
Chapter 119. A Dance

Silva POV

Ruby groaned out in frustration for the umpteenth time at failing the simulator for the Knightmare Frame I had designed.

Ruby: Silva, why is piloting robots so hard!?

Silva: I never said it would be easy, even I need several weeks of practice to properly operate the Akatsuki. Now, do you want to continue?

Ruby got into the simulator once again to try and pass the trials in it. It has been two weeks since the fight with Roman, and things have been quiet since then, meaning that he and the White Fang are likely operating at Mt.Glen like in the canon. Well, that won't be relevant for at least a few weeks since the school dance is in a week. Thankfully with team CFVY's grades being better than in the canon, they have not dumped the preparation for the dance on team RWBY to go on a mission for extra credit, though Coco has asked me for a few things for the dance.

As Ruby played around on the simulator, Nora showed up and asked me.

Nora: Silva! Can you go over the controls once more? I keep getting them mixed up!

I sighed, thinking that I was in for a long weekend. I went over the controls once more with Nora, and she went back to tackling the simulator to get my approval to pilot the Akatsuki. I left the two of them and went to the kitchen for a snack. As I dug out some Vacuo-Style chipotle flavored chips, surprisingly good despite the sand in them, I saw Pyrrha in the dining hall studying with some pastries near her to snack on. I went up to her and asked.

Silva: So are you ready for the dance, My Fire?

Pyrrha: Yes, I got my dress and shoes picked out. But what are you going to do about the dance? Everyone wants to dance with you, but you are only one person, and you can't dance with everyone.

I smiled at her and used Magic to create a doppelganger, and we said together.

Silva 1 and 2: Does this answer your question.

Pyrrha wryly replied.

Pyrrha: Why am I not surprised. Well, with that out of the way, I need to ask you what you are going to do about Torchwich and the White Fang?

Silva: Nothing until after the dance, but since Roman mentioned a location to the southeast, I cross-referenced all my information and suspect that he is operating in Mt.Glen. But I can't act on it with only hunches and educated guesses, so I will send out some feelers first to grasp the situation then give my findings to Ozpin. Although whether or not we get the mission to tackle him and the White Fang is another matter entirely.

I then heard Blake ask me as she walked into the dining hall.

Blake: Can we really just wait when we have the necessary information to make a move?

Silva: Ah, Blake, good to see you but to answer your question, I am going to scout it out first after the dance before calling the army to clean up because, as I told Pyrrha, I can't send them without evidence supporting my word. And Blake, we will get him and the White Fang, I promise, one way or another, so slow down and get ready to enjoy the dance, ok.

Blake: Fine, but let me know when you're going out on the mission.

Silva: I promise once more for you, my Naughty Kitten.

Blake blushed at the nickname, and an alert went off on my scroll, reminding me of my date today.

( A bit later)

I met up with my date for the day, Tsukiyomi; I remember how we first met at the Menagerie on an expedition that felt like a lifetime ago, how time flies by. The white wolf-eared Fanus woman is in a white tank top with a red short sleeve coat over it with some white pants to match her tank top. Her black spaghetti strap heels lacked against the concrete as she walked up to me, grabbed my arm, and told me.

Tsukiyomi: Let's go.

I don't mind her taking charge; after all, I have neglected her between Beacon, the other girls, and everything else that has been happening. We ended up watching a movie she had wanted to watch, and unfortunately, it's a horror flick; if there is one thing that Remnant has in spades, it's horror flicks. I guess these exist to try and make people desensitized to things that go bump in the night as to avoid attracting Grimm in the long run because there is always at least one horror flick playing in theaters.

Tsukiyomi enjoyed that I got more jump scared than her because suspense in movies is different in real life. We finished up with a nice dinner after the film then headed home. As I escorted Tsukiyomi to her room, she dragged me in and pushed me on her bed. Before I could ask what she was doing, I saw her stripping down and kept my mouth shut as I followed suit. The white wolf Faunus looked at me and smiled as I got the message she was conveying.

Tsukiyomi: I have been waiting for this Mister I-am-going-to-have-a-harem, and you better-.

Before she could continue, I kissed her, sealing her mouth. After I separated from her, I asked.

Silva: Do you hate me for neglecting you?

Tsukiyomi: No, not hate, but I am annoyed with you, so you are going to make it up to me.

She pushed me onto my back as she mounted me, and I soon felt my little brother enter her, making me groan in pleasure. Tsukiyomi hummed in contentment and commented.

Tsukiyomi: Nice and snug. Now start moving.

I complied with her order for now, and with my vibration enhanced member, I soon got her releasing sweet moans out of pleasure. As I pumped into her, I forced her to switch positions with her under me. She wrapped her legs around my torso as I blew my first load into her. She then pulled herself up and whispered into my ear.

Tsukiyomi: I want your pups, you overgrown cat.

Well, it looks like I better get ready for another child in the future.

( Day of the Dance)

I met up with everyone to go that I am going to the dance with except Velvet as she is working as the greeter for the dance. Everyone looked lovely in their dresses, and I told them so.

Silva: Everyone, you all look beautiful.

Weiss: Why, thank you, Silva.

Ruby: Ugh, Weiss, how can you fight in these feet prisons!?

Ruby complained about her heels trying to keep balance, and Yang complimented her.

Yang: Come on, Ruby, you look beautiful in your dress like Silva said.

Weiss: You just need to get used to them, Ruby.

Ruby: No thanks!

Blake: Well, after this, let's get ready for Roman and the White Fang.

Yang: Come on, Blake, enjoy the dance first before thinking about what's next.

Pyrrha: She's right, Blake; let's focus on the dance first.

I created a series of doppelgangers, one for each girl, and we went into the ballroom. I saw Velvet, and she greeted us.

Velvet: Good to see you all!

Silva: Hey, Velvet, when are you going to be free for a dance?

Velvet: As soon as the last of the teams show up for the dance.

Silva: K, see you then.

As the music started to play, I danced with my girlfriends and others until Cinder's lackeys finally showed up, signaling her infiltration into the CCT. I decided to ignore her for now and let things play out as they will for tonight because even if Ruby does not see her, the mission to Mt.Glen will happen regardless with me going forward on information on Roman and the White Fang operating in the southeast. I will enjoy the night because after it a lot of things will be set in motion.

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