
(The Next Day)

-Raven- Had still been asleep at this point,, but I had woken up. It was still morning to my surprise especially after how exhausted I was from our session last night,, but nonetheless I had a gut feeling that Raven won't be walking much today so cautiously,, & ever so slowly I climbed out of bed making sure not to wake her,, and with a large stretch I went downstairs. Making my way to the kitchen before anything I'd washed my hands thoroughly with soap, and water.

I then started making breakfast for Raven so she wouldn't have to get out of bed not realizing I was still naked. Until I'd heard a voice, but with no footsteps coming around the corner immediately knowing who It was, & as they'd came around the corner I'd greeted them with a "Good morning Starfire". To my surprise she'd have a look of shock on her face,, and with red cheeks and a slight murmur she'd go back to her room in what seemed to be a hurry.

Leaving me In a daze of confusion at first asking myself "what was she staring at,,??" Till I'd finally looked down, my eyes widening I'd go "oh". Thankfully the food that I had been making Raven hadn't burnt, and It had just finished cooking. So anxiety, and embarrassment driven.. I'd placed her food on the plate then rushed back upstairs to the room.

As soon as I had entered It seemed like my anxiety had Just fled my body my breathing calmed,, and I had felt nothing but warmth. Seeing the still naked -Raven- laying In bed on her stomach her face In the pillow still asleep, the blankets on her legs revealing her plump yet glossy ass along with her petite figure with her butt ever so slightly overlapping the lip of the blanket.

I'd think to myself. "Yeah,, the anxieties gone but what am I going to do about this,,??" Looking down I'd see dick standing straight twitching, but then I'd shake my head as to ward off the dirty thoughts that were filling It before saying to myself. "I must not give In to my thoughts we Just had sex last night.. I need to give It a break plus she's gonna be sore when she wakes up"

So Instead I'd walk over to the end table right next to her head by the side of the bed, and I'd placed her food upon It but when turning to look down at her I'd see my dick hovering over her face, and I'd feel as though something was telling me to Jerk off, and something else was telling me to fuck her face till she couldn't breathe, but I knew I couldn't so I'd held back. Instead I'd walked over to my wardrobe,, and had picked out what I was gonna wear that day and got dressed.

-Raven- was still asleep, and I didn't wanna wake her so Instead I'd went downstairs, but little did I know I should've had gone with lust because what's to come. Wasn't to be expected.

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