
Chapter 61: Unexpected turn of events

Author's Note:

Well this chapter will take a bit fast pacing thus it won't be as detailed as my other chapters are cause I want to wrap it all up in this chapter — the turn of events, cause Volume 1 is about to end and from here on out I want everyone to braise yourself Yey! We should start preparing ourselves for the upcoming Volume 2 Yehey! To be honest my mind is already at the volume 2 but it will take I think less than 10 chapters before I can wrap up the whole Volume 1 — fingers cross hahaha but I'm really am very excited for the volume 2 yey! (I think I really need to learn how to shut up... I have been spoiling it by getting way too excited about this.)

3 Chapters will be released on Saturday again.

Happy Reading Everyone 😀!


Terrence has been down ever since Theo left and their apartment that was once filled with noises from his Husband and Nicolas bickering is now awfully quiet. Chester didn't know that silence can be this deafening. He tried to console Terrence but he's still sad Chester knows that he can't hurry Terrence to feel better so he tried his best to understand him. To cope Terrence buried himself from work, he wanted his and Lance plan to get in track as much as possible he wanted it to get established as soon as possible.

"Terry, you busy?" Chester asked, he looked at the man who is busy reading some documents that he doesn't even know. All Chester knows is that it's about work. "Come eat with us." Chester said inviting his Husband to join them for dinner.

"Kitten as much as I want to but let me just finished these. You go ahead." Chester can only sigh things like this is not new to him to the point he's already getting used to it.

"What are you thinking?" Damian asked.

"Nothing it's just Terrence has been awfully busy after Theo left. I miss my husband who always finds time for me and the kids." Chester commented the two of them are in the mall buying baby stuff specially now that in less than a month Chester will be giving birth to their third child.

"Don't think too much Terrence just found something he really wanted to do and that's all thanks to the people like you. Don't you like it? Your husband taking a stand together with an Omega's like his wife." Damian tried to make Chester understand.

"I know that and I'm proud of him for that. I just missed him, can't I miss my own Husband?" Chester pout.

"You are weird. You see each other everyday and yet you still misses him?"

"Speaking of seeing. What happened to that woman we helped?" Damian asked.

Chester looked at him weirdly. "It's the first time you asked about someone. You usually doesn't care but now you are asking about Nadia?"

"No I was just curious, why? Is there something wrong with me asking?" Damian asked nervously.

"You liked her don't you?" Chester asked.

"No I don't." Damian tried to denied but the stuttering in his voice gives him away.

"I have to pee, just wait me in here." Chester told Damian.

Chester's been thinking on how he can introduce Damian to Nadia he thinks that Damian is a good match for Nadia but that's only if Nadia also share the same feelings with Damian. Chester can't helped but laugh at his own thoughts. His Husband's playing cupid attitude is starting to rub off of him. Chester went out of the cubicle smiling but his smile didn't last very long as it slowly fade and the glint of happiness in his eyes was replaced by fear.

"It has been so long Chester." Said the man who was leaning his back against the wall with an arms crossed in front of him.

"W---what do you, want from me?" Chester take every ounce of courage that he has.

The man walked towards him that made Chester walked backwards till his back touch the hard wall of the restroom. The man placed his hands on the wall trapping him in the middle before leaned forward to his whispered to his ear. "I want my favourite toy back."

Damian looked at Chester came out of the restroom with a paled and ashen face. "What happened? Why do you look so pale?" Damian asked.

Chester opened his mouth to say something but choose not to. "N-nothing I just suddenly felt tired and sick that's all. Can we go home now?" Chester asked.

"Yeah, ok I'll take you home." Damian looked at the direction where Chester came out he couldn't shake off the feeling that something might have happened inside. He told Chester to get inside the car first before making a phone call.

"Hello, yes it's me. Can you check the perimeter and see if there are any suspicious man around? No that would be all thank you."

The whole ride Chester remained silent even though Damian was initiating a conversation, Chester remained deep to his own thoughts. When he got inside his house he went straight to his room and called Nadia, after a few rings Nadia picked up the call. "Nadia it's me can you come over we need to talk."

After what happened to the mall Damian noticed that Chester often space out or that he's being too quiet. He often sees him talking with someone over the phone and Everytime he does he always frown. He sometimes just sigh out of nowhere but whenever he asks him he always says it's nothing. He also noticed Nadia has been frequently coming to Chester's apartment. Damian thought that maybe the two grow close to each other but Damian couldn't shake the thought of something odd is happening.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be looking after my wife?" Terrence said without looking at him, the lawyer is busy reading papers and documents that's on his table. *Must be another case.* Damian thought.

"I asked someone to look after him for a while. There's something I need to tell you." Damian informed.

"If you have something to tell me shouldn't you be just telling it over the phone?" Terrence asked while at the same time proposing for much convenient way to tell him things.

"It's about your wife I don't think something as important as that should be done over the phone." Damian caught Terrence attention, he lay down the papers he has been reading and gesture for Damian to continue.

"I don't think if you noticed but your wife has been acting oddly." Damian start.

"Just how odd? and what do you mean by odd?" Terrence asked

Damian click his tongue "You have been very busy these past few weeks that's why you didn't even noticed. Anyways I think his odd behavior started after we went back from shopping more than two weeks ago, after that he often space out and he usually sighs."

"That's all? is that the odd behavior you are saying?" Damian I have done your job before and I can tell from what you just said that it's not something to worry about." Terrence just shrug what Damian reported to him.

"He often talks with someone on the phone." What Damian said made Terrence frown.

"Base on that expression I don't think it's you." Damian smirked.

"Kitten I'm home!" Terrence shouted, seconds later he heard something shuttered. So he quickly run to the kitchen where he thought he heard the shutter sounds.

"I'm sorry, you startled me." Chester said trying to clean the broken glasses on the floor.

"No, let me you might cut yourself." Terrence offered. Chester just lets his husband do the cleaning for he's already having a hard time moving around cause he's almost due now. Terrence look at Chester.

"Kitten I think we should stay at Mom's place for a while till you give birth it would be best if we have lots of people around us to help you and Mom and Dad would get to spend more time with their grandchildren." Terrence offered that made Chester paled.

"Kitten are you sick?" Terrence asked worried for his wife. Somehow what Damian said made Terrence think.

"No, I was feeling a little under the weather." Chester said.

"Do you want me to call a Doctor?" Terrence asked.

"No I'm fine." Chester simply say. That night Terrence run an investigation to his wife afraid that the Omega might be hiding something from him but the investigation came back negative so Terrence shake of all the negative thoughts.

"What's with that stuff toy? You have been holding and staring at it for the longest time now." Damian asked curiously.

"Hhhmmm This will be my gift to my husband." Chester smiled sadly.

"It's not Terrence birthday, is there any special occasion?" Damian asked.

"No, I just want to give this to him." Chester simply said.

"Of all the kind of gifts you will be giving why a stuff toy?" Damian.

"Damian how will you be able to get Nadia's heart when you don't even have an ounce of sweetness in your body." Chester laugh. "Of course so that when he's tired and misses me at work he can just looked at the bear and then all his tiredness will fade away.

Damian can't shake the bad feeling he's having like Chester is planning for something till the day after the next day came. Chester drug him to sleep which gave him the chance to runaway later on they learned that the Omega took 25 million worth of money from His and Terrence account. At first Terrence could not believe it so he waited for days, he hired someone to look for Chester and even used his connection from his old job but it's like Chester disappear from the face of the Earth A week pass and a letter sent to Harris household that was addressed to Terrence. What was written in the letter made Terrence regret ever meeting Chester. Ever since that day he loathed the Omega, he erased all traces of him from his life. He took the children back to his parents house after the DNA test was done. At first his parents where so against it but Terrence insisted.

"Terrence you don't need to do this. Why do you need to do this to my grandchildren?!" Tiana protest she doesn't want a DNA test to be run down to her grandchildren.

"It's necessary Mom so that I can be sure if those kids are even mine!" Tiana slap Terrence across his face.

"Those kids are your flesh and blood even without the test I know they are yours. Do what you want." After the test result came back Terrence took his children back to the Mansion together with Auntie Mina and Terrence move back to his bachelor's pad.


"Terrence are you ok?" Lance asked, he has been accompanying Terrence while drinking. Terrence is pretty much wasted.

"What?! He only wants me for my money and that baby he's carrying is not mine that he loves that bastard." Terrence whine and minutes later he's already snipping. "Damn it I shouldn't be crying over this." Terrence drink clean the liquor from the glass.

"Terrence don't do this to yourself." Terrence look at him.

"You know nothing Lance at least your wife loves you truly but mine was a fake, pretentious whore."

"I don't think you should be calling him that?"

"Why it's true, he knows that I love him so he pretended that he loves me too so he could get my money." Terrence argued.

"Don't you think something is odd here Terrence?"

"How odd? Damian keeps on telling me the same thing but I don't see something odd here."

"Chester doesn't know you love him back then. About that child he's carrying that's not yours, you marked him even before you got him pregnant so how can he be pregnant with other man's child? Abour the money when you two got married he could have taken your money but didn't, why wait that long just to get that amount of money and Terrance let's face it that amount is nothing for you if he wanted to he could have taken more but he didn't. Don't you think it's odd." Lance said laying on the table all his speculations.

"There's nothing odd there. He waited that long so he won't appear suspicious. He took only that amount I don't know maybe because that's just how much he could carry." Lance sighed there is no point in drilling some sense to a person who's mind is closed for any explanations and speculations.

"You won't understand Lance he didn't left you. Maybe Teakyun will understand me." Terrence commented. "We both have been left by our wives." Terrence laughed.

"Your case is different from him."

"I'm glad that Uno and Do's are mine at least they are from me. That's also might be the reason why he left them in my care." Terrence said sadly. "I truly love him Lance. If he ever comes back this instant I'll forget about it, his infidelity I'll forget it and take him back but if he won't come back any moment soon I don't think I will be able to accept him again."

"I don't know Lance, I just want him back I don't care I love him too much." Terrence cried and cried that night. No one amongst their friends knows about what happened to Terrence except for him so he tried his best to accompany Terrence to at least ease his pain just like what Terrence did when he's at lost when Liam went away.

Lance went home feeling tired and drained talking to Terrence is exhausting but he just can't let his friend on his own specially it's just him amongst their friends who knows about this. He went to his room and in the dim light he saw Liam sleeping peacefully, he seated beside him and planted a soft kiss to his forehead. "Don't leave me Love. Don't ever leave me." Lance whispered. "I don't know how will I'm going to live my life without you and our baby so don't ever leave me."

"Hhhmmm... Love?! Welcome home. How was he?"

"He's still not ok, I don't know if he will still be able to handle the firm we are about to establish in the state he's in but he's the best person I know who can pull this off." Liam looked sad.

"How about Chess did they find him?" Liam asked.

"They still haven't find him. I'm sorry about your friend." Lance apologize.

"I've known Chester for years. I know he's not the kind of person to do such things without any reasons at all."

"But it's his own penmanship. The had experts see and the one who inspected it confirms that it was Chester's hand writing." Lance explained. "The fact that he still haven't come back makes all what's written seems so true." Lance added.

"I don't know but I do have faith in Chess. I know there must be a reason. Love, will you help in search for him." Liam requested.

"I will don't worry about it that much." Lance kissed the top of Liam's head."

Two months had passed and no Chester came back. Terrence finally was able to force himself to pull his self together. He focus his self in doing his job taking case after case that he already forgotten about the goal he just made for himself.

"Terrence nothing of this firm will happen if you will keep on delaying things. How will be able to established it soon if you keep on taking case and delaying this Firm that you propose yourself!" Lance specially visit Terrence office just for him to personally tell him that.

Terrence looked at him like what he's saying no longer amuse him. "I no longer want to be part of it. If you still want to go on with that then you can just established it yourself. You are rich you will be able to pull it off." What did you just said?

"I don't want to help them anymore. They are all just the same. My wife used me and then Theo lied and left his Husband. They are all selfish. If I were you I will be weary of Liam he maybe scheming something fishy." Lance punch Terrence to three times before he stopped.

"If you hated your wife then save it for your wife don't include mine and Theo from your hatred. Theo has his reasons out of all people you should know that! If you no longer wants to be part of this then don't. I can find someone to replace you." Lance got out.

"That hurts." Terrence spit a blood to the floor because of the cuts he got inside his mouth because of Lance punches.

The betrayal and lost that Terrence felt made him hold a grudge not just to his wife but to all Omegas out there. He swore to never associate his self to any Omegas again.


Lance knew that the fight between him and Terrence are just temporary thing. He can understand fully why his friend is acting that way and he really can't blame him if his thoughts are clouded with anger and resentment right now. So he tried to be an understanding friend. He took a pause from his work and dialed the only person that can clear his mind from all the problems and worries that he feels.

"Love are you enjoying yourself so far?" Lance asked. He can hear chuckles from the end of the line that made him smile. Lance turn around his swivel chair so he could face the glass walls of his office showing the view outside.

(Yeah don't worry I'm with Mother, she's so excited buying baby stuff and complaining at the same time as to why did you wait to tell her that I'm pregnant till last month.) Liam said. (Liam son is that Lance on. the phone?) Lance can hear his mother talking to his wife. (Yes Mother...) Liam answered. (Tell him I still hate him, that Mom is still sulking over the fact that you hide it from me for two months.) Lance just laugh upon hearing his mother's complain. He stand up and walk near the glass wall as he listens the voice on the other (You heard Mother right? Or do I have to tell you again?) Liam asked.

"I heard Love no need to tell me again." Lance assured his wife. "Tell her we will spend a whole week in their house to make up for what I did."

(Really?! I'm going to tell Mother.) Liam excitedly said. (Ow Love I'll be putting down the call now, I Love you see you later Love.)

"I love you too, hurry back home don't make me miss you for too long." Lance said before Liam drop the call.

"Sir Mr. Shun wants to meet you. Should I let him in?" Ms. Kim asked through the intercom. Lance upon hearing the Surname Shun immidiately agreed. Lance doesn't want surprised visit but when in comes to his friends he always have time.

"Lee what brought you here." Lance asked his eyes are to his laptop.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not Lee." Lance stop what he was doing and look at the man in front of him.

"What do you need that brought you here?" Lance asked getting straight to the point.

"I'll cut down to the chase. I heard you want to build a Law firm that will help Omega's in distressed. I want to help I want to invest in that firm. Just tell me. That's all I'll go now."

"Teakyun are you serious about this?" Lance asked.

"Yes, what I did to Theo made me realize that maybe there are more of me out there who extorts Omegas with their weakness to abuse them. It maybe late but I want the remaining time I have till I grow old to be useful. I want Theo to be proud of me even with just little things."

"Thank you Teakyun. You don't seem so bad yourself if you weren't just an egoistic bastard back then I think we can be a great friends." Lance commented.

"I can still be your friend that's only if you wanted to." Teakyun said before leaving.

That made Lance smile at least Theo's disappearance from Teakyun's life made the man change. He just wish that for him to find his happiness soon and he wish for Chester to come back again so his friends could be happy again.

Hours passed and Lance was preparing to go home when his attention was caught by Ms. Kim sudden barge in to his office. "Sir there are policemen who wants to speak with you they said that it was urgent." Though still lost he decided to see them. "Tasha let them in." Lance said.

"Good day Mr. Montero I am Inspector Clarence, we met before. I was the one who handled your case when you got into an accident." Lance immidiately remembers the inspector.

"Yeah I remember, what can I do to you inspector? Is your visit has something to do with that?" Lance asked.

"I'll get straight to the point. The reason why I want to speak with you in person is because there has been a robbery/hostage taking incident happened earlier." Lance heart begin to pound. He doesn't know why but he's got a bad feeling that the police visit brings no good news to him.

"What happened?" Lance asked. He loosen his tie hoping it could help him calm down but what he did didn't even slowed his heart that is beating so fast. Not wanting to hear the next words that will come out of the inspectors mouth.

"Your mother has been shot during the Robbery/Hostage taking incident in one of the Jewelry store inside the mall." The inspector begun. Lance felt like someone just punched him in the stomach when he heard the news.

"How's my Mom?" Lance said worriedly.

"We already sent her to the hospital they probably doing the operation now." Informed by the inspector. Lance felt relieve but the relief he felt were short live when he remembers his wife who was with his mother.

"My wife what about him, My wife is seven months pregnant and he's with my mother." Lance grab the inspector by his shoulder when he remembers Liam.

"About your wife... I'm Sorry but we are still tracking him down. The three robbers took your wife with them along with an old lady as their hostage to get away from the scene. These robbers are professionals we lost track of them. Instantly as soon as they get inside their get away vehicle"

Lance mind went blank and went to shaking the inspector as he grab tightly the inspectors by his shoulder not caring if he hurts the man."You need to do everything you can to find my wife. He needs to be ok, he needs to Comeback home to me alive!"

For the past two weeks Lance spend sleepless nights trying to find his wife. Nobody contacted them. Neither the old woman who was also taken as a hostage was ever seen after that but Lance never lost hope he continues to search for Liam. He even went on as far as to announce that he will give ransom money just for the hostage takers to give back his wife to him but nobody called till a news reach Lance. A body was found dead floating in the river. He personally went there to see praying so hard that it was not his wife. Lance was able to breath properly when he saw just who was the dead person is — it was the old woman who was taken hostage together with his wife. He felt relieve at the same time worried for his wife's safety. Lance didn't waste a second and announced that he will double the ransom to pay just for them to give his wife back, hoping that it could bring his wife back to him but another week passed and No one called and most importantly no Liam appeared. Till he received another call, the kind of call he wished to never received. Lance went to the morgue where the dead body which they found decomposing in an abandoned wearhouse was taken. The police says that it was a body of a pregnant Omega that was heavily burnt, charcoal burn that it would be hard to recognize it so they needed him to recognize the body for them. Lance slowly pulled down the white cloth covering the body. His eyes begin to get watery the moment he saw what's inside. "No, this can't be." Was the only thing that Lance was able to say.

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