
Chapter 4: This Is What We Do For Fun




Summary: Lucius Malfoy was desperate when he planted the Diary on Ginny. Initially, he was targeting a third year Katherine Bell. Harry races against time to steal the diary from right under his nose.

Harry was sitting in the Hogwarts infirmary. Ron was beside him as they watched, helpless, as Madame Pomfrey did her tests on Hermione. The girl was petrified ,her arm outstretched, frozen in place like a mannequin.

"Wish you were here with us. We need you Hermione," said Harry.

"Whoever did this..." Ron was saying in disgust, eyes cast downwards. "They need to pay! Whoever that heir of Slytherin is, anyway! It's got to be Malfoy, Harry!"

Harry shot up out of bed, the rays from the sun hitting him directly in the eye. He wiped his eyes, then realized that he needed to be somewhere this morning.

Like early.

"Fuck!" he cursed. He threw his legs over the edge of the bed and completely forgot about his roommate who was sleeping on his pile of comforters, stepping on him and falling over with a thud. Harry didn't even bother apologize as he dug into the false floorboard in the corner and retrieved the Onyx box with the gloves.

Jon swore as Harry scrambled his backpack on his back.

"Get up!" Harry said. "We fucked up! We have to be at Obscurus and its already seven o'clock! Jon, you need to write Tonks and explain to her that we have a sting operation going on. She needs to look completely different, get a truth potion and there might be some action. Meet us at the store! Hedwig!" he shouted out the window. Hedwig swooped in.

Jon rolled out of bed and unto his feet, grabbing robes. "It will be done," Jon said, throwing them over his head.

Harry grabbed his cloak and broom that was in the closet.

"Write!" he ordered pointing at his desk. "Meet me at Diagon!" Harry jumped out the window, holding unto his broom. The broom dropped like a stone until the flight response kicked in, right above the ground. Harry swung down the last couple feet and began to sprint towards the dead end around the corner. As soon as no cars were visible, he drew his wand and summoned the Knight bus.

"Oh... it is you. Diagon?" Stan said, yawning.

"Yes," Harry said, jumping in. He took the seat closest to the door.

The bus ride felt like it took an hour instead of ten minutes. He dug in his small money pouch, grabbed a galleon and tossed it at Stan. Stan snatched it before it dropped.


"That's for the week," Harry said as he jumped out, broom in hand. As soon as the bus left, he ducked around a muggle garbage disposal container. He dug into his bag, retrieved the cloak and don the Onyx Gauntlets. Hopping unto his broom, he realized that the tail and front would be visible even under the cloak. He stood up the broom on its bristles, and hopped on the metallic band where the bristles connected to the main shaft. Holding on tightly to the broomstick, with leg muscles quivering trying to balance, he maneuvered over the three storey roof of the Leaky Cauldron. When he rose over the roof, it appeared that Diagon Alley had never existed, but he kept going in the direction he knew it to be and within a few seconds a sensation of pure cold washed over him as he passed through the magical barrier. Diagon alley spread out below him.


Walking calmly with his cane tucked under his arm was Lucius Malfoy, already halfway up the road towards Obscurus' Books and Journals.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He could not risk being noticed though, and decided he would be stealthier on foot. He made way to the nearest alley and hid his Nimbus under yesterday's garbage bags behind Fortescue's place. He trotted lightly on the other side of Diagon alley until he caught up level with Malfoy. He kept a safe distance away to avoid being detected, even under his cloak.

Instead of walking in the bookstore, Malfoy slowed his gait to peep in the window. He stood there for a few seconds, then kept walking further on. Harry followed at a safe distance, hands tingling in the onyx gauntlet. He now began to really notice the feel of them, the way that it almost removed the sense of vulnerability humans have where their physical body was concerned. Harry felt like if he struck a wall with his fist right now, the wall would be sending him a subpoena in the morning.

Lucius Malfoy made his way towards a Cafe, sat down outside at the table, and let a pretty waitress attend to him. Harry was too far to hear the actual words, but Malfoy was charming, polite and made the lady smile as he ordered. When she left, his countenance darkened and he began to tap his foot impatiently, looking back down the road towards Obscurus.

Harry ducked in between the gaps of the buildings across the road from the cafe. He was deliberating getting closer to him, but decided to play it extremely safe. The waitress returned, bringing him a tea in a bowl and a plate with tartine. Harry watched in morbid fascination as Malfoy dipped it in the bowl and daintily nibbled on it. He took his time, periodically taking the bowl in his hands and drinking directly from it. Then, he pulled out a pocket watch from inside his robes flicked open the face, glanced at it then snapping it shut. He resumed his tapping of the foot. This repeated for a few minutes. He made small talk with the waitress a few times when she made her rounds . She finally turned to go back inside, and Lucius Malfoy suddenly went alert, looking down the street. Malfoy wiped his mouth quickly, dug into his pocket and left a couple galleons on the table, dumping the dirty napkin on top of it and stood up.

Harry looked down Diagon alley and saw Katie hustling towards the bookstore. A young man in glasses called out to her, waving her to wait. While Harry watched, he noticed Malfoy casually stepping within the doorway of the cafe such that, at this angle, he can look towards her but remain unnoticed from her perspective . The young wizard caught up to Katie, talked to her for a bit before Katie impatiently ended the conversation with an apology that Harry could hear faintly as she turned to leave. Harry's eyes narrowed as he spotted the youth with the glasses pop open a tiny potions flask and throw a few drops at her retreating back, reminding him of a priest blessing his flock with holy water. Katie didn't feel it, continuing towards the bookstore with hurried steps.

Harry looked again at Lucius, who was now dabbing a spot of perfume discreetly at his neck and on the front of his robes. He waited until Katie had entered the building at Obscurus, made some more small talk with the waitress inside and waved goodbye to her. He straightened his robes, looked at himself in the reflection of a window and slowly, almost reluctantly, began to walk back down Diagon towards Obscurus. The bespectacled young wizard was nowhere to be seen.

Harry crossed the road and was now following a dozen feet behind Malfoy. He left a lingering trace of a cologne that smelled pretty good actually. He frowned, was that what he had now put on?

He was getting confused. Did Malfoy want to somehow woo or entice Katie?

Harry really wished he could cast a Silencio on himself so he was completely hidden. He had to be absolutely perfect, something was definitely up and he only had one chance to get in the door as Lucius walked in. Lucius slowed down again, stopping at a stall to buy the Daily Prophet. He looked up once or twice at the sky as he opened the paper. Diagon alley was no longer as empty, a few more people were beginning to make their way to work, or open up their business. Malfoy dug for his pocket watch again, glanced at it, snapped it shut and then Harry finally noticed what he was waiting for.

An owl came to land on the guttering of the roof of Obscurus. In its beak was something small, a tiny folded piece of parchment. It dropped it and Malfoy skillfully used his cane to summon it before it landed without drawing his wand. He opened it, smiled, and dropped it on the ground. He continued onto the bookstore. Harry snatched it up as he walked past it, pocketing it as he tried to get in position to slip in behind Lucius.

Lucius Malfoy opened the door and Harry almost gave himself away as the cloak touched him briefly when he slipped in. He actually looked outside in curiosity before he closed the door, the chime tinkling merrily.

"Good morning Mr. Malfoy," Edgar Ridgewall greeted with a slight bow.

"Edgar," Mr. Malfoy stated in return. "How goes it?" he asked, silky smooth.

"Very good, very good. All is well, however I did not see Mrs. Obscurus yesterday but I will pass on the message when I do come across her," he said causally, sipping from his tea.

"And did you relay the message to Miss Bell, I trust?" Malfoy inquired, smiling. Harry was reminded of Lockhart for some reason when Malfoy smiled. Except Malfoy's smile was twenty times more venomous.

"Oh yes," Edgar smiled back, waving his hand towards the back. "Told her to come in a bit early to see to the donation set. Would you like me to call her? I believe she is in the store room. "

"I would like to assist, if possible; with how they are to be arranged. Some of the journals are, shall we say, more important and cannot be grouped with the wide release publications. I believe my courier was at fault and did not separate them into two different packages," Malfoy explained. "May I?" he indicated to the storage room.

"Of course!" Edgar replied, gesturing to the back. "Take your time." Lucius stepped around the counter and made his way towards the back room. Harry quickly ducked behind a shelf, took out the parchment and read it.

5-6 drops Upper Back

Harry waited for Edgar to reach for his teacup and blow before stepping around the counter towards the storage room.

Harry was now in a room with two main shelves filled with taped up boxes. The walls had one or two shelves as well as counters and a high window with Owl delivery paraphernalia scattered on the desk below. Katie was near the main delivery door, sitting on a counter with her wand out, cutting the tape of a stack of large boxes.

"Good morning," Mr. Malfoy's voice came from between the shelves. Harry paced him on the opposite side of the shelf, watching his every move. Katie's head looked up.

"Morning?" she enquired. "Can I help you? Who is there?"

"My name is Lucius Malfoy," he said as he came into view. "I wish to help you with my donation. There was a slight mix up," he said with a smile. "Some of the literature was bundled incorrectly and simply cannot be sold like the rest."

"Is Mr. Ridgewall aware you are here?" she asked cautiously. Everyone knew his son was a pureblood ideologist and suspected his father was the influence. Katie didn't proclaim it to the whole world, but it was known she wasn't a pureblood.

"Why yes," Mr. Malfoy replied, getting closer. "How far along have you reached?" he asked politely.

"Um.. I have now begun," she said, looking uncomfortable. She hopped off the table to stand, smoothing her robes down her front. "The packaging spell is quite strong, haven't got the right unlock spell yet," she waved her wand uncertainly with a hesitant laugh. Harry could tell she was nervous, maybe getting a bit afraid. He moved a little closer just in case she needed help. He crouched low, watching the both of them with slow, steady breaths.

"Allow me," Malfoy said as he approached, separating the handle from the cane to reveal his wand. For a split second Harry was thinking of attacking, then he calmed himself. Katie actually went a bit rigid.

Edgar is right there. He won't jinx her. Not like this. That is not a true Slytherin's style.

Malfoy approached, and with a gentle hand on her wrist, he motioned a figure eight into a swoosh. "This is the motion, 'Alectrono'." He guided her hand twice, then demonstrated on the first box. It neatly tore through the packaging and the flaps opened up. "Let's see, ah no, this one is all right to go to the front." He gallantly put a light touch on the small of her back as he looked around. "Show me where the others are. Why don't you try out the spell, Miss Bell? Easy once you get the swoosh correctly," he smiled.

To Harry's horror, Katie smiled prettily back at him.

"Ok," she said, biting her lip while looking at his smile. "Alectrono!"

Another box on the table opened, and she peered inside. Malfoy leant over her nicely rounded bottom and peered over her shoulder. Their bodies were definitely inappropriately close. Something was going on.

Katie braced both hands flat on the table and arched her backside against Mr. Malfoy. Her eyes closed as his hands held unto her waist with a light touch. He leant over and nuzzled the back of her neck, making sure his chest was flush against her back.

"Write to me," he said softly, nipping her ear. "I will secret you away and fulfill all your dreams," he hissed, his hands roaming over her body. Katie closed her eyes, moving slowly against him.

"When...?" she said, her voice husky.

"Not now," he said, kissing her neck. "When your family cannot see, during the term. Do it in here; no owls," he added, his voice dangerously soft. He gave her a wrapped package. "Only Alectrono will open it. I will only come and get you once you tell me everything that you want and how badly you want it, my love."

Katie took the tightly secured package and put in her purse, turning in his arms and putting her hands on the sides of his face.

"Anything you want, Lucius." Then she kissed him.

Harry had enough. He pushed down an empty inkwell off the edge of the table next to him. It hit the ground with a loud glass thunk, followed by an obnoxious rolling sound. Malfoy straightened and stepped away; immediately wary. Katie stood there touching the front of his robes and running her hands on his arms, eyes glazed over. Harry ducked low and circled to the other side of the shelf, watching Malfoy advance to investigate. He spotted the empty inkwell which rolled to a stop on the ground.

Malfoy had his wand out, looking around for an obvious clue. He left the storage room with a determined stride. Harry crept quickly around the shelves in the opposite direction, straight to Katie's purse. Before he could get close enough, Malfoy returned, kissing her passionately, then double checking once again in her purse. Harry's heart raced, he could have stretched out and touch his robes, he was that close. Satisfied that the book was still in it, he took out the perfume bottle he carried and sprayed it on the packaging.

"Only in there, understood?" Malfoy hissed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Katie nodded, smiling at him. Without further ado, Malfoy turned on his heel and walked out. Katie leaned back on the table, touching her lips tentatively. Harry counted to ten, then slowly approached the purse. Katie was still staring at the door. Harry opened up his bag, took out his apron, wrapped that around the package, and then put it in his backpack. For a moment he studied Katie, and how flush her cheeks were. She folded her arms tightly against her bosom, both hands on her mouth , a silly smile on her face. She turned around to continue her work, biting her lip and fixing her robes. Harry felt repulsed. He couldn't decipher if it was because of the Horcrux or what he witnessed. What he did know is that he had to stash this somewhere safe.

He contemplated not leaving her alone in the storage room but the Horcrux was way too dangerous. He frowned, promising to himself to make sure she was okay as soon as he could. He watched her inscribe a heart with L and K in it on the wooden desk with her wand, and hastily stepped out before he vomited.

On his way out he saw that Edgar was methodically sipping his tea, oblivious to what just happened. When Harry walked past him on the way out, he failed to notice that the cup was empty, and a small trickle of blood was seeping out of his nose.

Harry remained under his invisibility cloak outside on Diagon. He wished he had a watch. Where was Jon and Tonks?

He dipped into an alley to remove his invisibility cloak. He wondered if Gringotts was safe enough to store the Horcrux. Considering his options, he had to concede that he didn't have a choice. He was wary about doing this. If this was found out to be a dark artifact in his vault, he was toast. That was it. Harry Potter would be in Azkaban or on the run from the Ministry, and he needed Hogwarts and allies to complete his mission. Wanted criminals were not the best allies to the general populace, something Sirius suffered through the years before he died.

As he made his way to Gringotts, something occurred to him. If Malfoy planned this all along and this time was apparently successful, how did Ginny end up with the diary the week before school opened?

What happened differently today which caused his diary attempt on Katie to fail before?

Something I did since coming back, Harry deduced, storming towards Gringotts. What did he do differently with Katie?

He bought the books alongside Jon and Tonks. Katie and he talked. She was in a good mood. What did they talk about? Quidditch, her summer job, and how glad she was to see him and hoped to see him again. Tonks had said "I made an impression on her."

Harry had dismissed that talk with Katie. He realized because he was older, that sort of thing wasn't as important anymore. For a normal twelve year old, a pretty girl saying it was nice to see him would make a boy feel special. He tried to rewind that day. Maybe he did feel special, he did sort of boast to Tonks about his Quidditch skill, didn't he?

Harry's head was hurting. Something he did, something made her be in this situation that she wasn't in before.

Could it be that Malfoy had tried a different approach before and scared her, enough to make her quit? Could it also be that she changed her mind from leaving the job upon meeting him at Diagon? Was her interest reinforced by the newspaper article after the thief was caught?

Edgar had said that Katie comes in a little before eight on mornings. That was yesterday; after he noticed Harry looking for her. Was it that Katie mentioned him throughout that first day and Edgar, knowing how teens operate, was somehow expecting Harry to call again?

Too many possibilities. He had the diary now, and that was what was important. He ducked into the alleyway by Gringotts and put the package into the Onyx box, apron and all. He would simply buy another apron today. Crap. That meant going back down to World Wizarding Gear. He removed the Onyx gauntlets and folded them neatly in his bag. He then went inside Gringotts and confronted Bogrod.

"Mr. Potter," Bogrod greeted. "How may Gringotts be of service."

"How long would it take to open a new, er... current account?"

"Quite some time," Bogrod said. "You would be referred to the sales goblins upstairs and they would take you for a tour on available vaults and different levels of protection."

"Ouch," Harry cursed, thinking.

"Is there something you need?"

"I want a separate vault opened, but time is of importance," Harry said cautiously. Bogrod opened a drawer and took out a log book. He took out spectacles from his suit pocket and placed them on his nose.

"Let's see, yes. I was correct," Bogrod confirmed, his finger on the newest page.

"You are in luck, Mr. Potter. Your Clan, the, um.. The Crow's Vambrace account has been created and Vault number assigned, just need the three founders to sign the seal. Please be advised that this is not a very highly secure vault. But it does come with a bit of, leeway shall we say." Bogrod flashed a pointy toothed smile.

"How so?" Harry enquired.

"As it is a separate, business entity you have created, your clan account cannot be associated to you through the public forum. Only the three of you know or can have access to the file information. NO family, heirs apparent or Ministry of Legal Affairs can strip this information from Gringotts. It is the matter of utmost confidentiality."

Harry smiled. It reminded him of a business account in an offshore bank.

"Can I make a deposit?" Harry asked.

"As soon as signatures are sealed," Bogrod confirmed. Harry nodded.

"I thank you for the good work, Bogrod," he said formally, with a single dip of the head. Bogrod blinked a couple times.

"Honor and Blood, Mr. Potter," Bogrod replied, also slightly bowing. Harry left the bank. He decided to walk back to Obscurus to meet with the others. Jon was there, leaning against the wall, a fierce scowl on his face.

"I believe Mistress Tonks is upset," he said quietly. "What happened with the wizard?"

Harry shook his head. "Not here. Streets have ears and eyes." He looked around casually. "I was successful. Where is she?"

"Inside. Something is wrong with the librarian. She told me to divert anyone for a few minutes. " He gestured at the doorway. The sign was flipped to 'Be back in ten minutes.' "I advise you keep walking and not attract too much attention to here," Jon said, his hood pulled low.

"Meet me at the bank. Walk separately," Harry said, leaving.

Tonks was inside the bookstore, shining a light into Edgar's eyes. They were not dilating or contracting as they should.

"The fuck happened here?" she whispered. Her pores were raised. Edgar was methodically sipping his empty teacup, barely paying her any notice, even though she was shining a light in his face. "What the hell, Potter..." she asked herself, perplexed.

She peeked into the store room. She could see movement and the sounds of books hitting each other. Tonks focused on Edgar's face, build and clothes. With great concentration, she began to change. Height was always an issue when it came to this, and had to settle for a shorter version of Mr. Ridgewall. She waved her light again in his face, yet still no natural response. Just a mild recognition that someone was in front of him, but nothing more.

She made her way around to the storeroom. Walking in, she saw Katie diligently opening every box that was still sealed, from the dusty, forgotten ones on the top shelves right down to the newest set near to the back door delivery entrance. Every box was opened, and her wand was waving figure eights with swooshes, "Alectrono," repeated at anything remotely sealed. Then she stacked the books into lopsided towers of barely balancing piles.

"Merlin," Tonks breathed. She made a hasty retreat, reverting back to her original form.

"Jon, where is Harry?" Tonks demanded, opening the front door a tiny crack.

"Walk separately," he said stonily. "Meet him at the Bank," he repeated and walked off, not looking at her. Tonks ran back inside went down to the office backroom and out through the side alley exit. She did the chameleon charm and began to walk along Diagon alley. She made her way past Gringotts then stepped in the alley, removed the illusion then made her way inside .

Jon and Harry were waiting for her at Bogrod's counter.

"Sign this," Harry said. Tonks just stared at him. Harry stared back at her, eyes cold. It reminded her of veteran Aurors decades older. She took the parchment, read it through at double speed, knicked her finger and took the quill. "Follow me," Harry said and set off when she signed.

"The vault is only one level down," he explained. "No one is to enter it after today. Nobody." Harry said softly.

"Why? What happened at the store?" Tonks whispered, her temper rising. Harry shook his head.

"Inside," he said calmly, producing the key. He opened the massive stone etched door and went inside. It was small, nothing compared to his Trust or Heritage vault, but it would have to do. It was the size of a tiny storage room, probably ten feet by fifteen feet, with the opposite wall consisting of multiple lockers the size of picture frames.

"Lumos," Harry said, then pulled the vault shut behind them. It was suddenly very, very cozy. Tonks produced some light as well.

"Malfoy tried to plant this cursed object on Katie. I was hoping that you guys would have arrived earlier but .." he scowled. "I couldn't stay longer, Tonks, if that is what you're going to ask. This is more important." He rest the bag on the ground, then overturned it carefully. He pointed his wand at his onyx box.

"Winguardium lleviosa," he muttered, controlling it as he opened one of the lockers. He deposited the onyx box in the small locker numbered five.

"Tonks, this is serious. Katie has been bewitched with a scent based potion. Two, in fact. One was sprinkled on the back of her robes, the complimentary one was on Lucius Malfoy." Tonks began to protest. Harry pointed his lit wand at her, making her flinch reflexively. "This conversation is not to leave this room. " She nodded.

"His accomplice was a young wizard with glasses. Slight of build, slick black hair, blue and grey street robes. Had the potion in a small cork stopper bottle. You have any sort of truth serum?" he showed both of them the piece of parchment.

"No," she sighed, looking at the tiny message. "Why can't we alert the Aurors?"

"Men like him usually have spies," Jon guessed out aloud.

"The way his son boasts about who his father knows, I'm sure he does," Harry said, reinforcing the idea into her head without arousing too much suspicion that he really knew for sure that he had spies in the MLE department. "Tonks you need to find the guy and get that potion bottle back. I really don't want Katie to be under the microscope with the Ministry."

"Microscope?" both Jon and Tonks asked, lost. Harry sighed.

"Under suspicion, or held against her will, basically let's not spook the girl too much," Harry said.

"Let's say I do find him, but not the bottle, what then?" Tonks said. "I wouldn't keep that on me if I were him." Harry thought for a few seconds, nodding.

"You are right. Maybe we should just focus on fixing the problem first. You need to get Katie out of those robes. Careful with them, block your nose or cast a impervious spell on yourself. I think it is a compound love potion, its obsessive and strong. Don't get caught in it."

Harry stopped.

"Damn," he cursed, pacing in the small , gloomy vault.

"What?" she asked. Jon parroted her as well, curious.

"Jon might have to do it. Or me." Harry said darkly. "He's vile, truly a serpent. I got really fucking mad. I wanted to..." Curse him. He took a deep breath then blew out his mouth, letting out some steam.

"You two are boys. No way. Why Jon, or you, may I ask?" She asked again.

"I smelled it following him. It doesn't work on men."

"Oh," Tonks drawled. "That kind of potion. That isn't a love potion. It's more a lust potion. Activates by a code word, or spell. Great for secret affairs. Don't want the person following you like a lost puppy."

"Well, shit. Speaking of puppy, Jon, where is Ghost?" Harry said, perplexed.

"He is outside Master Ollivander's side door, the one we usually come in. I told him to wait for me there."

"That's an awfully smart dog, isn't he?" Tonks commented.

"It's a wolf," Jon explained.

"Whoa!" Tonks exclaimed. "No wonder he went through Sticky's ankle so easy! Canines are rarely familiars though. Guess this is just another weird thing you two have going on."

"Yes," Jon said simply.

"Let's go," Harry said.

"Wait," Tonks said. "Mr. Ridgewall has also been hexed. I don't know what is wrong with him."

"What do you mean? He seemed fine drinking his tea when I left the store!" Harry said.

"He's still drinking it, or he thinks he is. It has been empty for some time now and yet he's still sipping. He's also not responding to me, or anything else for that matter."

Harry frowned. He didn't know what poison could cause that. "Crap. We'll need a healer to check him out. Drat. I was hoping to keep this quiet. Katie is a nice girl... this could mean trouble for her. Is there anyone , any Auror you trust to keep this quiet?"

"Dawlish has been a friend to my dad for like..forever. Since I was a baby. But that's not how it works, Harry. Aurors must assign a case number and summary to any investigation. Once they bring him or her in, its logged . Those are the rules under legislation Two dot one, clause 24. Aurors keeping things quiet is recipe for corruption and for criminals to slip through technicalities when in court. One of the reasons why your folks got cornered into hiding. Not enough paperwork for other legal departments to effectively counter what he who must not be named and his followers were doing."

Or maybe they were betrayed by a slimy rat.

"What time is it?" Harry asked.

"A little after quarter past," Tonks said. "That's what the great clock on Gringotts tower said when I came in.

"Once Master Ollivander sees Ghost, he will know we're nearby. At least he would not suspect that we are not coming," Jon said. Harry ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"No choice. We'll have to fire message to the Headmaster," Harry said. "I want to do this as soon as possible, without Aurors. If he knows I'm apprenticing here he might try to interfere, and I really don't want him trying to monitor me. I like learning from Ollivander and hanging around you guys. And he doesn't know Jon, yet." The two boys looked at Tonks.

"Me?" she said. Harry shrugged in apology. "Fine. Why do I keep getting the impression that I'm not the oldest one here?" she laughed. They two boys laughed as well, fake as hell.

"Tell him what I said, except leave me out of it. And leave out the cursed object, we have it locked away and that's the most important thing. Tell him that snake was looking for a poor girl to prey upon or something. Make it sound good. Once Ridgewall and Katie are healed, that's all that matters to me. " For now.

I will deal with Malfoy Senior later, Harry thought. The three of them nodded in agreement and left the bank.

"See ya, Tonks," Harry said, waving.

"Milady, please enjoy the rest of your day," Jon said with a wave.

"Sure," Tonks said sarcastically, a crooked smile on her face. "Later," she waved and made her way back to the leaky cauldron. There was a backroom there that had a public floo fire she could use to contact Albus Dumbledore. She began reciting to herself the story she was going to tell him.

Harry was diligently using the number three fine wood chisel on his practice wand handle. Mr. Ollivander wanted them both to make a circumferential pattern at with end of the handle closest to the wrist. He advised a simple repeating wave design for Harry, and a straight groove for Jon. Both young men were seated at work tables with vice clamps holding the wooden handles horizontally. The clamping mechanism was connected to a fine metallic gear system which was housed on a pulley wheel. Tough elastic bands were routed around the pulley wheel to a kicking arm. This kicking arm was controlled by both foot pedals, right for clockwise rotation of the wand, left for anticlockwise. The technique was to carefully mallet the chisel along a penciled outline of the pattern drawn on the wood while rotating the handle. The soft tapping of the chisel in time with the stepping of the pedals was almost meditative in its rhythm.

Harry was currently doing the second turn when a visitor popped in, calling a cheery "Good morning!" from out front. Mr. Ollivander responded in kind and after giving his apprentices a positive nod to continue, stepped out the workshop, through his office and went to greet the client.

The two lads continued for a few minutes, the chap chap chap sound in perfect unison from both chisels. Mr. Ollivander walked back in the workshop with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Harry, Headmaster Dumbledore would like a word with you. He also says he would love to use this opportunity to meet Lord Black, Jon." Both young men gave each other a look, then got up to take off their aprons. Harry hung his borrowed one on the back of his chair and Jon tossed his on the counter where they put their bags. Mr. Ollivander walked back out front first.

"Jon," Harry whispered. "He can read your mind if he makes enough eye contact," he warned.

"Is there any way to stop this?" Jon countered, alarmed.

"Clear your mind. Think of when you are at one with your inner self."

"Usually that is when I am practicing the sword, or archery," Jon mused.

"Try imagining a shield to your thoughts," Harry advised, inspired. "If you are sensitive to any probe, he will know, and stop trying. It is impolite to do this, and he knows it."

"It will be done, Harry of House Hollow," Jon said with determination. Both stepped out to the front room.

"Harry! It is good to see you my boy," Dumbledore greeted, his palms outstretched. "And this must be young Lord Black," he said in welcome. He clasped his hands in front of him at his belt, the humble elderly grandfather once more. "My name is Albus Dumbledore, I am the headmaster of Hogwarts, Harry's School of Magic," he said with a slight bow. "You have made quite a splash in the Daily Prophet, young man!"

"And good day to you, Headmaster Dumbledore," Harry said, smiling. "Yes, this is Jon, he gave me a hand in that scary situation," Harry said, gratitude in his voice.

"Greetings, Headmaster," Jon said simply. "We were caught off guard, but I hoped to be of some assistance when we were accosted. It was no way as heroic as the papers made it to be."

"Ah as humble as he is brave. Very good qualities, young man. If it pleases you, have your guardians Owl me at Hogwarts. I will make accommodations with the Ministry if you wish to transfer," he offered with a smile.

Jon gave a slight bow. "It shall be done, Headmaster Dumbledore."

He nodded, and then addressed Harry.

"Quite an honor, to apprentice here," he said. "I hope all is well. Maybe you could have written?" Dumbledore smiled. Harry ducked his head in embarrassment, even though he knew this was exactly how Dumbledore liked to pry.

"I didn't want to stand out, again. Just I ... I really like it," he said simply.

"And you, Mr. Black? How fares it?" he asked Jon.

"I am learning from the best, it is more than I could have wished for," Jon said solemnly. "Truly an honor."

"Excellent, excellent. I was contacted by one of my previous students, a miss Nymphadora Tonks, charming young woman, very promising talent. I presume you know of her?"

Both boys nodded, giving nothing more away.

"I don't know if you are aware that Katherine, from your Quidditch team, has a summer job at Obscurus' Fine Literature and Journals Bookstore lower down Diagon Alley."

"Yes we met her briefly to get our books," Harry answered, occluding his mind. He got sudden inspiration. "Here, let me show you!" he dashed off to get his backpack and retrieve the book.

He knew that Leglimens practitioners would ask you a question and then try to pry information when you were thinking on the subject. He didn't want to tip his hand that he knew occlumency as yet. He just hoped Jon could protect his thoughts for the few seconds he needed to deflect Dumbledore's attention.

"Here, it's really neat!" Harry said, looking down at the book instead of the headmaster as he opened it. He handed it to the headmaster, who took it, read the summary and author's note, and handed it back.

"Very good Harry, you should do well. Ah, the enthusiasm of youth," Dumbledore said sagely, returning the text. "Miss Tonks popped in there this morning to get a book and noticed that something was wrong, terribly wrong. She contacted me and I went to investigate, along with Professors McGonagall, Flitwick and Snape. The Librarian was given a short-term memory potion from the initial testing done by Professor Snape, but further testing by Madame Pompfrey showed that it was a combination of that along with a calming draught caused a bad reaction. He is at Hogwarts under suveillance right now. So is Miss Bell. She seems to obsessively want to open every closed box she can lay her hands on. I'm afraid until we figure out what has happened, I have asked her parents' permission to let her recuperate at Hogwarts. The house elves are doing a good job bringing boxes for her that are sealed, and then resealing them when she's finished with that set."

"Here is where the mystery deepens. In a seemingly unrelated event, a peculiar house elf, Dobby, is now in St Mungo's ward for Magical Creatures. He is currently being restrained from constantly harming himself, saying he must warn Harry Potter. This is why I am here. Does this mean anything to you?"

"Who?" Harry asked, dumbstruck. He looked down to the floor, deep in thought. "Dobby?" he almost forgot about him. He had him locked away this summer, didn't he? When all the owls were bombarding the house ... yeah, Uncle Vernon wasn't happy about that. "You mean a Hogwarts house elf?" Harry asked, planting tendrils of suspicion into the Headmaster.

"No," Albus said slowly, pulling his beard. His eyes stopped his grandfatherly twinkle, and his shoulders straightened, almost imperceptibly under his flamboyant robes, but Harry knew the headmaster well enough to spot the difference. He was mad. Mad and concerned that he didn't ask those obvious questions. Hermione was right, Wizards don't ponder or think about house elves whatsoever. "No, I don't believe so." He turned to Mr. Ollivander. "Garrick, lads... thank you for your time but I must make my leave. Pardon me. This is something I must follow up on with utmost haste," he bowed, and without waiting for their response turned on his heel and left the store. There was a cry of "Fawkes!" and a flash outside the window.

Mr. Ollivander eyes grew wide and literally drew his wand with lightning speed. "Quickly lads! Before it touches the ground! Reducto! Depulso! Evanescarium!"

He destroyed his main glass window, banished the glass then disappeared the shards. Jon was stunned, but spotted what he wanted. Without hesitation he dashed the five steps to the glass wand showcase counter facing the street. He planted a hand flat on the surface, vaulted over and caught the two Phoenix feathers that were dancing merrily down to the pavement outside. He had to tuck his head under and roll on his shoulder to compensate for his lunge, cradling the feathers delicately in his palm. He sprung up from his impromptu dive, holding the feathers that were now refracting rainbow colors unto his hands under the midday sunlight.

Harry had only begun to move.

Jon was a freaking cat.

Jon cradled the priceless feathers in his hands, gingerly stepping back towards the shop. He had an awestruck expression on his face as he studied the weightless treasure in his palms.

"Phoenix feathers at noon," Mr. Ollivander said in reverence, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Full tail plumage, not the hit and miss molting wing feathers. My, this cannot be happening. It cannot be. Careful, lad. Do not drop it! "

"Harry," he whispered, not taking his eyes off of Jon for a fraction of a second. "Glass cabinet, third shelf, the diamond plated box, please bring it here." Mr. Olivander's hand shook terribly as he took out the ring of keys he kept in his robe pocket. Harry accepted the keys and went back into the store room. Mr. Ollivander opened the door for Jon with due haste, closing it behind him and flipping the sign to 'Closed'. Harry returned with the Diamond mini-chest and put it on the sale counter. "What extraordinary luck," Ollivander breathed in reverence. "Virgin feathers; untouched, unsoiled..." he added in rapturous glee. Harry has never seen the man so emotional. "Look Harry, Look! It's Perfect! He still has on his gloves!"

Jon placed the treasure in the diamond chest, the light from the Sun casting prismatic effects on the precious stone as it shone through the feathers.

"Unrequested, Freely Given, Sun Kissed feathers from the only Phoenix in Britain. Untouched by magic. Luck as it has never come before, it has now come!" The hundreds of wand boxes in his store began to rattle, responding to their creator's magic. The old man was crying feely now. He admired the treasure in the box for a few seconds more, then closed it. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

"That good huh?" Harry said, not knowing what else to say. Mr. Ollivander barked a laugh, putting a firm, sturdy hand on both of their shoulders.

"'That good', he says," Ollivander chuckled. "Yes, my dear lads, it is just 'that good'." He vigorously shook their shoulders, the Master Wandsmith fully in his glee. Both Jon and Harry grinned, the old man was infectious in his excitement. He began to pace up and down his store. He began to mutter to himself, his voice growing stronger with each non-sensible syllable.

"They are yours. Oh no, this is not chance. It must be. It was meant to be. Only the circumstances of you two doing whatever it was you were doing, yes, yes... these past few days ... " he looked at them, through them, with his rheumy eyes. "This acquisition will go down in the books. No. It is too divine to be recorded, the magic will be lost in mere parchment and ink. It needed to be lived, experienced. Yes. Two of you have created this unique sequence of events. Inexplicable coincidences. Your new wands will be exquisite. Extraordinary. Yes. They shall, oh yes they shall," he declared, nodding once for emphasis.

Wand still in hand, he crossed his left wrist with his right hand in a sudden, dramatic movement. His wand began to glow hotly as he mimicked the motion of the drawing a wand from his inner forearm, pulling out the wand slowly.

"It will match with the bracers, it must. It cannot do anything else but be perfect," he muttered to himself, his hands now clenching in fists in front of him; the true embodiment of victory.

"Sir?" Jon asked out of concern.

"Yes?" Ollivander snapped, alarmed that they dare disturb him.

"Is everything alright, sir?" he asked, genuinely perturbed.

"Yes, yes," he said, looking at the treasure chest. "Look at that piece of crap," Ollivander spat, gesturing rudely at the diamond chest. "All glittery stones. Nothing but a box worth a mere hundred thousand galleons. Nothing! Ho, a pittance compared to the contents."

He watched the two boys jaws drop in shock.

"The phoenix. The strongest magical animal there is. Immortal. Beautiful. Indestructible," he said softly. "It has given you these. Your previous wand was made from plucked feathers, a rude gesture towards such magnificent a creature." He shook his head sadly, then with an abrupt change in mood, he pointed his finger at the both of them. His voice went deeply grave.

"You must practice, gentlemen. Back to work! Until I have seen you create ten world class wands, only then shall you work with these cores. Now, back to work!" he ordered, beginning his ramblings once again.

Both Harry and Jon were thunderstruck, not believing the passion Mr. Ollivander had for his craft. Harry looked at Jon, nodding to the workroom.

"Nice catch," Harry whispered in recognition of the acrobatic feat; offering his fist. Jon connected immediately, not even breaking stride as they entered the workshop.

"It was nothing, Harry of House Hollow. Just lucky, I guess," he smiled, quoting Harry's excuse he told Tonks.

"Hm. Let's hope our luck doesn't run out. Next week is the trip to France."

"Easy," Jon said, shrugging. "Ranging with cut-throat companions? This is what we Immortal Heroes do for fun."

AN: Thanks for reading. Next chapter should be up midweek.

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