
From a frying pan to a Explosion!

The next morning Yozu woke up when Oolong was cooking breakfast for everyone, "Morning Boss!" Oolong greeted Yozu who looked at Oolong wondering if this pig wants something from him, "Morning Yozu! Just finished training" Goku greeted Yozu as he entered the house being a slightly dirty, "Morning to you both as well" Yozu spoke as he took out a few cans of drinks for the three of them.

"Is Yamcha going to bother us again?" Oolong asked to which Yozu turned to glance a the window in a distance from where Yamcha was looking at them through a binocular, "Yes, but he should be well behaved this time" Yozu spoke, shortly he was embraced by Bulma who took a deep breath against his back "Morning darling" She muttered feeling quite happy today like any other day she wakes up to see Yozu. "Morning Bulma"

The four of them enjoyed their breakfast before they continued their journey which took them a day to reach Frypan Mountain, it was incredibly hot the closer they came towards a mountain that was one fire that refused to go out. "So this is frypan mountain" Yozu spoke with an amazed voice looking at the burning mountain, "It used to be a great place to live in till that fire fell from the skies" Oolong commented.

Soon Oolong began to tell the tale about GyuuMaou who amassed treasures which he kept stored in the castle on top of the burning mountain, it was quite amusing to listen as Yozu thought of sending this information to Tights who love to write books. "I will go check it out, flying Nimbus!" Goku called his golden cloud as he took off to fly over the fire only to feel his butt getting roasted, "Why don't you come out" Yozu spoke as he turned to look towards a ruined wall, coming out from behind the wall was a fat giant taller than Yozu.

a Middle age man with a black beard Wearing special leather chest armour and a bull-horned helmet with two zooming goggles attached, "Who are you and why have you come here?" He asked as he came over holding axes in both of his hands with a large grin on his face, Yozu came towards him shielding Bulma "We are currently on a journey seeking a specific item" Yozu answered without telling him what.

"You wish to steal my treasures?" The man who is called Ox-King wanted to ask more questions but when he saw the golden cloud Goku was riding on, "You boy! Who gave you that cloud?" Ox-King asked Goku who tilted his head "An old-timer who calls himself Kame Sennin" Goku answered truthfully without hiding anything, the man began to laugh happily as he asked where Master Roshi was living to which Yozu answered.

"Why do you know where he lives?" Ox-King asked, "Because I was once his disciple" Yozu answered as he shook hands with the excited Ox-King, "I have a junior brother!? Hehehe, I am your senior brother" He began to act all smug for training under Master Roshi before Yozu. But he became exceptionally closer to Goku the moment he learnt who Goku's grandfather was, after talking for a while longer the Ox-King made a request that he was in need of an item Master Roshi had that could wipe out the fire.

Yozu secured the deal that they will resolve the problem for the Dragon Ball, in the meantime, Goku left to find Master Roshi while picking up Chichi along the way. Yozu stood before the flames as he cups his hands together as if to hold a ball, he manipulated his dragon ki to emerge from his palms forming an azure glowing sphere that was spinning following his hands as he brought it to his hips. The more dragon Ki he poured in the bright it became. "Dragon Style: Kamehameha!"

Yozu yelled out as he unleashed his ki attack upon the mountain, when the Ki wave came upon contact with the fire a massive explosion shook the mountain covering it with a thick dust cloud. "Oiya Yozu what is going on?" Master Roshi just arrived after making a suspicious deal with Goku, he considered the risk of being killed by Yozu but he was a perverted old man by heart.

Seeing the fire was put out by Yozu's Dragon Kamehameha Master Roshi's shoulders slumped as if the world end, "He did it!" The Ox-king cheered while Chichi leapt onto her father "We did it!!" Everyone cheered happily while Roshi was drawing circles on the mountain, the reason Yozu took action as he knew his sensei had odd habits of using artefacts like ordinary things and later toss it away and he was right on the money this time.

When the dust settled what they saw was a massive hole within the mountain which Yozu's attack pierced through, Yozu did not use his full power as he did not want to obliterate the castle along with the fire. Goku got intrigued and almost destroyed Yozu's Hummer imitating the move shocking Master Roshi out of his boots until he learnt about Goku's grandfather he no longer panicked. Yozu went into the castle together with Ox-King to take out the seven-star dragon ball, "With this, we only have one more to get" Yozu muttered

"So you will be carrying on with your journey?" Master Roshi asked Yozu despite feeling discouraged, Yozu left Oolong with Master Roshi as he felt the two perverts will get along just perfectly well. "Yes, the next one will be extremely far but take care sensei" Yozu chatted a bit more before he, Bulma and Goku left towards the West for the last Dragon Ball.

After travelling a few hours they arrived in a town, "Let's take a break" Yozu muttered as he took Bulma hand after transforming the car back into a capsule, "Date?" Bulma asked while Blushing, Goku had no idea what to do so he followed after them while curiously looking at the people. Yozu smiled as he took Bulma to buy some daily supplies for the rest of their journey before they decided to head for the Restaurant, but when they were close to entering the restaurant they heard the screams of people.

"Hmph! I hate your stall!" a Fatty wearing a black uniform, helmet with goggles and Rabbit ears attached to his head kicked over one of the stalls manned by a civilian, "S-So sorry sir, I-I I will get you a new one, no need to pay" The man spoke with a shaky voice as the Fatty snorted "Pay? You think you can make me pay huh?" Before the fatty could strike the man Yozu appeared before him giving him a slap that made him fly several meters before sliding on the ground a few more.

"You! Who are you!?" the fatty's partner who was a bit taller and skinnier screamed out in fear, "B-Boss we have a situation here! A Strong guy arrived in town" The man muttered as he took a few more steps back, Yozu glances at him waiting for this so-called boss to arrive so he could finish it all at once for his date with Bulma. Shortly a white car with a carrot symbol parked nearby as a Rabbit wearing black glasses and traditional martial artist outfit, "Boss!" The skinny man ran to the rabbit with tears.

"Stop crying you fool!" The rabbit scolded the skinny man before turning to look in the direction where Yozu was but Yozu was no longer there, "So you are the leader of the Rabbit Gang huh?" Hearing a dreadful voice that could send a cold shiver down their spine, Yozu began to beat them to the point they would have nightmares of him should they commit crimes again. When Yozu was done he looked towards one of the Civilians "Call the cops" The civilian nodded at Yozu's orders.

'Ehehe that is my boyfriend' Bulma thought as she could not help but feel a bit excited seeing Yozu's fighting form, when Yozu came over she came to inspect if everything was fine and that there were no injuries. Yozu chuckled as he took Bulma for a date although they had a clueless monkey who came along with them, the three of them took their time to eat dinner and slept at a Motel before they took the road once again.

Hitting the road, Yozu was driving the Hummer this time but for some reason, his instincts were sounding off alarms and before the rocket managed to hit them Yozu turned to wheels making a sharp turn missing it just barely.

"What was that?!" Bulma screamed out as a robot leap out, Yozu did not consider anything as he climbed out of the car and immediately cupped his hands "Dragon Kamehameha!" Yozu sends out his ki attack blowing up the robot the person who was riding the robot managed to pull the emergency exit to blast himself away from the robot before it exploded.

From a distance a girl was shivering "B-Boss He almost killed him! Pilaf this man is dangerous!" The girl spoke with a fearful voice "Calm down! Their only a group, you should retreat for now and let us take them in our territory" Pilaf spoke with a solemn voice, the girl nodded as she runs away.

"Bulma, Goku are you both alright?" Yozu asked as he checked Bulma holding her forehead and Goku looking around confused, "What was that?" Bulma asked with a fearful voice as she climbed out of the car looking at the scraps of what has been a robot, "Someone tried to attack us, I suppose other people know of the dragon balls like we do" Yozu spoke with Bulma

"Are they bad guys?" Goku asked Yozu who chuckled at this boy's naive thoughts, "Yes they are" Yozu answered as he waved his hand to generate a gush of winds to blow away the scrap metal of the robot, climbing in the car the three of them continued their trip. "We should be careful from this point forward" Yozu spoke with a serious face, "We might be in danger" He added although the one in danger would be Bulma

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