
Spandam's Foolishness

Enies Lobby, also known as the Judicial Island, was a government-controlled stronghold in Paradise. Enies Lobby is located on an island referred to as both the "Afternoon Island" and the "Never-Night Island". It was one of the World Government's three major strongholds and the headquarters of CP9.

The gate at Enies Lobby leads to both Marine Headquarters and Impel Down. Because of this, there were many government agents stationed there, roughly 10,000 men, a mix of those from both the World Government and the Marines.

The island also had a courthouse, which made it easy to transfer high-level criminals through Enies Lobby and directly into Impel Down, or to the Marine Headquarters.

CP9 is the most secretive of the Cipher Pol units; only the government and high-level Marines are supposed to know about their existence. They are all masters of "Rokushiki", a style of martial art that requires years of physical training to be able to use. Their headquarters is located in Enies Lobby.

The architecture of Enies Lobby is like no other, and stands out. This is normal for islands in the One Piece world, especially in the Grand Line.

The architecture of the town in the center part of the island, in the center of the black void and the waterfall, contains rather boring brown buildings that appear to be made of clay or another such similar material. Each one appears to be unique, and some are taller than others.

Each of these buildings have the most well-known architecture in Enies Lobby. They are large white marble buildings, with what seem to be jade green squares on the sides, surrounded by thin gold lines. The green is also on the top of some of the buildings, such as the courthouse.

Enies Lobby has extremely strange oddities that many islands are not known to have. Among them is a large waterfall under the island, leading to nowhere except a huge black void, although there is water down there. For some reason a large amount of land, as well as the buildings on it, hangs over this void only connected to the rest of the island by a small bridge of land.

And right now, Xin is standing in front of the gate on the main island of the Enies Lobby.

Gate of Justice

The Gates of Justice are three massive structures that are each located at the Marine Headquarters, Impel Down, and Enies Lobby. They resemble large gates built into the air with the symbol of the World Government on them. They are built in a triangle formation that forms a water current called the Tarai Current, inside the triangle.

The gate here in Enies Lobby is located at the very back of the judiciary island and is considered the final location. Once a person passes beyond the gate, the only two places they can go are Marineford or Impel Down.

Xin, who was floating in the air, felt Robin's unique aura inside, it seemed they held her down here waiting for his appearance.

"Huh? Did something just float up there?" One of the guards in front of the gate doubts.

"That's impossible, how can someone just casually float her- there is!!"

"Who's that on the top of us!!"

"Intruder spotted! Kill him now!"

They then start shooting Xin but it's useless, the bullet only deflect whiteout getting near him, he then slowly descends in the ground making the people around see his face clearly.

"S-Stop! He is not an enemy!"

"Stop firing fools!"

One of the Marine guard's rushed beside Xin and politely said," Guild Master Xin, we are happy to see you here!."

"It's fine, can you call the director now, how can he call me here without showing his face at all."

"Air Door"

Out of thin air, a huge door opens, slowly a giant man comes out wearing a suit and tie.

"Good afternoon, Guild Master Xin, im Blueno, and I'm here to fetch you."

He is a tall man with big lips, a black beard, and black hair in which his hairstyle resembles the horns of a bull. During his time as a bartender, he wore a black and yellow polka-dotted shirt with an apron over it.

As a CP9 member, he wore a black two-piece suit with a white handkerchief in his breast pocket and a sweater undershirt.

"Let's go."

"Air Door"

Xin enters the Air Door while Blueno follows him behind, at the end of the door is the office of the current Director of Enies Lobby.

"You're finally here, welcome Guild Master Xin, im Spandam CP9 Chief."

Spandam is a pale man of slim stature with wavy, wild lavender hair in a layered style that is roughly shoulder-length and parted in the middle.

He has black markings around his large eyes, and his narrow nose is a dark red. He is fond of leather, and wears a brown studded leather mask which covers the bridge of his nose and scars on his moderately high forehead just above his eyebrows, similar to the mask of the WWE Legend Mick Foley, or "Mankind", as well as long brown leather gloves and a black high-collared leather vest with matching pants separated by a studded belt.

He has white shoes with brown tassels extending from their heels and wears a long-sleeved light gray shirt decorated with a diagonal squiggle pattern below his vest with the collar turned up. His face is very expressive, and he has a large smile that causes his slightly angular eyebrows to narrow in slightly.

"So where is my guild Mate?" Xin asks without wasting time with him.

"You mean that wanted woman?"

"Then tell me where is her wanted poster?"

"It's sad to say this but i can't, her wanted poster is secret to everyone, only High-Rank Officers can only see it."

"Not even the Master of the 3rd largest power with equal to the World Government and Marine?"

"Yes," Apandam said.

"Then if you really are not going to let me see even her wanted poster, then why did you even let me come here? Xin's eyes narrowed.

"It's a classified information so i can't tell you."

"No need to tell me, i know you don't have any secret information or any proof at all, i know you only buying me some time here to do you nasty work on my Guild Island."

Spandam has slightly shaken, he fully knows who is the man in front of him and right now he is playing with fire and he still don't know that he is about to get burned.

"Hehehe~ and what if you already know? Can you still save all of that trash in your Guild? What are you going to do? Call the Old guys in the Marine, but sadly it's already too late, you can never save them."

"So you finally show you true color, can i ask you, is this your plan or the Government ask you to do this?"

"The Government? No~ no~ no~ no~, you are to full-on yourself, this is just my small plan to remove you, stupid Guild."

"That's good then," Xin pointed his finger towards him, making Spandam's body crush directly on the floor.

"Smart but a fool in my eyes, do you unevenly think of asking me to come in person without any plan?"

"Help! Stop standing, kill him!"

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