
Giant Rat

Unlike its first impression of a rusty old lift, the way down didn't shake that much and didn't even produce much noise.

Suddenly, a strange smell lingered on the lift. Edward slightly raised his arms and sniffed his shirt. Afterwards, he sighed in relief and looked around.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Angelica's cheeks blushed beet red. She felt uncomfortable all of a sudden as she squirmed about on her place. No one talked as the lift brought them. 

No one really payed attention earlier but the ceiling of the cavern was filled with luminous crystals. The crystals grew like a flower and shone with a lighter shade of blue. The lights they gave off enough radiance to light up the whole cavern.

"So beautiful," Sheila admired the crystals while holding the lift's gate. She was the last to board the lift which placed her on the front. Her eyes roamed about and she felt so tiny after realizing the size of the cavern.

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