
update Status

Hello beauties, sorry if I wasn't able to write anything for months, as you all know I was pregnant and I'm happy to announce that I already gave birth two months ago. I was not emotionally stable, I gave birth at 37 weeks I had pre-eclampsia and my baby's heart beat was dropping so after 16 hours of labor and 1 and a hald hour of pushing my OBGYN decided to had me in C-section. My baby weights 1.8kg only and she was all skin and bones. I was beating myself up and blaming me for not eating properly and for not seeking another OBGYN early in my pregnancy. I know for a fact that my previous OBGYN is just consulting me for money not that she's giving the best care for my baby. I was already in the middle of my 8th month when I decided to look for another OBGYN and luckily I found one, it turns out at 33-34 weeks my baby just weight 870 grams base from the ultrasound so my new OBGYN prescribed me with lots of vitamins just to help my baby grow more. Three weeks later and she managed to gain 1kg but unfortunately I went into labor earlier than expected and my high BP was also not helping with my labor. I stayed at the hospital for 6 days and my baby was left there for a week. We spent as much as 260,000 pesos or roughly 5,200 dollars. That amount was already the net price of what we paid the hospital after everything that needs to be deducted has been deducted. It was really a lot to take in, I was drained emotionally, physically and financially. So forgive me if I have neglected this story for a very long time and I still might need more time to sort things out for now.

I hope that my readers will still be there when I sort things out and when everything is ok now with my mental and financial status. Thank you 😊

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