The carriage stopped outside John's textile factory.
Zhang Heng and Holmes got out of it and at that time, a man with a mouth full of rotten teeth and a sharp chin came up to them.
"Gentlemen, can I help you?" he asked.
"We'd like to go inside to look for someone," said Holmes.
"I'm afraid that's inappropriate. Everyone inside the factory is female and both of you are men..." The man shook his head, "That's not right, that is not right."
Holmes reached out to his pocket, took out a half-pound gold coin, and threw it into the man's hand.
"We just need a quarter of an hour."
The latter frowned, pretending to be embarrassed.
Holmes did not bother playing along with his act. He was about to reach out and take the gold coin back when the man protested.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: