
18.Thousand prayer bead

''Master, I heard people outside are having a really hard time. If this continues many people will die. There is a rumor that old descendants of noble families have cursed the country and if the Emperor doesn't give them back all they deserve, this place will perish in smoke. So they started rushing around and are looking for survivors.'' Xiao Ran would go out and buy some fresh meat or just walk freely as her master gave her free time, whenever she wanted.

''The old Emperor was scared of the noble powers so he chose to kill them off. This retribution will harm many commoners. Please be careful. If this continues we will completely close in and not go out. It's safer. Let's go to the market and buy some chickens and pigs. I worry that soon people will be hungry and we better have a way to provide for ourselves. After the drought always comes big rain, usually, after a big rain, it is floods and sicknesses. We better provide our own food and close our doors completely. We can buy books and paper and painting material, some weapons, just in case, what else?'' Liu Mei stared pacing around while her head became blank.

''Master, after you told me about your secret, now even if you want me you can't let me leave your side. So we should use that place to store as much food as we can. We never know when we will need this. We still have a lot of silvers. After you sold that idea to manager Shang Ru, you gained so many silver and gold. We can just use it to fill up every corner of our home with food and as you said just sit still and wait for everything to pass.'' She felt that is the best way as well.

Liu Mei showed her space as soon as they came home. Even if she would tell someone, what could happen to her? She could just hide inside and just live a calm life until she can escape. So showing her that place was not a big deal. No one can steal it and no one can harm her as long as she has it.

Since that realization, she was much calmer and happier. Since then she slept much better and woke up filled with energy.

''Miss Liu, what could we give you today?'' The store manager already knew her preference for that rice, but wondered what did she do with that huge amount.

''Same as always but this time more. I plan to start praying for the better living of the people. Could you tell me if there is a temple where I could pray? I wanted to copy some sutras and take them home where I could pray for the drought to end.'' Her voice was heavy as it seems.

''There is a temple nearby on the hill near the town. They have a famous seer there and he could predict your future.'' But she saw Liu Mei shaking her head.

''Things like future, I have no wish to know. I just hope that my honest prayers would help the deities to change their minds. The people are hurt and already the first signs of drought could be seen. Unfortunately, I can't do much more as I am just a little person. Sigh. Now I will go and pray, in hope from my heart that something changes.'' Her whole conversation was heard by people, even tho they didn't speak loudly.

When Liu Mei left the store manager shook her head. ''Now I know where that food is gone. You are foolish enough to probably feed some people with this little you have. Ah, miss Liu, please think more about yourself...'' the murmurs from her mouth were heard as well and everyone turned their attention to the young woman with a small servant that sighed when she saw the food on the carriages.

''Not enough, just not enough...'' her sigh was a sign that she really was doing that, so news about a poor widow that is helping people spread all over the city.

In the early morning hours two carriages, that she called before, arrived in front of her home and many bags filled with rice and food were stuffed on the carriage and left the home. Some people saw her action and shook their heads. She was really giving her food away.

But this food she took to the monastery. On the gate of A monastery stood young monk and saw two carriages filled with food going their way and rushed to let the older monks know. By the time Liu Mei, arrived the monks already awaited her.

''Benefactor, why did you bring so much? People usually bring just one bag or two.'' The old monk looked at the overfilled carriages with bags over bags.

Liu Mei glanced at Xiao Ran's face and just sighed. ''I had the wish to pray for the people. This is something I will give in the hope you could help me copy the scripts and bring them to my home. I wish to pray for steady rain and the health of people. I am just a woman and can't do much more than this. I hope you won't look down on my commoner background and will accept these as I give them without regret''.

Liu Mei and Xiao Ran kneeled and started bowing towards astonished monks that needed few moments to snap out of this situation.

The few female monks rushed to help her stand up and clean her clothes, realizing the simplicity of it. She saw their hesitation and smiled. ''I am someone simple. Spending a huge amount of money on something expensive is not in my nature. Giving money away for food makes more sense to me. Please help me with praying and teach me the right way. I still have so much to learn.''

Her words could be heard through the veil and her presence could be felt even through such simple clothes.

They agreed right away, leading her to the main hall where the big Buddha statue was. She sighed and looked at them. ''I will take off my hat while I pray. Could I get some privacy, it doesn't have to be in the main hall, even a small room is fine.''

As they took her to the side room and she took off her hat, they were really stunned by her calmness and warmth in her eyes. Xiao Ran rushed to put a soft pillow under her knees and so she wholeheartedly started praying. She took something that looked like the chain out of her bag and realized that it was a thousand bead prayer.

Liu Mei had a similar thing in the other world. She would pray for her husband and children's health, for his success, for their grades, for their happy life, and many more. Just like now.

She started praying for smooth rain, for people's health, for the emperors long life, for good weather, for food and many more. Not even with one word she asked something for herself.

After praying for a long time and bowing one thousand times her body was soaking wet and her legs shook, as she was about to lose strength. Xiao Ran and the female monks helped her go out and enter the carriage.

''Miss, someone will come to your home and bring you the scriptures, we promise.'' The old monk never heard anything like this. Someone to pray so fervently and plans to pray further. She just nodded weakly before entering the carriage.

Xiao Ran was outside and spoke to the carriage driver.''Uncle, we need one more time to go home and bring more food to another place, could you help us one more time.'' Her cute face was beggingly looking at him and after hearing what this lady did, he was willing.

They took another set of food to the nearest food station where the food was given to the poor and unloaded the two carriages filled with it. The officer came out and looked and the huge amounts of food with astonished expression. ''What noble did send all this food?''

The driver just shook his head. ''I can't tell you who it is, but it was not a noble. If you know who this was, you wouldn't believe me anyway.''

The officer was really curious. What kind of person would spare so much food? This food could last them for a while to feed the poor.

People are curious beings and soon he found out the real background behind all the food and even more. When he came home he spoke to his wife with a heavy heart. ''I choose to be officer right here so I could keep eyes on those that want to steal from the people, but that woman beat me in many ways. Too bad, she is just a simple commoner, or I would ask you to go visit her.''

But his wife was not a simple woman like other nobles. She came from a long line of commanders and warriors and grew up quite open-minded. ''Commoner or not, the way she acts, I like it. She didn't do any heinous crime or steal from someone. That little food she had, she gave to others and is now even praying for them. If you didn't know many people, not even you would be able to find out that such a woman existed. If you don't mind, let me befriend her. I do not really care about those from the palace anyway. And looking at you, I do not think you have any wish to mingle with higher-ups.''

He hugged her, now thick waist, and patted her belly. ''I never wanted to mix up with them. After my family was eradicated, I realized that such a thing as power is sometimes too scary. Living our lives just like it is now, is not a bad thing, right?''

They now had stable lives. He was actually happy and content, but the recent rumours made him feel fear. If they find him, will his unborn baby even survive? Laying low and just enjoying his family to live a nice life, is not a bad deal at all.

His inlaws gave up pushing him to better positions. They could see that these two people were happy and content with what they, had so they stopped pushing and just supported him and protected his back so he could happily do his job.

''Hua Lan, wait. Here, take this to her. I heard she likes books about nature and paintings. My father was the same, so you can bring her these books. She can copy them if she wants. Tell her she can take time to bring them back.'' He gave her servant a stack of books and was about to leave when a small hand pulled him back.

''Stupid husband. Not even saying one word. Liu Shen, you are so mean.'' She stared at him with big eyes and a sad puppy-like expression.

''You little spoiled cat, acting like a spoiled dog. I know your claws already. So stop acting cute. Have a nice time and come back home early, I will miss you.'' He pinched her cheeks and turned around to hide his own shyness in front of everyone else.

She smirked with playfulness while their servants just shook their heads... These two masters are really...

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