The gods in the station were once again in an uproar. At the same time, the crowd in a certain area quickly dispersed, revealing an empty space and Zhang Heng standing in it.
Before this, their attention was almost entirely focused on gaime on television, so no one noticed when Zhang Heng appeared.
However, when they realized that Zhang Heng had also entered the station, many of them could not help but show expressions of despair.
A moment ago, they were still unhappy that Gaime had hidden the existence of the station in order to keep them in the game world. However, in the blink of an eye, they realized that even this outcome had turned into an extravagant hope.
It was unknown whether Gaime's arrangements had gone wrong, or whether the god of fiction was too useless to carry out his arrangements successfully, resulting in the monster named Cthulhu chasing after them all the way into the game world.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: