
Master and Apprentice

"What do you want?"

"Give that kid to us if you don't want to get hurt." One of the men said.

"And why should i give her to you?"

"Boy, don't play hero or else you will die miserable, a Noble house pays us to track this girl, better stay silent."

"That's impossible, after all, I'm the one who you're looking for, and you hurt my friend,"

"So you're the one who holds those Spirit Food, come with us and plead to your crime and bring all the Spirit Food that you hoard."

"What ever i have is none of the Nobles business, you should not touch something that you should not or else, you eventually kick an iron plate in the future"

"Cut the crap and follow us if you don't want to get hurt."

"I'm standing here, if you can force me to follow you guys then i will follow you."

"Boss this one is pretty tough, do you want me to teach him a lesson."

"Go, break his legs and drag him back." The man said.


One of them walks to Xin and tries to kick him but before he can even touch Xin, his body suddenly flies out from the yard and falls outside.

"T-This!! All of you go! Take him down!>" The man shouted angrily.

The masked assailant then pounces Xin at the same time holding a knife and other dangerous weapon.





All of them throw out of the yard, each of them recessive a shoe print in the chest while the so-called boss recessive two slap in the face.

"Get out, dont show your face here again, and tell that idiotic Noble there's people in the world that wort to offend so better to chose and wise this time."

The boss holds his chest and looks angry at Xin, he knows that their enemy this time is too powerful for them so it's a wise choice to go back and report what happens.

Looking at the figure escaping from a far, Xin looked at the bush and said," So kid, did you like what you see?"

From a bush, a kid emerges, he looks at Xin and says," So you're powerful."

"Not really, I'm just skilled that's all," Xin then starts to clean the yard while Rangiku tries to help him. But he stops her because she still weak.

The boy looked at Xin and asked," Can you teach me how to fight?"

Xin smiled and asked," And why do you want to learn how to fight?"

The boy looked at his face into Rangiku and said," I want to protect my friends."

Xin grin and look at Rangiku and him," Only friends?"

The boy slightly blushed and nodded.

"Teaching you some simple things will not hurt, why not come back tomorrow after you do what you should do?"

"Good, I'm Gin Ichimaru, I'm coming back tomorrow."

"I know," Xin said, just like what he expected, the kid that appears with Rangiku is Gin who should be the first friend of Rangiku, he did not expect that this kid would become an admirer of this tiny girl.

Rangiku who heard what Gin said asked," Your going to teach him swordplay?"

"Yes, I can see that the boy is a righteous kid, teaching him will make his fate change to a better one, maybe in the future he will perform a huge role, and it seems the boy admires you." Xin teasing said.

"I don't like him, he is only my friend," Rangiku said.

"We still don't know, maybe you will change our view of him in the future." Xin teasing said.

"Those love things are still impossible for me, by the way, you're going to teach him swordplay right?"


"Teach me too."

"Sure, having the ability to protect yourself is good."

"Then i will call you Master from now on." Rangiku excitedly said.

"You can just call me Xin, that's fine too."

"No, I can't do that, if you want I can call you Oniichan?"

"Okay, just call me Master," Xin said, he doesn't want to be called like that except for Inoue, as for Rangiku? Well he can't imagine a beautiful full-grown woman calling him Oniichan at all, just thinking makes him shiver.

He then suddenly thought, why not teach something more good to Rangiku to prevent her from becoming a drunkard.

"And I also teach you Tea Ceremony, Dancing, Wood Crafting, Tailoring, Cooking, Calligraphy and many more."

"Sure, i like to learn new things, staying here will be more fun."

"You want to stay here?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Yes, of course, there is, what about your family waiting for you at home?"

"Well, sadly to say, I'm only staying alien in this world, when I come in this world as Soul, I never see any of my family members until now, I can't even remember their face or name." She sadly said.

Xin caress her head and said," Stay here, but you need to follow the house rules,"

"Sure, Master," Rangiku excitedly hugged Xin like a spoiled kid.

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