
It is the writer of the story

Hey! My name is Becca, I am a young author, If I can call myself that at least, I have not been able to write much because I am in Secondary School (Or High School)

I love doing this as a hobby, of course by my sloppy grammar you can tell that I struggle with Punctuation, Luckily Autocorrect knows that I struggle with Grammar, I usually put CaPiTaL letters where they shouldn't be and I Normally forget that I don't need to have Apostrophes in everything and Commas too, There are things and stuff that is basically unreadable that I create but I hope that You enjoyed my Story and are still enjoying my story, What happened to us?, and Have a Fantastic day! (or night)

I will intoduce you to all my characters and all their backstories and keep you all up to date with the story

Lukas Katem

Lukas was 13 when he met Isaac. Lukas had helped Quinn escape from the hands of Craig and he dated Isaac Cartwright, He was an okay dude and came from a family, a wealthy one at that, He was the favourite and had alot of money. Lukas dated Isaac and had an amazing connection with anyone associated with Isaacs life except for Henry (Isaacs Dad)

Lukas had mustered enough money over the years to buy an apartment complex where he lived away from his parents only at the age of


Quinn maxwell

Quinn is a young girl who is roughly 12, she was abused by her parents when she was younger but still loved them, she had ran away from her parents she had met a young lad named craig, and he wasnt who he seemed to be, when she ran away she was 8 she had stayed with Craig until Elizabeth came into her life helping her after Craig would do the unthinkable to her, Of course Quinn had no sense of accomplishment but she knew if she stayed with Craig any longer she would die, she was born into a young and unsual family and thats when she found out she could do things that no one else could do. She was superhuman.

Isaac Cartwright

Isaac Cartwright is related to many such as:

Elizabeth Cartwright (Sister)

Clark Cartwright (Brother)

Henry Cartwright (Dad)

And Linda Leuix(Mum)

He was abused by his father when he was younger but is trying to rekindle with him, he is an intelligent person and he is a good person he adopted Quinn after she refused to get with her parents

He has a bad habit of smoking and drinking hes a drug problem, he has depression anxiety and schizophrenia he panics at very little things, such as forgetting to bring an extra bag for tesco or forgetting to grab his keys although they are in his pockets

He struggled as a child because he was gay, and his dad didnt believe gays were ment to apart of anyone's life because they are monsters (homophobic) Isaac had lost his mum because of his dads divorce, she decied to only have clark in her life and to not care about her other 2 children, he had a tough life growing up.

Elizabeth Cartwright

Elizabeth had been apart of Isaacs life mainly until her father kicked her out of her house, she was pissed and refused to see him again, when she had left she was kidnapped and raped many times, she had met Quinn in the 'red room', of course she wasnt only there because of that, it was a red room. They were ment to be a part of information giving and feedinf to the red room, Quinn and Elizabeth refused and would rather be tortured then maybe kill someone.

Elizabeth was very optioned and didnt give a fuck that she was in the room, she cared about Quinn and saved her from nearly dying so many times, she tried her hardest to keep her safe because she was led to believe by Craig that Isaac was dead

Clark Cartwright

Clark was the favourite son out of 3 siblings including himself, not much is known about Clark

Just that he is a massive dad and has 2 sons.

He believes gays are disgusting just like his asshole of a father, he has a nice life and nice people in it.

Henry Cartwright

Henry is the father of Clark Cartwright Elizabeth Cartwright and Isaac Cartwright

He is very optionated and believes gays are disgusting (homophobic) he is an abusive man all though his effort to change hasnt been noticed he loves his kids deep down, he was unfair to everyone in his life, everyone he loved at least

Isaiah Qeoyen

Isaiah was a friend of Isaac Cartwright, Isaiah is 24 years old, he smokes and drinks but not to the point that Its an addiction, he is a fun dude and enjoys having fun. He was a colleague of Isaac and met him that way (they did meet in primary school but they only had glances of each other)

Isaiah is in the army and believes violence is not okay although he does diss people he hasn't had much bad in his life, his dad didnt like him much, and his mum abandoned him but his mother did try and make contact with him the previous year, which isaiah ignored

Isaiah had tried his hardest to stay positive in the wars but..

Linda Leuix

Linda Leuix is the mother of 4 children

Isaac Cartwright

Elizabeth Cartwright

Clark Cartwright

****** Leuix

****** Leuix

Who is he/She?

Why the fuck? Mam i hate you - Isaac

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