
Battle trial!

So the day went on as usual besides Midnight's class which was a personal nightmare. She wasn't quite as pronounced with her little usual routine of teasing as she was in the anime and was posturing a lot usually in angles which I get the best view, I believe my girlfriend also noticed since she was sitting right next to me and looked like Bakugo getting ready to explode.

I know what to expect but seeing it in person was something else entirely. He was just so awkward in my eyes like how does no one else see he is freaking out about almost being late. Speaking of seeing things I didn't really pay attention to it last time but that scar is pretty bad too now that I focus on it. Either that senzu bean didn't work or it didn't work well enough, I know it can regrow stuff since as I recall future trunks lamented the lack of senzu beans since it could supposedly grow back Gohan's arm according to him.

Third option is he didn't eat it either out of distrust or some misguided notion of saving it for the right moment since it is a magic bean that wards off death. He explains the plan for class today as the costumes pop out of the wall all numbered and we all pick up our corresponding numbers mine is somewhat ironically 13. Maybe I should only use Roxas's legacy today, little bit of lucky number kinda thing... unless I'm against Todoroki then I need to get serious or Deku but I can feel a little bit of the force brewing fate in the process.

The less I mess with the force the less it messes with me. Well assuming it actually does have free will and can ultimately make all life meaningless in its subtle manipulation of everything in existence controlling everything. Getting over my existential crisis by moving on and focusing on getting dressed I head to the changing room and open the hero suit case.

Now I wasn't sure what to do for my hero costume if I'm being completely honest. I was torn which legacy I should choose to represent myself as especially when the all look a little villainous which I don't mind but might influence me and some of my more wild, paranoid, and dark thoughts that I burry deeply. Like actually becoming a villain. Moving on I thought about trying to combine Itachi's anbu gear underneath with Roxas's coat on top in place of akatsuki coat and Revan's mask but it just didn't look good in my opinion I couldn't really get it to work.

Ultimately with Momo's help I have all three as spares sealed away for my own use but in the end I chose to go with Revan's Sith Lord outfit but instead of bronze it has a matte gold color for the armor pieces of the outfit. When I got out I firmly tied a black bandana to my forehead and firmly place the Mandalorian mask on my face then flick my hood up with the force to complete my ensemble as Revan.

It looks spooky but most everyone also seems to think it is a bit badass which strokes my ego. I look everyone over, I can see Deku already in the gamma version of his suit while momo took my advice to add a cloak to her outfit too both for the sake of decency in case of accidents and hiding her creations plus the sparkle her quirk makes when creating.

I mostly listen as All Might explains the situation to everyone but I'm paying more attention to my classmates strategizing and planning for each of them and their weaknesses. I might have trouble using genjutsu on Iida with that helmet of his not sure how well it will block my ability to make eye contact while my ability to cast genjutsu through subtle means like hand movement is shaky. If I really need to I can start weaving hand signs but I'd rather hold that card to my chest for as long as possible. I got lucky with my shushin last time since people were distracted but I can't be certain.

Once we start drawing lots I feel tempted to rig it in my favor but I decide against it and let fate do its thang. Pulling out my lot I'm teamed up with Kaminari then as the matches get set up we are the villain team vs hero team Iida and Kirishima. Looking at the other matches I'm interested in Bakugo and Todo villain vs Deku and Tokoyami, personally I feel sorry for Tokoyami at least Todoroki isn't using his Fire half yet otherwise he would be hard countered the entire match.

I know Iida is gonna get too into character even as a hero so I'm gonna fuck with him by spouting out a villain speech and stalling. Once our match is up me and Kaminari head on into the building and I ask him a few misc questions about his quirk before handing him some ninja wire to channel his electricity into. Meanwhile I plan on using only the force today with my main staple being force push since I want to do a Pein rip-off. I tell him to use the wire to set up a trap around the bomb and to keep some to use long distance for fighting before heading to a hiding spot near the staircase to intercept the hero team before they can reach the floor where the bomb is at using the staircase as a choke point.

As the match starts I'm waiting in my hiding spot until finally the two show up and I reveal myself to them. Taking in a deep breath I get into my villain persona and announce out loud. "Ho, excellent work heroes getting to this point but I'm afraid this is as far as you reach." Iida: "You dastardly villain, why are you doing this!" Just like I thought Iida would get too into it and start letting me rant so I begin "You ask me why I'm doing all this, but even if I told you why I very much doubt the knowledge would change anything at all, but let's say I take the time to explain it to you what do you think would happen then? As I said I wish to bring about peace and justice."

Iida: "Peace? Justice? Give me a break, you hurt anyone you want and destroy. After all the horrible things you villainy has caused don't you dare speak about peace and justice." Itachi: "Then tell me, what is your goal." Iida: "First I'm going to capture you, then bring peace to the world!" Itachi: "Oh I see, that is noble of you. But what about my friends, my family, my home they suffered the same fate I plan for this city at the hands of you heroes, how is it fair for only you people preach about peace and justice. The justice I plan for this city is no different from what you are trying to do to me, everybody feels the same pain of losing something dear. You strive for your justice, I strive for mine. We're both just ordinary men who se"

Kirishima interrupted my speech by jumping to attack while shouting "Iida, he is just trying stalling for time!" While I used force push to send him all the way back down the hall "I am not trying to, I am successfully stalling." Getting into form 6 niman with my purple lightsaber I give them a come at me motion as they get back up and figure out a plan to get past or capture me. I can see them whispering and with my sharingan I can lip read but I divert my attention as I want to try and only use my skill set as Revan only, the reason the sharingan is on is I always want it on to practice it and maybe make my chakra points around the eye more efficient.

With a plan in place they get ready to blitz me at the same time only to get flung back a few times since they are trying to fish out what exactly my quirk and its limits are. Eventually they figure out the cool down time I set to give them a chance of 5 seconds I can tell cause Kirishima foolishly held up 5 fingers then tried to hide them when Iida reprimanded him. Little do they know that they are still playing right into my trap, obviously being the faster of the two Iida will be going ahead to the next floor only to find ninja wire when he enters the bomb room. I gotta say their plan to get around me impressed me quite a bit as Kirishima tanked a force push to the face while holding Iida in place with him before throwing Iida and speeding past me and up the stairs. I tried to chase after him a bit to give them the idea that this wasn't in the plan but Kirishima pressures me before I make him back off with the lightsaber.

I guess since the study guy can handle this much strength I can turn it up a notch as I force push him more harshly down the hall. Meanwhile Iida springs the trap without noticing at all before it is too late and gets knocked out cold with his shock. All might announces the capture before I return to my fight with Red riot then finally time runs out and we all return to the surveillance room to discuss the match minus Iida who is out cold. I got praised for the plan and preparation with the ninja wire and couldn't be bothered to pay attention to anything else cause Deku was acting shifty after I detected an unknown presence talking to him. Oh well I can just talk to him later.

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