
603. Ripples

"Your Grandpa told me about you. How you came to the past. You do know that whatever you do here will not change your timeline?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, I know. But if I can kill Cell, then that is good." Trunks replied.

"No need to worry about that. I've already killed him. These two have also changed now. I have made them humans again and also removed the programing ordering them to kill Goku. You can rest easy." Alexander said.

Trunks looked at the two ex-androids with judging gaze.

"What if they turn evil?" Trunks asked.

"They can't. I have made them sign a magic contract. If they turn evil they will lose all their power." Alexander replied.

"Who are you?" Trunks asked.

Alexander was getting frustrated for being asked this question so many times. So, he put a nametag on his chest, like in the military.

"Alexander Maxim Universe, blood group - B+ probably."

"I don't know anyone by your name in my world. This is so different than what happened there." Trunks muttered in confusion.

"Of course this is the case. This is an alternate timeline now. Though it's not your fault because it was I who came to this world. Let's get away from here." He said and flew out of the lab. Others followed him behind too.

Then, he looked back for a second and sent a punch wave towards the mountain. It got destroyed beyond recognition.

"Come, let's go."



Dende, the new earth's guardian. The Guardian was the title given to the individual protectors of planets. He became Earth's guardian under Goku's request.

When Alexander arrived, he also felt it. But, as he did not feel anything evil in Alexander, he ignored him.

But he then saw Alexander introduce himself and also his interactions with Whis. Dende didn't really know much about the upper echelon of Universe's powers. At most he knew about the Kai. It was the first time he had heard about Angels, God of Destruction and the scariest one, Zeno. But, what shocked him was that Alexander was said to be even stronger than this Zeno.

"Maybe I should meet him now." He thought.


Sacred World of the Kai,

Alexander's arrival was something that didn't go unnoticed by powerful beings. All the Supreme Kai and the Grand Priest did feel his presence. But their own arrogance towards mortals made them not feel compelled to meet him.

To them, mortal matters were below them and as Alexander was in the mortal realm, they thought he was a mortal as well.

But the smaller Kai were still a bit shaken. Though they didn't have the courage to go to Alexander on their own and meet him. So, all four Kai, the north, south, east and west met each other to decide what to do.

"So what should we do about this new guy? We are not really strong enough to defeat him ourselves and neither do we have someone who can defeat him. Even my warrior, Goku, lost to him." North Kai aka King Kai spoke. King Kai wore Teashade sunglasses and had a very short stature with a pair of cricket-like antennae. King Kai had a strong sense of humour but he tells very bad jokes.

West Kai quickly mocked, "Haha, your fighter lost so easily. You are weak, North Kai."

"Ah, I forgot to tell you all, for some reason, God of destruction, Lord Beerus has also woken up and I think it has something to do with this person. Maybe he will come here." North Kai Added.

It immediately scared West Kai as that was his nature.

East Kai spoke then. She appeared to have a really big ego. "Why don't we just go to Supreme Kai? He will have a solution. We are only here to watch over the mortal realm, but if the God of Destruction is involved then it isn't our problem, it's common sense."


"It seems we will have to trouble Supreme Kai this time." North Kai sighed.


All this was happening due to the mere presence of Alexander. But he didn't know about this and even if he knew he wouldn't care about it as he was busy.

Alexander opened his Dojo again and started teaching Goku as well as some other powerful beings of the planet. He was going to raise them as the peacekeepers of the Universe he was in.

"In the Golden Dragon Dojo, you all must follow my words strictly or else you will be expelled. I am not here to train some hooligans. As most of you already know, I am a God and my job is to purify this universe. The purity of your planet is 70 per cent and I want it at least 90%. This means that all crime must be stopped. For this, I will train you.

"Now, your first job is to learn the basics which is the theoretical knowledge of being a hero. What it means to be the protector. If you can't pass this exam then you will be expelled." He announced.

Everyone's face fell as soon as they heard that. They had been looking forward to being taught by Alexander but no one said they would have to study.

"Don't make such faces. If you can't even do that then you can't learn here. Look at Gohan, he's a kid and still not complaining." Alexander scolded them.

Eventually, they all agreed to do it. So, Alexander snapped his finger and lots of booklets fell in front of them.

"Pick them up. They have all the written rules and situations that you all will face in the future. I want you all to memorise all of them. In 3 months, there will be tests." He instructed.

"Teacher, I have already remembered these. You gave me this book yesterday." Gohan raised his hand.

Alexander nodded happily, "Good, you are a good student. Okay, your job will be to help them learn it. I will see you all in two months then."

With that, Alexander disappeared as he needed to do some training himself in Phixheim.



Alexander gathered all the adults near him. "Starting today, we will start training for the upcoming war. We must be strong enough to face Zulrak and his forced labourers. Michael, any news you found from up there?"

Michael came forwards and spoke, "Yes, I did hear some words. Zulrak has expanded his operations and for some reason, he's attacking any universe in sight. We don't know why he is doing this. But we did find out that there is something going on inside his camp that is even worrying him."

Alexander nodded, "I guess we also need to focus more now. Can't let him get ahead of us."


One Piece World,

"Gali come, we will go to cake island today. I've been getting bored with all the salty food we've been eating." Rina told her close friend. They were on their personal ship that was the size of an aircraft carrier.

"Hehe, yeah, I'm also getting bored of fishing." Gali agreed. She turned around and shouted some orders to some men.

"Yes, Admiral Gali." The men saluted and got to work.

She then looked up, "Hmm, it's going to rain it seems."

[You can see Dende and Z fighters on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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