
Chapter 65, falling into the water

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"You can be here, but you won't allow me to be here? " She took a step back, and he took two steps closer.

"How did you know that I was going for the interview? " Du Anran continued to take a step back, but she realized that she had accidentally retreated to the broken bridge in the river.

Xin Zimo smiled but did not say anything. He only looked at her.

Du Anran suddenly understood everything. She had been fooled again He was luring the snake out of its hole She really wanted to cry but had no tears. How could she be so stupid to be fooled by him.

"Xin Zimo, that's enough! How long do you want to toy with me! "

Xin Zimo was only a few steps away from Du Anran. When he saw that she was about to retreat to the end of the broken bridge, he quickly stopped in his tracks.

"Go back and have a good meal with me. I can LET BYGONES BE BYGONES! " Xin zimo frowned. Since when did he become so humble.

"Even if I jump from here, I won't go back with you! "

"Don't jump! " Xin Zimo took it seriously and rushed up. At that moment, he was really afraid that she would jump.

"Don't come over! " Du Anran took another step back. Her feet were almost hanging on the edge of the broken bridge. The stones on the bridge had cut her feet, and blood had dyed the green grass on the bridge red.

"Let's talk slowly. Don't jump, I'll promise you anything! " Xin Zimo was anxious. He did not dare to go forward, but seeing her bleeding feet still hurt him.

"Do you really have to promise me anything? " A doubtful look appeared on Du Anran's face.

"How about this, I'll promise you one thing, and you'll take a step forward, okay? " Xin Zimo knew du Anran's character. He was really afraid that she would jump. So, he was so afraid of losing her.

Du Anran was skeptical. "then you have to promise me first that all the debts that Shihe owes to the Xin family will be written off. " She did not want to see her mother tired from running around.

"I promise you! "

Du Anran took a step forward while trembling, but Xin Zimo's heart was still hanging in his throat.

"If you promise me again, you can guarantee that my uncle will come out. Don't get someone to beat him up again! "

"I promise you! " Xin Zimo agreed immediately. In fact, she did not know that her uncle's debt to the Xin family had long been paid off. Now, besides him, no one else dared to touch du Yuantong.

Du Anran took another step forward and was only five steps away from Xin Zimo.

"promise me again that you won't cause any trouble for Jin Shaonan! "

"okay, I promise. " He didn't have much interaction with Jin Shaonan to begin with, and he didn't even treat him as a love rival.

Du Anran took another small step forward. Although she was gradually getting further away from the bridge, Xin zimo still felt uneasy.

"The project at the Golden Plate Garden... "

"I promise you! " Xin Zimo said anxiously before she finished.

"Also, don't see me again in the future! " Du Anran looked at him and said the last request. As long as he agreed to it, she could accompany him to this last meal.

Xin zimo hesitated. Not Seeing her How much did she hate him to make such a request He remembered that in those two years, when she liked him and pestered him, she said that she wanted to see him every day. Now, HUH... ...

Seeing that Xin Zimo did not agree to it after a long time, du Anran sneered. She probably wanted to break Xin ZIMO's mind. She took a few steps back and when she reached the bridge, she jumped into the cold autumn river.

"ANRAN! " Hearing a "pfft" sound, Xin zimo cried out sorrowfully. He wanted to reach out and grab it, but he only caught a handful of air.

Without thinking, he also jumped into the water.

The reeds on the shore moved, startling a bunch of birds on the beach.

Although it was late autumn and it was already the season for all things to wither, the aquatic plants in the water grew better than anything else. Du Anran choked on a few mouthfuls of water and quickly swam away from the broken bridge. She had to get rid of Xin Zimo as soon as possible. Also, the water was really too cold... ...

The river was full of water and grass. Du Anran had to spend a lot of effort to get rid of the water and grass on the shore. When she was about to reach the shore, she remembered something serious. Xin Zimo also jumped down!

Xin Zimo was a landlubber and was not accustomed to water. When he jumped down, he did not think about anything. He just wanted to firmly hold onto du Anran. He was afraid of losing her. But he forgot that he did not know how to swim. If he jumped down, it would be tantamount to courting death.

A few mouthfuls of river water entered his mouth, and Xin Zimo felt like he was suffocating. He tried his best to paddle his hands, trying to grab everything that he could, but unexpectedly, the water plants in the river tightly wrapped around his arms, making him unable to move.

His entire body was sinking to the bottom of the river, and his mind was completely blank. Just when he thought that his life was going to end in such a cowardly manner, it was as if someone in the water had grabbed his hand and forcefully dragged him to the shore.

"Xin Zimo! Wake up! " Du Anran was drenched. When she dragged Xin Zimo to the shore, she almost lost half of her life.

She shook Xin Zimo's body, but he did not move. Du Anran was shocked. She patted his face. "Xin Zimo, wake up, XIN ZIMO! "

There was no reaction. Du Anran panicked. When she jumped down, she did not expect Xin Zimo to jump down as well. She knew how to swim. Did he not know She would not drown. She was just pretending to escape.

Du Anran thought of some emergency measures. She pressed hard on Xin Zimo's abdomen. She did not care about her displeasure and performed artificial respiration on him.

At that moment, she could not explain why. She was really afraid that he would die just like that.

"Xin Zimo, wake up! " Du Anran cried. Her tears fell on his face. "What will happen to the Xin family if you die? What will happen to your mother? Didn't you say that you wanted revenge? Don't you hate me? Why did you jump down... "

Her tears were like broken beads. They flowed down her cheeks one by one and could not be stopped.

Xin Zimo still did not wake up. She cried and laid on his body. She cried until she was hoarse. She could not cry anymore.

The reeds by the river bank had already withered in the late autumn. When the wind blew, they fluttered gently. The river water was sparkling. The afternoon sun shone on the river surface like a flowing landscape painting. The water emitted a faint fragrance. In the distance, there were gull birds flying by. They made one or two "ow ow ow" sounds and disappeared above the river in the blink of an eye.

After crying for a long time, du Anran checked Xin Zimo's breathing and heaved a sigh of relief. She finally remembered that she should have called an ambulance. However, once she fell into the water, where else could she find her phone.

Du Anran was helpless. She could only think of quietly waiting for him to wake up. Fortunately, his life was no longer in danger.

Although the sun was shining, it was late autumn after all. Du Anran's body was cold, and she could not help but shiver. She hugged her arms tightly and looked at Xin zimo with trembling eyes.

She did not know if he was very cold, but after this ordeal, she realized that he was only wearing a thin white shirt. His suit had been on her since the morning when he came.

Du Anran used her fingers to wipe away the water droplets on his face and sighed softly in her heart.

In fact, she still did not understand why he jumped down... ...

When du Anran's fingers touched his lips, suddenly, without any defense, Xin Zimo grabbed her hand and hugged her tightly.

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