
Anne was baffled. Ever since she came to this island, nothing had gone her way. She had been turned down from so many jobs that even the kids on the streets knew about it.

A while ago, she came across Harry and his other bratty friends betting on her getting a job before Nassau was destroyed. In a rage, she pinned him to the ground and began to hit him, not stopping until the boy cried out for his parents. Walking away, she kept thinking about it, making her even angrier. So, she turned around, stormed back, and gave Harry another round of beating. 

That was how Harry came to be the first person in Nassau who got bashed twice in three minutes. Since then though, he had become utterly enlightened–he finally recognized whose fist was bigger and who was wearing the pants. Beaten to submission, he threw himself at Anne's feet and became her first disciple.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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