

"Yamanaka." Kabuto's ragged voice forced out. He was panting and sweating from head to toe. His entire body, too, was shaking, but not for the same reasons mine were. "I'm going to enjoy dissecting you while you're still alive on my surgery table."

I smiled in unhinged madness, the euphoric rush still clouding my brain. "Ooooh. The little snakelet's teeth finally poked through the gums. Come, no name! For even the name Kabuto isn't yours! Show me your anger! Show me your hatred!" I called out. He complied.

He bellowed like a wounded animal and charged me head on. He was much faster than before, I will admit, but nothing worth writing home about. I flickered out of harm's way just as his chakra coated hand lashed out for my right lung.

My wide smile only grew. It was time to play. I moved. One dozen, two dozen, six dozen. 'Body-Flicker' after 'Body-Flicker,' Kabuto's eyes widened as dozens of after images began to appear surrounding him. His eyes widened in panic and he attempted to calm himself down. His eyes darted, searching out, trying to feel where the real me would come from. It was useless. Years of practice and even the next strongest sensor in my clan couldn't pinpoint my location. I moved to fast. Kabuto's eyes flashed every time he thought he found me, but then the after image would fade, only to be replaced by two more.

Kabuto's agonized scream of pain cut the air this time, my kunai driven so far into his kidney the hilt was barely visible. I frowned as he collapsed to a pile of mud. Another trick of his masters, none of his own. I flickered to safety long before the displaced air from Kabuto's swing caused the grass below to shudder.

"Fight me you coward!" He yelled at my momentarily still form.

I shrugged. "Not worth it. You're weak." And once again I was gone. One senbon came from a random direction. Kabuto's senses barely allowing him to dodge it. Another quickly followed it. Another, another. Soon, hundreds were raining down on the medic from seemingly every direction at once. Only the sharpest eyes would noticed the microsecond delay between each throw. I stopped and smirked at my target, he did admirably fending off my attack, but his overconfidence in his abilities was his downfall.

Dozens of needles littered his form. Each needle containing a toxin of some kind. From my non-fatal paralysis agents, to the most potent fatal toxins in my possession. At least a dozen of each stuck from every inch of the young man. From his feet to his head, I threw them indiscriminately.

"This fight is over. There are a dozen different toxins flowing through your blood now. Give up now, No One, and I'll end your life quickly before the more… creative of my toxins begins to affect your body." I smiled, though it never reached my eyes.

He stared at me still, eyes full of pure loathing. "You're an idiot. Orochimaru has made me immune to every single organic toxin on this planet. Plus I am a medic, I have already started flushing everything out of my-urk!" He heaved, the contents of his stomach emptying itself with force.

I sneered at the idiot. "Still too confident in your paltry abilities. Every single plant I use in my poisons has been crossbred half a dozen times. Every toxin in my poisons is specifically created by me, only in my private greenhouse. The only person immune to all their effects, is me. Idiot. Jeesh. Being Orochimaru's bitch sure has given you an unearned sense of superiority."

He attempted to reply, but my only answer was a series of dry heaves and coughing. Blood began to leak from the boys eyes, the hemotoxins quickly taking effect. I stalked up to the older man, he attempted to back away, swatting my reaching hands away, put it was fruitless. He would be dead in minutes. He had something I needed though, so he got to live today. I jammed my neutralizing needle into his neck. The point was also the pressure point that induced a temporary death-like state by slowing the heart so low, that most medics never even caught the single heart beat every 50 seconds. Kabuto's eyes froze wide in shock, and his ugly face quickly disappeared into the prisoner scroll I withdrew from my supplies.

I sighed, letting the adrenaline and endorphins in my system slowly dissipate. Counting to 50 I finally opened my eyes and sat down in the clearing, pulling out my worn down book and the small scrap of paper that I wrote down my father's words all those years ago. I began to read out loud the childish script. Pulling myself from the darkness I had slipped into and anchoring my morals back to how I was raised. I let Fú's beautiful face come to mind, and I smiled. I would never lose myself when I had her to keep me grounded. Kono and Iroko's laughing faces were next, the two that would always count on me to be a good role model. I could never let them down. My parents were next, smiles full of unconditional love and acceptance. Their wisdom always guided me. My friends, one by one, each a small piece of who Kenta really was. I took those pieces and put myself back together. I wouldn't ever lose myself to that darkness.

I turned my gaze towards the east where I still felt the four charkra signals battling. I stood up and stretched my muscles. I re-sealed the items that kept me sane back into their designated spots and quickly flickered away. It was time to rejoin my extended family by choice.

****************************Kabuto got shit stomppppeddddd*****************************

Rewind to beginning of Team 11 vs Orochimaru

"Kukukuku. You must truly have faith in Young Kenta to leave him alone with Kabuto. He is my right hand for a reason." Orochimaru taunted.

Genma rolled his eyes. "I'd bet money on Kenta 10/10 times. Your right hand will be a corpse by the end of the day."

Orochimaru sneered and lowered himself into a loose fighting stance. Team 11 tensed in preparation. "You will be the one with a subordinate cold and stiff by sundown, Shiranui. Kabuto has been ANBU trained since he was a child."

Ami laughed derisivly. "Kenta was an ANBU Captain. His team Zeta had a perfect mission record, including 44 S-Rank missions. Kabuto is as good as dead."

Orochimaru's eyes widened in surprise momentarily before he composed himself once more. "If Kabuto loses, then I will simply find another to replace him. His medical genius will be a loss, but not irreplaceable."

Naruto growled. "And that's why you'll never raise an army strong enough to even get through the gates of Konoha. You toss your men and women aside like trash the second they no longer seem valuable to you. If you polish a shard of glass long enough, it will create a rainbow when it's in the light."

Orochimaru shrugged. "I do not have time to polish hundreds of pieces of glass. Sound is a dog eat, dog world. Suvival of the fittest. All those cliché sayings. My subordinates rise or fall on their own merit alone. Now, I have already had my patience tested. We begin!" He cried out and charged forward. In an eye blink, he was in front of Naruto. Ami's eyes widened as the eerily familiar scene played out once more. This time was different though. This time, both she and Naruto were ready.

Naruto easily blocked the uppercut aimed for his torso, and using the momentum brought his heel zipping towards Orochimaru's face at unreal speeds. The Sannin disengaged and launched himself backwards, only to duck the whistling blade of Kubikiribōchō as it attempted to keep its name sake. Ami saw her opening and slid forward, hands lashing forward towards the exposed soft tissue of the neck as Orochimaru dodged Genma's blade. He expertly blocked the blow and countered back just as hard. Ami caught the knife hand that was aiming at her throat between her crossed arms. She locked Orochimaru's arms in a vice like grip, just as a dull whining noise was fast approaching.

"RASENGAN!" Naruto called out, driving his signature attack into Orochimaru's exposed abdomen. The man grit his teeth in pain before collapsing to a pile of mud.

The entire exchange took less than three seconds.

"My, my. It seems I cannot take you children lightly. You certainly have improved. I wonder how you would fair against my new students." Orochimaru purred in a silky voice. Shivers ran down the spines of the two younger shinobi. Genma just rolled his eyes.

"Cut the act, Kenta does it better. You're just creepy." Naruto called out, shaking the creepy feeling off his body.

Orochimaru's eyes hardened. "Very well." Orochimaru's mouth opened to an unnatural width and without warning a sword erupted from the depths, blade aimed straight for Naruto's heart. Cpt Genma stepped in front of the blade's path, Kubikiribōchō raised as a shield. Orochimaru's eyes flashed in triumph, knowing his Grass Cutting Blade would easily pierce the oversized cleaver and continue through to the wielder.

Eyes screaming triumph turned to eyes of pure shock. At the last moment, Genma side-stepped, held the blade perpendicular to the ground, and allowed the smaller sword to pass easily through the hole that was in the center of the blade. The second the hilt passed through the hole, Genma twisted his wrist quickly, Orochimaru's tongue now wrapped around the width of the sword. Genma smirked as the blade began to glow an ominous orange. Orochimaru quickly disarmed himself of the blade and retracted his freak tongue at the same second the blade ignited in flames. Genma bent down and picked the sword up, handing it to Naruto. Naruto stuck his tongue out as he quickly sealed the legendary sword into a random scroll.

"An unorthordox, yet highly effective move, Genma Shiranui. Now, return my blade to me, or I will make sure your soul suffers after I torture your physical body for years." Orochimaru hissed in irritation.

Genma just smirked. Blade extended towards the Sannin and made beckoning gesture. Orochimaru complied and rocketed forth. The eyes trained on the taunting Jonin spoke of murder. Too bad he didn't notice the purple haired girl who had slipped behind him right into his blind spot.

"Fire Release: Searing Mirgraine!" Ami's technique sounded out. Orochimaru turned sharply, eyes wide as an orange sized ball of flame impacted his face. Upon impact, the small orb of fire exploded violenty, engulfing the entire area within 5m of the Snake. When the smoke cleared, Orochimaru's corpse lay in a small smoking crater. The corpse twitched, and like a snake shedding its skin, Orochimaru pulled himself from the carnage, good as new.

"You three are really trying my patience. This fight is- Now Naruto, it isn't polite to interrupt people mid-murder threat by throwing tri-pronged kunai at their… faces?" Orochimaru's smug reply ended in stunned silent, as the smirking blonde had vanished in a flash of yellow. He screamed out in agony, the very sword he was attempting to get back now piercing him from lower back, up through his chest and out his throat.

Naruto yanked the blade out and flashed once more to his original location. The anchor mark invisible to all. Orochimaru collapsed in a heap to the ground, corpse quickly joining the still smoking skin he had just shed. The body twitched and a third Orochimaru pulled himself from the mouth of the second.

"I erred gravely today. I did not take you seriously, and now I am at the disadvantage. I will retreat for today, but know that one day, I will make all three of you beg for death." Orochimaru hissed in anger. "I will collect my pet who has no doubt been playing with your third teammate. Farewell, Konoha trash. Do not think that…?" His eyes widened Team 11 following his gaze.

Kenta appeared in the clearing looking no worse for wear.

He waved. "Yo."

Team 11 cackled loudly at Kenta's new, yet familiar entrance. Orochimaru, however, was not pleased. "Where is my subordinate, Yamanaka?"

"Dead" was Kenta's simple reply. "He was a good test subject for one of my original techniques. I haven't been able to see the effects on a subject with prolonged use. His screams of agony were music to my ears." He smirked viciously.

"Orochimaru's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You lie" the snake hissed.

Kenta shrugged. "Believe what you will, moron. Kabuto Yakushi is no longer among the living." To prove his point, he withdrew a black scroll with a red bow wrapping around it. He opened the seal and out fell a very dead looking Kabuto. Glassy eyes stared towards the sky, open and unblinking. His chest did not rise nor fall. Kabuto was truly dead. Kenta sealed the body back into the scroll and stored it away.

"Uterrly boring fight if you ask me. He kept bragging about his strength. Claimed to be equal with Cpt Kakashi. Said his medical techniques were on par with Lady Tsunade's. My poisons had him puking his guts out and eyes liquefying within three minutes. Better start the search for lackey number one!" Kenta cheerfully waved.

Orochimaru snarled in anger as his body quickly sank into the earth. Within a second, he was gone. His presence no longer anywhere in the vicinity.

Orochimaru, the legendary sannin, taken down by two teenagers and their apathetic captain. Orochimaru was still one of the most dangerous opponents in the elemental nations, but only if you allow him to dictate the pace of the battle. If he was not in control, and was not allowed to regain control, he was just another strong opponent on the field of battle. Team 11 learned a valuable lesson that day. Lure the snake out into the open where he was most vulnerable.

A snake, no matter how dangerous its venom may be, was not a creature that sought out a fight. They were cunning predators that preferred to lie in wait for their prey. If they were not at an advantage, they left themselves exposed to all those who were above them on the food chain. Today, Team 11 proved they were the more dangerous predator if they were able to spot the snake before he struck.

***************Orochi ain't shit in a straight up fite. Fite me if you don't agree*******************

It had been two days since we had returned home from the highly successful Tenchi Bridge mission. Lord Fifth had praised our team most highly. It felt good to be back on track of my perfect mission record. Though the Kazekage retrieval went down as a flying success on paper, letting Deidara escape still left a bitter taste in my mouth. Orochimaru escaping wasn't the same. The man was a slippery and cunning bastard. He had succeeded so long in life for knowing when to stay and fight and when to retreat. He wasn't stupid. I had to give respect when it was deserved.

From the rumor mill, it seems it didn't take Anko and Ibiki long to get Kabuto to crack. Uncle and Father had also been tirelessly working on breaking into his mind as well with overwhelmingly positive results. They both said it was in large part to my breaking of the man in our fight. His willpower and mental defenses had no chance to recover before he woke in a cell in T&I and was promptly worked over. Never letting him recover, always pushing. At least T&I were in my same mindset. Traitors deserved no sympathy and no comforts. You took them for all they were worth, then had them killed or left to rot for the rest of their miserable lives.

I shook off the sudden wave of anger that had taken hold. I had plenty of time to brood over traitors and enemies of Konoha. It was a beautiful day today. I had decided to just take a casual stroll around the village, no destination in mind. I caught up here and there with people I knew, shinobi and civilian alike. My subconscious though was on full throttle and ended up wandering the forests on the outskirts. Many of the training grounds were located in this area of the village. The distant clanging of metal weapons meeting in combat and minor explosions could be heard. I smiled brightly, happy that people were training to better themselves.

I felt a large spike of chakra and turned towards the source. I shrugged my shoulders and flickered to the source. I arrived at training ground 83. A remote training ground that was always open to the public. It was an area that many high level shinobi frequented to practice their more destructive techniques. It here that I spotted a very familiar green jumpsuit.

Rock Lee stood in the center of the clearing. His skin was bright red and his black hair was standing on end. His eyes were closed tight in extreme concentration and he seemed to be muttering to himself. I stood and watched for serveral minutes. I directed my sensing directly at Lee. His chakra spoke of extreme concentration, self-doubt, worry, and determination. Very conflicting emotions I noted.

Lee's eye snapped open as his determination quickly subdued his worry and self-doubt. His pupils were dilated and his eyes were slightly bloodshot.

"4th Gate. Gate of Pain: Open!" Lee called out. His chakra spiked even higher. The look of concentration on Lee's face was palpable. He was attempting to control his breathing as his Chakra lashed out wildly inside his body. He continued this for an additional five minutes before his chakra levels dropped dramatically and Lee collapsed to hands and knees, panting heavily.

I decided to make myself known. I stepped into the clearing, approaching Lee slowly. Lee was a very honorable and kind person, but he was still a shinobi. Startling a shinobi was a quick way to end up with a kunai sticking out from somewhere.

"Hey, Lee. What's up?" I called out, calmly with a smile on my face.

Lee's tired gazed turned towards me. Upon recognizing who had spoken, Lee's eyes lit up and he smiled brightly. "Kenta, my good friend. How are you this evening? What brings you way out to this remote training ground?"

I shrugged. "Was just taking a stroll with no destination when I felt your chakra. Decided to check it out, see if I could see any cool techniques being tested. Speaking of, what were you doing?"

Lee looked down at the ground, a very un-Lee like frown on his face. "I am attempting to control the power of the Gates. It is… difficult, I must say. I have been at this endeavor for two years now and I can only use up to the second gate with no downside. The third gate is mostly perfected, but I still injure myself from time to time. The fourth gate is still well out of my grasp"

I studied the downtrodden young man before me. I helped him once, maybe I can help again. I had no idea how the gates worked aside from basic knowledge. But I did know chakra.

I sat down cross-legged in front of the boy, motioning for him to follow my lead. He complied. "What exactly are you trying to do then. Explain to me like I've never heard of the gates or what they do."

Lee nodded. "The Eight Gates of the Chakra Pathways are essentially limiters. The human body, no matter their strength, will only ever use about 20% of their chakra. The Eight Gates prevent us from drawing on too much of our own internal power, reducing the chances of self-inflicted injury. By understand how the gates work, we can force those limiters to temporarily unseal themselves, allowing access to power that, while increasing our strength momentarily, it is self-destructive by nature."

I tapped my finger to my chin. "So, you open a gate, get a massive power boost, but it increases your risk of injury as you unlock more and more?" I asked.

Lee smiled and nodded. "Precisely. Now I have found the reason behind this. The gates One through Seven are blocks that increase our overall power by about 8%. Opening the 7th gate increases the amount of chakra we can access from 20% to 75%. The final gate, The Gate of Death, is responsible solely for holding back the remaining 25%."

Ok, that was actual new information. "Is that why opening it will always kill the user?"

Lee looked thoughtful for a moment. "Yes and no. It isn't the influx of power that kills the user, it is how the 8th gate is opened specifically. The final limiter is located directly on the heart, and is the only limiter that must physically be opened with an outside source. To open the gate of death, you must puncture your heart in the appropriate place. Once you do this, you have access to all 100% of your chakra. This is what is thought to kill the user."

"That is false. The way The Gate of Death works is it not only give you access to all that chakra, but it forcefully directs it all directly to the heart. The Heart Beats at maximum efficiency. This is what allows the user to become 100x stronger than they are with no gates open. Your body, for a very limited time, works at maximum efficiency. The strain though rapidly begins to heat the users internal core. Their heart begins to break down. The speed your blood pumps is so fast that it begins to tear the walls of your cardiovascular system. The veins and arteries begin to deteriorate, the blood, still being pumped so forcefully, begins to leave the body via the glands and pores all over the body. Eventually, it becomes too much, and the user dies when they are literally burned from the inside out by the heat generated. If that didn't kill them, well you heard. There are any number of reasons why the user would perish."

Lee finished with another frown. I sat and thought about everything Lee just told me. 100 times stronger than no gates activated? For a short period, a normal person could take down a Kage. Someone like Guy releasing the last gate? He could go toe-to-toe with a god.

"I see. That is definitely a final gambit move. So then, knowing all that, what are you trying to accomplish here?" I asked.

Lee finally gave me a smile. Not his usual smile, a much more genuine and subdued one.

"Thanks to you I finally figured out what was wrong with me. Over the years I have begun to meditate, as well as play Shoji from time to time. My chakra is still imbalanced, but it is at least at a level I can mold my neutral chakra and actually expel it from my body. I have you to thank for this, Kenta. About two years ago, I came up with this idea. The Gates are so dangerous because each limiter introduces a spike in chakra levels. They increase each level too. I know I had 8%, but that is average. It is more like gate one is 5%, and gate seven is 11%. I thought that by being able to enter a gate, and actually control and regulate the chakra, I could eliminate the downside."

"All the injuries stem from the surge in chakra and our bodies not being used to such power. If I can regulate that power, I can train my muscles using the gates exclusively so that they are strong enough to withstand the power spikes."

I smiled brightly. "Lee that is genius! That is actually very doable! I'm sure you'll get it one day."

He shook his head sadly. "As I said, I can only go up to the second gate. The Third still risks injury, and the fourth is impossible. The Chakra is too intense to handle. It runs out of control, no matter how tight a grip I try to keep it under. Even standing still, opening the fourth gate makes me sore from the small muscles tears."

One word in there made it all click. "I can help." I said simply.

Lee's wide-eyed gaze met mine, a look of hope on his face. "Really? How, Kenta? I do not wish to trouble you further. Your advice has already taken me to new heights in my training."

"If I thought you were troubling me, I wouldn't offer. As to how, the same way I discovered your chakra imbalance. I will feel your chakra while you attempt to master the gates at each level. I may be tooting my own horn here, but I'd confidently declare that I am not only the most powerful sensor in Konoha, but possibly in the elemental nations. My range is further than the strongest Byakugan, and if I concentrate all my efforts, I can even feel the emotions of someone. Chakra is a funny thing. It has a mind of its own. It reacts to your body and mind. Your feelings mirror your chakra. Lord Fifth, who never gives away anything with his facial expressions or body language, wouldn't be able to lie to me."

Lee nodded vigorously to my explanation. "So you should be able to feel if I am doing something wrong? Then I do not think that I will burden you too much. It should only take a single session to discover where I can improve, yes?"

"Yup. Now, I can give you some pointers to work on from my short observation just from today. First off, you need to get out of here." I flicked him, not too gently either, right between the eyes.

He gazed at me quizzically. You gotta love Lee. Anger never even crossed his mind. Naruto would be spouting off on a tangent if I had done similar to him.

"When I observed you open the fourth gate, your chakra spoke volumes of concentration and determination. It was also heavily saturated with doubt and self-worry. As I said, your chakra will react to your emotions. You must maintain calm as much as possible. The closer you are to homeostasis, the more receptive you chakra will be." I explained clinically. Lee had pulled out a tiny notebook from somewhere and was scribbling furiously, nodding along with my explanation.

"Something you said made it really click in my brain. You said something about keeping a tight grip and attempting to control your chakra. You do not control your chakra. You guide it. You let it flow through you and direct it. You never force it, you never try to strong arm or keep it contained. Just like your blood, it flows freely through your body. We shinobi have learned the art of harnessing that power to create what many consider miracles and magic."

"I want you to work on that. Next time you meditate, do so with the first and second gates open. Guide your chakra, feel it flow through you. Learn it, memorize it. But never try to force it where it doesn't want to go. When a shinobi casts the 'Great Fireball' technique, they do not yank their chakra into their core where they then convert and expel it. They find the flow of their chakra, direct it to the area they desire, then convert and direct it. Meditate and make this feeling second nature for you."

I finished with a friendly, warm smile for the enthusiastic hand to hand genius. He was still nodded and scribbling furiously, a small smile in place as my words seemed to resonate with him. It was time to really drive the point home.

"Lee, if you were having a bad day, would you force your youthfulness to the surface?" I asked innocently. I nearly died trying to contain my laughter. Lee looked absolutely scandalized.

"Of course not! You cannot force the springtime of youth! You simply celebrate it when you feel it burning deep within you." He said, almost offended.

I snickered. "Think of your chakra as your youth then. You cannot force it."


I stood up, laughing at Lee's outburst. "Good. Remember though, overworking yourself is even worse than missing a day of training. Let your body rest. It'll help in the long run. Now, Lee, it's time to discuss the important topics. One, are you coming to the party tomorrow. Two, are you interested in anyone?"

The boy immediately settled down, his face flushing darkly. "I will be there, yes. And there is a girl I am interested in…"

"Oh? And do I know this young woman?" I teased.

He nodded and mumbled something.

"What was that, Lee? You mumbled. That is not very youthful." Bingo.

"TENTEN IS THE ONLY WOMAN FOR ME!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, hands immiedately clamping tight over his mouth.

"Tenten? Your teammate? She is very pretty. Have you asked her out?" I said with a small smile, easing up my normal teasing. Lee was just too innocent and naïve to really tease without getting the kicked puppy look.

Lee nodded. "I asked her to be my girlfriend but she shot me down. I will not give up though! I will ask her every day until she either says yes, or kills me."

I looked at Lee like he had grown a second head. "Lee, that is not how you court a woman!"

He looked absolutely stunned by that simple statement. "It is not? But I thought you had to ask a woman to be your girlfriend or it would never be official?"

"Grab your book. Time for Kenta dating advice." I said in a lecturing tone. Lee complied immediately. "First, ask her to hang out. Go to lunch, spar, anything. Talk about mundane shit. Training, plans for the weekend, your favorite foods. Keep it light. After a few friends hangouts, if TenTen seems interested, then you will ask her on a proper date. If she accepts, then good for you! If she does not, it means that either she is not interesting in dating at this time, or, as much as it hurts, she is not interested in you that way. If she declines, do not continue to ask her. You will only push her further away. Wait a few months, keep it friendly, and then try again. If she denies, it is best to move on. If she accepts, then good for you! After a few dates and if things are really going well, THEN you ask her to be your girlfriend."

"I see, I see. This is not at all what I was taught, but it makes much more sense!" He tore his gaze from his notebook and gaze me the all too familiar 'Nice Guy Pose.' "Thank you for your advice and well wishes, Kenta! I will try the first tip at once!"

I rushed forward and grabbed Lee's mouth. Stretching his lips up and down, peering inside his mouth.

"How the hell are your teeth so white?!" I blurted out finally.

Lee looked confused. "I do not know. I simply practice excellent oral hygiene, but I do not do anything specific. Brushing twice daily and flossing are what the doctor recommended, so that is what I do!"

I nodded slowly. "I see. Must be good genes." I muttered. "Anyway, I'm going to head out. See you at the party tomorrow!"

Lee waved goodbye and turned back to the training field. He began to do a 'light' warmup as I walked off the field. Some things never change. Lee and Guy's insane workouts would always be one of those.

********************************Lee is a cinnamon roll***********************************

"I'm coming!" I grumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eye. It was 0730 and I was most definitely hungover. Last night's party had been so much fun. Lee had gotten drunk and shown off his prowess with The Drunken Fist. Ami and Shino announced their courtship, which we all already knew. Ino had gotten so drunk she attempted to fight a training dummy for "talking shit." Hinata and Naruto had been 'accidentally' bumping into each other all evening, which in turn caused a near perpetual red tint to both faces.

Oh, and I proposed to Fú. And she said yes!

I smiled warmly thinking of her tears of happiness and how she kept repeating how she never thought in her life she would love or be loved due to her burden. We then spent the rest of the night just enjoying being together, and having fun with our friends.

Mom was going to faint once I told her. I snickered to myself playing the entire scene already in my head. I reached for the door and opened it. Ami's thunderous fury crashed down on me like a hammer. I met her eyes which were ablaze in righteous fury. She spoke only two words. Those two words erased my good mood from the universe's existence and my own fury met Ami's head on.

"They're back."

****************************BIG EXPLOSION INCOMING***********************************

I ignored Susumi's protest and threw the door to Lord Fifth's office open with a thunderous crash. I was past rational thinking. I was a single minded beast at the moment. My thirst would only be sated with blood.

"Why the fuck wasn't I informed that those two god damn traitors were back in the village?!" I shouted, caution thrown to the wind, unheeding who exactly I was speaking to or who was in the room.

Lord Fifth's cold gaze met my own rage filled eyes. Dozens of voices were shouting now, all of them attempting to dress me down for my lack of respect. I was past caring. I should have been on the mission to drag them back in the first place! I should have at least been informed. Bloodlust and promises of murder filled the air, but it was a pathetic attempt. I had felt worse from Kono when she was being particularly brutal.

I had had enough.

A metaphysical manifestation of emotions projected into the air when chakra is being molded internally was a 'technique' of sorts. It mostly came with experience, but others could learn to harness their emotions in a similar fashion. It was the most basic technique when one is a practitioner of mind games and psychological warfare. These poor fools made the attempts, but I was a master at this.

Metaphysical manifestation of emotions was usually a mouthful to say every time. Most people simply referred to it as 'Killing Intent' or KI. That was a crude explanation of what it actually was, as any emotion could be projected. For now though, in the situation I found myself in, KI was the perfect word.

My intent filled the air. Normally, I like to project a sense of creeping dread. When you know you're being watched, but you cannot located who or what is stalking you. I wasn't in the mood.

Gasps and whimpers filled the air. I took a quick glance around and snorted. The entire civilian council was either passed out with soiled britches, or on all fours, attempting to take a shuddering gasp. The shinobi council fared much better. But widened eyes and beads of sweat told me they were not unaffected themselves. I didn't relent. I continued to press. Pressed lips and pale faces soon marred a few of the smaller clan heads. The Big Six glared at me the same as Lord Fifth.

"Is your temper tantrum over? Or do I need to call your mother in to give you a spanking, Jonin Yamanaka?" Itachi's quiet voice seemed to boom in the dead silence of the office.

Bab berikutnya