
World Government my ass.

Adam swing his sword to the ground with his right hand, making the blood attached on the sword splash on the ground.

' World Government, a political organization which CLAIMS maintains international order to benerfit all, making the world safe for the sake of everyone. Actions and policies tend to be secretly based on corruption or questionable motives. They hide the truth, or ignore the rights of the people, with many individuals using justice to further their own aims.'

' Despite the institution of slavery being abolished publicly, the World Government still allows such practice in the underworld'

' Killing innocent civilians, and putting on the news with fake information, its boring.. The public believes, because they havent seen the real side of the World Government, either stupid or fooled.'

' Nations who joins the World Government, must pay a tax to the World Nobles. Cant pay the tax which was called ' Heavenly Tribute ', the nations will directly be ruins and attacked by the so called ' Pirates ', but the one who did it was actually the World Government itself, im so confused many people still stupidly believe the newspaper.' Adam talk to himself, but his words were heard by everyone, including the World Government on the ship not too far. And mostly people watching on the screen.

' World Government, my ass.' Adam then look toward the Transponder Snail which was being held by the reporter in distance. Then Adam calmly ignore everyone expression, and touch the huge rough-shaped stone in the middle of the island, and put it in his Storage Ring.

Then Adam look toward the Marines in distance and ask with a smirk.

' Can i take my reward for Kaido bounty? ' Adam ask with a playfull smile.

The marines face change and keep silence. Only Garp among them having his huge smile.

' Ahh its too bad.. Then, someday i will take it by myself directly from the World Government which was very rich...' Adam said then stepping on the air with his Moonstep and walk toward the distance. With each of his step moving more than 50m in distance.

Adam words still being broadcasted. The pirates all kept silence with their shocked expression, the World Government official also silent scared to provoke Adam, but still there are people who was stupid, for example.

' You dare to directly declare war with the World Government?' Spandaine said pointing toward Adam with his furious expression.

' Did i say it? I think no. And the words you should spoke first should be denying my words. But you dont denied it, and that means my words were true. You were too stupid, this is my gift for you, from making a beautiful girl spent her entire life running from the World Government, and also your stupid behavior accidentaly pressing a button that killed hundreds of thousands civilians..' Adam said without looking him and keep walking on the air, and soon disappear from everyone sight

Spandaine wants to talk, but he cant.

A certain country in Paradise. Where the island characteristic is a full of desert.

On the huge outdoor area, thousands of people watching the scene with shocked and disbelieve expressions on their faces. The screen was soon black with Spandaine head rolling on the deck as the last scene.

In the corner, a person covered with a black cloak covering her figure and face cover her mouth and tears start falling from her eyes.

Back to the Excalibur island.

Everyone awake after feeling the island slowly sinking, and everyone quickly board the ship and disperse from the location with different expression on their faces.

One person was very excited, and currently he was on an air baloon above the island using a telescope looking at Adam back which was finally disappear from his sight.

' BIG NEWS ! BIG NEWS !!!! HAHAHAHA !! THE DEATH OF KAIDO ! THE BORN OF THE EMPEROR OF THE WORLD !' A man with his Devil Fruit form, which was a very tall human albatross hybrid with small eyes and large beak. His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings that resemble human arms.

' 'Big News' Morgans boss.. Should we get back to headquarters as soon as possible and spread the news?' A reporter ask with respect toward his boss.

' Yes.. Yes.. Quickly.. No.. I will fly by myself, you quickly back too. ' Morgans said excitedly and jump from the air baloon and fly with his wings toward his newspaper headquarters.

On his way, he still remembers Dragon words in the very early morning after the Sabaody Slave Liberation Act.

' Morgans, do you want to know super huge big news you never heard?' Dragon ask with a lure on the Transponder Snail.

' What is it Dragon? Are you talking about the Sabaody incident?' Morgans ask curiousity.

' No. If you can prepare and tell your men to broadcast the situation at the Excalibur event, i will tell you what the big news is.' Dragon said.

' Come on Dragon tell me, we are friends..' Morgans said.

' You promise? Because i have someone there need to be broadcasted during the Excalibur event.' Dragon said seriously.

' Good i promise, i will tell my men to quickly set up the screen and the broadcasting, on many island/country' Morgans said seriously.

' Good. The big news is, you look and watch yourself when the Excalibur Island appear. I can tell you that the news will be shocked and biggest news you will ever seen. It suits you the most. Goodbye, next time we meet, lets have a drink' Dragon hang up his call.


' BIG NEWS.. BIG NEWS.. HAHAHAHA.. THE DEATH OF KAIDO, THE BORN OF THE EMPEROR OF THE WORLD, THE LEGENDARY ROCKS PIRATES, THE STUPID SPANDAINE, HAHAHAHAHA BIG NEWS..' Morgans said laughing to himself while flying in the air toward his newspaper headquarter publishing house.


Adam hide his presense and hide not too far from Shakky's Rip-off Bar. While thinking about the future that will changed a lot with the death of Kaido.

3 years later, Monosuke, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, Kiku will come after being sent to the future 20 years from 1504.

Currently this year 1521, Donquixote Doflamingo havent reach a collaboration with Kaido to produce and sell SMILE for the Beast Pirates, but this time, Caesar also already went back to Punk Hazzard and start doing his experiment with the children he kidnnapped for making a giant soldiers. Maybe this time Caesar and Donquixote Doflamingo were currently talking for the collaboration to sell SMILE for the Beast Pirates.

But the Beast Pirates captain were already death. Adam doesnt know what will happened in the future.

Ofcourse, Adam will land on Punk Hazard and save the kidnapped children.

Yes, currently this year event that will happened was Marshal D. Teach kill Thatch for the Dark Dark Fruit.

' Should i stop him?' Adam ask himself.

Adam was tangled, if stopping Black Beard, that means there will be no Summit War will happened in the future. Whitebeard will not dead, and Adam was confused how to make him out the Emperor throne. Because, Whitebeard was also one of his favourite character.

' Ahh.. Troublesome, i have changed the future once, i dont care changing another one..' Adam talk to himself sitting crossing his leg with the Excalibur on his thigh.

' Im strong enough, why should i care with the butterfly effect?' Adam encourage himself.

It can be said, Adam currently one of the Four Emperor. But the Beast Pirates was still there, Adam can easily destroy them. But he need to go to New Wolrd, accurately go to Wano Country.

' Maybe i should go to Zou first, and talk with Inuarashi and Nekomamushi to discuss. ' Adam said to himself while helding his chin in the palm of his hand.

Adam face changed, and look toward the distance where Rayleigh and Shakuyaku was being locked upon by some people who were interested knowing Rayleigh and Shakuyaku identity because of Adam.

Currently, Rayleigh and Shakuyaku tried to hide from them. Seing them in trouble, Adam directly appear behind them and knocked them all out with the bottom of the hilt of his sword.

Seing the people following them were cleared by Adam, they quickly run toward their home which was Shakky's Rip-off Bar..

Inside the bar..

' Sorry Miss Shakuyaku, Old man Rayleigh for the trouble..' Adam said weekly to them who were removing their cloak and went to different chair and sits.

' Its okay Adam-chan.. Its quite good, its been a while for our old bones to move..' Shakuyaku said ignitting her cigarette.

' Hahaha, then take out your good drink, if you felt sorry..' Rayleigh said with no shame.

Adam quickly take out many box of different types of alcohol drinks. Rayleigh seeing many box appear scattered on the floor eyes lit up and quickly move opening the nearest box near him.

' This one is my favourite. What it was called, oh yes Vodka.. Hahahha' Rayleigh said after reading the name on the box.

' Old man Rayleigh, what happened? Why dont you just use your Conqueror Haki towards them?' Adam ask confusedly.

' This.. Seing me near you, and also near Shanks, using my Conqueror's Haki, someone maybe will guest my identity. You see, im just a coating now. I dont want to be chased anymore..' Rayleigh said after opening the bottle of the Vodka and drink it with enthusiasm.

' So, Adam-chan.. What will you do with the rest of the Beast Pirates? ' Shakuyaku ask picking a good wine for herself.

' This, destroy them.. But they stay at Wano right? Currently i dont know how Wano situation with the death of Kaido, the future will changed a lot..' Adam said

' What do you mean the future will changed ? ' Shakuyaku ask with curiousity.

' 17 years ago, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Razio, Kiku, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi escaped the execution site and fled back to Oden Castle, but Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were captured by the shogun's forces and were left behind. By the time Kin'emon group reached Oden Castle, it was set ablaze by Kaido. The retainers went inside the castle and found Kozuki Oden's son, Momonosuke, Oden's daughter Hiyori, and Oden's wife Kozuki Toki. Toki then sent Mononosuke and the retainers 20 years into the future, leaving herself remaining with her daughter Hiyori. Kawamatsu then helped Hiyori escaped from Oden Castle, then after that i dont know anymore..' Adam said clearly and seriously.

Rayleigh hearing Adam telling about the situation in Wano Country was shocked.

' This.. That means Momonosuke and the four retainers will appear in 3 years later..' Shakuyaku said .

' Yes. 3 year later they will appear with already knowing Kaido's death. Even Kaido is death, theres still that tyranical and cruel Kurozumi Orochi..' Adam said.

' So what do you want to do? Beside going there eradicating the remaining Beast Pirates, you would also kill the current shogun?' Rayleigh ask .

' Yes, im sure the situation at Wano right now was chaotic, many people who still follows the Kozuki's family will start to move .' Adam said.

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