
why take the long way?

i had two more chapters for you but thats something for tomorrow ;P


okay...this was cool...like...seriously cool! Atlas is a BIG floating landmass! it looked absolutely amazing, and Lucifer made a mental note to make his "house" on a floating piece of land if he ever get a chance

Ruby: wow...

Weiss: Amazing right?

she said with Pride clear in her voice, but it was to be expected i guess...it was her home after all.

from what Lucifer heard about Atlas, it was a fairly young kingdom but the most technological advanced from the rest. but there was a catch...

Ruby: i wonder how much Gravity dust they are using to make the city fly like that!

Pyrrha: its certainly is impressive

at this point the ice queen ego was as high as heaven itself...time to bring it down...CRASHING!!!

Lucifer: meh, the Russian winter and snow blizzards kinda ruin the view, and not only that the kingdom of Atlas is cheating. that flying landmass was not put in air with the help of Gravity Dust, its thanks to the relic of creation.

all of them stopped looking at Atlas and instead looked at Lucifer. they didnt know what "Russia" is but from how Lucifer used the word they knew it was a place with much snow. but what caught their attention was the fact that the relic was the power source that made the island float

Lucifer: you see, the relic of creation is able to generate a constant and limitless energy source, but the trick is...it can be used only for one thing at the time, and right now Atlas is using it to power the core of their kingdom. Atlas was able to get so advanced only because of the relic, without it they would probably be the most poor kingdom in Remnant.

needless to say, all the pride the Ice Queen felt a moment ago was now, nowhere to be seen.

Ren: wait...but if the entire kingdom is powered by the relic...doesnt that mean that-

Weiss: Atlas will not have any power source...

the Ice queen interrupted the green ninja of team JNPR. her face was one of horror, if what Lucifer said was true then without the relic the future of Atlas doesnt look very bright...

all of them fell silent, none wanted to say anything...their mission was to help Lucifer collect the relics, they were basically helping him with killing a kingdom

after a long moment of silence Lucifer landed near the huntsman school of Atlas. He gave a call to Ozpin and ask him to tell whoever was the headmaster of Atlas that he will be dropping with a visit, so there werent many problems with where to land

when the bullhead landed and Lucifer was about to exit the vehicle someone blocked his way.

Lucifer: what are you doing?

he asked as he watched Weiss standing in font of him, successfully blocking his way out

Weiss: we are not taking the relic.

she declared with a voice that didnt left any room for arguments.

Weiss: you cant just take the relic! thousands of lives depend on it!

there was a moment of silence as both Weiss and Lucifer stared at each other,while the rest of the teens in the bullhead was just standing there awkwardly, just as Lucifer was about to say something he heard a familiar voice in his head

"she is right you know? most people in Atlas will not be able to adapt to the change. the probability of the kingdom not surviving the nearest future without it is almost certain"

Lucifer: (Bob?)

ah yes, the multiverse entity Bob also know as his boss.

"hello there! also i stopped the time of this world for us to talk"

Lucifer: (were you watching me?)

"yes, and i must admit i am surprised, i had thought that you will just destroy salem and be done with it, but instead you took the long way...may i ask why?"

Lucifer: (because i had decided something. i am the king of hell, the place where the sinful are send...its my job to punish them, and ONLY them)

"the sinful?"

Lucifer: (the one's with Malice in their heart, the monsters in human flesh, and so on, and so on...Salem did horrible things. Genocide being one of the worst, but she did it out of the most Human emotion i know.)


Lucifer: (of course i dont say that she will be pardoned for her crimes, but i think that erasing her soul out of existence is a little to cruel. and to be honest...the two twin gods were a little childish and directed all their anger from their little "argument" on her)

"well she kinda started the whole argument that made them fight to be honest"

it was true, before the whole Curse with immortality thing, Salem was just a normal woman who had lost her Love, the one and only Ozma...or Ozpin as he is know now.

in her sorrow she had asked the G.O.L (god of light) to resurrect Ozma but he refused, so knowing that he will not do it, she tried her luck with G.O.D (god of dark) and to her surprise and relief he granted her that wish

well, the happiness was not long lived though. G.O.L appeared soon and started a fight with his brother. the G.O.L kept destroying Ozma and G.O.D keep resurrecting him.

long story short G.O.L said that she has come to his palace first and when he had told her no she came to him. aparently G.O.D didnt take that well and decided to keep Ozma dead, and he together with his brother cursed Salem with immortality...now she would not be able to be with her Love even in the afterlife as she could not die

after that she tried to kill the gods by building and army but...yeah, they were slaughtered like nothing.

the entire human race was destroyed and Salem has wondered the empty world for years and tried to kill herself multiple times, one of the attempts was to jump into the grimm pool that was the remains of the G.O.D power that were still present on the planet

but instead of killing her the pool made her part grimm

after a while the gods created the second race of humans, this one didnt have magic like the last one, but they had Aura, the manifestation of their own soul. they also had Semblances, which was a superpower that used Aura as fuel

Salem who was still alive and more powerful then ever, as the grim pool had gave her the power to control the grimm, had decided that she wanted to be the new god of this world and the brother gods didnt like that because they resurrected Ozma and told him to deal with her...

...and he did deal with her alright, her screams of pleasure were heard miles away the night he had find her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

well anyway, Salem got a little over her head and Ozpin seeing her like that had understood why people say "dont stick your d*ck in crazy" he then decided to run with their kids, but unfortunately Salem found out and a fight happened...a fight that killed all their children in the process

after that Ozpin got reincarnated several times into different bodies and his war with Salem has started

"i dont understand one thing...you said that you will punish only those that are deserving of punishment, but what about the people of Atlas? there are some that are evil but not all of them deserve punishment"

Lucifer: (either she lives and successfully exterminate all the humans from the face of this planet or i kill her and destroy only one kingdom in the process...its for the greater good)

(A/N: Dumbledore is that you??)


Lucifer: (...)

"the greater good would be destroying her with your blades. that way no one would be sacrificed. so i ask you again Lucifer...why did you take the long way of dealing with this problem?"


he didnt said anything.

maybe because he simply didnt want to, or maybe because he didnt fully understand his reasoning himself

after a long silence Bob finally let out sigh and spoke again

"im doing this only because i owe your father a favor"

suddenly he felt something in his left hand, he raised the hand and looked at what seemed to be an instruction on how to build some kind of reactor

"its called the Arc reactor...its not from this world"

Lucifer started to read the instructions and when he reached the point where it said how much energy it produces, he felt his jaw hit the floor

"this will be enough to power Atlas for a long time...well, i guess this is all for now. see you around Lucifer Morningstar"

with that time resumed once again

Ruby: W-Weiss is right! we cant just take the relic from Atlas! i mean...the ENTIRE kingdom will be-

Lucifer: enough.

his calm voice rang out making all of them shut up, they didnt even dare to breathe. Lucifer looked at Weiss and even though she was scared of him, she looked him right in the eyes.

he raised his empty hand and moved it toward Weiss...the white haired girl expected to be shoved away or something similar, what she didnt expect was that she will get a head pat from Lucifer.

Lucifer: dont worry, your home will be alright

he then looked at the instruction in his other hand

Lucifer: i have something that can replace the relic... (thanks Bob...)

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