

After you have changed into more appropriate attire a simple champagne colored dress, with diamond accents, you meet the boys back inside the limo.

"Wow, Y/N." Jungkook said. "You look..." Namjoon said as he stared with his mouth opened. "Stunning." Jimin finished his sentence. You blushed as the boys eyed you in your outfit.

You and the boys sat in the limo drinking champagne and getting to know each other. "Your Majesty, we have arrived." The driver said as he rolled the private window down. Jimin nodded and stepped out once the door opened.

"My lady." Jimin said as he held his hand out for you. You grabbed his hand and carefully got out of the limo, and stood beside Jimin as you waited for the rest of the boys pile out.

As you walked up to the bouncer, he stopped you from entering. "Back of the line." He said as he stood there with his arms crossed. "Excuse me?" You said. The bouncer leaned in closer as he moved his sunglasses down his nose to look you in the eyes.

"I. Said. Back. Of. The. Line." He leaned back up, fixed his glasses, and stood up straight. "Look, I'm not the one to play the title card. But, I promised my very important friends here I'd be able to give them a tour of New York and what's a tour without stopping at the hottest club New York has to offer?" You smiled sweetly.

"Oh yeah? Tell me who are these 'important friends?'." The bouncer snickered. "That's us. Hello there sir. It's nice to meet your acquaintance, I'm Prince Jimin of Cordonia." He stuck his hand out. But the bouncer didn't budge, instead he laughed. "Right, and I'm the queen of England. Back of the line before I call the cops."

You sighed and turned towards everyone. "I'm so sorry you guys. I tried. I never have this much trouble getting in the club, especially since I know the owner." You gave them an apologetic look. "It's okay, you tried your best y/n." Jin smiled.

Just then the owner of the club came outside. "Y/N! Hey!" Brandon said and hugged you. "Hey, Brandon!" You smiled and hugged back. "Everyone, this is Brandon. Brandon, this is Prince Jimin of Cordonia, Namjoon, SeokJin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook." You smiled.

Brandon bowed to Jimin and everyone else. "Your highness! Please, allow me to offer you the best VIP table I have." Brandon smiled. "That's very kind of you, Brandon." Jimin smiled and followed you and Brandon inside.

"Beautiful club you have." Jimin smiled as he looked out to the view. Brandon smiled and lead you all to the VIP section. "Thank you, your highness." Brandon smiled. "Please, just call me Jimin." Jimin smiled.

You sat in the booth as you watched the boys make their way out on the dance floor, and Brandon continues to talk to Jimin. You sighed softly as your mind replayed those words, "Prince Jimin", "Your bachelor party".

"Y/N?" Jimin said softly as he sat next to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Hm?" You hummed as you put a fake smile on. "Can we talk... Privately?" Jimin asked, you simply nodded in response. Jimin got out of the booth and took your hand as you both walked away from the music and the crowd.

"I didn't mean for you to be overwhelmed by everything. I understand it's a lot to take in but-" You cut Jimin off as you placed your hand on his arm softly. "Jimin... I just don't understand... This is YOUR bachelor party. You shouldn't be flirting, inviting, and talking to other women when you're supposed to be getting married." You said softly.

"Y/N... Let me explain. It's very hard to understand, but please try to. I am getting married, yes that is true. But, I don't know who my wife is... Because I still have to find her. In my country, single royal females of the court have to undergo a series of events to prove that they are fit to be Queen." He said, sighing softly as he rests his arms on the rail and looks out at the bright lights of the city.

"I am next in line for the throne. This 'bachelor party' is more like a break from the pressure of finding someone." He said. You stood next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I understand now... But, you seem to not be in the party mood. After all what's a bachelor party without the groom enjoying it?"  You said.

"To be honest... There was one place that I really wanted to visit. But since the boys planned this trip, there hasn't been any time to see it." Jimin frowned. "What was it that you wanted to see?" You asked him. "The statue of liberty." Jimin sighed.

"Ah, a lot of people see her when they first come here. She represents freedom, which unfortunately not a lot of people have." You said. "Yeah... I know all too well." Jimin nodded. "Hey... Why don't we ditch this place? Your friends are too busy on the dance floor to even realize you're not going to be here." You smiled softly.

"Oh? And where would we go?" He asked. "The statue of liberty of course!" You smiled brightly. "Isn't too late to take a tour?" He asked. You looked at your phone and realized that it was nearly midnight. "Oh man... Yeah it is." You frowned.

"I appreciate the thought, Y/N. A lot of people wouldn't offer to help or go places with someone they just met." Jimin smiled. "Well, I'm glad I could make your night a little better. But, I'm going to make even better. Because I'm taking you to see the statue of liberty." You smiled.

"But, you said that the tour boats aren't running..." Jimin said confusingly. "That's true. They're not. But, I'm going to give you a private tour! I know someone who owns a boat who owes me a favor. I just need to make a quick phone call and it'll all be set up." You smiled. Jimins frown turned into a bright smile. "Thank you, Y/N. This means a lot to me." He smiled softly, causing you to smile back.

"Well, I want your time here to be a memory you'll never forget." You said. "I will never forget this... because I was able to meet you." He smiled as he pushed a strand of your hair back behind your ear. You smiled widely and blushed. "I-I should make the phone call now." You smiled as Jimin never took his eyes off you. "Of course. I'll be right here." He smiled back at you.

You walked a short distance away from Jimin to escape the noise of the club, then made the phone call to your friend.

-Jimin's POV-

I stood there breathing in the fresh air while looking out at the city lights. It was an amazing sight to see, I'm glad I met Y/N, she's making my dream come true. As I was lost in thought, I felt someone touch my shoulder, I turned around thinking it was Y/N, but it was a woman I've never met standing in front of me.

"Excuse me, I was just wondering if you'd like to dance with me." She smiled, but her breath reeked of alchohol and cigarettes. "I'm so sorry, but I must decline. I'm waiting for someone." I said, but the woman didn't take to the answer, she started to dance and move her ass against me.

I felt really uncomfortable and hoped that Y/N would return soon, the woman turned around and threw her arms around my neck, swaying to the music. I stood there, not knowing what to do, that is before she tried to kiss me. I put my hands on her waist and gently pushed her away from me.

"Please, stop." I said. But, the woman was persistent, she tried once more, before she got yanked back by Y/N. "Hey! What the hell?!" The woman yelled. "He said to stop, so that means stop. I'm his date, so back the fuck off. Got it?" Y/N's eyes looked like daggers, like she was looking into the women's soul. "If you were truly his date, you wouldn't have left him alone. It's fair game sweetheart, you lost. Now, it's my turn." She smiled before coming after me again.

"If you lay one fucking finger on him, I will have the owner and his bodyguards personally escort you out of this club, so help me god." Y/N said. "Whoops." The woman said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and cuddled into my side.

I once again pushed the woman off me, looking at Y/N. "Please, go find Brandon." I said. "Already ahead of you." Y/N said. Just then, Brandon came. "Hello, Brandon. I'm so sorry to have bothered you. But, I'm afraid this woman has been trying to take advancements on me, after I told her multiple times to stop." I said.

"I'm so sorry about that your highness. Miss come with me please." Brandon said as he took the woman away from Y/N and I.

-Y/N's POV-

"I'm so sorry, Jimin. I should've warned you about some women like that. They get kind of..." "Touchy and persistent?" He said. I giggled and nodded. "It's alright, Y/N. I'm fine. What did your friend say?" Jimin asked. "He's already at the docks waiting for us. So, Prince Jimin... what do you say we ditch this place and go see the Statue of Liberty?" You smiled.

"It would be my honor." He smiled as he took your hand in his, making his way out of the club with you right by his side.

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