
Distant memories (2)

The looked each other and saw the confusion in their expression they confirmed their thoughts.

In the beginning the boys thought that she's doing a prank on them but seeing how much confidence she had, and the smirk on her face they started to believe her.

'Did she buy it from somewhere'.

Seeing the shock and confusion on the two boys faces, the girl become more satisfied.

Then she moved her hands to her neck taking out a golden necklace that was hidden by her dress, at the end of it was golden frame in the shape of three leaf clover with green stones instead of the three leafs.

The two boys looked at the necklace with admiration, but soon the golden blonde hair boy said, "but that is not a real clover."

The girl looked at him, "you didn't notice right?"

He couldn't help not ask, "notice what?"

The girl said, "yesterday I notice that clovers wither away quickly and die, so how can it be a royal family legacy?!!"

The two boys were shocked, they planed to make the four-leaf clover their symbol from now on but, 'didn't that mean that every time the clover wither away they have to search again for another four-leaf clover?!!'.

The boys shivered from the idea that they have to repeat these three days they spent searching.

They didn't come to their sense until they heard the girl's laugh, she couldn't help but to laugh looking at their faces and open mouths.

The two boys felt embarrassing at what they had done and more embarrassed from not noticing the short live of the clover.

After the girl finished her laugh she said, "so yesterday I went directly to my mother I asked her to make necklaces in the shape of clover."

Then she opened her rabbit purse and took out another two necklaces in her hand, the boys looked at them but they notice that these two were different, the first difference was that they were made of silver, the second was the number of the green stones that represents the leafs, one necklace have two stones but the other have only one stone.

Confused again the looked back at the necklace around the girl neck, it have three green stones represent the three leaf clover.

The boys didn't care about the colour difference between their necklaces and the girl, but the wavy black hair asked, "shouldn't you asked her to make it the four-leaf clover?, why are they one, two and three leaf clover?"

The girl raised the two leaf clover necklace in her right hand, and raised the one leaf necklace on her left, "because every one of us is special, so we need different symbol that are special by themselves but connect together."

The boys didn't ask another question, but the directly shouted, " "I want the two leaf necklace" "

They knew that they couldn't take the three leaf clover necklace around the girl neck so they wanted the second best thing.

The girl smiled happily and said, " I said every symbol have its special so it has its own meaning, that meaning is what will decide to who the necklace goes to."

The two boys looked at the girl suspiciously, finally the black hair boy asked, "so what is the meanings you are talking about?"

The girl gave a smug smile as if she was waiting for this question, "we all know that the four-leaf clover means luck, but do you know that the other leafs have meaning too?"

The two boys didn't move or give any expression because they didn't want the girl to laugh at them again, but deep down they regretted not research about the clover when they had the time.

The girl continue while smiling, "the first leaf means "faith", the second leaf means "hope" and the three leafs like the one I'm wearing means "love" got it?!!"

In fact she didn't know anything about this before. yesterday she felt tired so she went home early, her mother happened to see her dirty dress so she asked her about what she was doing, it wasn't a secret so she told her about the search for the four-leaf clover, her mother though for a moment before she said that the clover will not last long, then she told her the meaning of the other three leafs and that she will make her and her friends necklaces so it will last for a long time.

The two boys didn't care much about the meaning the just want the two leaf clover, because walking around with one green leaf seemed little lame for them.

The girl raised her right hand towards them again and said with a serious look, " now my loyal subjects kneel in front of your princess and close your eyes so I can bestow on you the royal family blessing."

the two boys kneeled like a knight, they did what she asked without complain, because they wanted it to end as fast as possible.

She first stood in front the golden blonde hair boy and announced, "sergeant Kazuki, for your loyalty and keen reflexes, I the second princes bestow on you the two leaf clover that represent "hope", from now on you shall carry with you our hope and be our light in the future."

Then she put the necklace around the sergeant Kazuki's neck.

The girl didn't stop and moved in front the boy with the wavy black hair, "general Hiroto, for your great insight and tactics, I bestow on you the one leaf clover that represent "faith", from now on you will be what motivate us to move forward and hold faith in us even if we lost the faith in our selves."

Then she put the one leaf clover necklace around the general Hiroto's neck.

After that she took two steps back and said with proud and loud voice, " now stand my loyal subject, stand and move forward knowing that I the second princes Aiki, the holder of the three leaf clover that represent "love" will always be with you, I shall never hurts, abandon or betray you."

After hearing her words Kazuki and Hiroto were very amazed, but soon Hiroto showed dissatisfied face, "why do I get the one leaf necklace?"

The girl looked at him and calmly pointed her index finger at her self and said, "I got the three leaf clover because my name Aiki ( 愛姫) have the word "love"(愛) in it. Of course It's also have the word "princes" (姫). she said the last part with big smug on her face.

Then she pointed at Kazuki, "he got the two leaf necklace because the name Kazuki (和希) have the word "harmony" (和) and "hope" (希) in it".

Then she point at Hiroto, "your name Hiroto (大翔) have the word "large" (大) and part of the word "soar"(翔る), so it didn't match with any of the meanings."

Hiroto sighed he didn't argue any more but he felt little frustrated, 'if my name didn't match then why didn't you get me the four leaf", but he didn't have to think about it, because he knows that she didn't get him the four-leaf clover because she didn't want any of the two to have more leafs than her.

And he wa right because she told her mother that she don't want the four-leaf clover any more and she wanted the other three.

Aiki turned her back to them and started to walk, "now let us search for another adventure under my lead."

the two boys kept their eyes on her but didn't move. the Kazuki asked.



Hiroto answered immediately, they didn't forget that she let them search yesterday and today without telling them about the necklaces idea, it would have been worst if they know that she went home early because she was lazy and her mother was the one who came with the idea.

seeing them not moving Aiki start yelling, "what are you two wait for?, let's go."

" "we're coming" " the two boys answer her while running slowly, as the start to make a plan to overthrown her.

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