
Chapter 2.65

Lauryn and Alex began taking notes on me before they had Lynn do the same. We then had blood drawn and a terrifying thought crept into my mind. I looked to Lauryn as she drew another vial, "can I ask you to test for something?"

"Of course!" She sang before pulling out the needle and holding a piece of gauze against my skin.

I fought trembling, "can you see if I'm pregnant?"

She froze and looked to me with surprise and saw her face turn to sorrow as she realized what I was referring to.

I turned to Alex as he huffed, "you've already made 3, what's one more?"

My heart ached as my own words were thrown back into my face. Nearly the same thing I told Connor was now spat at me. "I don't want any more association with him."

"Afraid another rape will make another set of twins?"

I picked up a box of gauze nearby and threw as hard as I could. It smacked him directly in the forehead, causing him to fall out of his chair. Lynn let out a gasp before laughing and Lauryn snickered. "Stop talking about my kids like that. I'm really gonna hurt you next time. I don't care if you're socially inept, I can't take you disrespecting them."

Lynn looked to me, "you gave birth to 3 kids?"

I nodded, "twins that are 6 and a toddler."

Lauryn smiled to me, "if they look anything like you, they must be beautiful."

I smiled but shook my head, "they only have my eyes. They are nearly identical to their dad." I took out my phone and pulled up a picture of all the kids.

"They're beautiful. I'm sure they have your kind personality." She studied the picture further, "who are the other two? Relatives?"

"I am also responsible for two teenagers."

She looked to the picture again and a lovesick smile came to her face. "I've always wanted kids."

I smiled, "they're amazing but take your time. Don't rush to have them."

Lauryn swiveled in her chair in a playful way, "so if this experiment works, do you have someone you want to be with?"

I gave a large smile, "I already have them. They're all in that picture."

She sighed, "I mean a mate."

"I don't know," I said quietly even though I knew everyone was listening. "There's someone who wants to be my mate, but I've destroyed his life once. I don't want to run the risk of doing it again."

"If he still wants you, he doesn't care about it. You should be with him!"

I glanced to Lynn sadly, "I'm still in love with my destined partner. I hate him and never want to be near him again, but I can't get rid of these feelings so fast."

"But you also love that other guy," Lauryn said with a sad smile. "Your eyes lit up a bit when you spoke of him."

I nodded, "it might be better to stay friends."

Lynn sighed deeply, "well it'll take time for this to work, right? So you have time to figure it out."

Everyone was quiet as they finished up the testing for the day. When we left the college, I had six syringes to inject each morning for the experimental medication they made.

By the time we got back to the house, the kids were back and playing in the back yard. I immediately went to the back and felt relief as I saw the kids. The twins and Wren sat in the grass playing with Addie while Chase, Iris, and Emit sat in lawn chairs talking.

I quietly walked over and, when the teens caught sight of me, I gestured for them to stay quiet. I snuck up behind the twins and Addie caught me as I knelt down. She squealed and held her hands out to me. The twins whipped their heads around and gasped.

"Momma!" They both cheered before tackling me backwards in a hug. I cackled but we all sat up when Addie began whining.

"I'm sorry, Addie. Come here, sweetie." I said as I smiled. She crawled my way and I picked her up. I cuddled her into my chest as she held on to my shirt.

I looked up when I heard the house door open. Trey smiled towards me, "welcome back." He looked towards Alex, "how'd it go?"

"Nothing interesting to report. Lynn and Will are beginning the injections tonight."

"So you met Lauryn?" Wren asked and I nodded, "she's really nice!"

I smiled, "yeah, she's great." I looked to the teenagers, "how was the first day?"

Emit smiled brightly, "Chase blew a couple teachers away. They thought his paperwork was wrong and he didn't skip a grade."

"They didn't believe him? Why?"

"They looked down on him because of his gender." Iris said quietly, "there aren't a lot of Omegas in this small community, so we're looked down on."

I stood up and held Addie on my hip, "well Chase can change their minds. He's amazing."

"He may be smart for an Omega but..."

I turned and glared at Alex, "stop right there. Chase is incredible, not just in intellect. His gender has nothing to do with it." As Alex ignored me and went inside, I looked to the twins. "and how did your first day go?"

They both smiled, "good! our teacher is really nice and our classmates are nice too!"

I smiled to Archer's response, "I'm glad to hear it."

"Its really nice to not wear a uniform!" Ashley giggled, causing my heart to swell with relief. Maybe this whole move was for the best. This might work.

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