, 2CP/s to maintain.

Clone Jutsu - An illusionary non-corporeal clone. Great for distractions, but not much else. Upgrades into Shadow Clones, which are corporeal. Usage - 15CP/each.

Poison Extraction Jutsu - This ability drains poisons and foreign bodies from wounds. Length of time for extraction varies depending on strength and amount of poison. Usage - 100CP/s.

Shunshin - The pretty-much teleportation ability. This Jutsu acts by hyper-enhancing a Shinobi's abilities, essentially enabling them to run at absurd speed for a fraction of a second. Cost is calculated by distance. Usage 15CP/meter.

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - The eyes of a close relative. When in use, will no longer degrade visual acuity. Mangekyo Techniques will now also no longer damage eye-sight. Same abilities as regular Mangekyo Sharingan. Usage: 25CP/s.

Left Eye: Megami No Te (The Hand of Goddess) - This technique grants the user the ability to completely manipulate the ground around them within a fifty-meter radius. This requires great concentration but can be devastating if used correctly. Usage - 500CP/Cast, 50CP/s to maintain.

Right Eye: Megami no Mon (Goddess's Gate) - This technique will summon forth a corporeal spectre from the Pure Lands to fight or act on your behalf. To use, the name of the Spectre must be invoked, and the face of the summoned one must be in Mind's Eye. Spectre will have 2x Player's Chakra amount, and will drain Chakra at 1% per minute. Can use all original techniques of Spectre, but will use Chakra to fuel them, leading to a faster disappearance. Will follow all orders of Summoner, and cannot be affected by Genjutsu or compulsion techniques. Can be granted free will to act autonomously, but will mean Spectre can attempt to use loopholes in orders to hinder summoner if they so wish. Usage - 25% of total Chakra pool, will immobilize Summoner for 5 second duration whilst Spectre is called forth.

Susanoo: As the user has both Mangekyo, the Susanoo has been unlocked, a large Chakra construct capable of being formed around the user for protection and offence. This construct can be summoned in multiple forms, each one being larger, more protective and with more abilities.

Level 1 - A rib-cage surrounds the user, protecting them from harm but lacking offence. The form will slowly grow until it is formed into a large skeletal structure, where musculature and skin will grow, finally forming into a giant humanoid: 500CP/Cast, 25CP/s to maintain.

Level 2 - Armour forms around the Susanoo for added protection, though it is not a complete protection: 1250CP/Cast from nothing, 500CP/Cast from Level 1, 50CP/s to maintain.

Level 3 - The Susanoo will now form the final pieces of armour, becoming fully-enshrouded. The Susanoo will gain wings for flight, with Ornate robes over heavy armour granting the construct hefty defences. The Complete-body Susanoo is capable of summoning weaponry to assist it during battle: 2500CP/Cast from nothing, 1500CP/Cast from level 1, 1000CP/Cast from level 2, 100CP/s to maintain.

Mindspace - The presence of the Kyuubi within your seal has granted you the ability to enter your own mind. Experience earned within the Mindspace is reduced by 100%. Time is dilated by a factor of 100 within Mindspace. You may converse with the Kyuubi no Kitsune within your Mindspace. This action is recommended. No Chakra cost.

Fire Release: Flame Bullet - This Jutsu pools oil within the user's mouth, before firing then ignites said liquid in a bullet shape. Usage - 25CP/bullet.

Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder - By moulding Lightning-nature Chakra into your hands, you can release varying powers of electricity to stun or even kill your opponents. Usage - 25CP/s for stun, 75CP/s for lethal.

Earth Release: Rock Trail - This Jutsu spikes out a series of large rocks from the ground in a stream towards your target. Cost is dictated by distance between user and target. Usage - 25CP/meter.


Uchiha Interceptor Fist - A Taijutsu form used by the Uchiha which makes the best possible usage of the Sharingan Dojutsu's predictive abilities to counter enemy attacks and bring victory. - Level 43 - 14.2%

Shurikenjutsu - The art of throwing pointy things. Pretty self-explanatory. - Level 37 - 5.6%

Bukijutsu - The way of the weapon. Covers all weaponry. - Level 53 - 58.7%

Knife-fighter - Using short-blades, daggers and Kunai in close-quarters combat. - Level 56- 11.8%

Fuinjutsu - Sealing arts. The practice of using ink to achieve your goals. - Level 67 - 93.4%

Mystical Palm - Ability to detect and heal wounds using linked Jutsu. - Level 51 - 12.2%

Polearm-user - The act of swinging a long thing with a pointy bit at the end. - Level 0 - 0.0% - Defunct -

Tree-running - Leaf Shinobi are trained to flit through trees, which increases their speed and concealment. - Level 37 - 97.1%

One-handed Seal usage - Using only one hand to make seals? You showoff. - Level 17 - 22.1%

Cooking - Really? This is a proficiency? Whatever. Your cooking skills have been noted. Now get out there and make more food! - Level 23 - 2.8%

*e** C**d**s*** *a***r* - *o**e***** **a** ** * v****b** ***l* *** * *hi****, **tt*** **** ** f***a**** ***e. - Level 0 - 0.1%


Jinchuriki of the Nine-tailed Fox - You now contain the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Can call upon Bijuu Chakra when needed to fight. Will turn your body more animalistic (when in use); Claws, Tails, Ears, Eyes will become similar to the Kyuubi. Potential to be ostracized by your village. Will become hunted by certain elements in future for your tenant. Mindspace Technique granted.

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