
Humans are Awesome

After Ollis left the tavern, he spotted a building that looked different from the rest. It had strange, eye-catching items in the window and a big sign that read "Pawn Shop: We buy 'used' wares"

'I wonder what they mean by 'used' wares' Ollis thought as he walked over to the building. He opened the door.


A bell had rang, getting the attention from a short and old gnome. "Hello, my friend. Do come in. We hardly get visitors here."

"Hello. I have a question. What does the sign outside mean?"

"Why, are you looking to buy or are you a guard? Who am I kidding? Look at you, you don't look like a guard. If you were a guard, that is a mighty fine costume you have. Everything is perfect, straight down to the stench," said the gnome. "I'm a fence. If you have any stolen goods, do come here. Feel free to look around for anything that interests you."

"So, you'll buy any stolen items I bring in?"

"Correct! I will buy them with coins or, alternatively, we can trade."

'This is a perfect opportunity. I can make some money and get some loot,' Ollis thought as he looked around. There were a couple of neat looking items, but nothing that looked too powerful. His eyes drifted over every item until one caught his eyes. With his eyes lingering on a strange book with unreadable runes, Ollis asked, "What's this?"

"Ah, very good eye. Honestly, I have no clue. That is something you will have to figure out on your own. I could give it to you if you bring me something good, though."

Ollis thought to his system, 'Do you think you can translate this?'

'Yes, but we should probably get it into our possession before we try anything. I don't think our friend would take kindly to us reading his mysterious book.'

'Good idea,' Ollis thought as he headed for the door, searching for some unlucky punk to rob.


"Sir, the royal council of magic has just picked up a titanic amount of magic in the neighboring country of Oakvale."

"Hmph! This might be what we've been searching for all this time. We set out early tomorrow. Make sure to have the royal council rounded up for then!"

"Aye, sir!"


The sun was starting to set. It's a perfect time for claiming "used" goods. Ollis creeped around a corner and saw an elderly lady with a big purse. It was too dark to see any of her features.

'My first target. Maybe I will get lucky and her purse will be filled coins!' Ollis snuck up behind her, making sure to keep his distance until the time was right.

A couple of minutes has passed and the perfect opportunity hasn't presented itself yet. Obviously this lady isn't very vigilant because she still hasn't noticed Ollis.

Another few minutes has passed and… 'finally, she set her bag down. All I have to do is snatch it,' Ollis thought to himself as he silently walked up behind the old lady. Her back was facing the other direction. Ollis reached for the bag. He picked it up and walked off. Luckily, it's too dark for her to see him walk away with her bag.

Ollis started to feel prideful. 'I'm so sneaky. She didn't even see it coming.' When he was walking away, the old lady turned around and noticed her bag was missing.

"Hey, you better return that if you know what's good for you!" That's strange, that voice is deeper than what you'd expect from an old lady. In fact, it wasn't an old lady at all.

The system chimed in, 'It's like taking candy from a baby, if the baby were a huge man. You miscalculated him for being an old lady. My recommendation is you start running.'

'Really? I hadn't thought about that,' Ollis replied. Ollis was already one step ahead because he was sprinting at his fullest capacity. The big man followed. 'I'm grateful to have spec'd into agility. I really would have been dead meat by now!' The large man was falling farther and farther behind. Eventually, he gave up, putting his arms on his knees and panting heavily. Meanwhile, Ollis kept going.

'Wow, he's slow! I'm a little confused about one thing. How could he have seen me in the darkness? I mean, it was pitch black. I could hardly see my hands in front of my face!'

'Simple question and a simple answer. Night vision is one of his racial traits. Racial traits are abilities and characteristics unique to one's species.'

'WHAT?!? Why wasn't I told of this sooner? What's mine?'

*Racial traits: human

These are well-rounded, intelligent monkeys. So stealthy that you might not notice them until it's too late. If they aren't naturally proficient in a skill, they can pick it up quickly. Although they aren't born with magical abilities, they still can learn with diligence and determination. Due to their ability to sweat, they can run farther than most.

Fast learner: racial type skill

You can learn things incredibly fast!

Sweating: racial type skill

You, my sir, have incredible endurance!

Concealing/detecting presence: racial type skill

Humans are masters of stealth because of this bizarre ability. Nothing is comparable to a human's sense of Qi!


"Wow, you make humans seem desirable. Let's head back to our friend, the fence."


Ollis walked in the shop, smiling and holding his newly found bag up to the gnome. "Do you think this is enough?"

"Well, let's have a closer look," the gnome said, taking the purse. "There's nothing inside that is of significant value. OH, wait! This bag could definitely go for something. You wanted that book earlier, correct? You can have it, this bag is worth much more!"

Ollis grabbed the book and said goodbye to the old gnome. He walked out of the store, asking his system, 'So, what does it say?' After he said that, the runes on the book started to shift.

'I took the liberty to translating the entire book and transmitting it straight to you. You can read it for yourself!'

The title of the book? It said "Guide to the Ancient and Mysterious Element: Water"

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