
The Dinner

The limo stopped in front of a large gate that screamed, "I'M RICH, BITCH!"

I couldn't help but feel like I got bitch slapped as my jaw dropped.

"Close your mouth, Suzuki-kun." Tatsuya leered at me. I immediately shut my mouth. "Let's go. They've been waiting long enough." He walked to the gate, and I trailed behind.

As Tatsuya approached the gates, they started opening themselves. My eyes widened at the grand movement.

As I followed Tatsuya closely, I looked around the front yard.

It was very green and lush. Even the gravel that crunched under my feet felt luxurious for some reason. I could see a little ways off a full garden and a quaint gazebo. When I finally looked forward, I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep it from dropping again.

If the gate screamed "I'M RICH, BITCH!," then the actual mansion hollered "I'M FUCKING LOADED AS SHIT, MOFO!"

I swear I see literal gold detailing all over the mansion.

It was humongous! I don't know how many rooms there could possibly be in there.

I don't plan on finding out, though.

On the large, grand porch, I saw two figures.

I immediately straightened up and put my hand down from my mouth. I had to look like a respectable human being, after all.

Once we reached the stairs and started climbing them, I looked at them more closely.

They looked to be in their mid-30s.

From one glance I could tell Tatsuya got most of his looks from his father. He was shorter than Tatsuya but had the same face. The similar black hair was an obvious trait they shared. The main difference was the dark brown eyes, which were very much unlike Tatsuya's deep blue ones.

Tatsuya's mother was a stunning lady. She was as tall as her husband with shiny brown hair and piercing blue eyes. She wore a skin tight dress that allowed others to see her clearly well maintained body. She gave off such a elegant aura as well.

She's a lady one can't help but admire.

So, Tatsuya had his father's face while his stature and eyes were his mother's side.

As we approached the couple, I was expecting an uptight greeting, but that expectation was blown away when I saw their warm smiles.

"Welcome to our humble abode, Suzuki-kun." The father gave off cute dad vibes.

"And thank you for taking care of our dear son." The mother gracefully added with an elegant smile.

I couldn't help but stare and then look at Tatsuya. His emotionless eyes stared back, urging me to reply. I couldn't help but give him a quick deadpan before turning to his parents with a polite smile.

How could they produce that?

"Hello, Oji-san and Oba-san. Thank you for having me over for dinner. Also, Tanaka-san has been taking care of me as well." I bowed as I spoke.

"Oh my! No need to be so polite! I'm just glad our adorable son finally mentioned a friend!" The mother spoke with a hint of excitement.

Friend? I doubt that word came out his mouth when he talked about me.

I looked over to confirm, and seeing a blank expression, I assume he didn't.

"Come! Let's have a chat in the living room while we wait for dinner." The father gestured to the door. I nodded.

A butler I didn't notice pushed the door open. As we passed through, another butler greeted me and asked to take my coat and offered some slippers. I just went along with the gestures as I blankly followed along.

So, this is what it's like to be rich...

The family took the lead, and I followed behind. The entrance very much reminded me of grand olden Europe interior. The entrance was a large lobby with a chandelier hanging high above. There were hallways to the left, right, and front. There were also two staircases leading upstairs.

I assume if I'm unlucky later, I'll end up having to climb those stairs to a bedroom.

We went to the left where the living room was located.

I've never been to a place with such a large fireplace. Wow.

"Have a seat, Suzuki-kun." The father gestured to the couch across from the one he and the madam were sitting on.

"Yes, sir." I gracefully sat on the plush leather.

Oof, if this was my own couch, I'd immediately lay down. It was so comfortable! Probably better than my bed! No, it definitely was better than my bed!

To my surprise, Tatsuya sat next to me.

... It suddenly felt like a marriage interview.

I shook my head.

"Is something wrong?" The madam asked with concern.

"Oh, no! Nothing! I was just admiring your home. It's very pretty." I quickly spouted out some to cover my embarrassing thoughts. The madam giggled while the husband smiled.

"Thank you. This is the main residence, so we put extra effort in decoration." She explained with a hint of pride.

Pft, like mother like son, I guess. Just a single compliment can get you in their good graces so easily!

"Suzuki-kun, as our son's first friend, would it be alright if we ask you some questions?" The father said as a familiar chill surrounded me.

Ah, like father like son, too, I suppose.

I nodded for him to continue.

"As the first person to get close to our son, I hope you don't mind that we did a little research on you."



"It's seems your parents are abroad, and you are currently living with your grandmother, correct?"

I vacantly nodded.

"Tatsuya has told us that you excel in many of your subjects at school. I heard you're even fluent in English?"

At this, I glanced at Tatsuya.

He was currently looking at his phone like this was none of his business!

I thought I made sure during class to make it not so obvious I know English! I knew that would struck a flag with Tatsuya since he works in business! Bilingual people are indispensable!

"Y-Yes, that's correct." I could only meekly agree.

"That's impressive given you haven't study abroad before." I started to sweat. "How has working with Tatsuya been?"

Oh, he's not gonna question it? Okay. Less work for me!

"Uhm, it's been okay." I awkwardly replied.

"That's all?" The chilly atmosphere became frosty.

"H-He's been great to work with! We work well together and get everything done that needs to be done by the end of recess. Tanaka-san is a wonderful employer. I'm grateful to work under him." I quickly spewed out praises, knowing this is what they wanted. The air warmed slightly as the father nodded in satisfaction.

"What are your plans for the future?"

My eyes widened.

"...I don't know." I quietly said as I looked down at my hands.

I don't even know where I'll be in about a year's time. If I think about the worst case possible, I may not even have a year left.

"Ah, well, I suppose it's a little early for you to be thinking of such things." Mr. Tanaka warmly spoke, the last of the chilly air leaving.

"Geez! Look what you did! This is exactly why no one stays!" Mrs. Tanaka lightly scolded her husband. "It's my turn now."

I mentally sighed.

"How's Tatsu at school?" She gently asked.

At the nickname, I glanced at "Tatsu." I saw a slight frown on his lips, which made it hard to hide my smile.

lol. What a cute nickname.

"He's number one in our grade academically, and he's my—our class's representative. I heard that the upperclassmen in the student council really appreciate his help in activities as well. At this rate, he'll be the student council president the next time there's an election. He's really an outstanding student." I calmly complemented the shit out of their son.

As I spoke, I felt everyone's attention on me. When I finished, I also saw all their faces light up with swollen egos.

Ah, the Tanakas really were a prideful bunch, weren't they?

"I expect no less of our dear little Tatsu!" The madam boastfully proclaimed with her chin lifted arrogantly. Her husband haughtily nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." Tatsuya said with a satisfied smile of his own.

"I'm only telling the truth." I smiled with a little satisfaction of my own.

"Suzuki-kun, if you ever need something, you are welcome to ask us. We'll gladly help however we can." Mr. Tanaka gleefully told me. His wife nodded in agreement with a big smile.

"Thank you for the offer, Oji-san." I bowed my head in respect and gratitude.

Before anymore conversing could happen, a maid arrived to announce that dinner was ready.

We arrived in the expansive dining hall where a long table sat, filled with food.

How many times will I be in shock from how rich these people are?

"I do hope the food is to your liking, Suzuki-kun." The mother said as we sat down.

"Ah, don't worry. I'm not a very picky eater." I replied with a smile.

Before I touched anything, I observed the family's table manners to copy them, so as not to do anything too offensive. As I did so, I noticed a shine in the father's eyes.

"You weren't wrong when you said he had potential, son." He said with a slight smirk.

"Of course, father." Tatsuya replies with a smirk of his own.

I could only suppress the shiver that wanted to pass through me.

Ah, I really can't let my guard down.

Luckily, dinner was mostly silent. Only polite conversation here and there like "how's the food?" and such. I could slightly relax as I ate.

And, boy, was the food delicious! They must have a five star personal chef! There's no way they don't!

I'll never get to eat another meal like this in my life!

After dinner, the dreaded question was asked.

"Why don't you stay over, Suzuki-kun? It's late, and you don't have school tomorrow." The mother asked with big, sparkling eyes. "It's fine, right?"

"Uhm, I really should get home. My grandmother's waiting for me, after all, a-and I wouldn't want to leave her all alone." I said the excuse I practiced for this occasion.

"Nonsense. She'll be fine for a single night. Just call her and let her know." The father said in a final tone. Then he let the butler know to prepare a room for me to stay in.

I looked to Tatsuya pleadingly. He just gave me a "I told you so" look. I puffed out my cheeks in frustration.

God, the Tanakas were really assertive people!

I’m back. My nose is still stuffy, but I’m not suffering too much anymore, haha.

I’m kinda glad I took a little longer to post this chapter because I got to really think about how I wanted this event to go. Expect next chapter to be more interesting!

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! I’ll try to post a little more this week to makeup for last week, but no promises. ^^;

Sorry for any mistakes!

Until next chapter! <3

SkyHighLimitscreators' thoughts
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