
First Guest (Kinda)

The walk home wasn't anything crazy. Just Akira babbling away as usual. Though, I guess how I cried earlier really affected him. I could tell he was constantly checking to make sure I wasn't freaking out or in pain, and he even paid for my pudding from the convenience store.

Knowing I had someone like Akira to lean on really made me feel better.

"We've known each other for a while now, but this is the first time I'll get to go into your house." Akira said when my home was within viewing distance.

Right. He'll even have to go to my room to drop off my bag.

Wait, what if he wants to look at my shoulders? No, no, I'll have to refuse! Because that would mean having to take off my shirt, which would have been fine if I was actually a guy, but, like, I'm not.

"I guess, so, huh?" I nervously answered back.

"Hm? Am I the first one to go?" Akira teased as he nudged me.

Oof, he's not gonna like this.

"N-Nope." I looked off to the side to avoid eye contact.


"Well, I didn't invite him, but Yuu-kun came in. You remember that time you ran into us during break? Yeah, haha." I awkwardly laughed as I hurried my pace.

I want out of this awkward conversation!

"...Right. I was wondering why you two were together that day." Akira sounded not very happy right now.

"But! You'll be the first one to go into my room." I quickly tried to make it up to him. "I didn't let Yuu-kun in!"

Akira's composure returned.

"Oh, cool!" He grinned. I mentally sighed in relief.

When we entered my house, I called out to grandma that we had a guest. She immediately scurried to the entrance.

"Oba-san! You shouldn't move so fast so suddenly." I fretted as she wobbled.

"Pish posh! I must greet our guest." She pushed me off and smiled at Akira. "My, it's another cute boy~"

"Hello, I'm Haru's best friend, Akira Miyashita." Akira amiably greeted with a polite bow.

"Oh, I like this one better." Grandma leaned over and tried whispering to me. Emphasis on the tried. "He's even carrying your bag! How sweet~"

Akira's smile became a little crooked. I leered at him.

What're you getting all haughty for?!

"We'll be going to my room." I told her as I grabbed Akira to tugged him over.

"Oh! Let me get you two some tea and snacks." Grandma started shuffling away before I could reject her.

"Was she always this stubborn towards guests?" I mumbled under my breath as we walked to my room.

"Haha, she's a cute little granny." Akira was all bubbly and happy. I rolled my eyes.

"Here we are." I dramatically opened the door to my room and entered. "My humble abode."

It's a good thing I got rid of anything too girly. My room was pretty neutral and plain.

"You can put my bag on my desk." I nodded my head towards it as I slipped off my blazer. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom and check myself out."

"Huh? Don't you want my help?" Akira dropped my bag in the spot I usually did.

"Uh, nah. I should be able to do it myself." I casually denied his offer while digging around for a T-shirt to change into after myself checkup. "If you want, you could go down to my living room and keep Oba-san company in the meanwhile."

"Are you really sure?" Akira sat himself down on my bed. "You can barely move your arms without feeling pain. How are you gonna do anything?"

"I'll manage!" I retorted defensively. "So? You staying here or going down?" I asked before leaving.

"I'll stay here." He grinned. "If you need any help, just call for me."

"Alrighty." I slightly shrugged then left.

After locking the bathroom door shut, I took off the uniform vest and button up. I took a deep breath to prepare myself before turning around to face the mirror.

Jesus Christ.

There were super prominent, red handprints on my shoulders. You could clearly make out his whole hand on both sides, from his fingertips to his palms. It was bound to be a nasty purple later.

Also, speaking of the fingertips, I think Ryuu actually almost pierced my skin! The edges where his fingernails had been were red with blood beneath the surface, like a brush burn. No wonder it hurt like hell when someone touched it!

My shoulders ached the more I looked at it.

Suddenly, a flash of Ryuu staring down at me popped into my head.

I shivered.

...Let's just gently slap some cream on, shall we? Then, I'll get some cooling pads to also slap on.

After applying said medicine, I slipped on my T-shirt and carried my uniform back to my room where I found Akira and my grandmother energetically talking. They sat around the little table at the center of my room where a tray full of cookies and tea sat.

Not wanting to interrupt, I slipped by to put my uniform down and crept back towards the door, but I was caught.

"Where you going now, Haru?" Akira asked with cookie crumbs on his cheeks.

I bit my cheek before I laughed.

"...I was gonna go the cooling pads." I explained after pushing down all laughter.

"Do we have any?" Grandma tilted her head. I froze.

"I think we do." I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Right?"

"I'm not sure." Grandma put her finger on her temple.

Not like she would know with her memory being iffy anyway.

"I'll check. If not, I'll just make a quick run to the store." I sighed before heading out.

"If you don't, let me know! I'll go with you!" I heard Akira yell out while I walked to the living room.

We might actually not have any since there weren't any in the bathroom. Shit.

After checking all possible places we could've hidden it, I determined that we, indeed, did not have any lying around. I sluggishly walked back to my room.

"We don't have any." I announced in defeat before joining them at the table and taking a cookie.

"Why do you need them anyway, deary?" Grandma asked. I almost bit my tongue while munching on the cookie.

"Ah, Haru had a little accident during recess today. He has some bruising he needs to ice." Akira smoothly covered for me. I looked at him with shining eyes conveying my appreciation. He grinned back.

"Oh, you youngsters need to be more careful!" Granny scolded us, though she obviously didn't put any force behind it.

"I'll make sure it doesn't happen again, Oba-san." Akira reassured her.

"Then, I'll count on you, Akira-kun." Granny merrily responded.

Geez, these two really hit it off when I was gone, huh?

"I'll be going now. Will you be joining us for dinner, Akira-kun?" Granny asked while starting to get up. Akira immediately went over to help her up.

Oh, thank you. I would've if my arms weren't so disabled.

"I wouldn't want to intrude any further." Akira politely refused.

"Thank you. And it wouldn't be any problem! So, please, stay!" Granny insisted.

Akira looked to me for my reaction. I widened my eyes in surprise before scrambling to stand up.

"Come on, Oba-san. Don't force Akira to stay if he already refused." I took her hand once she was standing to lead her to the door.

"Ah, I guess you're right." She grumbled as she deflated in disappointment.

"I'll come over on another day, Oba-san. We can eat together then." Akira said to comfort her, which worked.

"I'll be expecting you!" She excitedly said before finally leaving.

I sighed exhaustedly.

"Sorry. She oddly gets really pushy with guests." I said after I closed the door.

"Haha, no worries~ Like I said before, she's cute." Akira grinned before sitting down again.

"She sure is." I tiredly agreed as I sat down, too. "She's also really great at baking." I said as I held up a cookie.

"Oh, yeah. These are some of the best cookies I've ever had." Akira nodded and sipped some of the tea from his cup.

And it went silent.


"So, how are your injuries?" Akira finally asked.

"Oh, just some bruising." I noncommittally commented as I avoided eye contact.

"Sure, I know bruises hurt when you touch them, but you seemed a little too sensitive." Akira didn't let me go with such a vague comment.

"I'm just sensitive to pain." I weakly explained while looking at my tea.

Akira let out a big sigh.

"If you say so." He sounded disheartened.

Ugh, after acting so needy with him, I'm acting so standoffish. He totally hates that, and I can understand why.

"Ok, alright. It is bruised. Pretty badly. And there may be some slight internal bleeding, but that's all. Really." I clarified while looking at him.

Akira looked grateful that I finally didn't hide something from him. I awkwardly looked back at my tea.

"Can I see?"

I frowned.

He'll see the handprints.

He'll definitely asked what happened when he sees. Is this something I should even explain to him about? Should I tell him about what happened in the infirmary?

"I won't force you to show me or say anything." Akira spoke like he read my mind. "As long as you're okay, that's fine with me. I'm already happy you didn't hide the truth about the severity of your injuries. But, I'd also gladly hear you out if you need someone to talk to." Akira kindly told me.

Ugh, should I?


The contract finally got approved! Thank you for your patience!

FYI: new cover incoming (as advised by my editor), 3-day update schedule for now, italics and bold have been unlocked (I'll try not to go too crazy with them, lol, but I plan to go back to old chapters to highlight with them), gifts are available, premium chapters incoming (but not till like ch.60 or something).

Thank you all so much for your support! We just reached 300+ library saves, too!

SkyHighLimitscreators' thoughts
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