
Chapter 7

Hey, I'm curious. So, Akari got her Mangekyo, then used her left eye ability to massacre over a hundred Shinobi. Then her eyes were replaced with Sei's eyes. Yet, rather than her own abilities being replaced with his, instead she retains her own and doesn't even gain his, despite her eyes now having the pattern of both Mangekyo.

So, what gives? Seems a bit weird to me, maybe the thought of giving Sasuke Itachi's Tsukuyomi was decided as being too much power or something? Who knows to be honest. I'm just grateful I don't have to make 4 Mangekyo abilities.

Also, thank you for the idea Durrty Paramour, I'd respond directly but because the review is a guest one I kinda can't. I won't be following that suggestion exactly, but what you said gave me inspiration for a few future plot threads.

Chapter 7

"Aww, Akari-chan, come here!"

Akari zipped away using her Shunshin again, landing beside a wall and quickly walking up the wall, evading Kushina's attempts to catch her until she was out of reach. "I refuse." She said bluntly, stepping onto the ceiling and sitting down cross-legged, tucking her ponytail into the back of her mesh shirt and crossing her arms. "I'm not some dress-up doll you can play with." The red-haired woman pouted at Akari for a moment, but she ignored her in favour of pulling a scroll from her outfit and reading it.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Huffing, Akari tipped her scroll slightly to look at Kushina with a light glare.

"What? Like I said, not a doll. I'm meant to be here to protect you, so that's what I'm doing. Being put in a fucking ridiculous costume was not a part of the mission description." The woman just gave her a deadpan look, but Akari ignored her in favour of continuing to read. She could have used her Sharingan to just memorize the contents, but that wasn't as enjoyable as reading through the entire thing slowly and enjoying it all.

With a whine, the red-haired Uzumaki turned to the other occupant of the room, folding her arms under her chest only to whip one out and point at Akari. "Minato, tell her!" The blonde just shrugged.

"Can't. She specified she would only take the mission on the condition that she could refuse orders that would involve either making her 'do something stupid' in general, or more specifically making her dress-up. Seems she already had you all figured out." The red-head moaned as she collapsed onto the sofa beside her husband. That was interesting to find out, Akari didn't actually realize the pair were married. She supposed they made a cute couple, though she would eternally prefer Minato for the simple fact that he wasn't trying to make her try on quite frankly ridiculous clothing.

"I only wanted her to try a few!" She threw her arms up for emphasis, and Minato opened his mouth to retort, but Akari beat him to it by Shunshin'ing into the room Kushina had spent an hour in, coming out again just as quickly with at least a dozen outfits hung on racks and dumping them beside Kushina. "They're...all mine?" Akari just sat back down on the ceiling.

"Right, because you'd fit in any of these." She retorted, sneering at the maid outfit in particular. It seemed even in this world people had weird ideas for what cute was. A fucking maid was not 'cute'. Neko-ears were cute, maids were just...weird. "Please, Kushina-san, just give up. I'm not letting you put a single one of those anywhere near me, and I'll use a damn Katon Jutsu to force my way out if I have to." Akari's voice was normal, but her eyes were dead serious.

Little did the pair know, something awesome was riding on this. If she could survive just one day without Kushina managing to dress her up, she'd succeed her bonus objective. Akari had spent some of her week-long rest looking up what Chakra conduction could do, and she was, quite frankly, hooked. Being able to form Chakra either around a weapon, or just on her hands themselves, was an incredible thing, especially when coupled with a nature transformation like Fire or Earth. Being able to coat herself in a thin sheet of Flames, or encase herself within solid earth to avoid an attack, that sounded pretty incredible.

On the other hand, she could channel it into just her hands and weapons to boost her attack power. While she didn't yet know her Elemental Affinity, all five had interesting implications. Wind and Water would sharpen the attack, Earth would simply put a lot more weight behind each swing, Fire would of course light the target on Fire, and Lightning would electrify. They could also be used to create shrouds around herself, but that was a more advanced technique, probably something her abilities wouldn't allow at first.

Cricking her shoulder, Akari tuned out the conversation the two were having beneath her, yawning and dropping back to the floor. She opened her satchel which was always firmly strapped to her back and blindly manipulated her inventory, pulling a torpedo-bap roll from it before closing the menu and retrieving her hand. Ever since she realized she could use her inventory while blind, she had started using to carry a lot of things. Of course, if anyone questioned her satchel of endless depths, she could just blame Fuinjutsu, and say that only she could see the seals.

Unwrapping the delicious and still toasty-hot food from its wrappings, Akari saw Kushina staring at her with a twinkle in her eyes. "What?" She said, drawing her mouth away from the roll.

"What is that Akari-chan?" She said, drolling slightly.

"Uhh, a torpedo bap? Y'know, a long and thick roll? Unless you want to know what's in it?" The woman nodded emphatically. "Well, this one is my personal favourite, the breakfast torpedo. There's Bacon, Sausage, Egg, Tomato and some Barbecue sauce drizzled into it. Made it myself actually." Akari yelped and Shunshin'd backwards again when Kushina made to grab her food, growling at her. "Mine. Make your own!"

"But Akari-chaaan, I don't know how!" Akari rolled her eyes at the woman, who was trying and failing to give her puppy-dog eyes. Reaching into her satchel again, Akari ignored Kushina and Minato's looks and quickly dug a second roll from her inventory out of about a dozen. They didn't cool down or go bad, so Akari built up a bit of a surplus when she got bored during her week off. But it was quite useful for situations like she'd just encountered.

Tossing the wrapped roll to Kushina, she watched as the woman unwrapped it as though she hadn't seen food in a month and started devouring it. Smiling at Minato and waving a hand at her satchel, the blonde just shook his head and patted his stomach. Looking towards the red-head again, Akari's jaw dropped, as she saw Kushina had already devoured the entire thing and was licking her fingers. Akari had managed literally two bites at this point, yet the woman had eaten the whole thing like it was a biscuit. "I'm not giving you another."

The woman suddenly frowned deeply and collapsed dramatically back onto Minato's lap, a hand to her forehead. "Gah, there's a war in heaven! The food of the Gods has been challenged! We must rectify this!" She stared at Minato, who after a moment of resistance simply slumped his shoulders. "Time for Ramen!" Akari blinked a few times as the woman charged out of the apartment and down the single flight of steps.

Listening to her run, she looked at Minato, who simply had a tired look on his face. "You have...no idea what you've begun. Kushina considers Ramen to be like ambrosia, the best possible food in existence. To challenge that existence..." He shook his head. "You should go after her, I need to go and speak with Hokage-sama about some private matters anyway."

With a sloppy salute, Akari left the apartment in a swirl of leaves, just in time to watch Kushina crash headlong into a stool outside a stand that read 'Ichiraku's' "Teyuki! Give me...the big one." Akari could have heard a pin drop as she arrived at the stand. The man behind the counter snapped his gaze to Akari and scrutinized her for a second before narrowing his eyes and disappearing into the back room.

Immediately, a cacophony of sounds came from the room. Metal banging together, flames bursting out, and...it even sounded like a drill whirring with nails being hammered in was audible through the door, before the man came out holding an honest-to-god glowing bowl of noodles, settling it down reverently in front of Kushina and backing away as though the glow of these noodles would fade if he remained close-by.

Muttering Kai, Akari sighed as the illusion disappeared. Kushina was just eating a normal bowl of Ramen, nothing ridiculous was going on. As Kushina slowly raised the chopsticks to her lips and took her first bite, a tear slipped from her eyes, before she began bawling loudly as she ate. Blinking, Akari watched her devour the bowl almost as fast as she ate the torpedo earlier. When it was finished, the red-head folded her arms and put her forehead atop them, still crying.

Not sure if she should approach or not, Akari decided to simply let the woman cry out whatever existential crisis she was going through. "It's ruined..." She said between sobs, the man behind the counter laying a consoling hand on her shoulder and looking to Akari with a gaze as though to say 'Congratulations'.

Akari didn't know why she would be congratulated by this, but that was what her Charisma skill was telling her in this situation. With a mutter, she approached Kushina, only to be grabbed by her shirt and pulled in front of the teary-eyed woman. "Give me another." She demanded, and Akari quickly reached into her satchel for food, essentially bribing the woman with the bap.

As soon as she was no longer being held, Akari departed a good distance away and simply watched Kushina eat the bap from a nearby rooftop, tears still in her eyes. It was weird. Akari loved those 'breakfast torpedoes', but she never thought someone would get so...emotional over them. With a shrug, Akari flickered her gaze up to the corner of her vision, noting the time and smiling.

It was almost the end of the day.

Hands in her pockets, Akari all but skipped her way back to the Uchiha district.

The day was done, and the bonus mission had now been regarded as completed according to her quest log. A lovely chakra-conduction scroll now awaited her upon the completion of the quest. Even if tomorrow Kushina found some way to force her into one of those outfits, that scroll was still delectably secure. It was rather irritating that she had to wait until an 'undisclosed length of time' passed for her to finish the quest and get that scroll, but she was patient enough, she could wait.

"I'm home!" She chirped as she opened to door to her home, quickly removing her boots and placing them in the shoe-rack alongside all the sandals.

It was pretty weird how many people wore those ridiculous open-toed sandals rather than something awesome like steel toe-capped boots. Surely having that metal at the end would be absurdly beneficial, since being kicked by a boot like that was most decidedly not a pleasant experience. Sure, being kicked normally wasn't a nice thing, but the steel would be extra bad. "Welcome back." Her brother called from the living room.

There was a big stink kicked up, according to her mother at least, since her brother was a Chunin and slated for promotion to Jonin after the war. Going blind suddenly threw a wrench into that plan and deprived Konoha of a valuable asset. So, to make up for it, he took up a role in the Academy teaching the next generation. It was honestly a pretty fair use of his skills, and as such nobody could really fuss, especially with the war ending so soon after his blindness.

Of course, a few tried to make such a fuss, some demanding to know the exact circumstance behind his sudden blindness and Akari's disappearance at the same time. With a very select few being in the know about the operation, the ones who didn't know were the ones raising a fuss. But, fortunately enough, since the Hokage himself had backed the entire thing those voices were quickly put down.

As Akari approached the living room, she spotted a white mass nestled along the edge of the sofa Sei was sat on, and quickly approached, sticking her hand out and letting Monty climb up her arm. "I'm bringing you along tomorrow, guarding Kushina-san was so boring, and she kept trying to make me wear stupid stuff." Flopping bonelessly onto another chair, Akari brought her other arm around and spaced them apart, letting Monty have an impromptu jungle-gym to slither across. "So, how's teaching Academy Students going for you?"

Her brother waved a hand in her direction. "Thanks for reminding me. Tomorrow, do you reckon you can come by the Academy and show a few students your Mystical Palm technique? I made mention that my sister was the Crimson Medic in the staff-room and a few of the teachers got the idea that showing the students what Iryo-nin can do would be a great start in convincing more of them to become Iryo-nin rather than normal Shinobi." Akari shrugged, making her top rustle, then winced when she heard her brother chuckle.

"Sorry Aniki, kinda forget you can't see me any more. I mean, maybe? I'd have to convince Kushina-san to come since I do have to guard her until my day off, which coincidentally is the weekend, so I can't come to the Academy on my day off considering that's when it's closed. Plus, don't forget I told you I'm going to see Terumasa about my custom-orders." Her brother let a sheepish look onto his face when she mentioned that. "You seriously forgot that?"

Rubbing the back of his head, her brother shrugged. "I guess? I don't know how I forgot, you talk about that visit every chance you get!" Akari adopted a sheepish look of her own. While it was true she talked a lot about the fact she was finally able to retrieve her custom order of proper fighting knives from a respected blacksmith, that was only because they were going to be awesome.

Admittedly, drawing out the specifications for the weapons she wanted was a bit of a nightmare, but well worth it.

"Ahh, Akari-san, welcome back!"

Stepping into the shop and wiping her boots down quickly on the entrance mat, Akari gave a smile to the brown-haired man stood behind the counter. Terumasa really didn't look like a typical blacksmith, at least not one her old world would stereotype them as. He had firm but not bulging muscles, and he wasn't a heavy-set or overly tall guy, he looked pretty average. "Hey there Terumasa-san, are my orders done yet?"

He nodded and turned away, giving Akari a moment to look round the shop as he left for the back-room. There were weapons on weapons lining the racks, counters, shelves and even some straight-up left on top of other weapons. Granted, those were the ones like Kunai, Tanto and more common weapons, but it was still a bit of a mess to look at, and her neatness was screaming at her to organize the place.

Throwing a glance at the door Terumasa had left through, Akari saw no sign of the blacksmith. Biting her lip, Akari looked between the door and the pile of Kunai before sighing and reaching for one. Then another. Then three more. A dozen. Akari began slowly organizing the Kunai out into neat rows on the table they were on, stacking them up into a vaguely pyramid-like shape, but only three layers tall before she ran out of Kunai.

Placing the final Kunai on the stack and stepping back to admire her handiwork, Akari heard a humming sound from the door and turned to see Terumasa come back through with a long strip of fabric wrapped up in his arms. Placing it down on his counter, he unrolled the cloth and flipped it open to reveal a dozen daggers. Akari wasn't able to decide what kind she even wanted, so in the end, settled for 6 pairs of daggers.

There was a pair of BC-41 daggers, which actually existed in the world as Trench Knives, two Karambit knives with the familiar rings on their ends, a pair of Warrior knives which had a serrated back edge and a hefty curve, a pair of Opinel knives which were far more concealable even without her arm-warmer seals, then a set of Stilettos for getting past armour, not that Akari had encountered anybody wearing serious armour yet.

But, the final, and finest of the weapons made were the Bowie Knives. These were slightly stretching the limit of what could actually be called a knife, but it was still a knife, and so she wanted them. Just looking at them, Akari knew these were going to be her primary weapon. The others would all had good uses, like the Opinel knives looking like nothing but a bit of wood until it was unfolded, or using the Stilettos to deal with heavy armour. But, nothing would see quite as much use as the pair of finely-crafted Bowie knives in front of her.

Lifting one up, Akari inspected the weapon closely. The blade was a length and a half of the handle, the metal for the guard and blade being black, while the wood for the handle was wrapped in thin vellum which would let Akari write seals on the weapons if she wished. But, the reason all the weapons, and the Bowie Knives especially, were so expensive was the fact that the metal, down to the fuller and guard, was chakra-conductive, as were the vellum and wood.

The chakra-conductive metal was hard to come by, and for good reason. It had to be worked on with neutral Chakra being poured into the metal the entire time, which was exceptionally difficult to do. The Blacksmith had to either get a Shinobi with good Chakra reserves to basically sit there the whole time focusing on the metal as it was forged, or do it himself if he was exceptionally skilled and endowed with reserves. If the Chakra stream cut off during the process, there was a brief window that it could be reconnected to, but if the metal wasn't re-supplied within that window it would become normal unconducive metal, and all that effort would be wasted.

It could also be done by those without a neutral Chakra, either the receiver of the metal or their close family, but it meant nobody else would be able to conduct Chakra into the weapon without heavy resistance and an immense amount of wasted Chakra. Flipping the blade over, Akari held the bowie knife in a reverse grip, tipping it back and forth to feel for the balance, the weight, all the little things about the blade which made it unique.

Seemingly satisfied, Akari then twirled the blade end over end around her fingers, transitioning to holding it between her fingers as she slide it back down gently beside its partner on the cloth, and grinning at the blacksmith. "They're perfect." She breathed, looking over the assorted knives. Slipping a hand into her satchel, she dug out the required Ryo, which she had already set aside in a packet, and dropping it on the counter.

The odd part about her inventory was that certain items like Ryo, keys, and things of that nature were filtered into a sort of sub-inventory and weren't using one of her inventory slots. However, if she specifically placed the Ryo into an object, it would retain its own space in her inventory. It was the same with keys, which was mildly annoying since she had a few and would have liked to use a key-ring, but she just made do without it.

Taking the packet of Ryo, the man flipped it open and flicked through the notes. In there were various separately-bound notes of Ryo. the largest was for the two Bowie knives at 15,000. Then, it dipped down heavily all the way to 2200 for the BC-41's, followed by an even 3k for the Karambit knives. Surprisingly, the Warrior knives, because of the serration and the curve, came up to a hint over 4000 Ryo. The Opinels came in with a meagre 2000 to balance that, finally ending with the Stilettos, which due to their thin size were also only 2000, totting up to a pretty decent 28200 Ryo. Of course, they were all actually slightly below those numbers in cost, but Akari rounded them up just as a way to thank the man other than a tip.

Normally Akari would just straight-up give him a tip, but she learned rather early on that tips weren't something people did in Konoha. Some things were a little more expensive compared to what she would expect after figuring out the exchange rate between her old currency and the Ryo people in the Elemental Nations used, and Akari figured it was probably because of this extra cost that tips weren't seen, as you were already paying enough to cover the product and/or the services rendered. The first time she tried to tip someone for great service, she spent a good few minutes trying to weasel out of the ensuing confusion by pretending it was something she read about in a book and thought it was polite.

She still had to sometimes catch herself from reaching for money in cafes after a good meal. What really baffled Akari was just how much money her missions made.

The average pay for a C-rank mission was between 30,000 and 100,000 Ryo, so it was averaged out at about 45k/50k for a typical mission. With a conversion rate of about 10 Ryo to one GBP, that was like £3000 just for the lowest dregs of a C-rank mission. Considering the team had already done more than a dozen mid-to-low C-rank missions, they'd gotten a decent payout.

Taking the mission pay, then splitting it into three (Their teacher used to get paid just from taking the team out, so he didn't get a cut) meant Akari had about 180,000 Ryo, or £18,000 just kicking around in her inventory. Since she was the sole survivor of the final mission, and it was bumped up to a B-rank thanks to the presence of a trained Shinobi, she got paid an extra 85,000 Ryo for her troubles, so another £8.5k from one mission.

That was then tacked onto the fact she received Danger Pay for the mission being far above her ranking, and the fact that despite her team being wiped out, she still managed to survive and complete the objective. Akari could have also pushed for recuperation pay, but with the war going on at that time, it was unlikely to work, and Akari really didn't feel much of a need for it. When it was all added together, Akari had made more than just a pretty penny from her few months as a Shinobi. If she wasn't forced to remain a Shinobi until injury, 5 years of service, or extenuating circumstances like pregnancy, psychological issues, or things like that, Akari would have been possibly tempted to simply go open a business. Possibly. Akari found herself enjoying her new life.

Besides, you can say what you will about Shinobi, the job still paid damn good cash.

The sound of tearing came through the doorway to Akari's room, and Sei frowned, his fist hovering a scant few inches from the closed door.

A few days ago, Akari had entered her room and not come out except to eat, train or go do her assigned mission. She still greeted him politely and made small talk with Kana and himself when she was either eating or waiting for something, but other than those times, she was cooped up in her room, working on something. Kana didn't want to intrude on her daughter's privacy, and Sei found himself as the one needed to break this strange stalemate the family found themselves in.

Rapping gently twice on the door, he heard a chair squeak and footsteps approaching the door. As the metal handle rattled and Akari very quietly cursed to herself, he smirked. A ratcheting sound, which he deduced was the door-lock, run out and with a second rattle, the door was pulled open. "Heya Aniki, what's up?" He frowned at her flippant tone.

"Akari, the question is, what's up with you?" Raising a hand, he stuck his fingers out and bent them down as he listed. "You barely speak to us except in situations where you're pretty much stuck in the same place as us, you only leave your room to eat, train, or do your job, and you haven't told us what is even is you're doing." He closed his hand as he folded his arms over, crossing them before him and 'looking' in Akari's vague direction.

A few silent moments passed before Akari let out a forceful exhale and walked away from him. "Well, I can't exactly show you, but I can talk you through what I'm up to I guess, it's nothing major anyway." Taking the invitation for what it was, Sei took a single step into Akari's room and almost immediately pulled his foot away as he felt it land on something distinctly papery. "Oh, oops."

He heard Akari approach again, and some paper rustled before Akari tugged him forwards. "I kinda forgot I left that there." She muttered, pulling Sei along quickly and slumping back into her chair, leaning back with a squeak and cursing again. "I really need to get some oil for this damned hinge, it's driving me mad." Some paper rustled once again, and Sei found Akari tugging his hand closer.

Following her pull, she guided his grasp to something that felt like wood. Running his hands over the object quickly, he realized it was a chair and after looking at Akari and hearing an agreeing hum, sat himself down, his face turned towards Akari. "So, what are you doing in here Imouto?" With a sigh, Akari rustled some more paper.

"Okay, this is gonna sound crazy and stupid and ridiculous and oh Kami please don't look at me like that okay?!" Sei just let a grin slide onto his face seamlessly. "Ugh. Okay. It's not...finished yet, but~" She chimed the last word out. "-this'll be done before the end of the month. Think of this like a...test-run. I planned on getting you anyways."

Sei furrowed his brow in confusion. Akari needed him to test something. "Imouto, wha-" He felt Akari put a finger across his lips, silencing him.

"Trust me. You do...trust me, right Aniki?" His lips still held, he nodded. "Okay...here goes nothing. Just...when you feel this stick to your head, channel a little Chakra through it. About as much as you'd put through a Fire Finger Jutsu." With that, Akari jabbed something against the back of his head, and he felt it settle against his hair, evidently a piece of paper or something.

Channelling a minute stream of his Chakra into the paper, he frowned when nothing happened. Keeping the stream flowing for a good ten seconds, he was about to ask just what the paper was meant to be doing if anything when something happened. At first, it was like a white line had appeared in his non-existent vision. Considering he hadn't seen anything since he gave his sister his own eyes, this was rather surprising for Sei, and he almost fell off his chair, only being stabilized by Akari, who also began channelling her own Chakra into the seal when Sei's concentration was broken.

As the white strip expanded, Sei could see, almost as though his eyes were slowly opening, as a black-and-white bedroom came to his vision. Some parts were glaring a much brighter white than others, but he still recognized the room as Akari's. What was truly strange was that when he looked at Akari, as he could actually see the Chakra network within her body. It was orange-tinted, but it had something light, almost pure white, flowing through it. With raised eyebrows, he realized he was seeing the same thing his own Sharingan would see if he cared to focus enough. He had never looked towards his sister with such searching eyes, and thus never saw her network, but it was rather...beautiful, seeing this orange flow being entwined within a cocoon of white.

"So Aniki, you done checking me out yet?" She said with a smirk. A smirk. He could actually see her lips again. True, it was only in black and white, and quite strange, but he could see his sisters face again. With a smile, he reached out to touch her cheek, gently caressing it. Not trusting his throat with tears already welling up in his eyes, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers.

Smiling softly, Akari closed her own eyes and simply leaned against her brother. Sure, the Eternal Mangekyo dictated that the original recipient remained blind, but there were certainly workarounds, and that was what Akari spent so long working on. It came to her randomly, pondering oddities about her old world and eventually managing to somehow go from thinking about the Moon of all things all the way to how thermal imaging cameras worked.

She stopped nibbling on her torpedo when she made the leap connection and immediately scribbled down as much of the idea as she could, barely caring when Kushina stole her food. "Im-mouto,...how did you even do this?" Her brother asked, his voice hesitating only a single time, evidence of his incredible willpower. Even this emotional, with his vision being given back, his voice only caught a single time.

"Well, it's pretty simple actually. You know how everything in our world has at least a trace amount of Chakra?" He nodded, watching with fascination as her eyes crinkled up, a sight he never valued before but was infinitely more beautiful when he thought he'd never see it again. "That seal basically...it detects all the Chakra, converts it to an acceptable medium, then sends it directly to your visual cortex. Because it doesn't involve nerves anywhere near your eyes, the Mangekyo stipulation of the donor remaining blind basically gets avoided, and you can see in a black-and-white way."

She shrugged and lifted another seal, showing it to her brother and smiling brightly when he saw his eyes water again as he 'gazed' over the Chakra-infused ink, which probably showed up as a bright-white to him. "The thing is, I'll need to tune it. If I used an obscenely powerful Jutsu or simply coated the air in Chakra, you'd be totally blinded by how bright it was, so I need to set a maximum acceptable brightness for it, but right now, it should work just fine. Basically, the more chakra, the brighter it'll glow." She demonstrated by picking up an empty sheet of paper. It was very faintly white, but still visible easily enough. Then she held up the sealed paper and the lines of Ink glowed brightly compared to the paper.

As soon as she put the paper down, Sei wrapped her up in a tight hug, feeling the seal on the back of his head slip off and his world disappear, but he was too happy and proud to care at that moment. Akari wrapped her own arms around her brother and tucked her head into his neck. "You gave me these eyes, I couldn't just sit by and let you remain so..." She lost her words for a moment and simply tightened her grip.

"Imouto, I was ready to spend all my days just like this if it meant I'd never have to live in a world where your own eyes no longer shined so brightly." He pulled back to plant a gentle kiss on the crown of her head. "I love you Imouto, never change." She chuckled slightly as she withdrew from the hug.

"Oh, I don't plan to. Now scram, I want to get this seal finished sometime in the next month and painted onto you. Hmm, I wonder how you'd look shaved, then I could put it on your scalp and let it disappear beneath that hair. Nobody would know it was there, the perfect hiding spot..." She rubbed her chin and hummed thoughtfully, a grin on her lips as her brother couldn't see it.

Her brother fled the room so quickly he left a scorch mark on the wooden floor, flying down the hallway with the giggling sound of Akari chasing him.

Hooray! This chapter took a long time to write. Like, I started it 3 days ago, and it's been kicking me in the teeth refusing to flow properly.

Next chapter, Akari gets started on a new project to take up her time after making the newly-named (Literally came up with this while writing these fucking words) Golan-seal. The Golan is a popular Thermal camera used by the Military, and since she (I) based the seal off of how Thermal-Imaging cameras work, I think the Golan-seal works pretty well.

Now! This does NOT mean Sei is going to go out fighting and kicking butt. The seal takes constant Chakra flow to use and makes it really hard to focus on doing that whilst fighting, so he's going to remain as an awesome teacher in the Academy, not letting his 'blindness' stop him. He can use the seal almost permanently since it honestly doesn't take much Chakra to just detect Chakra, convert then transmit that information to his visual cortex where it's processed as his vision.

Does that actually make legitimate medical sense? No. Does the Mangekyo donor having to remain blind make sense? Fuck no it doesn't. So fuck you, Sei is awesome, I want to hug him. And I haven't forgotten Monty, the sweetie. AWH, I WANT TO HUG THEM BOTH DAMN YOU!

Before the status, just a quick thing. Akari has Ryo, but I'm not really gonna keep track of it, because I don't want to, and a lot of stories put emphasis on money, then basically give their characters infinite cash. Akari has money, she uses it, whatever. She won't buy anything absurd, the biggest purchase for the foreseeable future was her Chakra blades. We cool? Yeah, we cool.

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 30

Age: 11

Experience: 13437/30000

To Next Level: 16563

Title: Crimson Medic - Your exploits on the battlefield as a combat-medic have been noted, and many wonder if you will become equal to the Slug Princess.

Health Points: 6000 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 10

Regeneration Rate - 500/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 4000 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 10

Regeneration Rate - 300/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 30

Vitality - 25

Endurance - 20

Intelligence - 20

Agility - 40

Wisdom - 15

Luck - 25

Bab berikutnya