
531. A New Little Sister

Ajax followed Edward and Alphonse Elric to the big house in the city. It seemed too big for a family to live in and looked more like an office building.

"Oh, why are we going here?" Ajax inquired.

Edward was ignoring Ajax but Alphonse wasn't. "We are here to read books in Mister Tucker's library. We think we can find a clue about the philosopher's stone here."

"Do you know how it is made?" Ajax asked.

"If we knew, why would we be looking for it." Edward talked back.

"Hmm, fair enough. Let's read some books then." Ajax cheerfully entered the building.

They entered and saw a little girl and her dog waiting for them there.

"Big-big brother and little big brother." She came running to them. She called Alphonse Big-big brother and Edward Little big brother.

"Hi there, Nina. Let's go to the library. Oh, he's Ajax, he will be coming with us." Alphonse introduced Ajax to the little girl.

Ajax came forward and patted her head, even though she was nearly his age. "Hey there, you must be Nina. Well, I'm Ajax and this cat here is Hats."

Nina smiled widely and looked at her dog. "He's Alexander,"

"MEOWAHAHAHA...." Hats started howling in laughter. He enjoyed this disrespect to Alexander.

Ajax's eyes twitched when he heard the dog's name. "Oh, Alexander is a nice name."

"RIGHT? I named him this. Okay, let's go in." She cheered up.

Once in the big library, they all picked up books and started reading. Though Ajax was not as interested and just read the history books there as he wanted to know about the world he was in.

Alphonse was talking to little Nina all the while. Asking about her life.

"So, your mother left two years ago?" Alphonse asked.

"Daddy said she went back to live in her parent's house," Nina replied.

"It must be kinda lonely with just you and your dad." Alphonse sympathized with her.

Nina denied, "Not really, Daddy is so nice plus I have Alexander to play with too. But lately, Daddy's been studying in his lab all the time, I guess that does make me lonely."

Edward suddenly closed his book and got up. He felt like Nina was just like him and Alphonse. Their dad too was like this. Always researching and never playing with them.

Ajax quickly got up and said, "Yes, let's go out and play. It's a nice sunny day outside. I also heard that sunlight is full of Vitamin D and it makes bones stronger that can help people get taller."

Edward was more motivated now. "YEAH! Let's play in the sunlight."

Hats jumped from Ajax's shoulder and sat on the dog's back.

Nina was quick to caress the cat. "Oh, Mr. Hats wants to play with Alexander?"

Hats were enjoying the moment. They went out and started playing around. They played tag and other things. Ajax really liked playing with Nina. She was very cheerful and full of positive energy. Her laugh made them laugh.

"Okay, I will show you how strong I am. Edward, can you make me a steel rod?" Ajax asked.

"Sure," Edward used alchemy and conjured a metal bar,

Ajax took it and showed it to all of them, "Okay, can any of you bend it into a pretzel by just using your physical strength?"

"Sure," Edward was the first to try and he also failed miserably. His face turned red from the constant attempt to bend it but he couldn't even make it budge.

Then Alphonse tried it but he also failed. Ajax took it back with a smirk.

"Nina, do you want to try?" He asked.

Nina shook her head and chuckled, "If even big-big brother can't do it, how can I?"

"Haha, now look at this," Ajax said.

He simply started bending the metal rod and turned it into a pretzel. The whole time, Ajax didn't even break a sweat. He looked like he was bending a piece of cloth.

Shocked by this, Edward quickly took the rod back and checked it.

"Ha? This is real metal. How did you do it? I didn't see any trace of alchemy either." He loudly wondered.

Ajax proudly put both hands on his waist, "Hahaha... I am simply too strong. I don't need to use Alchemy, not that I know how to anyway."

"Woah, you are like Major Armstrong... No, maybe even stronger than that." Alphonse exclaimed in shock.

"Whose this Armstrong? Another kid who can bend metal?" Ajax asked. He thought it was a competition.

"No no, he is a very tall man and likes to get naked to show muscles," Alphonse explained.

Ajax's face turned pale, "Ah, that seems unhealthy. I don't think I would ever want to meet this guy."

"How are you so strong?" Edward asked. He was really interested now. A 5-year-old having such strength shouldn't be possible.

"Oh, I drink milk twice a day. Also, Uncle Saitama makes me do 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 pull-ups, and 10 kilometers run." Ajax revealed his secret.


Alexander(dog) jumped on Edward and pinned him down.

"Haha, let's play." Nina came to them, jumping around.

They played till the whole evening and then they were invited inside the house by Nina's father for some tea. They happily accepted it.

Then Nina's father started telling him about his life.

"Before I earned my state alchemist certification, our life was terrible. We were so poor in those days, my wife couldn't stand living that kind of life. So she left us." Shou Tucker made a sad face and continued.

"I can't afford to fail this assessment. I don't wanna go back to those days again, I don't even think I could."

Nina who was playing with Alexander(Dog), turned around to cheer her father, "Don't worry Daddy, it's okay, If those people do tell you 'No", then me and Alexander will growl at them until they say 'Yes'."

All three chuckled at it, except the man.

~Hmm, I don't have a good feeling about that bastard.~ Hats spoke to Ajax in his mind.

~What do you mean? He's a hard-working father. Even though he looks shady, we can't judge people by their looks.~ Ajax retorted.

"Yes, Nina, I will go with you and make them say 'Yes'. I will ask my grandpa to scold them too." Ajax encouraged her. He already saw her as his little sister. Just like Thea.

Everyone suddenly wondered who his grandfather was that he was so sure about this.

"Hey, Nina, I got an idea. Do you want to play with Daddy, tomorrow?" Shou asked.

"REALLY?" Nina was overjoyed with this plan. Her eyes shined at just this simple idea.

She happily ran over to her father and jumped on his lap. After that, it was turning night so the three left, promising to come the next day.



"So, where do you live, Ajax?" Alphonse inquired.

"Hmm, do you know any nice hotels? I want to rent a room." Ajax replied.

"You mean you don't live around here?" Edward questioned, looking at him with suspicion.

"Well, I live in Central. There should be a house for my grandpa there. But I am sightseeing so I need to stay at hotels." Ajax explained.

"Then you can stay with us. We have an extra couch." Alphonse offered.

"Really? That's very helpful of you, thanks, Alphonse." Ajax followed them back.

"Make sure your cat doesn't litter in our apartment," Edward warned him.

Hats huffed, ~Huh, now I'm gonna take a big dump right on top of your face,~

[You can see Nina, Alexander, and some more pics on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

Thank you for your support!

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