
Encounter between old friends

The Runov district was known for its vast collection of electronic devices. You could buy any commercially available apparatus here. The metro station they agreed to meet in was in the middle of it, while there were other 2 stations, this one was the closes to the place the gaming conference had acquired.

Charlotte was wearing loose dark brown pants with the blue shirt Dordvies had given her. She had a white hat, her trusty pair of vans and her satchel. She went to the exit and saw Jean there, she approached him while waving her hand.

"Hey Jinjin! How you doin'!"

"Hey Charly, we're late, c'mon, let's go!"

He grabbed her hand and started on a fast pace on the way to the building where the conference was taking place.

He was someone of average stature at around 1.75 and lanky, a little too lanky for his own good. He had a small backpack which couldn't bear a normal laptop on its insides, brown shoes, a squared black and white shirt and blue jeans. He had a big beard on his face which wasn't groomed at all.

"Hey! I can walk!" Charlotte protested when they were going a little too fast.

Getting her hand free, she started to walk besides him.

"Really, I'm not a kid, y'know!"

"Yes yes, I still worry though, you keep being distracted and lose your way too easily…"

"Hmph! It's no problem of yours!"

"Yes, normally, but now we're going somewhere and we're late! So hurry up then!"

It was almost 9, the time the conference started, and it was in the 12th floor of the building. As they hurried, they spoke as good old friends.

"You know~, the beard doesn't suit you well. You're too slim for it!"

"Oh? You're the first one to tell me that, everyone else keep telling me it looks good on me."

"They're trying not to hurt your frail feelings, I don't care that much though hahah."

"Heh, yeah, but you've no right to tell me that, not with your fashion sense."

"Ugh, eh," she changed the topic as soon as she felt it was going in a bad direction, looking at where they were she continued, "a-anyway, is it here?"

"Yes, let's get in."

They were in front of the GameWorld Industry's building, it consisted of 13 stories and a terrace. It was pretty big but couldn't give face to the biggest ones of the world in term of sheer number of fans. This was where Jean worked.

"Oh, I didn't know it was in your office." She said with interest.

"Yeah, they made this conference public so they could get new ideas."

"I see, then there's going to be a lot of people uh, I thought it was a private event."

"If it was to be private, I wouldn't be able to bring you."

"Right… Then, what's it going to be about?" Wondering, she put a finger under her lips.

"… I told you yesterday…"

"But it's too general!" She brought down her arms in protest.

"Nothing special, just guidelines to make indie games, as well as some recommendations, nothing too excessive." He answered without being swayed by her.

"Hmm, oh we're here."

Once in the 12th floor, she was guided to the hall. The hall was packed, full of people, all speaking between them and asking things aloud, making it too noisy.

"Where the fck did you bring me?" she asked dumbfounded at the sheer amount of people.

"Hahaha, sorry, I didn't know there'd be this many people…" He admitted, scratching his beard.

"There're no empty seats!" She said indignantly.

"Let's try find some…"

Going around the hall, they found several lone chairs, sadly they'd have to be separated.

"You just stay in this one, I'm going to find some other before it's taken." Jean pointed to a chair that was at the back.

It was getting more packed with time, not leaving even the lone ones free.

"Hmm why don't we share one then? Just sit and I'll sit on you." She said with a grin on her face.

"You know, that'd be too embarrassing, don't you think?"

"It's no problem! Like that we won't be separated heh."

"Well, whatever, sigh, as willful as always…"

The last part he said it softly enough so she couldn't hear him.

After a while of waiting, someone came and started talking.

"Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the tardiness, but we didn't expect so many of you coming today. Now without further delay, let's start this…"

It was just as Jean had told her, some guidance and tips, showing example of games which followed it and some others as exceptions. At the middle, they were given 15 minutes to drink something and rest their minds to the intake of information.

On the last half, the participants were given a test to check their creativity which lasted for an hour, after some minutes, the organizing team sorted some of them and chose 5 test papers, revising them with everyone present, telling them how well or bad they had done, pointing some areas to improve, avoid or keep it as is. At the end, the man who started talking came out again and said they were going to continue their talks with everyone present in a subscription like fashion, and as it was not so costly, only being 10 Gers a month, Charlotte paid it.

This subscribed conference was once every two weeks. It was mostly for obtaining the progress of their projects and giving the subscribers recommendations for doing them in a less chaotically fashion.

When it was over, Charlotte stood up while waiting for Jean to be ready.

"Are you still not good?" She asked while kicking lightly one of his legs.

"Can you wait for a little bit! I can't feel my legs!"

Jean protested, he had to patiently be her seat for 4 hours. Not taking account the resting time, as he couldn't move fast enough in that time to take a breather, he had not moved from his seat for 4 hours and a half.

"Ugh, I won't do this again."

"Sorry." She showed him her tongue, not meaning a bit her apology. "I'll buy you lunch, so we're even."

"That's… The least you could do, you know."

After waiting for 5 minutes he was finally able to walk, albeit slowly and with some tremors in his legs.

Once outside the building, he took out a cigar box out of his jeans and lighted one.


Exhaling the smoke, he made a face as if he was finally alive.

"You know, it's because you smoke that we almost had to cut your legs." Sarcasm was coming out like a river from her mouth.

"Shut it, you smoked long ago too." He made it be gone, though.

"I quit, though. It was hard for me at that time."

"Yeah yeah, I know. Hey."


"No, nothing…"

As they waited for Jean to finish his cigar, they were approached by a group of 5. They were all men and had an unkept appearance.

"Hey Jean! We didn't know you were coming today!"

"Hey guys, I didn't know if I was going to come either, it was a last minute thing."

Oh? Charlotte made a comment in silence.

"And this is?"

"Your girlfriend?"

"Ha ha, you jest. She's my… Friend."

"Hi guys!" Charlotte continued right after Jean. "I'm his ex, so please don't mix it up!"

"Oh, really? It didn't appear like that, sorry." One of the guys said.

"Don't worry, it's all on the past."

Answered Jean, feeling a little bad at her resoluteness.

"Even so, it's impressive to believe you two are ex's, it's hard to even talk to one, even less be like the two of you."

"Yeah, we'd our reasons. We knew everything there was to know about the other and ended it there" Charlotte said while nodding and crossing her arms.

"Well, anyways, how was it for you guys." Jean said changing the hurting subject.

"O-oh, good I guess, it was less impressive than I thought it'd be, there're too many people and it was a mess at the end."

"Yeah, I saw that, it was pretty hectic uh?"

Jean said as he imagined the chaos of trying to filter the projects they had been given by the more experts and storylines the newbies made. Though he wasn't there, he could guess it based on the number of people he knew were coming today to assist in the event.

"So, what're you two doing now?" Asked one of the guys

"We're gonna eat something, and then.... I don't know." Jean answered while messing his hair a bit.

"Talk about the games, no?" Said another one.

"Hmm maybe, it could be possible." Charlotte said after thinking for a bit. It could help her to think about the future.

"Well," Jean looked at her in shock, not believing her choice, turning his head back to his colleagues, he continued, "that's it, what 'bout you all?"

"I don't know, I'm tired man, y'know, we needed more personnel, and you ditched us to come anyway…"

"Hahaha, sorry about that, as I said, it was a last minute thing."

"Sigh, I think I'm going to rest at my place, my body is aching."

"I'm with you." "Me too."

As they departed, they seemed to get more and more tired by how they're walking.

"They're good ones, those." Charlotte said after they got out of her sight.

"Yeah, pretty good ones, I've been in here for a year already, huh."

"That long? Woa."

"Yeah, time flies… So, where're we goin'?"

"Oh ehm, dunno? I don't know this street, you go I pay!" She said while grinning and pointing to herself.

"Okay, uhm, I know this place that makes special dishes from Charmevory."

"Oh! It's been a while since I ate something from there!"

"Heh, I hope you like it then, it's one of my favorites around here." Jean said, nose high.

"What're we waiting for! You finished long ago!" Charlotte replied with enthusiasm, pulling him to start walking.

While it was true that now they no longer were a couple, they remained as good friends. The only problem laid with Jean, as he still felt more than simple affection to her.

She even treats me without change, almost as if our time doesn't exist…

Ridden with nostalgia, he started to walk.

"Yeah yeah, let's."

"Pasta world, uh?" She read the place's name. "Nice name, I hope they make justice this name!"

"I assure you they do."

Inside the restaurant was a normal looking place, there was nothing that stood up. Just a simple design with tables and chairs.

From the menu they were given once they took a seat, Charlotte ordered a macaroni tomato sauce with salad, Meanwhile Jean opted for a simple spaghetti with cheese and a fish to accompany it.

"Hey." Charlotte started once they had picked their food. "What do you think the best element for a game is?"

"Uh? Didn't you pay attention…?" Jean said a little dumbfounded, they had said it all in the conference!

She really is in her own world.

"Eh? No, I don't mean that technical stuff. I mean, the story, how do you choose a good story."

"Ah, that, hm you need good story writing I guess, if you don't know better I can lend you some games so you get used to some of it before doing your story."

"I guess I can try it… But later on, now I'm busy with other things."

"Oh right, how're the stocks going?"

Jean asked with interest.

"Good I guess, you know, at first I almost had a heart attack, losing everything in the first day is something I don't what to live that again." She had some fear in her eyes.

"What? You lost everything?"

He was really surprised about it, from what he could recall, she had always been a careful woman. To lose everything was akin to throwing it in the sewer.

"Almost! Almost… I was really scared you know! I finally made some progress and have made everything back, but still, the desperation one feels… Ugh. Not again." She shivered at the thought.

"You'll stop doing it then?"

"Of course not! Now I'm doing fine, just fine…"

She remembered she had reduced the 'human' connotation from her AI program, realizing it'll be faster now.

"Ok, but be careful with it, I've heard of people who had lost everything they had over stocks, all because they didn't stop to think twice about the options they had.

"Yessir! I'll be careful, really."

At this moment, their orders were ready and the waitress brought their dishes…

"Yummy! This's delicious!! Woa, good choice!"

"I'm glad you like it."

Jean answered with a little smile, watching she eat with relish was always a wonder of his.

Truly, what a great personality. Always cheerful and without worries, even when losing in the stocks she stayed firm uh, meanwhile, I…


Jean continued to eat while making small talk with Charlotte.

"Uhh I'm stuffed…"

Charlotte said while patting her belly, it had swollen considerably.

"Haha I told you it was too much for you."

"But it was so delish! I couldn't help but want to eat it all!" She grinned like the little glutton she was.

"Yeah, little glutton, well, shall we go?"

"Uh? Where to?"

"To walk, wherever, I can accompany to your new home. If you like."

"Oh! Great idea! It's good to move your body after such a feast!" She nodded her head in agreement.

They then stood from their seats and started walking. Talking about the past, the present they were living and the future they had planned, along with the fantasies they could think of; they spent the afternoon without much worry. Specially Charlotte, as she was getting anxious these last few days.

"It's here."

Charlotte said as she showed Jean where she lived. It was a 10 stories tall building and she lived in the 9th floor. It was pretty decent and without much noise, had a good view and was pretty new, only 5 years old.

The downside of it was that, while being new, its elevator was broken. It had been like that for a year now, and there was no plan on repairing it soon. That's why her room's renting fee was so cheap.

"It's good looking uh?"

"Yep, pretty good bargain if I must say." She stood proud at her findings.

"How much is it?"

"Heh! Only four hundred Gers!" She put out her hand at him, showing all fingers without the thumb.

"What?! For real? How's it so cheap!"

He was really surprised at this price, in this kind of neighborhood, a normal room was in the 700s. And hers was almost at half that price.

"Well... You don't want to know." She looked away in embarrassment.

"Uh, is something wrong?"

"Eh, well, the elevator doesn't work." She admitted.

"Oh, that's why… Well, as long as you're not on the last floors it's not that bad I guess."


She kept looking away,

"Don't tell me… Oh, okay, I won't say anything, need help?"

He stopped talking when she stared at him, giving him the fright.

"Shush! Go away! Thanks for keeping me company! Bye!"

"Haha poor girl, I'll be going now, take care little one."


She said after giving him a peck in the cheek. Smiling a little and leaving him in a blank state.

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